gina aveni's Posts (2)

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Mack Penny Plan

The Boehner plan, the latest version that is, was dumped by the Senate. Surprise.  Tea Party people are being blamed and characterized as hobbits again as they were by McCain the other day. I don't have a problem with being called names, which really doesn't bother me, what does bother me is the fact that Boehner is not standing his ground with Cut, Cap, and Balance and has not looked at the Penny Plan. We need a balanced budget – stop spending, how hard is it? I have to admit I do feel bad for Mr. Boehner and I admire his persistence the reality is: He needs one plan and only one plan and then drop it in the laps of the Democrats and this President and not be a sell out. I can only imagine his frustration, but he was hired to do a job and if you can't take the pressure then move over and let someone else in that can!


Regarding this ongoing issue: It is just simple common sense. Seriously. Just a few days ago Mr. Boehner said about the Penny Plan, "It is worth looking at" and then came up with something entirely different, might I mention another worthless plan. The Penny Plan makes perfect sense and addresses all the issues. The Democrats are using this whole crisis as a game of chess with the American people as the pawns. There were plans in order: the Ryan Plan; Cut, Cap, and Balance, etc. The President and his colonies are sitting back, watching, and allowing the Republicans to take the blame for everything that is going wrong right now on the Hill. We need to have one plan, pass it, and put it in their hands for deliberation in the Senate; let them do something other than run their mouths. They need to stop this madness and stand up for what they believe in; end of story!



Gina Aveni Mack: "Obama's Lack of Leadership Puts America in Danger"

Boehner Plan Falls Short of Restoring Fiscal Order

WASHINGTON, July 26, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Congressman Connie Mack (FL-14) announced today that he will not support Speaker Boehner's plan, which raises the nation's debt ceiling. The plan does not fix the debt crisis and does not balance the budget.

Mack stated: "President Obama's lack of a spending reduction plan and the Senate's various schemes to license more federal spending would drive any credit lender into orbit and has left Speaker Boehner rightfully frustrated. Speaker Boehner's plan is an attempt to deal with the financial irresponsibility that the federal government has brought upon the American people, but falls short of putting our fiscal house in order. I would urge the Speaker and the President to adopt the Mack Penny Plan which effectively cuts up the government's credit card and takes us out of debt in eight years. House Republicans have put forth multiple plans to avoid default and get our fiscal house in order by cutting spending and implementing serious budget reforms. The President's lack of leadership and lack of a plan reminds me of Hans Christian Anderson's The Emperor's New Clothes."

Presently the Mack Penny Plan enjoys the support of over 40 co-sponsors in the U.S. House; the backing of the Republican Study Committee's 103 Members, U.S. Senators Enzi (R-WY), Rand Paul (R-KY), John Barrasso (R-WY),The One Cent Solution, The National Taxpayers Union, and FreedomWorks.

The Penny Plan balances the budget by:

•Cutting total federal spending by one percent each year for six consecutive years,

•Setting an overall spending cap of 18 percent of gross domestic product in 2018, and

•Reducing overall spending by $7.5 trillion over 10 years.

SOURCE Office of Congressman Connie Mack

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Washington Hypocrisy

I am so sick of the finger pointing, the blame game, that constantly goes on in Washington. These people, even Reid for example, forget who hired them. They seem to think that once they get the job they can do just exactly what they feel like doing. And Pelosi, OMG, will she ever stop the ranting? But here is the thing that is not limited to one side or the other: They think we are too stupid to understand what only they know. Our feeble minds cannot possibly understand what is meant by all those big words that have to do with the financial crisis our country is in. I mean let’s face it we are just way to inept to grasp all that confusing jargon. (Yes, I am being sarcastic)


But that being said the problem with their thinking is they have completely underestimated the power of the people who put them there in the first place. In addition, ironically, most of us have a higher education then most of them. But they have played Washington politics for so long, they have gotten away with these unscrupulous behaviors, and they have do not have to answer to anyone, let alone the American public. Holding them accountable is where change occurs. It is a lot of work and time consuming, nonetheless it is critical if we our kids, and grandkids, to have the future they are entitled to. Government needs to downsize dramatically and get the heck out of private business. I don’t know about you but I didn’t sign on for socialism/communism, consequently peaceful, loving change is in order. We cannot lower ourselves to the name-calling, lying, and petty behavior that many of them display. We have to remember at all cost that we are better than that and in the end the truth always prevails.


The internet, along with other social media tools, have played an important part in spreading the word and 'enlightening' people at a much quicker rate then decades ago. Some of these people, like McCain for example, need to move along and get out of Washington where their backstabbing, lack of veracity, accompanied by his constant flip-flopping will no longer be tolerated by the American people. If we accept these behaviors, as a people, such as the comments made by McCain yesterday, we have learned absolutely nothing. You know, we have all been in difficult positions at one time or another, where we had to stand alone for what we believe in, yet somehow we managed to survive; we can hold our head high as a result. Integrity is the one thing that can never be taken away.

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