During the sunami coverage by CNN I finally found the puzzle piece I was seeking for years. Our family business is in manufacturing ( metalworking). I could not understand for years why if companies wanted their contracts with the u.s. government…
I love it when entertainers join the cause. View this comedians video on how Obama is running the country. This is on youtube.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LO2eh6f5Go0
During the sunami coverage by CNN I finally found the puzzle piece I was seeking for years. Our family business is in manufacturing ( metalworking). I could not understand for years why if companies wanted their contracts with the u.s. government…
I love it when entertainers join the cause. View this comedians video on how Obama is running the country. This is on youtube.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LO2eh6f5Go0