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Michigan: MSA alum launches campaign to be first Muslim governor in U.S.

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

Cities in Michigan are coming under Muslim control, is the state-level next?

Abdul El-Sayed (left) with Congressman John Conyers. (El-Sayed’s Facebook)

Source: Q&A: The man running to be US’ first Muslim governor | USA | Al Jazeera

Egyptian American doctor Abdul El-Sayed could become the first-ever Muslim governor in the United States in 2018.

El-Sayed, 32, was appointed as the chief of the health department of Michigan’s city of Detroit in 2015, and – after making a serious turn to politics – is now running to be the next governor of the state.

El-Sayed talked to Al Jazeera about what inspired him to run and why he believes he is the right candidate for the job.

Al Jazeera: How has being an Arab and Muslim played into the election?

El-Sayed: It is something that comes up. For me, religion isn’t about how or if one prays, but rather what they pray for and what they hope for. And for me, personally, I pray for my family. And I pray for my state and my country.

And I believe in the fundamental decency of people who can come together across traditional boundaries, as we have in the past. We need to reject this notion that we’re different and can’t see across a religious or ethnic divide.

I know this is possible, because I have seen it every single day at my family’s dinner table. My family is extremely diverse, and includes Christians, Muslims, and atheists. And they come from all over the world.

I’ve seen them come together because they believe in their shared future: their children. And I know we, across all corners of Michigan, can do the same.

Al Jazeera: How has your level of support been?

El-Sayed: People are really excited about this. Letters, phone calls, and shows of support have come from all over the state. It’s overwhelming and humbling…

I want to provide Michiganders with an opportunity to support a candidate who both has real government experience and whose skill sets are really focused on bringing communities together. Someone who can bring exciting and innovative ideas to state government.

I have gotten really heartwarming messages from all over the state – even from some folks who have never voted for a Democrat. Some of my supporters have said they have never voted for a liberal, but would vote for me because they value authenticity and a focus on people and their well-being. That is what matters to them as Michiganders.

Will a liberal Democrat bring Michiganders together or bring Muslims into further control of Michigan? More via Leo Hohmann at WND:

Dick Manasseri, spokesman for Secure Michigan, a group that educates Michiganders about the threat of Shariah law, predicts that Sayed will at least win the Democratic nomination for governor.

“It is the exact same thing as Barack Obama in Chicago in the early 2000s,” said Manasseri. “He’s young, attractive, he does not give out a lot of information, he speaks in platitudes about celebrating inclusiveness and diversity.”

Sayed is known as a warrior for environmental justice. He talks about “standing up to corporate polluters,” and how, in his family, he was taught that having “love and compassion” for the vulnerable are “more important than where you’re from.”

“How could any good progressive Democrat vote against that in good conscience?” asks Manasseri.

Sayed is highly educated, a Rhodes scholar who attended Oxford University in 2009 and became a practicing epidemiologist.

“He’s very well packaged,” Manasseri said. “He’s far more accomplished than Barack Obama. Obama was not this accomplished, they connected him to certain foundations and his candidacy took off.”

Sayed is the recipient of several research awards, including being named one of the Carnegie Council’s Policy Innovators. He created and taught the Mailman School’s first-ever course on systems science and population health. He co-edited a textbook on the topic published in 2017 by Oxford University Press entitled “Systems Science and Population Health.”

Sayed said his “diverse if highly unlikely family” taught him that “what you believe and stand for is more important than where you come from, to have compassion and care and respect for those more vulnerable.” He said he was taught that “real leaders are those that can stand firm against the powerful, stand strong with the weak, and stand humbly before God.”

At the Thanksgiving dinner table, “which is a very diverse dinner table,” hosted by he and his wife Sarah, he said his family includes a Presbyterian deacon from Flint, an imam from Egypt and an atheist-Polish uncle who is a professor at Michigan.

“And they share hard conversations about life in American and they don’t always agree, but they respect and love each other…they share a common future that brings them together. And as Michiganders, so do we.”

Manaserri says the Muslim Brotherhood would never support a candidate that didn’t have tons of money behind him and that they did not believe “has a real chance of winning.”

“Any Republican would be afraid to confront him on his Muslim Brotherhood connections or his views on Shariah,” Manasseri said. “He is a devout Shariah-compliant guy, and I would predict that he will be endorsed by the Catholic Church, which is very powerful in Michigan.”

Manasseri points out that a bill supporting American Law for American Courts, widely regarded as an anti-Shariah law, was defeated in the Michigan Legislature when two powerful lobbies – the Michigan Catholic Conference and the Council on American-Islamic Relations or CAIR – teamed up to kill it. He expects the same coalition to form behind a candidate who would make history as America’s first Muslim governor.

“So if this guy rises in the polls, I would predict the Catholic Church will support his candidacy,” he said. “Just like with Obama, because we gotta make history.”

“It’s Obama II,” Manasseri said. “Elizabeth Warren will be coming to campaign for him, the Democrats in other states will be raising money for him. The DNC number-two man [Keith Ellison] will be raising money for him. Of course this guy is going to be on the Sunday morning talk shows. He’ll be everywhere. A candidate for governor who is Muslim Brotherhood …if that doesn’t tell you there’s a Shariah swamp in Michigan I don’t know what does.”

About those Muslim Brotherhood connections that no one will dare ask him about, via U-M dual MD/PhD student named Rhodes Scholar

As an undergraduate, El-Sayed played on Michigan Men’s Lacrosse team and was an active member of the Muslim Students’ Association.

The MSA is a Muslim Brotherhood-founded organization with a growing list of terrorist alumni.

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Creeping Sharia

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Truman State University student calls for violence ahead of Robert Spencer lecture

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

Whoever said that fascism would come to America in the guise of anti-fascism got it right. This violence and brutalization of political opponents is a new phenomenon in American politics, but it is becoming increasingly common, and it has a historical antecedent: the Nazi Brownshirts. In The Coming of the Third Reich, historian Richard J. Evans explains how, in the early days of National Socialist Germany, Stormtroopers (Brownshirts) “organized campaigns against unwanted professors in the local newspapers [and] staged mass disruptions of their lectures.”

To express dissent from Nazi positions became a matter of taking one’s life into one’s hands. The idea of people of opposing viewpoints airing their disagreements in a civil and mutually respectful manner was gone. One was a Nazi, or one was silent (and fearful).

That is just the kind of public arena that the Left has been trying to bring to the United States for years — particularly on college campuses. But I’ll be at Truman State University next week anyway, facing down the fascists.

“Truman State University Student Threatens Violence Ahead of Robert Spencer Lecture,” by Andres Taborda, The New Guard, April 6, 2017:

Robert Spencer, conservative speaker and director of Jihad Watch, received threats of physical violence from a student at Truman State University where he is slated to speak next week as part of Young America’s Foundation’s best-in-the-movement campus lecture program.

In a slew of tweets, “Bella Waddle,” started off with the following:

This was followed up by a suspenseful tweet:

And if “Bella Waddle’s” retweet of the following tweet is any sort of endorsement, then we have a serious threat of violence towards Robert Spencer:

Hmm…not sure it’s a good idea to share with the world that you want punch Robert Spencer’s face.

Yet again, we see attempts by campus leftists to intimidate conservative speakers. If leftists really stood for tolerance, having a different point of view on campus would fulfill their mission. As we see here, though, leftists’ knee-jerk reaction to differing opinions is physical violence.

It’s amazing that groups who warn of violence on campuses are the ones who advocate for it the most.

So while “Bella Waddle” develops a sure-to-fail protest plot, just know one thing: We will be at Truman State University with Robert Spencer next week to discuss the dangers of Radical Islam.

Deal with it.

Jihad Watch

To read morehttps://www.jihadwatch.org/

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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Geller Report

Geller Report

To read all articles go to http://pamelageller.com/2017/04/jihad-thailand-war.html/

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The Daily Jot - Toward one another

Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective
Bill Wilson
Toward one another
NOTEWhen writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus--the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.
Friday, April 7, 2017
The vitriol being expressed in our nation against one another is tasteless and vile. Against the backdrop of Senate approval of a new Supreme Court Justice, we have heard terrible things said about a fellow American, the same theme about anybody who disagrees with the vocal left. It is very difficult to discuss these matters of disagreement with business associates, friends and even family members because they usually end up in heated debates and things are said that shouldn't be said. We, as Christians, need to keep in mind the tenets of our faith when standing up for our principles-especially when we are doing so with family and fellow believers. Civility seems to be a lost art these days.
Often, I exhort you through The Daily Jot to pray and act, to speak up for what is right, and to hold accountability by speaking boldly as you ought to speak. But this can be a balancing act in these days. Speaking boldly, doesn't mean being offensive or trying to invoke anger. It doesn't mean reducing the argument to personal attacks. It takes wisdom, compassion, empathy, and the ability to express right in a dignified and effective manner. As the Apostle Paul writes in Ephesians 5:15-17, "See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is."
In short, we need to remember who we are when we are discussing issues of right vs wrong. We need to be armed with the facts and stick to them. Keep bringing the discussion back to the facts. Most people I have run into who want to argue a point about the current state of our nation know very little about the facts. Often what they do know is based on a simple fact, but twisted into a lie. Trying to unravel that lie with them is like untangling a pile of coat-hangers. It takes patience and focus on your point. The purpose of The Daily Jot is to equip and encourage you to evangelize. Evangelizing can take many forms. In our case, it takes the form of using a current event to present a Biblical truth.
Deception is always key. People are deceived and, like a virus, they spread deception. Ephesians 5:6-9, "Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things comes the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Be not therefore partakers with them. For you were sometimes darkness, but now you are light in the Lord: walk as children of light For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth." Christ has given us life that we may have it abundantly. We don't need to get dragged down into the depths of deceit and anger because we already have the high ground in Christ. We just need to share it appropriately toward one another. 
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

PS. Please use the "Share This Email" link below to pass this on to as many people as you can!    
Our Feeding and Clothing Ministry Outreach in Ghana
By Pastor William Agbeti
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Ivanka Trump Secretly Met With Planned Parenthood Boss

Ivanka Trump initiated a meeting with Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards after her father was inaugurated as U.S. president, a new report revealed.

The first daughter and Cecile Richards met to talk about the nation’s largest abortion chain at Ivanka Trump’s request, in what Politico called an “under-the-radar meeting.”

A representative from the abortion giant said Ivanka Trump wanted “to know more about the facts of Planned Parenthood,” according to the political news outlet.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) Executive Vice President Dawn Laguens called it “an explainer meeting” . . .

“The purpose of the meeting, from Cecile’s point of view, was to make sure that Ivanka fully understood what Planned Parenthood does, how it is funded, and why it would be a terrible idea for Planned Parenthood to be removed from being able to see Medicaid patients,” said Laguens. “The main thing that Cecile Richards was doing was explaining that the money doesn’t actually go to abortions — we get reimbursed the same way a hospital does. We were clearing up misinformation about how this works.” (Read more from “Ivanka Trump Secretly Met With Planned Parenthood Boss” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/ivanka-trump-secretly-met-planned-parenthood-boss/

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Obama Gave $68 Million to Pro-Abortion UN Population Control Agency, Here’s How Much Trump Is Giving

The Trump Administration reinstated a policy Monday evening directing United States foreign assistance dollars away from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) on the basis that its activities in China are complicit with that nation’s coercive population control program, the implementation of which includes forced abortion and involuntary sterilization. United States funding will be directed instead to other family planning and health programs not involved in China’s population control program.

“We congratulate President Trump and his administration for making it abundantly clear the United States will not support a United Nations agency that cooperates in China’s brutally repressive population control policies,” said National Right to Life President Carol Tobias. “I heartily applaud what we at National Right to Life are seeing from this pro-life administration.”

The State Department memorandum issued Monday determined that the UNFPA was in violation of the Kemp-Kasten anti-coercion law. The amendment prohibits giving U.S. “population assistance” funds to “any organization or program which, as determined by the President of the United States, supports or participates in the management of a program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization.”

As the memo states:

The Chinese Government’s Population and Family Planning Law, even as amended in 2015, and related regulations and practices at the central and Provincial levels, clearly constitute a “program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization,” and are an integral part of the comprehensive population-control program the Chinese Government advances. While there is no evidence that UNFPA directly engages in coercive abortions or involuntary sterilizations in China, the agency continues to partner with the [National Health and Family Planning Commission] on family planning, and thus can be found to support, or participate in the management of China’s coercive policies for purposes of the Kemp-Kasten Amendment. (Read more from “Obama Gave $68 Million to Pro-Abortion UN Population Control Agency, Here’s How Much Trump Is Giving” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/obama-gave-68-million-pro-abortion-un-population-control-agency-h

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DELAWARE Senator under fire for his indignation at having 2 Muslim clerics read from the quran at Senate invocation

( Muslims do ,not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

Comments that state Sen. Dave Lawson, R-Marydel, made about Islam on the floor of the chamber led to a rare rebuke from the chamber’s chief and sparked a brief but fierce discussion about religious freedom. 

Delaware Online  “We just heard from the Quran, which calls for our very demise,” Lawson said after a Muslim duo gave the invocation, including a passage from their holy text. “I fought for this country, not to be damned by someone that comes in here and prays to their God for our demise. I think that’s despicable.”

Lawson served in the Air Force and did a tour in Vietnam. He addressed his colleagues on the floor of the Senate. Lawson and Sen. Colin Bonini, R-Dover South, stepped out of the chamber for the prayer. They re-entered when the speakers had finished, and Lawson gave a brief speech, saying he “took great exception” to the reading from the Quran.

After Lawson’s comments, the Senate proceeded as normal, debating and passing several bills. But before the chamber adjourned later in the evening, President Pro Tempore David McBride, D-New Castle, halted, saying he felt “there is complicity in remaining silent.”

“I have never been of the mind to censure the words of other members, but I also believe deeply that words have consequences,” McBride said, reading aloud from a statement. “To criticize the sacred prayer of another religion from the floor of the Senate strikes me as antithetical to everything we ought to stand for as lawmakers.”

“I am personally offended that our guests from the Muslim community and anyone else here in the chamber today would feel anything less than welcomed with opened arms,” McBride said. “And for our guests today to be branded as anti-American when our First Amendment of our country’s Constitution explicitly guarantees the freedom of religion is both ironic and deeply sad to me.”

Afterward, Lawson said he thought McBride was “ignorant to what’s going on.” He said the Quran includes passages about killing “infidels” and pointed to some majority-Muslim countries that restrict women’s rights and persecute Christians, among other evils.

“Their belief flies in the face of our Constitution,” Lawson said afterward. “This is not our Bible, we should not be allowing them to pray from that book in our house, just as I do not believe I would be allowed to pray from my Bible in their house.”

Bare Naked Islam
The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM
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Pakistani Muslim with U.S. citizenship planned Paris-style jihad attacks in NYC

( Muslims do ,not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

Source: FBI report claims teen planned Paris-style attacks in New York – Pakistan – DAWN.COM

A US citizen of Pakistani origin was planning to carry out Paris-style attacks on “heavily populated areas” in New York City, revealed a report shared by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) with Pakistani authorities.

The FBI report, handed over to the interior ministry for extradition of the 18-year-old suspect Talha Haroon, says that he, along with his co-conspirator and an undercover FBI agent, “plotted to carry out deadly bombings in heavily populated areas of New York City in the name of the [IS]”.

The report claimed that Haroon was stationed in Pakistan in April of last year and planned attacks on the New York Subway, Times Square and a concert.

The report also claimed that Mr Haroon had been associated with the Taliban in the past and had later switched his allegiance to IS.

The report claimed that Mr Haroon wanted to carry out an attack in NYC around June 2016. It said that the suspects “identified multiple potential targets of their plot to launch terrorist attacks in New York City”. One target was the New York subway, Times Square was another. The report claimed that the suspects “discussed plans to detonate a car bomb in Times Square”.

The FBI report quoted a communication between the co-conspirator and Mr Haroon from May 12, 2016: “We just walk in with guns in our hands. That’s how the Paris guys did it. You just walk in and shoot anyone who says anything.”

According to the report, on or about Sept 22, 2016, the FBI was advised that Mr Haroon had recently been taken into custody in Pakistan. On Sept 27, Mr Haroon was charged in a criminal complaint before the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.

The complaint charged Mr Haroon on five counts of conspiring to use weapons of mass destruction, conspiring to commit act of terrorism, conspiring to bomb a place of public use and public transportation, conspiring to provide material support or resources to terrorists and conspiring to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organisation.

Each of the five charges count as a separate offence and each charged offence is punishable under US law with more than one year of imprisonment.

But even though the Islamabad district administration completed the process of Mr Haroon’s extradition at the request of US authorities, the Islamabad High Court stayed the extradition on March 27, 2017 with a direction to the federal government to respond to a petition filed by Mr Haroon’s father.

The petitioner had claimed that since Mr Haroon did not commit any offence in the US, the American government could not seek his custody.

More via: IHC stops extradition of US citizen accused of terror plot

A Pakistani court has temporarily barred the extradition of a US citizen of Pakistani origin who is accused of planning a terrorist attack in New York, a lawyer said Wednesday.

Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui of Islamabad High Court suspended the extradition order against Talha Haroon, 19, who is currently jailed in Rawalpindi pending his repatriation.

Lawyer Tariq Asad, who petitioned the Islamabad High Court against the order, said he had won a stay.

Siddiqui also summoned officials from the interior ministry for the next court hearing on April 11, according to an order seen by AFP.

“The allegation was that he was planning an armed operation against a public place in New York with IS,” Asad said, referring to the Islamic State group.

He said Haroon had returned from the US to Pakistan more than a year ago.

In his application to the court, Haroon’s father Haroon Rashid had written: “The story against the petitioner’s son is entirely concocted and false. He is a young teenaged student and in case of extradition he may lose his life and career.”

He added his son was a victim of “biased and prejudiced policy against the Muslims” by US President Donald Trump.

Pakistan has a bilateral extradition treaty with the US that was signed before the South Asian country gained  independence from Britain in 1947.

It has previously surrendered high-profile fugitives including Mir Qazi, convicted of the 1993 shootings at the CIA headquarters in Langley, and Ramzi Yousef, convicted for his part in the World Trade Center truck bombing the same year.

Creeping Sharia
The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

Pakistan is the epicenter of jihad. Travel to and immigration from should be banned.

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Death of free speech: Germany approves bill imposing massive fines for online “hate speech” and “fake news”

( Muslims do ,not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

“German Justice Minister Heiko Maas said that the companies offering such online platforms are responsible for removing hateful content. He said the new bill would not restrict the freedom of expression, but intervene only when criminal hatred or intentionally false news are posted.”

What is “criminal hatred”? Clearly what German authorities mean is not just incitement to violence, but opposition to their suicidal policies regarding Muslim migration: “the issue” of this online censorship “has come to the fore amid the recent influx of migrants to Germany, which has sparked a backlash among some Germans including a rise in online vitriol.” German authorities apparently define “vitriol” as including any opposition to the Muslim migrant influx, no matter how reasoned, and to their supine attitude regarding jihad terror: Facebook and Twitter have already blocked 90% of their daily referrals from Jihad Watch, and the site is blocked by many Internet service providers in the UK and Europe. The government of Pakistan says that Facebook is doing its bidding and removing content that violates Sharia blasphemy laws.

The concept of “hate speech” is subjective. I don’t think that what I do constitutes “hate speech,” but Leftist and Muslim groups insist that it does, and they have all the power. “Hate speech” laws are tools in the hands of the powerful to silence the powerless and quell their dissent. But the increasingly authoritarian character of the political elites is in the final analysis a sign of their desperation. They didn’t see Brexit or Trump coming. They are rapidly moving to delegitimize and silence all those who dissent from their globalist internationalist agenda. But our numbers are growing. This ain’t over. And they will not succeed in silencing us.

“Germany approves bill curbing online hate crime, fake news,” by Kirsten Grieshaber, Associated Press, April 5, 2017:

BERLIN (AP) — Germany’s Cabinet on Wednesday approved a new bill that punishes social networking sites if they fail to swiftly remove illegal content such as hate speech or defamatory fake news.

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Cabinet agreed on rules that would impose fines of up to 50 million euros (53.4 million dollars) on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms.

German Justice Minister Heiko Maas said that the companies offering such online platforms are responsible for removing hateful content. He said the new bill would not restrict the freedom of expression, but intervene only when criminal hatred or intentionally false news are posted.

Germany poses a particular problem for U.S.-owned social networking sites accustomed to American standards of free speech. Due to its Nazi past, Germany bans public Holocaust denial and any overt promotion of racism. The issue has come to the fore amid the recent influx of migrants to Germany, which has sparked a backlash among some Germans including a rise in online vitriol.

Social networks need to ensure that obviously criminal content — as defined by German law — will be deleted within 24 hours and other illegal content after seven days.

“Just like on the streets, there is also no room for criminal incitement on social networks,” Maas said.

“The internet affects the culture of debate and the atmosphere in our society. Verbal radicalization is often a preliminary stage to physical violence,” he added.

The minister pointed out that social networks don’t delete enough punishable content, citing research that he said showed Twitter deletes just 1 percent of illegal content flagged by users, while Facebook deletes 39 percent.

Maas also said that measures to combat hate speech and so-called fake news will ultimately have to be taken at the European level to be effective…

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM
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Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective
Bill Wilson
Why Rice is a Constitutional crisis

NOTEWhen writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus--the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
In response to a reporter's question about how President Donald Trump feels about the Rice spying scandal, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said, " I am somewhat surprised in terms of the level of interest that I've seen from the press corps at one set of developments versus another set of developments." He repeated after another question: "I'm -- somewhat more from a media standpoint -- somewhat intrigued by the lack of interest that we've seen in some of these public revelations..." In this briefing, the reporters went on to what they must have considered more important questions about Trump drawing money from his own blind trust. They are abrogating their duty as a free press.
In reality, it is very curious that the news media doesn't blow up on Susan Rice. In a day where every scandal becomes a throwback to Watergate, there appears to be very little written about the latest "Spygate." In fact, several news outlets such as CNN, refuse to cover it. CNN Tonight's Don Lemon announced he would ignore the Rice story at all costs. CNN's Chris Cuomo claimed the story was "demonstrably untrue" and called it a "fake scandal." New Day anchor Alisyn Camerota called on Senator John McCain (R-AZ) to write-off the scandal as "unimportant." CNN's chief national security correspondent Jim Sciutto, a former White House political appointee of the ex "president," said the story is "ginned up."
Charles Hurt, who covers politics for the Washington Times, Fox News and Breitbart, points out that " Most of the media, of course, is so desperate to destroy Mr. Trump and cover up anything that might reflect poorly on [sic] the ex "president" that they would rather talk about phantom "Russia" connections instead." He further wrote, "But an administration actively spying on political opponents during a presidential election, unmasking US citizens and then punishing them with selective leaks to the press? That is a real scandal. And a constitution crisis that raises dire questions about whether any American citizen is safe from the espionage thuggery of the politically powerful."
The right to privacy is guaranteed by the Constitution's 4th Amendment, stating: " The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." A president spying on citizens and an incoming president is unconstitutional. The free press ignoring it is a sign of a coup or shadow government. Ecclesiastes 8:11 says, "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil." This is a Constitutional crisis and the evil is aimed at all American citizens. It's the seedling of dictatorship trying to choke out the tree of Liberty.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

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Boko Haram Won’t Stop Killing Christians. It’s a Demonic Assault.

On Friday, Boko Haram Islamists kidnapped 22 more young girls. They will be held as sex slaves or sold to the highest bidder.

“Boko Haram” means “Western education is forbidden” in the Hausa language. These Islamists terrorists hate all things western and Christian. They want to forcibly establish an Islamic Caliphate and impose Shariah Law on everyone.

They call themselves al-Sunnah wal Jamma: “Followers of the Prophet’s Teachings.” Their official name is Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati wal-Jihad, which means “People committed to the propagation of the prophet’s teachings and Jihad.”

This definition defines them. They are proud of it. They boast of their evil acts and have no conscience. Who is the main target of their jihad? Christians.

The Christian Targets

Remember three years ago, when Boko Haram kidnapped over 200 girls from a school in Chibok, northern Nigeria? Most of the girls are Christians. These girls can be sold as brides to the Islamist terrorists for $12.00.

With a smile on his face, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau admitted to reporters, “I abducted your girls. I will sell them in the market, by Allah. … There is a market for selling humans. Allah says I should sell. He commands me to sell. I will sell women. I sell women.”

They haven’t stopped. Here’s a story from last September, just one of dozens of stories about their atrocities. Boko Haram members on motorcycles shot down Christians walking home from church. They killed eight and wounded others. This was part of a week in which they killed six civilians and three soldiers traveling in a convoy, and then beheaded a village chief and his son before setting fire to many homes in their village. They shot the villagers as they fled, killing two.

And just a few days ago, they kidnapped the 22 girls.

The terrorists of Boko Haram haven’t stopped and they won’t stop. After one church bombing in 2011, a spokesman boasted, “There will never be peace, until our demands are met. We want all our brothers who have been incarcerated to be released; we want full implementation of the Sharia system and we want democracy and the constitution to be suspended.”

A Demonic Assault

This attack on Christians is a demonic assault. A spokesman for Boko Haram announced in 2012 they were planning a “war on Christians.” They told a local reporter, “We will create so much effort to end the Christian presence in our push to have a proper Islamic state that the Christians won’t be able to stay.”

We need to remember that the attack on all of the others is also demonic. The devil hates mankind. He hates Christians in particular, because we bear the name of Jesus Christ. But he wants all people to suffer, because we’re all made in the image of God.

Look at the misery Boko Haram has created. Crux reported last year: “The seven-year Islamic uprising has killed more than 20,000 people, driven some 2.6 million from their homes and spread to neighboring countries.” The famine-like conditions these terrorist have created “are killing children and starving some 2 million Nigerians still trapped in northeast areas by Boko Haram. Most of the refugees are subsistence farmers who have been unable to farm for years now.”

Americans don’t like to think about the demonic. We don’t want to believe anyone else is really serving evil. Our scholars and pundits try to explain such evil in economic and political terms. That can be partially true, of course, but it doesn’t change the reality of evil or the fact that it is at work in all of this horror. As the Apostle Paul reminded the Christians in Ephesus, we need to be reminded, “we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness” (Eph. 6:12, 13).

We need to listen to our brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ who live in the midst of the Islamist terror. They can tell us about responding to the kind of demonic evil Boko Haram has unleashed on the Christians of northern Nigeria.

Only God Can Save Us

The Catholic Bishop of Kafanchan Diocese called Christians throughout Nigeria to join in focused prayer and take concerted action. Joseph Bagobiri told Vatican Radio, “Since we have no government that would listen to our plight, we have carried our case directly to God. It is only God that can save us from our present situation. Our hope in Him is never in vain since he knows our problem and He will deliver us one day just as he delivered the people of Israel from the hands of the Egyptians.”

These Christians don’t suffer only from Boko Haram. They suffer from the Muslim-dominated governments and society of northern Nigeria. They suffer from what the bishop called “structural injustices.” These include the unfair distribution of goods and infrastructure, with Muslims getting more than Christians. It also includes discrimination in holding political and public offices, so Christians have few people in power to defend them. Their lives are hard even without Boko Haram.

The courageous Christians of Nigeria are staying, and praying. They are losing their freedom, and shedding their blood. Bishop Bagobiri says: “We as a Church must evolve new ways on how we can face violence without losing faith. It is our prayer that God will give us strength and the needed direction on how to make Christianity survive despite the constant attacks and persecution.” (For more from the author of “Boko Haram Won’t Stop Killing Christians. It’s a Demonic Assault.” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/boko-haram-wont-stop-killing-christians-demonic-assault/

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Did North Carolina Legislators Sell Their Souls for Dollars?

How should we view North Carolina’s repeal of HB2, the so-called Bathroom Privacy Act?

It’s true that the state caved to the bullying tactics of the NCAA. But was it a complete capitulation? On one hand, the legislators took a step in the wrong direction. That’s why conservative organizations like ADF and FRC condemned the repeal. On the other hand, the legislators pushed back against LGBT activism. That’s why LGBT groups condemned the new bill. How do we sort this out?

Did North Carolina Give in to Bullies?

Let’s start with the negative.

Since the day HB2 passed, North Carolina has been bullied by big business, the media, and the world of sports and entertainment. “If you don’t repeal this mean-spirited bill, we will take our business elsewhere!”

Judging by the news reports, you’d think the state’s economy was floundering because of this pressure. The economy is actually thriving. It’s receiving some of the highest ratings in the nation in terms of overall health. As Lt. Gov. Dan Forest explained, the boycotts cost the state roughly one-tenth of 1 percent of its economy.

Why, then, did some legislators cave in when the NCAA gave them a 24-hour deadline to repeal HB2? Was it the bad publicity? Was it the importance of having these major college events brought back to the state? (After all, North Carolina just won the NCAA college basketball championship this week.)

Whatever the motivation, the capitulation seemed cowardly, as if money was more important than morality and popularity more important than principle.

As expressed by Kellie Fiedorek of ADF:

Sadly, North Carolina has failed families by giving in to hypocritical bullies like the NCAA and billion-dollar corporations. Every North Carolinian deserves to have their privacy respected in intimate settings like locker rooms and restrooms. One of government’s essential duties is to protect the citizens it governs, not to create uncertainty about whether showers and locker rooms will still be safe for women and girls. North Carolina’s economy is booming, so the state should not let the NCAA and others dictate the state’s policies and sell out their citizens’ interests based on flat-out lies about an economic doomsday that never happened.

LGBT Activists Didn’t Get What They Wanted

Still, things are not all bad. As former NC governor Pat McCrory explained, LGBT activists “did not get a full repeal of HB2.” (According to the HRC, McCrory’s support for the state’s compromise was a “kiss of death.”)

That’s why the editorial board of the left-leaning Charlotte Observer wrote:

Legislators and Gov. Roy Cooper hailed Thursday’s HB2 repeal bill as a compromise. In fact, it is nothing of the kind. It is a betrayal of the promises the governor made to the LGBT community and an entrenchment on discrimination by Republican legislators who have backed it all along.

Referring to the new bill, HB 142, the editors opined,

House Bill 142 literally does not do one thing to protect the LGBT community and locks in HB2’s most basic and offensive provision. It repeals HB2 in name only and will not satisfy any business or organization that is truly intolerant of an anti-gay environment and of a state that codifies discrimination.

HB2’s most fundamental requirement was that local governments cannot pass anti-discrimination ordinances that govern public accommodations such as restaurants and hotels. Under Thursday’s agreement, that is still true, until at least December 2020.

Return to the Status Quo

So where does this new bill leave us? How should we respond?

When it comes to bathroom privacy, the biggest thing the bill does is return to the status quo of 2015. This was before the Charlotte City Council passed a radical bill that would have in effect rendered all public bathrooms and locker rooms gender neutral. (This applied to public schools as well.)

As explained by law professor Greg Wallace, before “the Charlotte ordinance that sparked the debate, there were no laws regarding bathroom usage. If a man went into the women’s restroom, or vice versa … he’d likely be asked to leave, and if he refused, he could be arrested for trespassing.”

But, says the Charlotte Observer, “the legislation dodges the whole bathroom question. Charlotte’s ordinance allowed transgender individuals to use the public bathroom of the gender with which they identify. HB2 banned that. The new law does not specify what transgender people are to do.”

And that brings us back to where we were before 2016, which is not such a bad place.

Were there numerous instances of men posing as women in order to invade the ladies’ bathrooms and locker rooms? Not to my knowledge.

Were there male-to-female transgenders who appeared to be female getting kicked out ladies’ bathrooms? Not to my knowledge.

The NCAA is Happy With The Change

As the saying goes, if it’s not broken, don’t fix it. Yet that is just what the Charlotte City Council did in 2016 with its city ordinance, leading to the passing of HB2. This led to the national boycotts and bad publicity, which led to the partial repeal of HB2.

As much as LGBT activists and their allies are outraged by the state’s actions, things were not so terrible before 2016. That’s why the NCAA and the NBA had no problem with full participation in the state. That’s why PayPal planned to bring new business to Charlotte. That’s why entertainers like Bruce Springsteen and Ringo Starr were scheduled to perform here.

Even the NCAA recognized this in their announcement that they were lifting their boycott:

We recognize the quality championships hosted by the people of North Carolina in years before HB2. And this new law restores the state to that legal landscape: a landscape similar to other jurisdictions presently hosting NCAA championships.

Of course, the NCAA managed to make some politically correct (but logically bankrupt) statements. They referred to “the cumulative impact HB2 had on local communities’ ability to ensure a safe, healthy, discrimination-free atmosphere for all those watching and participating in our events.”

Can someone please tell me how allowing biological males to play on female sports teams and share their locker rooms ensures “a safe, healthy, discrimination-free atmosphere for all those watching and participating in our events”? Can anyone explain this? And what would the NCAA do if one of the nation’s top, male college players announced he was female? Would he/she be welcomed on the women’s teams?

Naturally, the NCAA was careful to say that “as with most compromises, this new law is far from perfect.” Nonetheless, the NCAA’s decision to reverse its boycott indicates that the old status quo was acceptable. Therefore, with the partial repeal of HB2, there was no reason to continue the boycott.

Hopefully the NBA and others will follow suit. But if they choose not to, I hope the people of North Carolina will say, “we will do just fine without you.”

Back to Where We Were

As for moral conservatives upset by the compromise, I have a word of encouragement. The sky is not falling. HB 142 will not empower male predators to pose as women so as to prey on children and women. Common sense will prevail. The people of North Carolina will not have to fear speaking up to a bathroom intruder.

And where does this leave transgenders? As in the past, if no one can tell that you have “transitioned,” then no one will protest your presence in a bathroom. Why would they?

But if you are clearly a biological male who identifies as female and you walk into a ladies’ room, don’t be surprised if some ladies ask you to leave.

“That’s unfair,” you might say.

But what about fairness to everyone else? What about fairness to the 99 percent who are not transgender? What about the women who have been sexually abused by men who are traumatized by a male presence in these private places — even if the male in question is totally harmless?

I can’t imagine the struggles that trans individuals live with and the difficult choices they make. But we can’t turn society upside down to accommodate the few struggling souls. Instead, we listen to the them and do our best to help them, but we also remember the needs of the vast majority.

In short, here in North Carolina, we’re back to where we were in 2015 but with a few more legislative safeguards in place.

Overall, that’s not so bad. (For more from the author of “Did North Carolina Legislators Sell Their Souls for Dollars?” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/north-carolina-legislators-sell-souls-dollars/

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Trump Signs off on the Pentagon Carrying out Offensive Strikes in Somalia

President Trump has approved new kinds of operations for the U.S. military in Somalia, the Pentagon said Thursday, setting the stage for a wider American role in the war there as U.S. troops team directly with Somali soldiers in offensive operations.

The authorization, approved Wednesday, is “consistent with our approach of developing capable Somali security forces and supporting regional partners in their efforts to combat al-Shabab,” said Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, referring to the al-Qaeda-linked group. U.S. troops will team with the Somali military and the African Union Mission in Somali (AMISOM), a regional peacekeeping force that operates with approval from the United Nations.

“Somali and AMISOM forces have already achieved significant success in recapturing territory from al-Shabab, and additional U.S. support will help them increase pressure on al-Shabab and reduce the risk to our partner forces when they conduct operations,” Davis said. “We stand with the international community in supporting the federal government of Somalia as it strives to improve stability and security in Somalia.” (Read more from “Trump Signs off on the Pentagon Carrying out Offensive Strikes in Somalia” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/trump-signs-off-pentagon-carrying-offensive-strikes-somalia/

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Is There a Constitutional Crisis in the USA No One Is Addressing?

Everyone is so smitten with high tech and other political correctness ‘awareness’ goings on, no one is paying attention to the fact our Constitutional Rights, especially those emphasized in the first ten amendments, aka the Bill of Rights, originally proposed and then written by James Madison, are being overlooked, denied and, basically, thrown to the winds as if they did not exist!

As I hear the drumbeats of what’s going on around the country with regard to all sorts of consumer and taxpayer issues, I think I understand how all these crises are being rolled out simultaneously so everyone thinks they are the new norm. Well, let’s think again! I say. We still have the U.S. Constitution, which is the basic law of the USA, and also we have individual state’s Constitutions which, in most cases, parrot some of the rights in the U.S. Constitution. So, what’s gone wrong, you say?

Well, there are two perfect examples in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The first occurs in a sleepy little Borough of Pottstown. Pottstown’s ‘city fathers’ apparently enacted a biannual rental inspections policy requiring rental properties to be inspected, even against the renter’s wishes!

Question: Doesn’t that type of inspection require a warrant based upon probable cause? According to KYW 1060 radio news reports, those inspections can include moving beds, looking into closets—actions which are “off limits for government” unless there is “probable cause.”

Dorothy and Omar Rivera, who rent a home from landlord Steven Camburn, filed a lawsuit against the borough to prevent such inspection. Coincidentally, their landlord also joined in the suit! The Riveras contend such inspections are unconstitutional; they are represented by an attorney with the Virginia-based Institute for Justice.

So, which Constitutional rights are the Riveras concerned about? According to Dorothy Rivera, “I’m a private person. I’ve done nothing wrong, and I don’t want people snooping around my house.” Add to that the fact their landlord says, “Everybody deserves privacy. If there’s no real probable cause, they should not be entering a house that is occupied.”

Meagan Forbes, the plaintiffs’ attorney, says, “People should know about how intrusive these searches are.” However,

In the lawsuit, attorneys claim that Pottstown’s policy is too broad, allowing for inspectors to conduct “highly-intrusive, wall-to-wall searches for compliance with on-the-spot standards that inspectors are free to make up as they go along.”

What’s going on in Pottstown regarding rental property inspections is NOTHING compared with what’s happening to every Pennsylvania utility customer who is supplied electric, natural gas and water with more than 100,000 customers.

Customers’ appliances and usage are being monitored, collected and SOLD to third parties unknown to consumers without their knowledge and consent, nor a legal warrant to collect such personal information. Check out Onzo and what that algorithm does with smart meter data and information.

AMI Smart Meters surveil and collect information, plus interact with customers’ appliances 24/7/365 in total violation of Amendments IV, V, and XIV §2 of the U.S. Constitution, including the Pennsylvania Constitution art. 1 §1.

And the most egregious part about the AMI Smart Meter snooping without a warrant is that AMI Smart Meters and their incessant snooping are mandated ‘supposedly by law’ by an erroneous interpretation of the PA Public Utility Commission’s “belief” interpretation of HB2200/Act 129 (2008), which actually was enacted in reality as an Opt-In Smart Meter bill as publicly published of record in section 2(i) below:

HB2200 §2807(f)7(2)

(2) Electric distribution companies shall furnish smart meter technology as follows:

(i) Upon request from a customer that agrees to pay the cost of the smart meter at the time of the request.

(ii) In new building construction.

(iii) In accordance with a depreciation schedule not to exceed 15 years.

Furthermore, PA State Senator Fumo is on record in PA Senate Journal October 8, 2008 (pp. 2626-2631) stating, “In addition we did not mandate smart meters, but we made them optional.”

However, the piece de resistance is this most damning of admissions by the PA PUC’s Office of Communications’ Dave Hixson in his letter to Thomas A. McCarey dated March 22, 2017 wherein Hixson says:

As I stated in my earlier email correspondence with you, the Commission believes that it was the intent of the General Assembly to require all covered electric companies to deploy smart meters system-wide.

[CJF emphasis added. Thereby supposedly and illegally, the PA PUC made smart meters mandatory—not the state legislature!]

But that’s not all!

Every U.S. state—bar none, except those states which provide opt-outs from AMI Smart Meters—are breaking federal law! Did you know that? The federal law which individual states are violating when they mandate smart meters is Public Law 109-58, The Energy Policy Act of 2005, §1252 Smart Metering. Nothing is said about AMI smart meters being mandated! That would be unconstitutional, I contend, so that’s why “mandated” is not in the language! However, the feds offered a few ‘carrots’ i.e., grants and monetary incentives, to those utilities that would implement AMI Smart Meters. What does that tell you? Follow the money!

In essence, sleepy little Pottstown is “small potatoes” compared with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in denying Constitutional rights to citizens.

What’s going on in your state?

Have you looked into your state’s AMI Smart Meters ‘law’; how AMI SMs are snooping on you; and that you don’t have to have them retrofitted; plus how your constitutional rights are being abrogated? (For more from the author of “Is There a Constitutional Crisis in the USA No One Is Addressing?” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/constitutional-crisis-usa-no-one-addressing/

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Trump Just Discovered What Obama Secretly Handed Hillary Just Prior to Election Night – This is Treason

Throughout the election, Hillary and Obama played extremely dirty in their political efforts to secure Hillary’s White House bid. Hilariously, even with their massive voter fraud, bogus polls, foreign donors, and illegally spying on Trump, they were still helpless to prevent the Trump Train from disemboweling the entire Democratic Party during the November election. Now we’re learning about the nasty thing Obama secretly handed Hillary on election night that is nothing short of treason.

In a breaking report, GOP senator Chuck Grassley reveals that Obama gave Hillary unfettered access to classified documents at the State Department throughout her campaign, but it didn’t stop there. The access shockingly continued even after the FBI determined that Hillary has been  “extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”

Grassley revealed that Hillary had specifically asked Obama for access, where her negotiation efforts were then rewarded with full access to classified documents for herself and all of her staff… even though her time as Secretary of State was complete.

“I have repeatedly asked the State Department whether Secretary Clinton and her associates had their clearances suspended or revoked, to which the Obama administration refused to respond,” Grassley wrote. “Recently, the State Department informed the committee that six additional Secretary Clinton staff at State were designated as her research assistants which allowed them to retain their clearances after leaving the Department.”

The implications for Obama, Hillary and her staff on a normal planet would’ve been huge, as Grassley said that any other government workers engaging in such a serious offense would at the BARE MINIMUM have their security clearances suspended, and then undergo a full investigation. He went on to say that Hillary getting off scot-free gives the public the impression that “Clinton and her associates received special treatment.”

Hillary’s lame ass excuse was so that she could make sure her memoir was “accurate.” No kidding. That is the reason these sensitive documents were put into the hands of Hillary Clinton, the very person the FBI ruled was “extremely careless” with how she continuously handles America’s top secrets.

Yet again, Barack Hussein Obama is once caught up in his treasonous antics. We should all thank our lucky stars that this woman didn’t get into office, as America no doubt dodged a bullet with refusing to elect this wench as President of the United States!

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Watch: What Trump Just Found in The White House Logs Secures Susan Rice Will Get Longest Prison Sentence Possible

This week is already turning into a nightmare for the Democrats. On Monday, bombshell information surfaced that revealed that Obama’s former national security advisor Susan Rice was the one who requested that the NSA unmask the names of Trump and his officials during the election. While that is startling in of itself, new information coming to light early Tuesday morning could send Susane Rice to prison for quite a long time.

Right now, liberals’ biggest defense was that Trump being spied upon was “incidental” and that he along with his top officials and family members were simply swept up during the request. But that assertion is utter BS. White House logs left behind by the Obama administration reveal that not only was the spying on Trump NOT an accident or “incidental,” but that Rice’s interest on gathering NSA documents on Trump only accelerated after Trump won the election, with the spying going on well into January.

We now have concrete evidence that Obama and his officials spied on Trump not only leading up to the election, but for months afterwards. The question at this point becomes, why? Obviously liberals were in shock after Trump won and were scrambling to get as much info on Trump and his transition team as possible so they could then move on to their next mission, which was to disrupt and sabotage Trump by whatever means necessary… which is HIGHLY illegal.

Just two weeks ago Rep. Devin Nunes said the Obama officials who released General Flynn transcripts face up to five years in prison. But spying on the president of the United States could carry an even BIGGER penalty!

Sara Carter via Circa reports:

Computer logs that former President Obama’s team left behind in the White House indicate his national security adviser Susan Rice accessed numerous intelligence reports during Obama’s last seven months in office that contained National Security Agency intercepts involving Donald Trump and his associates, Circa has learned.

Intelligence sources said the logs discovered by National Security Council staff suggested Rice’s interest in the NSA materials, some of which included unmasked Americans’ identities, appeared to begin last July around the time Trump secured the GOP nomination and accelerated after Trump’s election in November launched a transition that continued through January.

The intelligence reports included some intercepts of Americans talking to foreigners and many more involving foreign leaders talking about the future president, his campaign associates or his transition, the sources said. Most if not all had nothing to do with the Russian election interference scandal, the sources said, speaking only on condition of anonymity given the sensitive nature of the materials.

What makes this entire thing even more catastrophic for the Democrats that even with Rice ordering U.S spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of Trump’s unmasked calls, they didn’t find one single negative to pin onto Trump.

“What was produced by the intelligence community at the request of Ms. Rice were detailed spreadsheets of intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals,” diGenova told The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group Monday.

“The overheard conversations involved no illegal activity by anybody of the Trump associates, or anyone they were speaking with,” diGenova said. “In short, the only apparent illegal activity was the unmasking of the people in the calls.”

This is an extremely HUGE scandal for the Democrats. Remember that Rice recently went on PBS where she asserted that she had “no idea” what Nunes was talking about when he claimed that Obama and his officials were spying on Trump during the election. But of course Rice has had plenty of practice lying on camera, as she was the one to perpetrate Obama and Hillary’s the massive lie about Benghazi, blaming the attack on a YouTube video.

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Powerful Group Says to Ban Islamic Propaganda in Schools - Do You Agree?

(Muslims do no t assimilate, they infiltrate )

- The unholy alliance between liberals and extremist Muslims continues to enrage us as they unite in indoctrinating our youth. The Christian Action Network (CAN)… gopthedailydose.com Like CommentShare 16 16 1 share Comments View 3 more comments Carole Barrett Carole Barrett Absolutely, religion doesn't belong in school then ALL religion doesn't belong in school. Can't say a prayer at graduation but they can teach the devils handiwork and call it Islamic studies? Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs John Nelson John Nelson Teaching Islam in schools is same as teaching cult worship as that is what Islam is. No religion based on the precept of God promotes beheading, burning, stoning etc of humans. Only a demon cult promotes that. This Islamic push in our schools is the wo...See More Like · Reply · 2 · 2 hrs · Edited William Finley William Finley School should not be teaching religion, that is the parents duty! Let us not forget Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! they are indoctrination our children! It's all part of the plain to take over our country and impose Islam on us all! Just look at what is happening in Europe you can see all the evidence that bears witness what the plain is!

To read more https://gopthedailydose.com/2017/04/03/powerful-group-says-ban-islamic-propaganda-schools

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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MARYLAND school submits to Islam, will allow Muslim female basketball player to wear an Islamic supremacist headbag

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

Under threats of legal action by designated terrorist group CAIR, Maryland changed its policy on team ‘uniforms’ to allow a Muslim woman to compete wearing the symbol of Islamic oppression of women. Apparently, they are also allowing obese Muslim women to play, as well. 

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLqS4KcQwwY

Bare Naked Islam

To read all articles go to http://www.barenakedislam.com/

The Watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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Minnesota: Chaos and bloodshed at Democratic caucus in Somali-dominated ward

So chaotic it had to be shut down and no delegates were selected.

As tweeted by @faiza_mahamud  Cities Reporter StarTribune:

That should read “Chaos has erupted and the Minneapolis Police Department is here.”  Video on Mahamud’s twitter feed.

Click to watch video on Twitter.https://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/2017/04/05/minn-chaos-bloodshed-dem-caucus/

And here’s how the Strib reported it in the paper: Minneapolis voters turn out in large numbers to caucus for mayor, City Council

Sixth Ward

The scene in the Somali-dominated Sixth Ward was chaotic.

Shoving matches and medical emergencies resulted from crowding at the Brian Coyle Community Center, where more than 400 people crammed into the building’s small gymnasium. Council Member Abdi Warsame, who is being challenged by Mohamud Noor, showed up to address the crowd.

“We’re winning in every precinct,” Warsame said. “My supporters, I want you to calm the situation.”

Fire officials shut down the location and sent the caucus outside to Currie Park, which is next to the Coyle Center.

Delegates for the citywide convention were not chosen in the Sixth Ward — that part of the process will be delayed.

Noor said the event was poorly organized, and that the DFL was not ready for the high turnout.

Ninth Ward

City Council Member Alondra Cano has two challengers in the race — former Council Member Gary Schiff and nonprofit director Mohamed Farah.

Somali turnout was significant, and Farah appeared to win or do well in several precincts outside of Phillips. In the Corcoran neighborhood, Farah won 24 of a possible 52 delegates, while Cano gained 15 and Schiff got seven.

All par for the Islamic sharia gentrification course:

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Hugh Fitzgerald: “Spread Hummus Not Hate” in Beaver, Pennsylvania

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

One more example of Meet-Your-Muslim Neighbor Ninnies:

“Clearing the Air on Islam through ‘Spread Hummus, Not Hate’ events in Beaver,” by J.D. Prose, Beaver County Times, March 31, 2017:

BEAVER — If any two things bring Beaver Countians together, it’s food and religion, and Center Township resident Toni Ashfaq will incorporate both to educate residents about Islam during events in Beaver.

“There are a lot of misunderstandings, a lot of false information floating around,” said Ashfaq, a Muslim and the organizer of two Spread Hummus, Not Hate: Meet Your Muslim Neighbor gatherings Wednesday and Saturday at Beaver Area Memorial Library. “We just want people to meet us and see that we’re just like everybody else.”

“A Wisconsin native and convert from Catholicism, Ashfaq said she and two friends — Julia Chaney, a Christian, and fellow Muslim Dr. Raniah Khairy, an OB/GYN specialist at Heritage Valley Beaver hospital in Brighton Township — began brainstorming ideas “just to kind of build bridges and promote understanding” because of the “current political climate.”…

“We thought it was a pretty catchy title,” Ashfaq said with a laugh. Just one gathering was initially planned, but after receiving an “overwhelming” response, she said a second one was added.”

“Islam has been distorted by politicians and certain media, she said, not naming anyone specifically. Regardless, Ashfaq said Muslims are “not in denial” about Muslims committing violence, but “the media too often focuses solely on Islam.”

Yes, how true. What on earth could possibly be the reason for this unwonted fixation on Islam? Could it be that the media “too often focuses solely on Islam” because there have been more than 30,500 terrorist attacks by Muslims on non-Muslims, all over the world, since 9/11? Could it be that the attacks – let’s just list a few of the places that come immediately to mind, in Paris, Nice, Toulouse, in Brussels, Berlin, Wurzburg, Munich, Reutlingen, Ansbach, in Moscow and Beslan and St. Petersburg, in Amsterdam and Madrid, in New York and Washington and Boston, in Fort Hood and San Bernardino, in Orlando and Chattanooga, in St. Cloud and Little Rock, in Bali and Mumbai and New Delhi, in the Moro Islands of the Philippines, in Buenos Aires and in Beijing – are the reason why there is this “focus”on Islam? Or might it be because Muslims are engaged in so many other kinds of violence, including the sectarian conflict, pitting Sunnis against Shia, in Syria, Iraq, Bahrain, Pakistan, and Yemen, which also means that in several of these countries both Iran and Saudi Arabia are also involved, fighting proxy wars? Or could it be the continuing warfare against the Egyptian state from terrorists based in the Sinai, who are both Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic State sympathizers? Or the Muslims of Boko Haram, who have continued to kidnap Christian girls in Nigeria and use them as sex slaves? Or the attacks on Christians and Yazidis by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria? Or the continuing wars in post-Qaddafi Libya, with Misratan militias battling the forces of the Libyan National Army, while the remnants of the the Islamic State, defeated at Sirte in December 2016, remain a once-and-future threat in Libya, a country where things are so bad that there are those nostalgic even for Qaddafi’s mad rule? Could it be the violence by Muslims who have driven 200,000 Hindu Pandits out of Kashmir, terrified Christian farmers in the Moro Islands of the Philippines, pushed Buddhists out of the Chittagong Hills tract in Bangladesh, and killed hundreds of thousands of African Christians in the southern Sudan? Could it be the murder of the Christian Shahbaz Bhatti in Pakistan, for daring to question the blasphemy laws? Could it have something to do with the grooming gangs in England? Or the fact that in Sweden 70% of the rapes are committed by Muslims, though Muslims constitute only 4% of the population? Could any, or some, or all of this, and a great deal more in the same vein, be the reason the media “focuses” — if, in fact, it does — on Islam?

Does the media, in fact, really “focus” on Islam anyway? That it should, given all of the terrorist attacks committed by Muslims, just a few of which I’ve listed above, is clear – but does it? Don’t we see the Western media doing what it can to avoid “focusing on Islam,” by reporting with a straight face on terrorism by Muslims, but often not identifying the perpetrators as such, or by misleadingly labeling them, as in the U.K., as “Asians,” and then, compounding the willful error, immediately quoting someone who forcefully denies that “Islam had anything to do with it.” The blood had hardly dried on Westminster Bridge after a Muslim attacker had struck than Theresa May announced that “it is wrong to describe this as Islamic terrorism. It is Islamist terrorism. It is a perversion of a great faith.” Those years Theresa May spent studying at Al-Azhar turn out to have been well worth it.

If it’s a single Muslim attacker, he’s a “lone wolf” acting on his own, without any discernible motivation. Or he may be a “disgruntled” employee guilty of “violence in the workplace.” That was how the Obama administration and the Pentagon first described the mass murderer Major Nidal Malik Hassan, and it took six years for his murders to finally be officially described, correctly, as “terrorism.” If there were several attackers, they may be described as a “small handful of extremists” or as those who “misunderstand” Islam, or who have somehow accepted a “perverse interpretation of Islam.” Or they are not the real Muslims, but the “radicalized” ones, though what constitutes “radicalization” is never explained.

When was the last time you saw, in a newspaper, or heard on a broadcast, simply stated, that “Muslim terrorists, following the texts and teachings of Islam such as [here would follow the quoting of a few verses] struck again at [here put in the details, the where and when and who, of the attack].” Of course you have never read nor seen any such coverage. There is no “focus on Islam,” as Toni Ashfaq claims, but quite the reverse: a constant effort to divert attention away from Islam, to convince people that Islamic terrorism “has nothing to do with Islam.” No matter how absurd, by dint of repetition, it’s having its insidious effect.

“People get the wrong idea that those people represent the whole faith, and they don’t,” Ashfaq said, recalling a recent conversation in which she told a woman that equating terrorists with Islam would be akin to equating the Ku Klux Klan with Christianity.

This is Tu Quoque with a vengeance. To wit, we all, Christians and Muslims, have our crazies. Except that the Ku Klux Klan does not cite the Bible, because it cannot, to justify its violence, while Muslim terrorists are able, and eager, to cite Qur’anic passages that justify their attacks on non-Muslims. If Toni Ashfaq, a convert to Islam, is unware of those Qur’anic passages – the four I always like to adduce first are 9:5, 9:29, 3:151, 8:12, but there are more than 100 other “violent Jihad verses” to choose from — then she needs to study her Qur’an a bit more.

It would be fascinating to know what she knew about Islam before she converted, and what, if anything, she has learned since. Has she run across anything in the Qur’an, Hadith, and Sira that has disturbed her? Any doubts, or second thoughts, about the sheer wonderfulness of Islam?

Critics have accused President Donald Trump of fanning anti-Muslim sentiments with his proposed immigration ban, since halted by courts, that targeted Muslim-majority countries. He has argued that the ban is necessary to make sure terrorists are not entering the United States as refugees.

“Ashfaq said she has not experienced any overt discrimination, but has seen an increase in people’s curiosity about Islam and Muslims.”

“People are really starting to ask questions,” she said. “They are really wanting to understand.”

“Most questions, Ashfaq said, concern sharia, Islamic canonical law; jihad, an Arabic word meaning “struggle,” but which has taken on the connotation of “holy war”; the treatment of women in Islamic societies; and how some Muslim women dress in public, which can include wearing a hijab that covers the head and chest. Those aspects of Islam, including its basic beliefs and similarities with Christianity, and a question-and-answer session will be on the agenda Wednesday and Saturday.”

Yes, “people are really wanting to understand.” But how will these “Spread Hummus Not Hate” gatherings help non-Muslims to understand what really matters? One is not impressed by Ashfaq’s definition of “jihad” as “an Arabic word meaning ‘struggle,’” but which, she says, has “taken on the connotation of ‘holy war.’” “Taken on the connotation?” When did this happen? This year? A decade ago? The correct answer is 1,400 years ago, for it is as old as Islam itself. And it’s not “connotation” here, but “meaning” that matters. So let’s rephrase her remarks for the sake of the truth: the primary meaning of Jihad has always been that of war against the Infidels, to extend the Islamic domain, Dar al-Islam,where Muslims dominate, at the expense of Dar al-Harb, the House of War, where Unbelievers still dominate. Muslim apologists constantly tell Infidels, that “Jihad” really means an “internal struggle” to be a better human and better Muslim, and they quote a doubtful Hadith, about Muhammad returning home from war, in which he describes himself as returning from the lesser Jihad to the greater Jihad. If that is the meaning Toni Ashfaq wants to claim “Jihad” means, then one hopes that someone in her audience of Infidels will ask her, during the Q-and-A, the series of questions posed by Robert Spencer:

If Jihad is simply a spiritual struggle, why is there an entire chapter of the Qur’an entitled “Booty” or “The Spoils of War” (al-Anfal)? What spoils ensue from a spiritual struggle? If jihad is simply a spiritual struggle, how is a Muslim supposed to make Jews and Christians “pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued” (Qur’an 9:29) spiritually? If jihad is simply a spiritual struggle, why are there thousands upon thousands of Muslims worldwide who have joined violent jihad groups? Why are there any violent jihad groups at all? Why is this misunderstanding of jihad so widespread?

And as for learning about the Sharia, do you think that the visitors to these Spread Hummus Not Hate feelgood fests will learn about the punishment, according to the Sharia, meted out to those who leave Islam for another religion – that is, death? Or will they be misleadingly reassured by being told only about Qur’an 2:256? “There is no compulsion in religion,” and naturally will take that verse at face (and in this case false) value? Do you think her visitors will be told by Toni Ashfaq about the punishments that, according to the Hudud, the criminal law part of Sharia (with its fixed penalties established by God), are prescribed for certain crimes? Will they learn about such barbarities as amputation of limbs, public crucifixions, stonings, decapitations, being thrown from a high building? And will she tell them – does she herself know? – that among those “crimes” punishable by death in Islam, along with apostasy, are not just murder, but also adultery and homosexuality? How will she explain away these cruel punishments, or justify treating as “crimes” behaviors that we in the West do not criminalize at all? She claims that among the topics her visitors most want to find out more about is the Sharia. How will she deal with the criminal law part of the Sharia? Or will she avoid that subject altogether, and stick to the most anodyne parts of the Sharia, such as laws pertaining to no-interest loans?

Ashfaq said she and her friends are hoping the events raise enough interest that others might want to organize similar gatherings to promote interfaith relationships and understanding.

“If you see somebody face-to-face, it’s harder to hate them,” she said.

Oh, I don’t know about that. If I meet someone face-to-face whom I have every reason to believe is deliberately attempting to mislead me about life-and-death matters, such as what Islam teaches, given that we non-Muslims are being undermined by the Stealth Jihad that is being conducted all over the Western world, and threatened too, by Islamic terrorists, I don’t think I would find it hard to hate that someone.

Toni Ashfaq complained that “there are a lot of misunderstandings, a lot of false information floating around,” and that she hoped to dispel at these Spread-Hummus-Not-Hate gatherings. It would be fascinating to have her list, say, ten examples of “false information” about Islam that she found particularly egregious. What one would like from Toni Ashfaq is, if not the whole truth, at least some part of it. That would include an admission that Jihad does have, as its primary meaning, the struggle to subdue Infidels and bring about the triumph of Islam everywhere in the world. And then Toni Ashfaq could suggest that Muslims such as herself are attempting to bring about “a real reformation in Islam,” beginning with a change in the accepted meaning of Jihad, so that the examples of Jihad as warfare in the Muslim texts are “contextualized” and Jihad as a “spiritual struggle” is promoted to become its main meaning. Let her admit, too, that there are unpleasant aspects of Islam which she, and other “reformers” recognize as needing to be changed, such as the misogyny and antisemitism that run through the Islamic texts, and that, too, need to be “contextualized” so that Muslims today can slough off those antiquated attitudes. And those changes, for a start, might give us all the chance, Toni Ashfaq can announce to her audience, for some sort of real convivencia, and not, Toni Ashfaq now feels compelled to admit, the “phony one made so much of by the likes of Karen Armstrong.”

No, skip that last paragraph. I was just kidding. It’s completely unthinkable. I don’t know what came over me, to entertain the thought that such an admission about Jihad would be possible. Instead, let’s try to forget the nonsense and lies we are going to have to endure, until we come to the most pleasant and least controversial aspect of these “Spread Hummus Not Hate” meetings. The part we’ve all been waiting for. The hummus. The pita. The baklava.

Jihad Watch

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