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Egyptian Priest: ‘ISIS is not outside Islam, or something invented, they are applying Islam’

Jesuit Father Samir Khalil Samir

Has any religious leader in the U.S. the courage to state such truths?

Source: Father Samir: Egypt’s Palm Sunday Terror Reflects a Sickness Within Islam | ncregister.com

The Egyptian priest, who is an authority on Islam, discusses the factors driving the murderous attacks on Christians and what he hopes the Pope will say when he visits Egypt this month.

VATICAN CITY — Oil money, Wahhabi extremism and an Islam unwilling to reform itself are the principal reasons for the terrorist attacks on two Egyptian churches on Palm Sunday and the rise of Islamism over the past 100 years.

This is according to Jesuit Father Samir Khalil Samir, professor of Islamic studies at the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome, who says it is false when people say such attacks have nothing to do with Islam. “ISIS is not doing anything which is neither in the Quran nor in the Mohammedan tradition,” he says.

In this April 10 interview with the Register, Father Samir — who is Egyptian himself — discusses the main motivations behind Islamic violence, why it’s important to say exactly how things are within Islam and help reform it, and his hopes for Pope Francis’ April 28-29 visit to Egypt.

What are the primary causes of these attacks? What’s behind them? Is it primarily to do with Islam, politics or something else?

For a year or more, the Muslim Brotherhood were attacking regularly during the presidency of Mohamed Morsi (2012-2013); they were attacking Christians, for any reason. For instance, they alleged a Christian who was building a house for his two children was in fact not building a house, but a church, so they are trying to make problems for the Christians. This happens regularly, but it became much more intense.

Now this time, what we hear from Egypt is that ISIS is saying they are behind these attacks, but there’s also support from the Muslim Brotherhood because they were ejected from the political system. The feeling is that the attacks against Christians in Egypt are becoming more frequent and violent. This has never happened before, that they attack so many churches and precisely on such a great Christian feast. The last ones took place before Christmas, and now these two attacks during Holy Week. The intent is probably to attack the president indirectly, through the Christians, to say he’s not able to govern or control the situation. In north Sinai, they attacked Christians and so the government moved them. Now they’ve come back under the protection of the army. In the past month, we’ve had three big attacks, and four months ago we had the attack near the Coptic cathedral.

Is attacking Christians, therefore, really about attracting negative attention against the government more than it is against Christians per se?

It’s both because they attack Christians without reason, in different situations — this year, last year and so on. Christians and Jews are their enemies, but there are no more Jews in Egypt. Christians are 10% of the population, 9 million people. So this Islamic movement, for six years now, has simply wanted to create a new caliphate, by all means possible, because there’s a great crisis within the Islamic world, and the crisis is turning into violence.

What is precipitating this crisis?

In Islam they are not prepared nor able to renew themselves, as [Egypt’s] President [Abdel Fattah Saeed Hussein Khalil] el-Sisi said in December 2014 when he took power. He spoke to Al-Azhar University and gave a beautiful speech, in which he said we need to make a revolution in Islam, to rethink the whole system. The scholars all applauded, said, “Yes, Yes,” but they haven’t changed anything in the teaching. Many intellectuals on Egyptian television came and developed this argument and said Al-Azhar is unable to make the reform we need. Nothing has changed.

Are you of the view that Islamism is the true Islam?

ISIS is the application of what is taught. It’s not outside Islam, or something invented. No, they are applying Islam. When we hear it has nothing to do with Islam — that it means salaam; that it means peace — this is all false. It’s not true. ISIS is not doing anything which is neither in the Quran nor in the Mohammedan tradition. Everything is taken after a decision taken by an imam. A mufti and imam will say this is or is not allowed.

This isn’t just a problem in Egypt, but Egypt represents the greatest and strongest country, and also where you have the most important school of Islamic learning — just as we have Rome for the Catholic Church, Islam has Al-Azhar University.

And as Raymond Ibrahim concludes in Why Christians Are Being Slaughtered in Egypt:

until such time comes that the Egyptian government removes the “radical” sheikhs and their teachings from the mosques, schools, television stations and all other positions of influence, Muslims will continue to be radicalized, churches will continue to be bombed, and Christians will continue to be killed.

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NYC: Columbia Univ submits to Muslim demands incl year-round campus mini-mosque

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )...

The school’s motto (Psalms 36:9) may not last long if Muslims have their way

Source: Anonymous gift lets Columbia fund concessions to Muslims

Columbia University has agreed to hire a full-time “Coordinator of Muslim Life” and open up prayer space for Muslims during academic breaks.

University Chaplain Jewelnel Davis announced the new initiatives earlier this week in response to demands from the Columbia Muslim Student Association (MSA), noting that both concessions were made possible by an anonymous donation.

The new coordinator will “provide guidance and support to members of Columbia’s Muslim community” and “enhance the understanding” of various religious traditions on campus, Davis said, adding that her office would be “consulting with our student leaders and campus partners” while seeking a qualified candidate for the role.

“There is a shared feeling across our University community that the times we live in require a vigorous reaffirmation of our principles,” she concluded. “Today’s announcement, and the anonymous gift that made it possible, reflects the University’s commitment to that course.”

Both initiatives were addressed in a petition circulated by the MSA last month, which called for Columbia to establish a “fully-funded, full-time position for a Muslim Religious Life Advisor” and also reiterated a long-standing request that a Muslim prayer space on campus be made accessible to students and non-students during academic breaks.

Interestingly, though, Muslim students greeted the announcement not with appreciation, but with suspicion, complaining to The Columbia Spectator of a lack of transparency from the Chaplain’s Office.

Chaplain Davis declined to clarify the impetus and motivations for the hiring move, instead referring Campus Reform to the university’s Media Office.

Robert Hornsby, Columbia’s assistant vice president of Media Relations, told Campus Reform that new position was created because of an anonymous donation, but did not respond to further inquiries on when exactly that gift was received and whether it had anything to do with the Muslim students demands.

More from the announcement:

I am also pleased to inform you that because of this new role, the Office of the University Chaplain will now be able to open prayer space in Earl Hall and St. Paul’s Chapel over winter, spring, and summer breaks.

So the university will fund a full-time Muslim leader for Muslim students and allow Muslim students as well as non-students to pray in a campus mini-mosque year round.

Will Muslims also be converting St. Paul’s Chapel into a mosque from Islamic prayers?

Oh, the MSA was founded by the Muslim Brotherhood and has there is a growing list of Muslim Student Association (MSA) terrorist alumni and at least one Columbia Univ Muslim student who joined ISIS.

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( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

Raymond Ibrahim: Why Easter Brings Out the Worst in Islam

Why are some Christians murdered and many more terrorized in the name of Islam every Easter holiday?

This year’s most notable attack occurred in Egypt, where two Coptic Christian churches were bombed during Palm Sunday mass, leaving 50 dead and 120 injured.

While this incident received some coverage in Western media, attacks on churches in Egypt on or around Easter are not uncommon. For instance, this last April 12, just two days after the Palm Sunday attacks, authorities thwarted another Islamic terror attack targeting a Coptic monastery in Upper Egypt. Similarly, on April 12, 2015, Easter Sunday, two explosions targeting two separate churches took place in Egypt. Although no casualties were reported, hence no reporting in Western media, large numbers could easily have resulted, based on precedent (for example, on January 1, 2011, as Egypt’s Christians ushered in the New Year — another Christian holiday for Orthodox communities — car bombs went off near the Two Saints Church in Alexandria, resulting in 23 dead worshippers and dozens critically injured).

Less spectacular but no less telling, after 45 years of waiting, the Christians of Nag Shenouda, Egypt,  finally got a permit to build a church; local Muslims responded by rioting and even burning down the temporary tent the Copts had erected to worship under (a different incident from this similar one). Denied, the Christians of Nag Shenouda celebrated Easter in the street, to Muslims jeers and sneers (picture here).

While almost anything can provoke Muslims around the world to attack churches, there is a reason that the animus can reach a fever pitch during Easter: more than any other Christian holiday, Resurrection Sunday commemorates and celebrates three central Christian doctrines that Islam manifestly rejects: that Christ was crucified and died; that he was resurrected; and that by especial virtue of the latter, he is the Son of God. As Dr. Abdul Rahman al-Bir, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood’s mufti said in 2013, Muslims must not commend Christians during Easter, for that holiday “contradicts and clashes with Islamic doctrine and contradicts with our doctrines unlike Christmas.”

From here the carnage makes sense. Thus on Easter Sunday, 2016, another Islamic suicide bombing took place near the children rides of a public park in Pakistan, where Christians were known to be congregated and celebrating. Some 70 people — mostly women and children — were killed and nearly 400 injured. Something similar was in store for Pakistan this year, 2017, as officials foiled a “major terrorist attack” targeting Christians on Easter Sunday.

Celebrating Easter is an especially dangerous affair in Muslim-majority regions of Nigeria: a church was burned down on Easter Sunday, 2014, leaving 150 dead; another church was bombed on Easter Sunday, 2012, leaving some 50 worshippers dead; Muslim herdsmen launched a series of raids during Easter week, 2013, killing at least 80 Christians — mostly children and the elderly; additionally, over 200 Christian homes were destroyed, eight churches burned, and 4,500 Christians displaced.

As Islam’s presence continues to grow in Europe, and in accordance with Islam’s Rule of Numbers, Easter-related attacks are also growing. According to one report, “the terror cell that struck in Brussels [in March, 2016, killing 34] was planning to massacre worshippers at Easter church services across Europe, including Britain.” In Scotland, 2016, a Muslim man stabbed another Muslim man to death for wishing Christians a Good Friday and Happy Easter. And if an al-Qaeda terror plot targeting Easter shoppers in the UK was not thwarted, “it would almost certainly have been Britain’s worst terrorist attack, with the potential to cause more deaths than the suicide attacks of July 7, 2005, when 52 people were murdered.”

One can go on and on:

Of course, while Resurrection Sunday has the capacity to offend — and thus bring out the worst in some — Muslims more than any other Christian holy day, one should be careful not to attribute too much doctrinal nitpicking to the assailants. After all, Muslims have bombed and burned Christian churches on other holidays — a Cairo church was bombed leaving 27 dead before last Christmas — and no holidays at all. (See here for Christmas 2016, here for Christmas 2015, and here for Christmas 2014 for dozens of anecdotes of Muslim violence against and slaughter of Christians in the context of Christmas.)

In short, whatever the holiday, growing numbers of Muslims appear to agree with the view voiced by one Egyptian cleric that “Christian worship is worse than murder and bloodshed” — meaning, shedding the blood of Christians and murdering them is preferable to allowing them to flaunt their opposition to Muhammad’s teachings, as they naturally do every Sunday in church. Only more doctrinally attuned Muslims, who are in the minority, save their attacks for that one day of the year that so flagrantly defies Islam: Resurrection Sunday.

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Christian Man Tortured for Crime of Befriending Muslim Woman

The torture victim was a Christian man in the Pakistan district of a family of Muslims who were angry that he had committed the offense of — befriending a Muslim woman.

A Christian man was airlifted to Lahore for medical treatment after he was mercilessly tortured for befriending a Muslim woman.

The victim ultimately had to be airlifted to a hospital in Lahore for treatment.

Dawn has the story:

“The incident happened earlier this month and a police case has also been lodged against the father and brothers of the woman, who were reportedly against the friendship between the two and allegedly tortured 21-year-old Ansar Masih.

“According to the First Information Report (FIR) undersigned by Masih’s sister in Sheikhupura’s Saddar police station, Masih first established contact with the woman two years ago and their friendship grew with time.

“They often spoke on phone and Masih would also visit the woman neighbourhood to meet her, the FIR stated.

“When the woman’s family learned of the friendship, her father, Manzoor, and her brothers called Masih’s father asking him to tell his son to stay away from the woman, warning them of dire consequences if their instructions were not followed, the FIR added.

“On April 1, Ansar’s mother sent him to run an errand in the woman’s neighbourhood where Ansar was allegedly kidnapped by the accused and his two sons, the report stated, adding the three unclothed him, beat him and burned him using hot iron rods.

“The FIR further states that the accused then brought Ansar to his house and told his family that he had been in a traffic accident.

“Ansar’s family then rushed him to Sheikhupura’s District Headquarters Hospital where, after gaining consciousness, he narrated the incident.

“Subsequently, on April 5, his sister lodged the FIR following which the police took the accused into custody.”


San Diego public schools will create ‘safe spaces’ for Muslims while forcing non-Muslim students to learn about Islam

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Anti-Israel Campus Activists Target Jews Over Passover



Again we're ceaselessly told that the vast roster of anti-Israel hate groups are not anti-Semitic. (If you doubt that, just check out the token Jews they stick up front as shields for their bigotry.) They just happen to believe that Israel's failure to successfully negotiate an end to the conflict begun by Islamic colonialism because the Islamic terrorists refuse to compromise with Israel is the greatest human rights issue of our time.

And yet they act in exactly the kinds of ways that anti-Semites would.

Amid a slew of anti-Israel activities taking place at universities across the US during the Passover holiday this week, a leading campus activist told The Algemeiner on Thursday that proponents of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement were using the holiday as a means to eliminate pro-Israel voices.

Ron Krudo — executive director of Israel education group StandWithUs — called the tactic of advancing BDS resolutions in student government on or immediately before Jewish holidays, when many Zionist leaders are off campus, “undemocratic.”

This isn't a new tactic. It is a toxic one. When you deliberately schedule your attacks around a Jewish holiday, you're making it obvious that your goals are to...

1. Harass Jews in particular by disrupting their holiday 

2. Exploit the absence of Jews to target the Jewish State

And there are 3 key letters in all this. J-E-W. 

Targeting Jews makes it obvious that the anti-Israel movement is anti-Semitic. It isn't picking out the Jewish State because it has a graver human rights situation than the rest of the world, but because it's full of Jews. But then again the anti-Israel hate cult has a long history of targeting Jewish celebrations and commemorations including Holocaust memorials. 

But what would one expect from the ideology behind the Yom Kippur War, a surprise attack timed for the holiest period in the Jewish calendar.

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The Screams of Little Girls in Little Palestine

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltraye! )

Livonia, Michigan is known as Little Palestine. The Detroit suburb is famous for its anti-Israel meetings. You could go hear Mustafa Barghouthi, Omar Barghouti and Ali Abunimah without taking a long drive.

It’s also known for its shady doctors.

Dr. Murtaza Hussain was busted for letting unlicensed employees diagnose patients and write prescriptions. Dr. Waseem Alam and Dr. Hatem Ataya pleaded guilty in the nation’s largest Medicare fraud case totaling $712 million in false billings centering on Shahid Tahir, Muhammad Tariq and Manavar Javed’s Livonia medical firms. But what was going on at one Livonia clinic was far worse than the theft of millions. Anyone passing by at the right time could hear the screams of little girls.

We think of horrors like female genital mutilation as a terrible thing that happens over “there.” But as the implacable tide of Muslim immigration swept across Europe, “there” became the United Kingdom.

England recorded 5,700 cases of FGM in less than a year. France has jailed 100 people for FGM. An estimated 50,000 women in Germany have undergone FGM with a 30 percent boost due to the rise of Islamic migration in the last several years. In Sweden, it’s 38,000. And now, as American towns and cities are reshaped by Muslim migration, “there” is now right here. The terrible practice is in America.

Sweden was the first Western country to outlaw FGM. But despite the prevalence of FGM in Sweden, there have only been a handful of convictions. The United States banned FGM in 1997. A Federal report in 2012 warned that 513,000 women and girls in the United States were at risk for FGM.

Now after twenty years of the law’s existence, a Muslim doctor has become the first to be charged.

Operating out of a Livonia clinic, Jumana Fakhruddin Nagarwala abused unknown numbers of little girls. The end came when law enforcement traced calls to her from a Minnesota number. Then they followed the trail to a hotel in Farmington Hills; a Michigan city at the center of an Islamic Center controversy.

It was Friday evening; the holy day of the Islamic week when Muslims are told to “leave off business” and “hasten to the remembrance of Allah.” That is what the two women leading two little girls to be mutilated thought that they were doing. Muslims believe that on Friday, angels stand outside the doors of mosques to record who shows up for prayer. But it was the hotel surveillance cameras that watched and recorded as the two little girls arrived, unaware of the horror that was about to happen to them.

The 7-year-old girl had been told that she was going to Detroit for a “special” girls’ trip. Instead her special trip turned into a nightmare. After the Muslim doctor allegedly mutilated her, she warned the child not to talk about what was done to her.

Then it was back to Minnesota.

The other little girl drew a picture of the room. And she drew an X on the examining room table to show where her blood had spilled. With pain radiating all the way down her body, the Muslim doctor who had abused her told her that she was fine.

And her parents told her not to tell.

It was early February. The temperature on that terrible day in Livonia fell as low as 12 degrees. By the next day, she was back in Minnesota, likely the “Little Mogadishu” in Minneapolis, where temperatures had cratered to 9 degrees. The abused little girl could hardly walk. And in her pain and anguish, she left behind one of her gloves. The glove had her name on it. When the house of horrors in Livonia was finally raided, that solitary child’s glove was still there like a gruesome trophy.

The investigation turned back home to Michigan. Authorities found plenty of girls who had been abused by Jumana. And now she’s under arrest.

But the culture of silence still continues.

The criminal complaint is as circuitous as the entire culture of FGM. It relies heavily on euphemisms. The perpetrators and the girls at risk are referred to only as "members of a particular religious and cultural community". What is this community? It must thereafter remain nameless.

Jumana is a “member of the community”. The family that delivered their little girls to Jumana is "part of the community in Minnesota". What community? As the little girls from that nameless community in Minnesota were told, don’t talk about it. Don’t mention the community.

The full name of the perpetrator, Jumana Fakhruddin Nagarwala, is rarely used. Fakhruddin is far less ambiguous than the rest of her name. It comes from the Arabic and means “Pride in religion.”

That nameless religion practiced by the nameless community.

It isn’t the Swedes or Norwegians of Minnesota who mutilate their daughters. In Minnesota, it’s largely a Somali problem. Back home in Somalia, 98% of little girls have been mutilated. And the Somali Muslims who have migrated here in great numbers do their best to keep up the gruesome practice in America. The Hennepin County Medical Center, a hospital located in a place named after a Franciscan priest, has a special report on dealing with FGM that emphasizes cultural sensitivity.

It defines the “big hurdle” as, "Muslim (Somali) Culture: Value Acquiescence to Allah as supreme authority" and "American Culture: Value the supremacy of the individual".

That’s certainly one way of defining it.

Just as Sweden was the first European country to ban FGM to little avail, Minnesota became the first state to ban FGM, also to little avail. As the Somali Muslims keep pouring in, 44,293 women and girls in the state face the threat of being mutilated. Some of the Somali settlers send their daughters back home to be abused. Others take a shorter trip to Michigan.

Which “community” is it that encompasses an Indian Muslim like Jumana and the likely Somali victims while operating in Little Palestine? It isn’t an ethnic community or even a religious one. It’s Islam.

But the official word is that FGM is a practice that occurs in “certain Christian, Jewish, and Muslim communities”. It is certainly unique to list a practice in reverse order of probability.

Stories on FGM occasionally quote some local cleric insisting that the practice has no foundation in Islam. That would come as news to the Hadith which quotes Mohammed as saying, "Circumcision is a law for men and a preservation of honour for women."

This is the honor of Islam for which women are murdered and mutilated. And to preserve the honor of Islam, we are told to remain silent about it. It’s not only the abusers and the abused girls who maintain the culture of silence. It’s the authorities and the media that carefully step around the obvious. Just as with Islamic terrorism, a refusal to name the problem makes it impossible to solve.

Jumana Fakhruddin Nagarwala made her court appearance wearing “a light-colored, matching dress and khimar, or veil that covered her head, neck and shoulders.”

The term is meaningless to the average American. As it’s meant to be.

The Khimar is a heavier Muslim head covering. The Koranic version that mentions it also casually references castrated male slaves. The drives behind the Khimar and FGM are not far apart. Both stigmatize women and enforce Islamic traditions of repression with brutal violence.

Islam’s honor originates from the repression of the “Other”. That includes non-Muslims and Muslim women. The girls brutalized on Jumana’s exam table were abused as part of an ancient tradition. Jumana took pride in her abuses because, as her name signifies, she takes pride in her religion.

If we truly want to end such abuses, we must take as much pride in our principles and values as monsters like Jumana do in her theirs.

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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Easter and Syrian Genocide: What Americans Can Learn

As Christians in America commemorate Easter, we are reminded of those who celebrate Jesus’ resurrection in places hostile to Christianity. Consider the Middle East Christians facing genocide. In an interview with The Stream, Knights of Columbus spokesperson Andrew Walther suggests there is much we can gain from the strength of those brothers and sisters in the Lord.

A Source of Inspiration

Last year then-Secretary of State John Kerry labeled the mass killing of Christians in the Middle East genocide. Still they remain strong in their faith, said Walther, spokesperson for the Catholic group Knights of Columbus (KoC). “They face the brunt of genocide,” but they’re still hanging on, he said. He added that their strength in the face of hardship and genocide should be a source of inspiration for Christians in the U.S.

They are optimistic about the new Trump administration, too. “I’ve been told by Iraqi Christians [that] they see a new openness in the past few months on the part of the U.S. government. They hope it translates into action,” said Walther.

Most Syrian Christians are still displaced, often in smaller camps that don’t get attention from organizations and governments on hand to help. “Christians don’t end up on the radar,” said Walther. But they’ve seen many Christian areas liberated. Some people are moving home. Just the fact that people are moving back is a good sign, said Walther. “It’s a first step, there’s still a long way to go.” He added that despite the problems in the area, there is a palpable optimism that things will get better.

The Cradle of the Church

In Iraq, the Christian population is down 80 percent since 2003. And in Syria, the Christian population is down about 60 percent since their civil war began in 2011. This is troubling for many reasons, but for Walther it goes back to St. Paul and his conversion. “The Syrian Christians weren’t converted by St. Paul,” he explains. “They baptized St. Paul. The idea that this [group] could disappear should be alarming.” He added that the roots of Christianity could disappear from the cradle of the Church. However, his organization is working hard to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus has operated in the area since mid-2014 when ISIS really began taking over the territory. Walther said the KoC provide help through medical clinics, food, housing, catecheses programs among others. Just last month, the KoC pledged nearly $2 million to help the Syrian and Iraqi Christian refugees. The KoC use a variety of ways to help the people survive and rebuild.

But the assistance isn’t just for Christians, he is quick to point out. “Our clinics we fund and programs can’t turn anyone away,” he said, adding that it is a remarkable witness to non-Christians in the area who are served by Christian organizations.

Going On With Their Lives

Walther said he’d really like Americans to learn about the Christians in the area and how they’ve been persecuted for centuries. He also wants people to know that Syrian Christians “really want to go on with their lives, to go home and be full citizens in their country. They don’t want to be second-class citizens or discriminated against.” Much like the Western world, they’d like to celebrate Easter with family and contemplate Jesus’ gift to them of salvation without fear of persecution. But their faith has kept them strong, said Walther.

The Stream asked “What can Americans do?” Americans can pray for their brothers and sisters in the Middle East, said Walther, and help when possible through financial or other means. He adds that their strength in the face of genocide is an incredible testimony for American Christians and non-Christians alike. (For more from the author of “Easter and Syrian Genocide: What Americans Can Learn” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/easter-syrian-genocide-americans-can-learn/

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The University of Virginia’s Fight to Protect Free Speech

According to some observers, college campuses are facing a “free speech crisis.” From author Charles Murray, who faced violent protests at Middlebury College, to Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Mac Donald, who was shouted down by students at Claremont McKenna College, controversial free speech cases arise on college campuses almost weekly.

But amid the chaos, some college and university administrators are working harder than ever to protect the First Amendment. The Daily Signal traveled to the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia, which has faced its own campus protests in recent weeks, to find out how difficult—and costly—it is in today’s political environment to stand up for free speech.

(For more from the author of “The University of Virginia’s Fight to Protect Free Speech” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/university-virginias-fight-protect-free-speech/

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A Question for Leftists and Progressives: Is This What You Mean by ‘Equality’?

I did not intend to write about this story, but when I saw a picture of the teenager in question, I had to. He is 15-years-old, clearly a biological male. Look at his picture for yourself, mustache and all. As Joy Pullman notes on The Federalist, he has “not taken drugs nor undergone surgery to mimic femininity.” Yet he was allowed to compete against girls in a recent sporting event, and to no one’s surprise, he won — quite handily, at that. Is this what is meant by “equality”?

In recent weeks, we’ve read about a female high-school wrestler who identifies as male and who has been taking testosterone to prepare to “transition” to male. Unsurprisingly, she defeated the other girls, all of whom are not taking testosterone.

We also read about a male weightlifter who now identifies as female. Unsurprisingly, he defeated the women he competed against, setting a new record along the way.

Other examples could be supplied as well, since this is becoming more and more common.

How is This Fair?

How is this fair? How can progressives and liberals and leftists and LGBT activists and their allies think this is right? And do the feminists of the world really want to engage in head-to-head athletic competition with their male peers?

If this was done in the world of professional sports, there would not be a single woman winning, let alone playing at the elite, highest levels.

Not one female basketball player would earn a berth in the NBA. Not one female athlete would make it to the Olympics — in swimming or rowing or weightlifting or skiing or running or jumping or hurdling or boxing. Not one.

Men would dominate in every event, and women would be relegated to cheerleading.

That’s why we have men’s sports and women’s sports, men’s world records and women’s world records. And that why we celebrate the accomplishments of female athletes as females rather than comparing them to males.

There is nothing sexist about this. There is nothing hateful about this. There is nothing condescending about this. This is a matter of fairness, equality and common sense.

At least it should be. Today, common sense is in danger of extinction, and concepts like fairness and equality are turned upside down.

Beat by a Boy

The 15-year-old in question goes by the name of Andraya Yearwood, and as the Hartford Courant reported, Andraya’s first event with female peers was a cause for celebration:

With family, friends and teammates cheering her on at her first high school track meet, Andraya won the girls 100- and 200-meter dashes, and helped her 4×100-meter relay team take second place.

What did this look like in person? One picture says it all, as Andraya leaves the other girls behind, girls who trained so hard for these events, only to be beaten by a boy. And I mean beaten decisively.

But Andraya’s mother had a response to anyone would protest the event:

I know they’ll say it is unfair and not right, but my counter to that is: Why not? She is competing and practicing and giving her all and performing and excelling based on her skills. Let that be enough. Let her do that, and be proud of that.

What kind of logic is that? Because this 15-year-old biological male is competing and practicing and giving his all, that makes it fair and right for him to compete with his female peers? No matter what these other girls do, no matter how hard they try, no matter how much they push themselves, they will not be able to keep up with an equally devoted male peer. How is this fair and right to them?

Andraya’s father is also supportive, saying that his son is competing just where he should be competing, also explaining that you are born into a particular body but you grow into being a particular person.

But athletic events are conducted in the body, regardless of how the person inside that body identifies. Yet when people ask Mr. Yearwood, “Why is your daughter running with the girls?”, his response is, “Because she’s my daughter, much like the reason your daughter is running with girls.”

Not Like the Other Girls

With all respect to the Yearwood family, and with understanding that for them, this was a matter of life and death for their child, what Mr. Yearwood is saying is patently false. His child is not running with the other girls the same way the other daughters are running, just like his child does not have to deal with monthly periods or female hormonal changes, since Andraya is not like the other girls.

“But,” you ask, “what about Andraya? What if Andraya has gender dysphoria? What if identifying as female will save her life?”

That is between Andraya and his family and the Lord. But Andraya’s personal struggles cannot be imposed on everyone else, meaning, as a biological male, he has no business competing with other girls, or, for that matter, sharing their locker rooms and shower stalls. That is not the meaning of equality.

Even according to activist ideology, gender is a social construct but sex is biological. And when it comes to male and female athletic competition, we divide based on biological sex.

The Inevitable Trajectory of LBGT Activism

In the end, this is just one more example of why I believe LGBT activism will ultimately defeat itself.

You cannot wage a winning war against gender distinctions any more than you can redefine marriage while preserving its integrity. As expressed by Joy Pullmann,

It’s a pretty sure bet Americans did not expect tolerance for two consenting adults doing whatever behind closed doors to become a spearhead for forcing naked boys to shower next to naked girls and make girls second-class players on their own fields.


And so, I appeal to progressivists, leftists, feminists, and LGBT allies and their allies, along with all those who cherish fairness, equality, and justice. Look carefully at the trajectory of your activism, and ask yourself: Is this really the kind of world that you want? (For more from the author of “A Question for Leftists and Progressives: Is This What You Mean by ‘Equality’?” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/question-leftists-progressives-mean-equality/

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Lois Lerner Asks Judge Hearing Class Action Suit To Seal Records – Protect Her From Americans

lois lerner

Lois Lerner is one of the small circle of people who knows the full scope of her politically motivated crimes and she, the deep state and the Democrats wants to keep it that way. Evidently she was doing some pretty awful stuff to innocent people targeted for not being part of her anti-American Democrat party. Why else would she be asking for protection from the public, for the records of her upcoming testimony to be kept secret and sealed forever.

The former IRS senior executive told a federal court this week that she is fearful of potential death threats if her role in the tea party targeting becomes public. She shouldn’t be worried about the threats, they’re harmless. It’s when someone follows through on their threats or attempts to make good on them that she would have a potentially a serious problem. Perhaps she’s got a point, but she’s too arrogant and cocky for most of us to be inclined to give a rip about her safety or mental wellbeing. She didn’t care about anyone else in her House testimony or when she was making other Americans’ lives a living hell.

Many would take the position that she deserves every bit of discomfort she encounters. Just because she’s an elitist who did favors for Hussein Obama should not entitle her to privileges not enjoyed by the common folks. People who commit crimes are tried in public thousands of times every day. Unless they’re juveniles, the entire proceeding is open to the public. Lerner is certainly not a juvenile and not special in any regard. The separate and unequal secondary justice system she”s benefited from thus far left office in January.

It’s not only Lerner but her partner in crime, Holly Paz, who also participated in the discrimination against Tea Party associated patriots in the abuse of power, who is asking for special protections from the American people. The judge is Michael Barrett, who, unbelievably, is a Bush 43, not an Obama appointee and didn’t attend Yale or Harvard but the University of Cincinnati. Paz and Lerner told him that that they’ve already experienced “harassment and death threats” the last go ’round and they’re afraid it would happen again if their crimes are exposed in trial. They contend that by testifying they could be putting “their lives in serious jeopardy.”

Their attorney argued, “Mss. Lerner and Paz have demonstrated that the public dissemination of their deposition testimony would expose them and their families to harassment and a credible risk of violence and physical harm.” They provided the judge with supporting evidence of the supposed threats. They claim that the threats they’ve already received contained “graphic, profane and disturbing language” that they said has caused them embarrassment. Lerner and Pazy caused the nation embarrassment and considerable harm to their victims. It’s exactly what they deserve, for starters. Maybe for once a judge will rule intelligently and deny their request to hide underneath his robe. The victims are doing their best to nudge the judge in that direction.

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Turkey Is Investigating Chuck Schumer, Ex-CIA Director John Brennan In Probe Of US-Based Muslim Cleric

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Erdogan is scapegoating Gulen in an attempt to destroy his enemies and consolidate his power. But that doesn’t mean that Gulen is guiltless and “moderate.” He and Erdogan used to be close friends and allies, and their falling-out had nothing to do with principles, but only with Gulen’s approval of a corruption probe against Erdogan’s son. Gulen has been called the “Turkish Khomeini” for his support for Sharia rule in his homeland. And he was donating money to Schumer and no doubt to other Democrats. Party of treason.

“Turkey Is Investigating Chuck Schumer, Ex-CIA Director John Brennan In Probe Of US-Based Cleric,” by Chuck Ross, Daily Caller, April 15, 2017:

The Turkish government is expanding its witch hunt of suspected allies of cleric Fethullah Gulen by opening an investigation into 17 U.S.-based individuals, including New York Sen. Chuck Schumer and former CIA director John Brennan.

Preet Bharara, the former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Michael Rubin, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, were also named in the probe, which was first reported by Turkey’s state-run news agency, Anadolu Agency.

The probe is the latest salvo in the Turkish government’s obsession with Gulen, who has lived in self-exile in Pennsylvania since 1999. Turkey’s authoritarian president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has accused Gulen of masterminding last summer’s failed coup attempt. He has labeled Gulen’s network of followers the Fethullah Terrorist Organization, or FETO, and wants the U.S. government to extradite the imam.

Turkish investigators are interested in Schumer because of donations he has received from Gulen’s supporters here in the U.S. Bharara, who was fired by President Trump last month, is most likely being targeted because of his investigation into Reza Zarrab, a Turkish-Iranian businessman who is under federal indictment for allegedly helping Iran skirt economic sanctions.

Zarrab is said to have information that could implicate Erdogan and other senior Turkish government officials in the sanctions-busting scheme. Erodgan [sic] has accused Bharara of being a Gulen follower.

The complaint also names several Gulenists who operate non-profit organizations here in the U.S. One of those is Recep Ozkan, the former president of the Gulen-linked Turkish Cultural Center. Ozkan donated heavily to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns and as much as $1 million to the Clinton Foundation….

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Read More http://pamelageller.com/2017/04/turkey-schumer-brennan.html/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_med

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Donald Trump has given the U.S. military significantly more leeway to use whatever means necessary to fight Islamic terrorism

U.S. military commanders are stepping up their fight against Islamic terrorism as Donald Trump’s administration urges them to make more battlefield decisions on their own.

Daily Caller  President Trump’s new approach is perhaps best demonstrated in the U.S. decision to drop the largest non-nuclear device in the military’s arsenal — “the mother of all bombs” — on the Islamic State in Afghanistan Thursday. The blast ignited a media sensation, and killed nearly 100 ISIS fighters.

“It’s not the same as it was, you don’t have to ask us before you drop a MOAB,” a senior military official told TheWSJ, using the acronym for the large bomb. “Technically there’s no piece of paper that says you have to ask the president to drop a MOAB. But last year this time, the way [things were] meant, ‘I’m going to drop a MOAB, better let the White House know.’”

Top U.S. General in Afghanistan Gen. John Nicholson emphasized to reporters that he is the one of made the decision to drop the MOAB. “It was the right time to use it tactically against the right target on the battlefield,” Nicholson insisted.

Trump himself told reporters Thursday that he has given the military “total authorization.” Trump has also removed White House reviews of U.S. strikes in countries like Yemen and Somalia. Trump designated Yemen and Somalia as an “active areas of hostilities” in March, which allows the Pentagon to aggressively target al-Qaeda without White House approval.

Trump has also considered changing the way the U.S. targets terrorists in drone strikes. The new rules would instead target terrorists under military protocols which allow for some civilian casualties, as long as they weighed proportionally by the commander responsible for approving the operation. 

The loosening of drone strike protocol couples with broader counter-terrorism policy changes by the administration, including a change in rules of engagement in the fight against ISIS, more leeway for Pentagon commanders considering ground raids, and increased willingness to use military force.

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Florida: Muslim professor who told students Jesus was never crucified resigns

Source: Muslim professor at center of Christ-hoax controversy resigns – The College Fix

The Muslim professor who was accused by one of her students of asserting that Jesus’ crucifixion never took place and that Christ’s disciples did not believe he was God has resigned from Rollins College.

Rollins College President Grant Cornwell told the Orlando Sentinel that Professor Areej Zufari “resigned this semester because of the hateful threats and emails and phones messages she was getting. I think it’s a terrible injustice, but I do respect her decision.”

Zufari was at the center of a national controversy over the suspension of student Marshall Polston, 20, a Christian student in her class who challenged her claims — so much so that she took to accusing him of harassment. She filed a police report against him and told officials he made her feel unsafe, after which Polston was suspended.

According to the March 24 suspension letter, handed down right after Zufari’s police report was filed, Polston’s unspecified “actions have constituted a threat of disruption within the operations of the College and jeopardize the safety and well-being of members of the College community and yourself.”

Campus officials then reviewed Polston’s case after a weeklong battle over what Polston called “unfounded allegations” and he was reinstated. Polston’s lawyer said at the time the college should investigate wherever Zufari should remain at the school, given her “malicious assassination” of his client’s character.

Zufari remains a full professor at Valencia College, the Sentinel reports. Her past connections with radical Islam, meanwhile, have become a point of concern among some watchdog groups.

As for Polston, now President Cornwell tells the Orlando Sentinel that Polston’s suspension had to do with some unrelated “vulgar” and “mean-spirited” social media comments he made to a fellow student.

Polston balked at that assertion, writing on Facebook the same morning the Sentinel published its story: “The Orlando Slantinel is FAKE NEWS and full of lies!”

The young man’s attorney, Kenneth Lewis, also rejected the college’s reasoning, telling the Sentinel the Facebook post was “nothing” and “a total joke” and the classroom dispute was the real reason for the suspension.

Ms. Zufari’s Faculty FrontDoor profile picture titled “Arab Spring”. Graphic courtesy of Ms. Zufari and Valencia College. Source

Valencia College’s contact page here http://valenciacollege.edu/contact/.

Creeping Sharia

To read more https://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/

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UK: Primary school took pupils to meet an ‘extremist’ imam at the mosque where Lee Rigby’s killers worshiped

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

“Mr Begg even praised the children for their keenness to learn about the faith during the visit.”

When do Islamic schools in Britain take their students to churches to learn about Christianity? That’s right: never.

How do British authorities think all this is going to play out? What do they think Britain will look like in five years? Ten? All this appeasement of jihad preachers such as Shakeel Begg, and demonization of foes of jihad terror, can only lead to surrender and submission, and/or civil war. When that war breaks out, Britons can thank Blair, Cameron, and May.

“Primary school took pupils to meet an ‘extremist’ imam at the mosque where Lee Rigby’s killers worshipped,” by Katie French, Mailonline, April 16, 2017:

Primary school children were taken to meet an Islamic preacher described as ‘extremist’ at the mosque where Lee Rigby’s murderers worshipped.

The trip saw pupils from Kilmorie Primary School in Lewisham, London, meet controversial preacher Shakeel Begg, who the High Court said ‘promoted and encouraged religious violence’.

Students at the school, aged eight and nine, were taken to the Lewisham Islamic Centre to take part in a discussion with the imam….

Photographs of the visit were posted to the mosque’s website which shows children sitting attentively on the floor as the imam addressed them.

Mr Begg even praised the children for their keenness to learn about the faith during the visit….

Mr Begg, chief imam at Lewisham Islamic Centre, was described in a High Court judgment at the end of October as a ‘Jekyll and Hyde character’.

Mr Justice Haddon-Cave also warned that Mr Begg’s role as imam put him in a position to ‘plant the seed of Islamic extremism in a young mind’.

The imam brought a libel case against the BBC after Andrew Neil, the presenter of the Sunday Politics programme, had accused him of promoting extremism on air.

But a judge ruled against him in the High Court and said he ‘had recently promoted and encouraged religious violence’….

Jihad Watvh

To read more https://www.jihadwatch.org/

Watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM.

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Dignity and Fairness Matter for Every Child in the Locker Room

The American Civil Liberties Union recently noted in a blog post that “the burden of confronting and remedying injustice falls on the shoulders of the oppressed.”

There is some truth to this: The oppressed are powerful voices in any battle for justice. But when it comes to defending the most vulnerable among us—our children—it is chiefly the responsibility of parents, teachers, school administrators, and lawmakers to defend their rights.

Yet the ACLU, rather than seeking justice, fairness, and privacy for every child, has chosen to privilege a select few while utterly disregarding the privacy rights of millions of other young students across the country.

In the growing conversation taking place about what privacy means in intimate facilities, and whether one’s biological sex is a relevant factor to consider in boys’ and girls’ athletics, we’ve heard a lot from certain students who are working through very sensitive issues pertaining to their sex and gender identity.

And that is a good thing. Their voices matter in this conversation.

But substantially missing from this national conversation are the indispensable voices of the vast majority of children, and particularly girls. Ignoring their voices results in a failure to advance true equality and justice and violates children’s fundamental rights. Indeed, not one child’s privacy should be compromised.

And yet, young girls across the country—including in Illinois and Ohio, as just two examples—have been subjected to anxiety and humiliation when their school administrators secretly decided to open the schools’ locker rooms, restrooms, or showers to the opposite sex.

In Texas, 10-year-old Shiloh Satterfield recently described to the state’s Senate Judiciary Committee how uncomfortable and anxious she feels now that her school has changed its policies to let boys into the school’s intimate facilities.

Her parents join thousands of other parents understandably concerned about what this means—not only for their children when changing clothes for gym class or showering after a swim meet, but also for overnight school trips where their daughters could be forced to share a bed with a biological boy (or vice versa).

And take the young boy in Pennsylvania who is not even able to change for the school’s mandatory gym class because the school is forcing boys and girls to undress together and to try “to act as natural as possible” while doing so. The boy is receiving a failing grade for each class he is unable to change for.

Young girls and boys across the country are trying to be heard—to share their discomfort and embarrassment at the thought of having to undress with a member of the opposite sex, or their frustration that they will no longer be able to compete in a fair environment if their sports teams allow boys and girls to play together.

These voices are not coming from a place of fear or social dislike. I’ve witnessed the love these students have for their friends who consider themselves transgender, while simultaneously pleading for their own rights, dignity, and privacy to be protected.

Just last week, a 15-year-old boy who identifies as a girl competed in a Connecticut high school girls’ track meet and won the 100- and 200-meter dashes.

Even a quick glance at the pictures from the meet reveal that this young man, who now identifies as a woman, is still very much built as a male and is already significantly larger than his female peers.

As a woman who loved playing sports in high school, it’s obvious to me and many others that allowing biological males to compete with females is fundamentally unfair to girls who are physically different than high school boys.

Allowing boys, regardless of how they identify, to play on girls’ sports teams creates an unequal playing field for girls to compete and deprives them of a fair chance to qualify for—let alone win—athletic competitions.

Before the Civil Rights Act of 1972, women did not have the same athletic opportunities as men. In this emerging conversation, we cannot forget the ground women have gained for equal opportunities.

Permitting the definition of sex to be changed or ignored would undermine the very essence of what it means to be male and female, which is a particularly relevant factor when it comes to athletics.

This understanding of biological differences is precisely what led to the passage of federal laws that help ensure a fair playing field for women. And now, some in our society, ironically in the name of equality, are running roughshod over what women fought so hard to obtain.

Many would like to paint this as a one-sided story about one victim: the boy who thinks he’s a girl, or the girl who thinks she’s a boy. And these children absolutely deserve love, attention, and support.

But supporting and caring for them does not mean we should inflict injustice on other children. We owe every young person in America a better response—a compassionate and fair solution that ensures protection for every student’s privacy and well-being, such as the policy that Alliance Defending Freedom has recommended to schools since 2014.

This policy allows schools to respect student privacy by continuing to designate separate boys’ and girls’ showers, locker rooms, and restrooms while providing other facilities for any student uncomfortable with using areas that correspond to his or her biological sex.

Justice requires that we protect the privacy and dignity of every child. We as a society should pause before we tell some children that their voices and their privacy rights don’t matter. (For more from the author of “Dignity and Fairness Matter for Every Child in the Locker Room” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/dignity-fairness-matter-every-child-locker-room/

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Media Silent as Clinton/Obama-Connected Lobbying Group Registers as Foreign Agent for Pro-Russia Org

The Podesta Group — which was co-founded by John Podesta, the former Hillary Clinton campaign chair, Obama White House senior adviser, and former chief of staff to President Bill Clinton — has filed as a foreign agent for a pro-Russian think tank.

The D.C. lobbying shop’s retroactive paperwork appeared Wednesday on the website of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) office. From 2012-2014, the Podesta Group lobbied for the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, which was created to support former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich. He has since fled to Russia after the Ukrainian people rose up against his autocratic rule. Yanukovych was essentially Putin’s puppet, pushing for policies that would alienate Ukraine from Europe and bring it under the umbrella of Russian influence.

The U.S. Foreign Agents Registration Act, passed in 1938, requires individuals and organizations hired by non-U.S. organizations and foreign nations for the purpose of disseminating propaganda to publicly disclose their activities.

The Podesta Group is run by John Podesta’s brother, Anthony Podesta, who was a major Clinton campaign bundler. Because of his prominent political connections, Anthony Podesta is considered one of the most influential lobbyists in the world. The Podesta Group is consistently ranked as one of the top five most influential lobbying organizations. The firm reportedly earns close to $30 million a year for its efforts.

Disclosures in the foreign agent document reports reveal that the pro-Russia lobbying endeavor involved dozens of meetings with prominent reporters, congressional leaders, and government officials.

Over a three year time period, the Podesta Group was paid over $1 million dollars to lobby for the pro-Russian outfit, according to an accounting of the disclosures from 2012-2014.

The news comes as former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort also reportedly intends on retroactively registering as a foreign agent for work he did for Yanuokovych-tied entities. Manafort also worked as a lobbyist for the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, according to reports.

The mainstream media has largely ignored the lobbying efforts of the Podesta Group, even though its co-founder is intimately tied to the past two Democratic presidents as well as the most recent Democratic nominee for president. In its story on the disclosures, the Associated Press did not highlight the Podesta Group’s ties to top Democrats, instead focusing on allegations against Manafort. (For more from the author of “Media Silent as Clinton/Obama-Connected Lobbying Group Registers as Foreign Agent for Pro-Russia Org” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/media-silent-clintonobama-connected-lobbying-group-registers-foreign

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Another Obama Judge Poised To Tell Trump “No” – This Time On Sanctuary Cities

judge orrick

Once again the leftists appear to have found themselves a “so-called judge” willing to play pretend president and usurp the authority of the executive branch. It’s not surprising and until and unless President Trump puts his foot down it’s going to continue to happen. The president will enforce the law and the outlaws of the opposition will simply find an Obama judge to wag his finger, nullifying the office of the President.

President Trump’s executive order blocking federal funding for “sanctuary cities” was subject to review in federal court Friday, in proceedings that had the ominous tone of a foregone conclusion in favor of the illegals and their enablers. The army of activist “so-called” judges is ready to advance and their next infantryman has taken his firing position. He’s U.S. District Judge William H. Orrick, a California liberal appointed by Hussein Obama, who began hearing arguments in the Northern District of California on Friday.

The lawsuit was filed by Santa Clara County and the City of San Francisco. The next step we’ve seen in this entirely predictable soap opera will be for a temporary restraining order to be issued followed by a temporary injunction and an overreaching declaration that it applies nationally to any sanctuary anything, anywhere in the country.  The dice will then be thrown in the 9th Circuit Court Casino.

Are Trump Supporters, Angry Americans, Supposed To Once Again Suck It Up And Accept Submissive Defeat?

The plaintiffs argued that they’ll be harmed by the executive order, with Orrick agreeing. That’s kind of the point, isn’t it, geniuses, to make them choose between financial hardship and compliance with the law? What’s the value of a penalty without hardship? Obama Boy Orrick, as if we needed an indicator of how this scripted charade was going to play out, then ruled that they do have the right to try to block the order. That means he sees himself as having a right to block it.

Asst. Attorney General Chad Readler told Orrick that DHS and Department of Justice would only withhold “certain” law enforcement grants to the cities and counties that don’t comply. He also stated, “We don’t know yet exactly how the policy is going to be applied. We don’t know whether there will be any enforcement action and what it will look like.”

Clearly no action has yet taken place, which means there is no injury and thus no standing for the plaintiffs. They’ll go the injunction or restraining order route in anticipation of “irreparable harm” which was more than enough for the libtards before him.

Reader repeated the government’s view that Trump’s order merely tries to enforce laws that are already on the books and threaten potential sanctions that were already in place before the new administration took office.

Why Go Looking For An Unnecessary Fight The Dems Are Positioned To Win By Involving The Judiciary?

Orrick then made an excellent point, asking, “What is this executive order about, then?” He’s right. Why not just withhold the funds using the existing laws and then let the municipalities sue to be included and challenge the laws of Congress instead of an executive order? Why go looking for trouble, to be denied “permission to do the job of the president?” Why do they insist on setting themselves up for failure? 

President Trump opposed the flood of refugees but they’re sure pouring in now, at higher than Obama levels. He folded his tent a little too quickly for a bulldog who “hates to lose.” We hate to lose too, Mr. President – and we’re counting on you to help us save our country. Be creative and less direct or obvious. Many things can be changed in the course of normal daily activities without announcing to them to the world. Your recent action in Syria, in theory, could be grounds to claim concerns over an increased terror threat from a particular faction or Syrian nationalists. The possibilities are limitless. 

The visa and refugee vetting standards could have been and still could be raised without issuing an executive order which provided the mechanism for the legal challenges to be advanced. So could the law have simply been enforced and those not in compliance been left to figure out on their own afterwards the reasons why they were excluded from the money distribution. As a real estate guy, Trump should be very familiar with the term “the checks in the mail.”

The conspiracy against the American People is every were! We the people need to clean house in our state, country, and communities

we the people need to put a end to this conspiracy!

Principles for a Free Society   

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So, what happened to all that renowned German ingenuity?

Are they spending so much money feeding and housing millions of Muslim freeloaders, posing as refugees, that they no longer have enough money to protect their citizens…from the Muslim invaders?

The German government started erecting Concrete Barriers around densely populated areas or festivals to prevent Muslim terrorists from mowing down civilians with hijacked assault trucks, now nearly a monthly occurrence in Europe. So they decided to erect concrete barriers to prevent trucks from slamming into people. Each concrete blocks weighs 2.4 tons. Watch what happens in a crash test.

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPF5SbK8zI0

Face of a dying Nation – Backup

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Illinois: Two more Muslims arrested for conspiring to help ISIS


Source: Two Illinois men charged with working to help ISIS | WREG.com

CHICAGO — Two men from a north suburb of Chicago were arrested today on a federal complaint charging them with conspiring to provide material support to the Islamic State.

JOSEPH D. JONES, also known as “Yusuf Abdulhaqq,” 35, of Zion, and EDWARD SCHIMENTI, also known as “Abdul Wali,” 35, of Zion, are charged with conspiring to knowingly provide and attempt to provide material support and resources to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). Jones and Schimenti were arrested this morning. They are scheduled to make an initial appearance today at 3:00 p.m. before U.S. Magistrate Judge M. David Weisman in Chicago.

Also today, authorities executed a search warrant at Jones’ residence in Zion.

According to a complaint and affidavit filed in U.S. District Court in Chicago, Jones and Schimenti pledged their allegiance to ISIS and advocated on social media for violent extremism in support of the terrorist group. In the fall of 2015 the pair befriended three individuals whom Jones and Schimenti believed were fellow ISIS devotees. Unbeknownst to Jones and Schimenti, two of the individuals were undercover FBI employees and the third individual was cooperating with law enforcement and was not an ISIS supporter, the complaint states.

Over the next several months Jones and Schimenti met the undercover FBI employees and the cooperating source on numerous occasions, during which Jones and Schimenti discussed their devotion to ISIS and their commitment to Islamic State principles, the complaint states. Some of the meetings took place in Waukegan, Zion, Bridgeview, North Chicago, Highland Park and Chicago.

At one point, Jones and Schimenti shared photographs of themselves holding the Islamic State flag at the Illinois Beach State Park in Zion, according to the complaint. In a recorded conversation with the cooperating source, Schimenti commented that Schimenti would like to see the ISIS flag “on top of the White House,” the complaint states.

Earlier this year Schimenti engaged in physical training exercises with the cooperating source at a gym in Zion, the complaint states. Schimenti believed the cooperating source intended to travel overseas to fight for ISIS, and Schimenti commented that the exercises would “make you good, you know, in the battlefield,” according to the complaint.

Last month the pair furnished several cellular phones to the cooperating source, believing they would be used to detonate explosive devices in ISIS attacks, the complaint states. On April 7, 2017, Jones and Schimenti drove the cooperating source to O’Hare International Airport in Chicago with the understanding that the source would be traveling to Syria to fight with ISIS, the complaint states. Schimenti told the source to “drench that land with they, they blood,” according to the complaint.

The charge in the complaint is punishable by up to 20 years in prison. If convicted, the Court must impose a reasonable sentence under federal statutes and the advisory U.S. Sentencing Guidelines.

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