During the sunami coverage by CNN I finally found the puzzle piece I was seeking for years. Our family business is in manufacturing ( metalworking). I could not understand for years why if companies wanted their contracts with the u.s. government they had to have a facility in china or other countries. During the sunami coverage a reporter made mention that Japan was secnd only to china in holding loans to the United States.
We all know lenders want secure loans. What do you think we had to give for security? We sold our jobs to China in exchange for loans to cover our massive spending habits. Our own government sold us out. Now so many jobs gone. People don't have money to pay their taxes. They loose their homes. (Yes our government blamed the banks.) And now they are raising taxes to compensate bleeding what is left to death.
Corruption is ramped. Government also takes union money. Ever think why? It is legal for unions to rob our companies and our workers. It's protection money and should be illegal. They fund politics so the laws don't change and do nothing for the american worker. Workers can stand up for themselfs when needed. That payment to the union every month could feed little Johnny and suzie for a few days. Years ago thugs would go into the local butcher and rob their cash register and ask the butcher to wrap up a nice roast for them to take home to the wife. Same thing. Just legal now.
There is a glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel. Manufacturers (the ones still standing) are quoting out carbide dies. Dies are used in the manufacturing of metal and plastic parts. Shit steel has been used for years as orders are small and junk cheap dies wear out fast. Carbide is for big big orders. This means a beginning of real manufacturing in the USA. Our small family business Yankee Hone hones these. It takes 8 years to train a honing specialist. Hopefully our great country still has enough skilled labor when we get the jobs back. But the Dies are hope for us. Then again maybe China is just ordering for us because they produce crap.