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Australia: Muslims slam imam as “fake Muslim” for opposing Sharia and obeying Australian law


Here is yet another installment in our periodic series: why we don’t see more genuine Muslim reformers.

“‘I’m considered fake because I would die for Australia’: Imam slams extremists who claim he’s a fraud for following Australian law over Sharia and not wanting a Muslim state,” by Kate Darvall, Daily Mail Australia, April 1, 2017 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

A Muslim leader has slammed extremists who claim he is a fraud for following Australian law over Sharia and not wanting to form an independent Muslim state.

Imam Shaikh Mohammad Tawhidi, who has openly spoken out against ISIS and extremists, confronted members of the Islamic community in a video shared online on Friday.

Imam Tawhidi said he was labelled a ‘fake’ Shaikh because he prioritised Australian law over Sharia law.

‘I am considered a fake because I would die for Australia. I am considered a fake because I live by the Australian constitution,’ he said.

‘I am considered a fake because I glorify the Australian flag.

‘I am considered a fake because I reject Sharia law and live by the Australian law.’

‘They have called me a fake Muslim Imam or a Shaikh only because I expose their intentions to create a caliphate within Australia,’ he said.

‘I am considered a fake because I condemn terrorism. I am considered a fake because I oppose and expose extremism.’

‘They have called me a fake Muslim Imam or a Shaikh only because I expose their intentions to create a caliphate within Australia,’ Imam Tawhidi said

He defended himself claiming he was legitimate and only accused of being a fraud because he did not serve a radical Islamic agenda.

‘For them, I am too Australian,’ he said.

The Muslim leader said he rejected controversial Sharia law to live by the Australian law ‘because I am an Australian Muslim and not a Muslim Australian’.

‘I want an Islam that is compatible with the west,’ he said…

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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PC Kills: Will the West Ever Wake up From the Delusional Approach to Jihad?

A jihadist attacks individuals in the public square of a Western town.

The media refuses to provide a description of the attacker, reporting only the weapon he used.

A physical description of a man of African, South Asian, or Middle Eastern descent leaks out in the ensuing hours.

Law enforcement authorities deliver a press conference confirming the attacker’s Islamic name and stating that at this time, his motive is unclear.

Rumors on social media percolate about the man screaming “Allahu Akbar.”

Mainstream reporters ask local Muslim community leaders and neighbors about the attacker. They express universal shock, describing him as a decent man who might have been rough around the edges but never showed signs of being a terrorist. The man came from a middle-class family, liked playing video games with friends, and by all accounts lived a normal existence. Toward the end of the stories, those close to the attacker note that he had grown increasingly devout in recent years.

Bloggers begin to research and quickly find that the attacker was a member of a mosque led by an imam who had been recorded preaching hatred and violence toward the West. The attacker posted violent verses from the Quran and railed against the “Crusaders’” wars in the Levant on social media pages captured by screenshot before they were taken down. It emerges that he had spent months in the Middle East during recent years.

Several days later, law enforcement authorities report that the attacker in fact appears to have been a terrorist. But he had no direct ties to IS or Al-Qaeda, so there is no reason for alarm.

Politicians plead with the public that this man perverted one of the world’s great religions – Islam, “the religion of peace” – and that his acts were “non-Islamic.” They urge us all to come together in a shared belief in tolerance and diversity. Love trumps hate. Lone wolves are a fact of life, and their efforts only underscore the need for community engagement to “counter violent extremism.”

How many times are we in the West going to see the above script play out before something changes?

How long will we live a naïve fantasy in which we act as if all is well as the global jihadist movement metastasizes, bringing the violent murder of infidels to our shores?

If the murder of 3,000 innocents on American soil has not caused the West to openly and honestly examine who the enemy is and what animates him, and to develop a comprehensive strategy that mobilizes all of our resources and capabilities to defeat him, do we expect anything to change the next time we experience a mass attack?

Meanwhile, those who do understand the enemy are dismissed as cranks or called bigots. Those who assert that jihad is the motive – that violent subversion with the goal of world domination is justified by core Islamic texts, as the jihadists themselves clearly illustrate – are told to pipe down.

If you offend by speaking truth, you will cause violence. Shut up, and maybe you can keep your head.

Government service predicated on an understanding of the theopolitical Islamic supremacism that animates jihadists is simply out of the question. Heaven forbid that national security and foreign policy officials have any understanding of the Sharia law that both de facto and de jure governs the lives of hundreds of millions of people worldwide.

What will it take for the West to flip this script?

To date, murder, bloodshed, and fear abound. In spite of that fact, much of the West would rather cling to a narrative that makes it feel good about itself than recognize the reality of a global jihadist menace that threatens its very survival. This insane delusion will continue to have fatal consequences until we wake up. (For more from the author of “PC Kills: Will the West Ever Wake up From the Delusional Approach to Jihad?” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/pc-kills-will-the-west-ever-wake-up-from-the-delusional-approach-to-j

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The Daily Jot - Republic under threat

Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective
Bill Wilson
Republic under threat

NOTEWhen writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus--the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.
Monday, April 3, 2017
Some recent headlines belie common sense. Women wearing hijabs as a symbol of feminism in the US when the hijab could be considered a symbol of oppression and domestic violence against women around the world; women protesting health rights when in reality they are demanding the right to kill their babies in the womb; protesters and rioters violently beating people, smashing cars, and burning buildings, saying they are protesting fascism; Cities fighting to give sanctuary to criminals because they are in America illegally; Democrats saying they have never heard so many lies about a President, but they are the ones telling the lies...we could go on. These are signs that our Republic is under attack.
Never before have I seen such vitriol directed at a President. We are witnessing history being made-and not in a good way. Since World War II, nearly every US President (I think Reagan was the exception) has supported a globalist worldview for America. From the Cold War to Vietnam to skirmishes along the way to the current threads of crisis in the Middle East, America has supported a worldview of spreading democracy as a way to achieve world peace. Opening up trade with China, Japan, Korea, and promoting trade with Russia and others was supposed to keep the peace while enriching not only business, but also ways of life. For nearly the last 100 years, this globalist vision has been set in place.
The globalist vision also has been established and institutionalized throughout the government. It is anchored in the State Department, the Defense Department, the Departments of Agriculture, Interior, Education, and even in the Department of Justice. This globalist vision appears to be a stronghold in the CIA, the FBI, Homeland Security, and other secret intelligence gathering agencies such as the National Security Agency. The Democratic Party and much of the Republican Party have embraced globalism to the point of advocating an unspoken form of communism. Donald Trump's "America First" mantra has exposed just how deep the globalist socialist roots have become in our society and government.
The mere threat of populism-of rejecting and tearing down the construct of socialist globalism that has become so imbedded in America's governmental lexicon-has brought the fury of the puppeteers and their puppets against all things that disagree with the globalist agenda. Normal, common sense, God-fearing, hard working, family-oriented people who can see the folly of this system, are labeled racists, bigots, misogynists, and a whole bunch of phobias. In short, the Constitutional Republic is under threat. The American way of life is under attack. It is so close to being overthrown. We need to pray and act. Romans 13:12 says, "The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light." As it is written, "now it is high time to awake out of sleep."
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

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Donald Trump Vows to ‘Solve North Korea’ Problem

Speaking from the Oval Office in an interview with the Financial Times, the US president gave China an ultimatum: “Well if China is not going to solve North Korea, we will. That is all I am telling you.”

In a separate interview with the publication, deputy White House national security adviser KT McFarland warned: “There is a real possibility that North Korea will be able to hit the US with a nuclear-armed missile by the end of the first Trump term.”

The US sees North Korea as its most pressing threat after former president Barack Obama warned Trump about the substantial advancements Pyongyang has made with their nuclear weapons and long-range missiles.

Trump confirmed he would be discussing the issue of North Korea with Chinese president Xi Jinping when he hosts the world leader at his resort this week.

The president added: “China has great influence over North Korea.” (Read more from “Donald Trump Vows to ‘Solve North Korea’ Problem” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/donald-trump-vows-solve-north-korea-problem/

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Ex-CIA Director Says North Korea May Be Prepping to Kill 90% of Americans

The mainstream media, and some officials who should know better, continue to allege North Korea does not yet have capability to deliver on its repeated threats to strike the U.S. with nuclear weapons. False reassurance is given to the American people that North Korea has not “demonstrated” that it can miniaturize a nuclear warhead small enough for missile delivery, or build a reentry vehicle for an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of penetrating the atmosphere to blast a U.S. city. . .

[But] North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un has been photographed posing with what appears to be a genuine miniaturized nuclear warhead for ballistic missiles. And North Korea does, in fact, have two classes of ICBMs—the road mobile KN-08 and KN-14—which both appear to be equipped with sophisticated reentry vehicles.

Even if it were true that North Korea does not yet have nuclear missiles, their “Dear Leader” could deliver an atomic bomb hidden on a freighter sailing under a false flag into a U.S. port, or hire their terrorist allies to fly a nuclear 9/11 suicide mission across the unprotected border with Mexico. In this scenario, populous port cities like New York, New Orleans, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, or big cities nearest the Mexican border, like San Diego, Phoenix, Austin, and Santa Fe, would be most at risk. . .

In February and March of 2015, former senior national security officials of the Reagan and Clinton administrations warned that North Korea should be regarded as capable of delivering by satellite a small nuclear warhead, specially designed to make a high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack against the United States. According to the Congressional EMP Commission, a single warhead delivered by North Korean satellite could blackout the national electric grid and other life-sustaining critical infrastructures for over a year—killing 9 of 10 Americans by starvation and societal collapse.

Two North Korean satellites, the KMS-3 and KMS-4, presently orbit over the U.S. on trajectories consistent with surprise EMP attack. (For more from the author of “Ex-CIA Director Says North Korea May Be Prepping to Kill 90% of Americans” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/03/north-korea-kill-90-percent-americans/

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Women’s Rights Activist Slam UN Agency’s Support of China’s Forced Abortion

s April 2, 2017

/by LifeSiteNews

. . .One of [WRWF Founder and President, Reggie Littlejohn,] recommendations regarding how the UN can help the women and babies of China is by investigating UNFPA’s activities in China, demanding transparency, and in the case of a lack of cooperation, defunding UNFPA. Littlejohn states: “The United States Secretary of State should investigate and evaluate UNFPA’s activities in China, and the President should de-fund them under the Kemp-Kasten Amendment, which ‘prohibits funding for any organization or program that, as determined by the President, supports or participates in the management of a program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization.’” “UNFPA has been found to be complicit with coercive population control in China in the past, and I have no doubt that any unbiased investigation would find them complicit again. I have long advocated for the defunding of UNFPA. The U.S. cut off funding to UNFPA in 2002 because an investigation, headed by then Secretary of State Colin Powell, found that UNFPA was complicit with the Chinese Family Planning officials in coercive implementation of China’s one-child policy. The Obama administration restored this funding. The UNCSW – as the advocate for women’s rights within the United Nations – should press relentlessly on the UNFPA to be fully transparent and accountable regarding its ‘family planning’ activities in China. I believe that any independent, unbiased investigation into UNFPA’s activities in China will lead to the inescapable conclusion that they are complicit with China’s population control practices, which include forced abortion and involuntary sterilization. To the extent that the global community is funding the UNFPA, the blood of Chinese women and babies is on our hands.” (Read more from “Women’s Rights Activist Slam UN Agency’s Support of China’s Forced Abortions” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/womens-rights-activist-slam-un-agencys-support-chinas-forced-aborti

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Undermining Parents, School Secretly Recruits Children for Gay-Straight Alliance Meetings

“We’re keeping it kind of on the down low because this is North Idaho,” school principal Mary Jensen said. In a recording obtained by Liberty Counsel, she admitted, “Kids who wanted to participate in the club did not necessarily want their parents to know.”

Faculty at Forrest M. Bird Charter School in Sandpoint, Idaho, secretly recruited students to join the school’s Gay-Straight Alliance. They started the group with help from local LGBT activists. Some of the secret meetings weren’t even held at the school.

Legal Violations

Two parents learned about the meetings when their child forgot lunch. The mother took lunch to the school and found her child at the meeting. They objected. Their child, “Student Doe,” has high-functioning autism and gender dysphoria. The school ignored their request.

In response, Liberty Counsel sent the school a letter, listing several ways the school had violated the law. The school refused to back down, so the parents withdrew their child from the school.

“It is outrageous that this school would intentionally undermine parental rights in this manner,” said Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver. “Parents have the fundamental right to know about and direct the activities and associations of their minor children.”

The school had no right to start the club, he said. It was “inappropriate” for school employees to lead and recruit for the GSA in their official roles. He argued that the school violated the state’s Code of Ethics for teachers. The code prohibits “using institutional privileges … for the promotion of political activities.”

The school posted statement on its website claiming it did not violate the law. According to a Liberty Counsel lawyer, the school defiantly asserted in a letter responding to the legal aid group. The school said it “will not comply with [the] demand” for its teachers to be present in a supervisory, rather than activist, capacity.” The school did say it will refrain from recruiting more students. However, it refuses to divulge the names of current student members to their parents. Liberty Counsel and its clients are looking at legal action.

The school believes it is helping kids by teaching them that identifying as transgender has no harmful effects. But according to the National Institutes of Health, as many as 94 percent of students questioning their gender identify with their biological gender by 18.

Liberty Counsel urges parents to contact the school’s board of directors. Parents should demand that the school board respect parental rights. The school staff who violated the Idaho Teacher Code of Ethics should be reprimanded. Parents have a fundamental right to direct the activities of their minor children.

The school’s parent/student handbook requires a permission slip for field trips. Anyone other than a parent who picks up a child must have a note. But the school does not require a note for a child to get LGBT propaganda

Jensen admitted on the recording that the faculty started the club. “The adults … we spent months trying to do this thing.”

Jensen was recorded admitting, “We decided not to do activism at first, because that’s a big step.” She went on, “Once they get the club going, the next step is to start community events —probably next year.” (For more from the author of “Undermining Parents, School Secretly Recruits Children for Gay-Straight Alliance Meetings” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/undermining-parents-school-secretly-recruits-children-gay-straight-allia

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Donnelly Becomes Third Democrat to Back Gorsuch

Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.) said Sunday that he will support the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, becoming the third moderate Democrat to break with his party and back President Trump’s nominee.

“After meeting with Judge Gorsuch, conducting a thorough review of his record, and closely following his hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, I believe that he is a qualified jurist who will base his decisions on his understanding of the law and is well-respected among his peers,” Donnelly said in a statement.

Donnelly said the Senate should keep its 60-vote requirement for breaking a filibuster on Supreme Court nominees in place, a reference to Republicans suggesting they may resort to the “nuclear” option.

Republicans, vowing to confirm Gorsuch “one way or another,” have indicated, however, they may alter the Senate rules so that ending debate on Gorsuch would only need a 51-vote simple majority. They currently hold a 52-person majority in the upper chamber and would need five additional Democrats or Independents to back Gorsuch if the rules are not changed . . .

Democrats, still reeling after former President Barack Obama’s nominee to the court was blocked by Republicans from getting a hearing or a vote last year, have largely come out against Gorsuch. Thirty-eight Democrats have said they will oppose his nomination. (Read more from “Donnelly Becomes Third Democrat to Back Gorsuch” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/donnelly-becomes-third-democrat-back-gorsuch/

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Crime-Ridden Sanctuary City of Chicago Can’t Have It Both Ways: No Federal Funds for Situation They Created

April 2, 2017

/by Melanie Arter

When asked whether President Donald Trump would still cut off law enforcement funds to the city of Chicago because it’s a sanctuary city even though it could hamper police from fighting violent crime, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said sanctuary cities can’t have it both ways – refusing to cooperate with federal immigration officials and still expecting to get law enforcement grants to handle a situation they created. “You can’t be a sanctuary city and at the same time seem to pretend or express concern about law enforcement or ask for more money when probably a number of the funds that you’re using in the first place are going to law enforcement to handle the situation that you’ve created for yourself,” Spicer said. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced this week that the Justice Department would not only block sanctuary cities from receiving future DOJ grants, it would recoup the federal funds it already sent to those jurisdictions. “Chicago gets about $12 million a year in law enforcement assistance from the federal government. Would President Trump cut off those funds due to the sanctuary city status even though it would greatly hamper the police fight against street violence, something the president has repeatedly said troubles him greatly?” a reporter asked. “It’s interesting, you talk about street violence and then we cut off the funding for sanctuary cities. I think it would be interesting to want to send more money to a city that is allowing people to come into the country who are breaking the law, who, in many cases, are committing crimes — member of gangs,” Spicer said. (Read more from “Crime-Ridden Sanctuary City of Chicago Can’t Have It Both Ways: No Federal Funds for Situation They Created” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/crime-ridden-sanctuary-city-of-chicago-cant-have-it-both-ways-no-federal-fu

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Rogue Intelligence Agencies Remind Me of the Kennedy Assassination

On December 22, 1963, one month after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, former President Harry S. Truman, who initially authorized the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), wrote in the Washington Post:

“I think it has become necessary to take another look at the purpose and operations of our Central Intelligence Agency…For some time I have been disturbed by the way CIA has been diverted from its original assignment,” that is, as a collator of “accurate and up-to-the-minute information,” upon which the President could make decisions, information not “slanted to conform to established positions of a given department.”

In contrast to Truman’s intent, the CIA, starting with the appointment of Allen Dulles as Director in 1953, became “an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the Government,” often “injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations” and using intelligence “to influence or to lead the President into unwise decisions.”

There is no better example of those assumed roles than the Bay of Pigs operation, a CIA-organized paramilitary invasion to overthrow the Cuban government of Fidel Castro:

“Arch-Establishment figure Allen Dulles had been offended when young President Kennedy had the temerity to ask questions about CIA plans before the Bay of Pigs debacle, which had been set in motion under President Dwight Eisenhower. When Kennedy made it clear he would NOT approve the use of U.S. combat forces, Dulles set out, with supreme confidence, to mousetrap the President.”

“Coffee-stained notes handwritten by Allen Dulles were discovered after his death and reported by historian Lucien S. Vandenbroucke. They show how Dulles drew Kennedy into a plan that was virtually certain to require the use of U.S. combat forces. In his notes, Dulles explained that, “when the chips were down,” Kennedy would be forced by “the realities of the situation” to give whatever military support was necessary “rather than permit the enterprise to fail.”

Kennedy did not deploy the U.S. military to Cuba and the enterprise did fail. Subsequently, Kennedy fired Dulles and his deputy director General Charles P. Cabell, whose brother Earle, incidentally, was mayor of Dallas on the day Kennedy was assassinated.

After the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Kennedy reportedly said that he wanted to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.”

In my opinion, as a consequence of Kennedy’s real or perceived hostility toward the agency and its rogue operations, elements of the CIA either participated directly or created the conditions whereby President John F. Kennedy would be assassinated in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.

Like Dulles, CIA operative David Atlee Phillips, who “was involved in the organization of the Bay of Pigs operation” and afterwards was appointed Chief of Cuban Operations having “the freedom to roam the entire Western Hemisphere mounting secret operations to get rid of Fidel Castro,” said “his goal was to provoke US intervention in Cuba by ‘putting Kennedy’s back to the wall.'”

Nothing would put “Kennedy’s back to the wall” more than an assassination attempt linked to Cuba.

Phillips, not only had the authority, but had access to all the necessary CIA assets including organized crime, anti-Castro Cubans and a low-level CIA agent named Lee Harvey Oswald, who pretended to be a Marxist and pro-Cuban activist. Oswald ultimately failed in his efforts to infiltrate the Soviet Union and communist organizations in the U.S., but eventually provided the ideal patsy, when an assassination “incident” became a reality, as the mafia took final control of the operation in Dealey Plaza.

That is, the assassination was an operation within an operation, which from the CIA’s standpoint, unintentionally or intentionally killed President Kennedy and, in either case, because of those involved, required a government cover-up.

Fast forward to the present, when, not only do U.S. intelligence agencies still engage in cloak and dagger, make policy, and decide what intelligence the President and Congress are allowed to see, but they now monitor and record every telephone conversation, every email, every social media post and every financial transaction by every American, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Interestingly, less than two years before he was to leave office, Barack Obama authorized CIA Director John Brennan to reorganize the agency, a man who admittedly, as late as 1980, voted for the Communist Party and reportedly converted to Islam.

What was the purpose of a reorganization occurring so late in Obama’s term of office and orchestrated by a close political ally?

Brennan’s reorganization created the CIA’s own cyber capability, the Directorate of Digital Innovation and ten separate centers: “six of which have a regional-based focus – Africa, East Asia and Pacific, Europe and Eurasia, the Near East, South and Central Asia, and the Western Hemisphere; and four of which have a mission-based focus – counterintelligence, counterterrorism, global issues, and weapons and counterproliferation.”

One might say that the new CIA, which is modeled after a traditional multi-function fusion structure like the Counter Terrorism Center, is more tactical than strategic, more operational than intelligence-gathering and, overall, is more digitally intrusive, which potentially affects every “incidentally surveilled” American.

Alternatively, a cynic might conclude that such a late-term reorganization was simply an opportunity to permanently embed personnel and policies that would serve the Obama-Brennan ideology.

Intelligence as a continuation of politics by other means. I don’t think that is what Harry S. Truman had in mind. (For more from the author of “Rogue Intelligence Agencies Remind Me of the Kennedy Assassination” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/rogue-intelligence-agencies-remind-kennedy-assassination/

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MASS MUSLIM MIGRATION combined with Muslim overbreeding could mean the end of Britain as we know it in 20 years

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

The result of leftist-promoted ‘multiculturalism’ (which actually is a code word for ‘Muslimculturalism’) has been to welcome in a foreign army of civilization jihadists who are quietly taking over towns in and around London (forcing Londoners to flee to more rural areas) and turning the towns into ‘NO-GO Zones’ for non-Muslims.

One commenter on this video concludes: “The problem was atheists’ incessant attacks on Christianity creating a vacuum in the West that Islam was only too happy to fill. Christianity has historical relevance in the West. Islam does not, except as an enemy and aggressor. Islam must be relegated as a political ideology cloaked behind a religion that openly is at war with the West.” But by the time that happens, it might be too late to stop it.

CBN News

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM!


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New Jersey: Outrageous Unconstitutional Intimidation of Private Citizens Who Opposed Mosque

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

An update on this previous Creeping Sharia post: Islamic Society lawyers bullying and harassing citizens who spoke against mosque.

The victims of a different type of Islamic terror now have legal representation. Source: Outrageous Unconstitutional Intimidation of Private Citizens Who Opposed Mosque Project; Thomas More Law Center Steps In

ANN ARBOR, MI – If you speak out against building a mosque in your community, you may be slapped with a subpoena demanding all your personal documents, including emails, voicemails, text messages, and social media posts concerning Muslims, Islam, mosques, the Quran, Muslim worship or prayer services, wudu, imams, burkas, hijabs, Sharia, jihad, or anything else associated with or related to Muslims or Islam.

This was part of the harassment and intimidation experienced by scores of private citizens of the small New Jersey town, Bernards Township (also known as Basking Ridge), who spoke out at public hearings against a plan to build a disproportionately-sized mosque on a small piece of residential property.  The mosque project, sponsored by the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge (“ISBR”) and its president, Mohammad Ali Chaudry, was denied by Township officials for not complying with local building ordinances.

On March 10, 2016, ISBR and Mohammad Ali Chaudry sued Bernards Township in federal court, claiming various violations of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act.  Shortly after, ISBR had coercive subpoenas served on private citizens whose only involvement was voicing concerns at public planning board meetings about whether the proposed mosque complied with local building ordinances.

The United States District Court for the District of New Jersey recently granted the Thomas More Law Center, a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, permission to represent, without charge, several of these citizens who desired to quash the coercive and abusive subpoenas.  Westfield, New Jersey attorney Michael P. Hrycak is assisting the Law Center.

Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, commented: “ISBR is setting a dangerous unconstitutional precedent by abusing a court process to chill and trample on the First Amendment Rights of private citizens whose only involvement was to speak out against the mosque at public hearings. Because the U.S. Supreme Court has held that speech at a public place on a matter of public concern is entitled to special protection, we will ask the Federal District Court to quash the subpoenas served on our clients as a misuse and abuse of the Court’s process.

Lori Caratzola, described in the ISBR Complaint as a fervent and frequent objector to the mosque, was a prime target for ISBR’s personal attacks.  She was personally mentioned over a dozen times in their Complaint.  Yet she has remained steadfast in her opposition.  Ms. Caratzola commented:

“Being served with a Federal Court Subpoena to turn over all my personal communications including voicemails, social media, emails, notes wherein I make any mention of anything having to do with Islam is an absolute violation of my First Amendment rights. I was a citizen exercising my right to attend public planning board meetings about a land use application that affected my community.”

She continued:

“Dr. Chaudry’s clear intent was to embarrass, strike fear, silence and cause financial harm to any citizen who dared oppose his nonconforming project.  And if these subpoenas are allowed to stand, it will set a chilling precedent for all citizens who wish to exercise their Constitutionally protected right to free speech and to petition their government.

“I was named numerous times in the Complaint, yet as a non-party, I had no standing to challenge the lies and half-truths told about me.  After the Complaint was filed, mainstream media picked up and repeated these lies and half-truths.”

Caratzola concluded:

“I have lost days, probably weeks, devoting time to trying to find counsel – only to find most attorneys are afraid of challenging an Islamic group in today’s political climate.”

Attorney Karen Lugo, a specialist on constitutional law and zoning issues, echoed Lori Caratzola’s concerns:

“ISBR’s subpoena of private citizens’ communications with local government, as well as all personal email and social media statements related to ‘anything associated with or related to Muslims or Islam’ is in direct violation of speech protections enshrined in the Constitution and in Supreme Court rulings. ISBR’s blatant efforts to chill the free exercise of speech while intimidating local citizens with these subpoenas must not only be denied, but must be rebuked, by the courts.”

Cody Smith, another subpoenaed resident who opposed the Mosque, stated:

“The planning board did exactly what it should have done—set emotions aside and judge ISBR’s application solely on its merits and whether it complied with our local regulations. It’s unfortunate that Dr. Chaudry, the Township’s former mayor, has resorted to an all-out smear campaign and retaliation against residents who exercised their fundamental Constitutional rights of Free Speech in a public forum.”

Soon after ISBR’s lawsuit, DOJ investigators opened another coercive front by attempting to   interview the private citizens who opposed the mosque.  Eight months later, the DOJ filed its own lawsuit against the Township.

Astonishingly, the DOJ was dismissive of an apparent conflict of interest between Mohammad Ali Chaudry and the DOJ’s chief investigator, Caroline Sadlowski, both of whom were serving together on the Center for Religious and Cultural Conflicts board at Drew University.

See Bernards Township Press Release here https://www.thomasmore.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Bernards-DOJ2016-11-18.pdf

Creeping Sharia
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Montana Democrats vote against bill banning Sharia, call it “repugnant”

April 1, 2017 3:26 pm By Robert Spencer 66 Comments

Do they even know what Sharia is? Almost certainly not. They’ve just been told that to oppose it is “racist,” and that’s good enough for them. Stonings, amputations, the institutionalized degradation of women and non-Muslims, the denial of the freedom of speech and the freedom of conscience — what’s not to like?

“Montana Democrats Vote Against Bill Banning Sharia Law, Call It ‘Repugnant,’” by Ben Kew, Breitbart, March 31, 2017:

Democrats in Montana have opposed a bill banning the use of foreign law in its state courts on the grounds that such legislation would target Muslims.

Senate Bill 97, introduced by Keith Regier (R-Kalispell) bans the application of foreign law in Montana’s courts, with the debate particularly focused on Sharia Law, a form of Islamic law typically used in the Middle East.

Although the bill passed on party lines by 56-44, Democrats claimed it was designed to target Muslim communities.

“I think it sends a dangerous message to minority groups both here living in our state and wanting to come visit our state, just merely on the fact that you may be different,” said Rep. Shane Morigeau, D-Missoula, while debating the bill. “I truly believe this law is repugnant. I believe this is not who we are as Montanans.”

Meanwhile, Rep. Ellie Hill Smith (D-Missoula) proposed a failed amendment to the bill to include a ban on both Sharia Law and the Law of Moses, in order to “show the state of Montana that it is not just about Islamic Law.”

“The courts have said that laws that single out certain religions violate the First Amendment,” Smith said, claiming that it was “peppered with anti-Muslim bigotry.”

Another Democrat, Rep. Laurie Bishop (D-Livingston) urged legislators “not to forget the roots of this bill,” adding that “our children are watching.”

Meanwhile, Rep. Brad Tschida (R-Missoula) said the bill was an attempt to push back against a “constitution [that] is constantly under assault.”

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Report: Private Citizens in Trump Campaign 'Unmasked' in Nunes Spy Data

Image: Report: Private Citizens in Trump Campaign 'Unmasked' in Nunes Spy Data
Rep. Devin Nunes (AP Images)

By Todd Beamon   |   Friday, 31 Mar 2017 05:59 PM

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Numerous private citizens connected with President Donald Trump's campaign team were "unmasked" in intelligence information swept up in "incidental collection" that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes secretly viewed last week, according to news reports on Friday.

The names were exposed by an individual who is not in the FBI, but is "very well known, very high up, very senior in the intelligence world," a source told Fox News.

President Donald Trump responded to the story on Saturday:

Nunes, the California Republican who is under fire for seeing the information but not sharing it with his committee, now knows who the individual is, the source told Fox.

"The main issue in this case, is not only the unmasking of these names of private citizens, but the spreading of these names for political purposes that have nothing to do with national security or an investigation into Russia's interference in the U.S. election," a congressional source told Fox.

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act only allows for individuals to be revealed in data collected incidentally when it is critical to the intelligence — and such information is only collected on U.S. residents who communicate with foreign targets.

But in this case, according to Fox, the names of private citizens connected to the Trump campaign were revealed — and it was not out of national security concerns.

"Unmasking is not unprecedented, but unmasking for political purposes . . . specifically of Trump transition team members . . . is highly suspect and questionable," an intelligence source told the network. "Opposition by some in the intelligence agencies who were very connected to the Obama and Clinton teams was strong.

"After Trump was elected, they decided they were going to ruin his presidency by picking them off one by one."

In addition, the incidental collection began before Trump became the Republican presidential nominee at last summer's national convention last July.

Nunes has known about the unmasking of the private citizens since January, before Trump kicked off the controversy with his March 4 tweets alleging that former President Barack Obama had ordered wiretaps on his telephones in New York during the campaign last year.

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Two intelligence sources approached Nunes about the unmasking, Fox reports, telling the congressman who was responsible and at least one of the names that had been exposed.

The sources also gave Nunes the serial numbers of reports that documented the activity.

But when the congressman asked intelligence agencies to see the reports, he was "stonewalled," Fox reports.

Nunes finally viewed the information last week, but only at one location that would not compromise the identities of the sources: the Old Executive Office Building on the White House grounds.

The location has a secured area where classified or similar information can be viewed, according to the report.

The White House did not tell Nunes that the reports existed, only helping him get access to them, the sources told Fox.

In addition, they were not the individuals named in a report by The New York Times on Thursday as helping Nunes obtain the information, according to Fox.

On March 22, Nunes told reporters that information was "incidentally collected" by U.S. spy agencies on Trump's transition team — and those names were included in various intelligence reports.

He then briefed President Trump on the data, drawing fire from Democrats that included Vice Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff, also of California for not first providing the information to panel members.

Nunes apologized the next day, saying that he briefed Trump because the data had no connection to Russia or its investigation of Moscow's role in the election.

Schiff was expected to view the information in a classified setting at the White House on Friday.

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PROMISE KEPT! Pending bill in Congress would give persecuted Christians in Muslim countries priority refugee status

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

After 8 long, agonizing years of Muslims getting preferential refugee status from the the Obama regime while Christians were being wiped out or held as sex slaves by ISIS, the proposed bill would put persecuted Christians at the top of the list…exactly what candidate Trump said he would do.

Under the Obama regime, approx. 98% of refugees from the Middle East and North Africa were Muslims. Obama even deported 12 Iraqi Christians who were seeking asylum in California after they had been here for several months. 

MUSLIM PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES decides to deport 12 Iraqi Chaldean Christians seeking asylum here after they fled the Islamic State (ISIS)

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzX1P-WpY7w

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INDIANA: Muslim yelling “Allahu Akbar,” attacks Goodwill store employee, police, and threatens to kill everyone else

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

Khalid Bilal is facing charges after he grabbed a female employee by the throat and began punching her after trying to convert her to Islam, then struck and broke the hand of an officer who tried to restrain him at a Goodwill store in Muncie, Indiana.

WISH TV  (h/t Grant B) According to reports, Bilal then went on to break an officer’s hand after an attempt to place Bilal into custody. Bilal was later tased after charging another officer that arrived on scene.

After the tasing, the officer was eventually able to corral Bilal into handcuffs. The suspect then began to kick the officer repeatedly with both legs, causing authorities to shackle his legs.

One customer said she was scared for her life. She was inside the store shopping with her three children when she heard a man screaming at the front. “He was just so full of rage and violence I’d never seen anything like that before.

After the Muslim said ‘I’m going to kill everyone in here,” a female employee stepped in trying to calm the man down.“She kinda used a softer tone with him at first, ‘let’s talk about this, what’s the matter can we take it outside,’” she said. But out of nowhere, she said the man attacked that employee.

“He violently grabbed her around the neck and just was punching and whatever he could to her,” she said. “A bunch of employees came out to keep him away from customers.” It is believed that Bilal had beaten a female worker at the store and grabbed her by the throat prior to officers’ arrival. Bilal reportedly had become upset while attempting to convert the employee to Islam.

He faces preliminary charges of battery on police, resisting law enforcement, disorderly conduct, battery with injury, intimidation and strangulation.


Bare Naked Islam
To read all articles go to http://www.barenakedislam.com/
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New Jersey: Mothers Pilloried for Exposing Islamic Indoctrination at Chatham Middle School

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

Source: Chatham Middle School Students Are Taught that Islam is the True Faith; Two Mothers Pilloried for Making It Public; Must See Video – Thomas More Law Center

ANN ARBOR, MI –  The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, today announced that it is representing two Chatham, New Jersey mothers who are being pilloried by their community.  Their crime: appearing on Fox TV’s Tucker Carlson Show to voice concerns about Islamic indoctrination of Chatham Middle School seventh graders.

Astonishingly, seventh graders in this public school are taught: “May God help us all find the true faith, Islam.”

Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, commented: “The promotion of Islam is worse than what the mothers presented to Tucker Carlson. After viewing one of the videos which the seventh graders were directed to watch, I can’t imagine any objective person saying this is not Islamic indoctrination.  Clueless school administrators across our nation are allowing this type of indoctrination to take place and it’s up to vigilant parents to stop it.  Libby and Nancy should have been praised, not pilloried.”

[See excerpts from the video here]

Libby Hilsenrath and Nancy Gayer, with sons in different classes in the seventh grade, detailed their concerns in person to the Chatham Board of Education at their February 6, 2017 public meeting.   Superintendent Michael LaSusa indicated that any change to the curriculum was unlikely, and the next day also refused their request to meet privately with him to discuss their concerns.

Students had been shown a subtle propaganda cartoon video, 5 Pillars, which opens with two boys, one of them a Muslim, kicking a soccer ball. The Muslim teaches the non-Muslim the 5 Pillars of Islam.   Additionally, a subtitle of bright, multi-colored words of various shapes pronounces a form of the Islamic conversion creed: “There is no god except Allah and Prophet Muhammad is His messenger.” The cartoon ends with a sad non-Muslim boy, who suddenly smiles when the Muslim boy invites him to join him at the mosque for noon-day prayers. Something the teacher can’t personally do, but does through the cartoon.  Clever!

See the 5-minute video here.

Clearly, seventh graders had been presented with a sugarcoated, false depiction of Islam.  They had not been informed of the kidnappings, beheadings, slave-trading, massacres, and persecution of non-Muslims, nor of the repression of women — all done in the name of Islam and the Koran.

Libby Hilsenrath and Nancy Gayer were subjected to personal attacks throughout their campaign to stop Islamic indoctrination at the Chatham Middle School. They were defamed as “bigots” and “Islamophobes”, “hateful”, “ignorant”, “xenophobes”, “intolerant”, “racist”, “closed minded”, “sad and ignorant” in social media, and the list goes on.  The attacks significantly intensified after their appearance on the Tucker Carlson Show.

Commenting on the community’s reaction, Nancy Gayer stated: “It’s just not fair that within this unit of study the Chatham school district taught one religion to the exclusion of all others, and for the community to be so unkind and unwelcoming towards us, just for having raised legitimate questions as concerned parents.”

Libby Hilsenrath added, “One of my fundamental obligations as a parent is to guide the religious and secular education of my children.  That’s why I will continue the fight against the Islamic indoctrination now taking place at Chatham, regardless of the personal attacks.”

Libby Hilsenrath and Nancy Gayer asked the board to review the curriculum and requested that either the Islam lessons be removed or that the school spend equal time on the study of Christianity and other religions.

Nancy Gayer contrasted the World Cultures and Geography lessons on Islam to her son’s previous experience in fourth grade when he was precluded from including a short quote from the Bible, “he who lends to the poor, lends to the Lord.” (Prov 19:17) The quote was a part of his video presentation related to gathering warm clothes for underprivileged children.  Nancy said that her son’s teacher informed him that the brief Biblical quote “belongs in Sunday school, not in the classroom.”  Obviously, based upon the World Cultures and Geography lessons being taught to children within the same school district, this abridgment of religious speech does not apply to Islam.

Creeping Sharia

To read all articles go to https://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/

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North Chicago: Muslim cop who claims “Islamophobic” harassment made anti-Semitic remarks

( Muslims do not assimilate,THEY INFILTRATE )

“Sabet was accused of making racial comments about Jews and then lying about it when questioned by investigators.”

What’s more, “City officials deny there was any harassment or discrimination.”

And so here again we have a Muslim claiming victim status without any factual basis for doing so. Hate crimes are political capital, after all, and “his attorney says the lawsuit has a bigger purpose.” What purpose? To make sure that no Muslim police officer who expresses hatred for Jews is ever fired again?

“Muslim police officer sues for alleged harassment after firing,” Fox 32, March 25, 2017:

A Muslim officer who was fired by the North Chicago Police Department last month is suing for religious discrimination, claiming he was fired after complaining about harassment.

“I risked my life so someone could sleep better. And this is not right. This is not right what they did to me,” said Ramtin Sabet.

Sabet started working for the North Chicago police in 2007, and the Iranian born officer said the harassment started a few years later.

“They started calling me names, they said I was a terrorist, I didn’t belong to the country, I should go back to Iran. They said Iran should be nuked,” Sabet said.

According to the lawsuit, fellow officers asked Sabet if he road [sic] his camel to work, and at the firing range they said he was good at shooting because he had been teaching at Al-Qaeda camps in Iran….

“I would show up to calls, they’d say, oh Mr. Taliban pulled up here, I would call in lunch breaks on the radio traffic asking dispatch for permission, they said oh, Mr. Taliban wants to eat falafel and hummus.”

North Chicago Police Chief Richard Wilson declined to go on camera, but said Sabet was fired for violating department rules and regulations. Sabet was accused of making racial comments about Jews and then lying about it when questioned by investigators.

“I filed a complaint, I wanted the harassment to stop, they turned it all the way around on me and they terminated me. They accused me of untruthfulness,” Sabet said.

He is suing for suing for wrongful termination, but his attorney says the lawsuit it [sic] has a bigger purpose.


Jihad Watch

To read all articles go to https://www.jihadwatch.org/

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State Dept Refuses to Block Genocidal Palestinian Terrorist From Entering the United States

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

A convicted Palestinian terrorist who has previously called for the use of a nuclear bomb against Israel is being allowed to enter the United States next week as part of a Palestinian delegation coming into the country for Israel-Palestinian talks.

Rex Tillerson’s State Department will give a free pass to Jibril Rajoub, the government agency confirmed to the Washington Free Beacon Thursday evening.

As a young man, Rajoub was sentenced to life in prison after hurling a grenade at an Israeli bus in the city of Hebron. Years later, he was freed as part of a prisoner exchange deal. But shortly thereafter, Rajoub was hauled away to prison after allegedly reengaging in jihadi activities.

After his second stint in prison, Rajoub joined up with a Fatah terror cell in the disputed territories. Rajoub was deported to Lebanon after leading operations in the first intifada, a bloody Palestinian terror campaign responsible for thousands of lives lost. But he would come back for good to the Palestinian territories in the mid-90s as Yasser Arafat’s security adviser.

Less than three years ago, Rajoub promised “in the name of Allah” that a Palestinian government would commit a nuclear holocaust against Israel if they were ever granted nuclear weapons. He added during the television interview: “We the Palestinians are a source of concern for Israel. We are in this country, and this country is ours. They are our enemy and our battle is against them.”

In 2015, on state television, Rajoub encouraged fellow Palestinians to slaughter Israelis, expressing gratitude for “whoever confronts, fights or dies as a Martyr.”

And just a couple of weeks ago, Rajoub celebrated International Women’s Day by honoring female suicide bombers responsible for the murder of countless innocents.

In a letter sent to Secretary Tillerson this week, Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) strongly advised against Rajoub being allowed to enter the country, noting he has “promoted Palestinian terror for years and most actively promoted terror during the 2015-2016 terror wave, in which 40 people were murdered and over 500 were wounded.”

If he enters the United States, PMW has called upon the U.S. to prosecute him for “incitement to murder American citizens.” Several Americans have been killed in Palestinian terror campaigns that Rajoub may have had his hand in, the organization claims.

Despite all of the public evidence documenting Rajoub’s advocacy for genocidal terror, Tillerson’s State Department has taken to defending the Palestinian leader.

“The U.S. government does not endorse every statement Mr. Rajoub has made, but he has long been involved in Middle East peace efforts, and has publicly supported a peaceful, non-violent solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” a State official told the Washington Free Beacon.

“Perhaps a man who threw a grenade at a bus, sentenced to life, and then has been re-arrested multiple times after subsequent early releases hasn’t really reformed?” said Dr. Michael Rubin of the American Enterprise Institute, in a piece for Commentary Magazine questioning Tillerson’s decision to let Rajoub enter the country. “Perhaps Rajoub’s vehement opposition as head of the Palestinian Olympic Committee to a moment of silence for the Israeli athletes murdered during the 1972 Munich Olympics suggests that he really hasn’t embraced the spirit of peace or truly rejected terrorism?”


Rubin continues, calling the decision an “insult to every American victim of terrorism.”

Secretary Rex Tillerson is allowing a man with genocidal ambitions, who has created countless victims from his terror campaigns, into the country. As someone who has the complete authority to block Rajoub’s entry, why Tillerson is giving this terrorist a free pass is puzzling. (For more from the author of “State Dept Refuses to Block Genocidal Palestinian Terrorist From Entering the United States” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/state-dept-refuses-block-genocidal-palestinian-terrorist-entering-unite

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