politics (110)
Hello Mr. President,
Of course I hope this letter reaches you Mr. President Donald Trump though word of mouth or stumble upon in your busy days. It's kinda fun writing to you Mr. President even if you don't get the message leaving me to my pretend world :)
I would like to talk to you about the vaping problems going on in the United States since I too vape. I quit smoking when I took up vaping although I had started off with the patch that did help to some extent. People like to puff because it's (Click Link Here Or Picture To Read The Full Article)
Liberal dirtbag senator from New York Kirsten Gillibrand has come out and said that Pro-life bills go against the Christian faith, another ridiculous statement from a member of the political party that proudly booed God during their convention a few years ago. Of course the liberal media applauds anything a godless puke says against faith. I hope a prominent Pastor or Bible teacher will challenge her on this because I know her statement is false. If I had an electronic way to look it up I would bring up the verse that says, "before you were in your mother's womb I knew you". That tells me preserving unborn children is absolutely not "against the Christian faith" as demonkrats claim in unison. I have long contended that a person cannot be both a democrat and a Christian. They can claim whatever they want but to be a "Christian", according to Jesus Christ, one must follow His teachings to belong to His family. Stating that a woman has not only the right to kill her unborn baby for any reason but that tax money should be used to pay for that murder definitely goes against the teachings of Jesus, at least from my understanding of reading the Holy Bible. Gillibrand and her ilk are the ones Jesus meant when He said, "Depart from Me I never knew you". People can't pick and choose what part of Scripture they accept and what they reject. Liberals are going to find out one day that EVERY verse is important and that EVERY verse is intended to be followed. One doesn't need a Doctoral degree in Christian Theology to know that liberals are waaay off the rails in their ideas of what a Christian is or isn't.
So, her position, that of the democrat party, is that preserving the life of an unwanted baby goes against Jesus Christ. From what I read in God's Word the truth is exactly the opposite. Our nation has fallen far in the last 50 or 60 years because it's people have abandoned God and have begun worshipping idols of selfishness, greed, and convenience of standards. The nation as a whole needs to repent of idol worship, pray for forgiveness, and turn back to God. I have seen reports that major church denominations have endorsed abortion, homosexuality, and islam, turning their backs on God so they will be accepted by men and called "diverse", "inclusive", and "acceptable" by the satanic left. I have no desire to be "acceptable" to people who reject Almighty God but would much rather be found acceptable by Him. Jesus told the Apostles, "before they hated you they hated Me". Being hated by man puts me in very good company, the company of Jesus Christ. One day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Those who wait until they have no choice in the matter will face a very bad eternity. I decided several years ago to choose Jesus while I still have a choice. I pray every day that the deceived and delusional libtards will wake up and see the error of their ways before it is too late for them to be saved. Many don't want to hear it but the time will come when it will be too late to be saved from an eternity in Hell. People like Gillibrand, hillary, fuhrer obama, john kerry, robert meuller, and the rest of them see themselves as the ultimate powers in the entire universe. They consider themselves "gods" and demand people bow to them.
Jesus told us, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father but through Me". Some want me to believe that Jehovah and allah are one and the same, expecting me to believe that the same God who sent Jesus Christ to earth with the message of "love your enemy" would 600 of our years later send an angel to mo ham head with the message of hate everyone and the only way to "heaven" was to die in the act of committing murder. My God died to gain Heaven for me but allah requires the death of believers during acts of murder to gain his "heaven". People foolish enough to believe such hogwash are the people who vote for godless morons like gillebrand!!!!! In the koran, the "satanic verses" as written by a former moslem named Salman Rushdie, lying to promote the satanic cult of islam is not only acceptable but actually encouraged. Also, according to the koran, hatred of others is the commanded attitude. The "ruling class", those with the power and weapons to subjugate others, is not subject to the "rules of morality" laid out in the satanic verses. I see the same problem in America today as the political ruling class considers themselves above the law and the Constitution. Our founding document, the Constitution, was written to protect We the People from tyrannical rulers but the political ruling class deems the Constitution to be an "outdated and irrelevent" document that only pertained to the time it was written, at the end of the 18th Century. They have passed legislation to confiscate money from those they choose to subjugate and have illegally limited our right to "keep and bear arms" as written in the 2nd Amendment. They say weapons at the time were muskets and those are the only guns citizens are allowed to own. What they neglect to say is that the military of the day was also armed with muskets, meaning citizens were as well armed as the military. The Revolutionary War didn't start with the imposition of unjust taxes nor because of the Boston Massacre. Both were factors but the war began when British soldiers set out to confiscate guns from the colonists. Our founders didn't want to see that happen in the nation they forged so they made the right of citizens to be able to defend themselves a primary goal. There are NO exceptions or caveats to the wording but the ruling class simply ignores the protections our founders gave us. Abortion is another issue the godless tyrants like to promote, in opposition to the provision of a "right to life and liberty". An unwanted baby has no rights under the liberal definition. Calling that baby a "blob of tissue" gives anyone the right to terminate that life at any time for any reason. One day Almighty God will deal with those who sneer at His creation of life. What is most ironic to me about abortion is "planned parenthood", the main perpetrators of the murder of the unborn, is an organization started by a rabid racist with the idea to eradicate the black race from America. Black babies are aborted much more than any others so Margaret Sanger's plan is having an effect, not as well as she hoped, but it is killing a huge number of the people she hated so much. Democrat politicians, thought to be the champions of black people by many, are the ones pushing abortion and government funding of this murder of the most innocent of life. The same democrats who demand that unborn babies be murdered at will call capital punishment for rapists and murderers "cruel and unusual punishment". It will be very interesting to see them explain to God how He is wrong and they are right.
America's only hope is to turn back to God. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven , and will forgive their sin and heal their land". If Americans will take this verse to heart, pray it, and live it, God will do as He promised and heal our land. Sadly many people who claim to be Christians also embrace both abortion and the satanic cult of rape, torture, and murder they call islam. Gillibrand, like her democrat party co-conspirators, push the sin of homosexuality as an "alternate but equal" lifestyle to the one man one woman system established by Almighty God at the beginning of life on earth. The Holy Bible says that homosexuality, sodomy, is an abomination before God and that they will not see Heaven. Even that satanic cult of Islam decries homosexuality as sin. The difference is that Christians call for homosexuals to repent while the "religion of peace" kills them.
Until this nation, especially Christians, gets back to putting God first it will continue to fall until it is gone. It is up to us, followers of Jesus Christ, to put His Words into action. If we wait until the heathens turn it will be too late to recover. 2 Chronicles 7:14 is not intended to get unbelievers to move; it was written to us, the people who are called by His name. Gellibrand is part of the immoral, godless heathen class in this country, not one of the people "called by His name". It's time to get SERIOUS, people. It is imperative that Christian people live and pray 2 Chronicles 7:14, partially because those of us serious about getting our nation out of the toilet of sin overcome those who only pay lip service to God's Word, like the denominations promoting homosexuality by appointing open homosexuals to the position of bishops. Too many Christian "leaders" are more interested in pleasing liberals than in pleasing God. We have to overcome that attitude with prayer, right living, and the boldness to speak out for God and against God hating liberals and those who afraid to stand up for what they claim to believe. Jesus told His apostles, "before they hated you they hated Me". We are now the "you", at least those of us with the courage to stand on our faith and God's Word. Will you join with me to get our nation back where it used to be, a nation honoring and obeying God, in order to save it from destruction? Lot asked God to spare Sodom and Gomorrah for the sake of only 5 righteous men but Lot couldn't find 5 righteous men. When Lot couldn't find 5 he was told to take his family and flee to the hills without looking back. His wife turned for one last look at her long time home and was turned into a pillar of salt. Only Lot and his two daughters survived the destruction of those towns. I don't want to see the USA become a modern day story of Sodom and Gomorrah so I ask for your help in saving it. I don't know how many will be needed to save the nation but the more the better. Let's give God a reason to preserve this once great nation, please join me in repentence, prayer, and seeking His face, and drawing others to the cause.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
July 23, 2019
Here's a new article I have written that explains why business and all of our failed politicians have been running towards immigrants and letting U.S. Citizen wallow in failure.
It's becoming well known now that U.S. Citizens are being neglected purposely because there's a major shift thats been engineered by Business, The democrat party and the libertarian republican rinos to empower immigrants with more economic purchasing power than U.S. Citizens. This shift explains why there's so much U.S. Citizen poverty in the (Click Link Here Or Picture To Read The Full Article)
This social networking entity has been developing for over 10 years and nobody knows about it. After reading much literature on it my understanding it is a playground for social communists.
I keep looking around for social networking web sites where Republicans gather and I'm not surprised anymore that they are few and far between. When you find a Republican place of gathering not to many people are there. I finally realized Republicans only come out when they are stirred up and really pissed off. The democrats are buying up the (Click Pic Or Link Here To Read The Full Article)
Yes, I've been shadow banned on Facebook and Twitter to no end. Twitter just outright hid my posts from others and Facebook shadow banned me through their new algorithm that automatically ranks people through activity.
I just found out I most likely was shadow banned because I post my articles like this one in about 40 groups or so and when the algorithm picks this up I automatically get shadow banned. Most likely this happens to many media organizations when people share a certain post. Lets say a member of a social media site shares a "Fox News" link and the link gets repeatedly shared by (Click Link Here Or Picture To Read Full Article)
I couldn't believe it! "Tulsi Gabbard" the democrat presidential candidate who's forced to keep quiet by her handlers blasted the favorite "Kamala Harris" with keeping people in prison for longer terms than necessary so the state of California will have plenty of "Cheap Labor". This is slavery in its purest form. Most likely it's illegal aliens that are being tapped for longer prison terms and it's all backed up by activist democrat judges.
This really blew me away! California gave prison guards huge pay raises and now the information is released that prisoners are Click Link Here Or Picture To Read Full Article
I heard our President Donald Trump state in news reports that Robert Mueller wanted the head the FBI again in the Trump administration and Trump turned him down. Lucky for us Donald Trump had the moxy to turn his request down. We now know about the "Deep State" Robert Mueller wanted to protect when Jim Comey got fired. Robert Mueller with his open ended report that gave the democrat party the much needed breathing room to attack Donald Trump just exposed himself as a true "Deep State" operative and Click Here To Read The Full Article
On April 27st 2016, Barry Donadio endorsed David Bossie for RNC Maryland National Committeeman.
David N. Bossie has served as president of Citizens United and Citizens United Foundation since 2001.
Bossie is the former Chief Investigator for the United States House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform and Oversight. He has authored four books.
In 2010, Citizens United won a landmark First Amendment decision at the United States Supreme Court in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. The case, which saw the government assert during oral arguments that it had the Constitutional authority to ban political books, struck down two decades of unconstitutional restrictions on free speech. Most recently, Bossie was ranked number two in Politico’s top 50 most influential.
As president of Citizens United Productions, Bossie has produced 25 documentaries since 2004, most recently, Rocky Mountain Heist hosted by Michelle Malkin, Occupy Unmasked featuring the late conservative icon Andrew Breitbart, Our Sacred Honor with Senator Rick Santorum, The Gift of Life with Governor Mike Huckabee, and the award winning films Nine Days That Changed The World and Ronald Reagan: Rendezvous with Destiny hosted by Callista and Newt Gingrich.
Born in Boston, Bossie attended the University of Maryland. He proudly served for 20 years as a volunteer firefighter in Montgomery County, Maryland where he resides with his wife, Susan, and their four children; Isabella, Griffin, Lily Campbell, and Margaret Reagan.
Barry Donadio stated “I am very pleased that we have a true conservative running as a candidate for this position. Conservative Republicans that want to see change the MDGOP should join me by endorsing Mr. Bossie. As Maryland Republicans, we can not afford to continue down the same business as usual path. Members of the Maryland Republican Party now have an opportunity to obtain new leadership and ideas from people like David Bossie. I vote Bossie."
In 2014, Barry Donadio was elected to the Queen Anne's County Republican Central Committee in Maryland. He has steadily gaining popularity in the Maryland Republican Party. Prior to becoming an Elected Official, he led a long and honorable career serving the public. He also served as as a Volunteer Firefighter, as did David Bossie. Barry Donadio relocated to Maryland from New York after taking a position at the White House in the U.S. Secret Service.
Later, he formed his private security and investigation firm "Public Security LLC". He is a major player in the anti-terror and executive protection industry.
In 2013 he released his book named "TWA Flight 800 First Responder Witness Account". Donadio remains the only person to write a book about the crash of TWA Flight 800 that was actually at the scene of the rescue on the night the plane crashed, July 17th 1996.
On April 14th 2016, Barry Donadio endorsed Nicolee Ambrose for RNC Maryland National Committeewoman.
Barry Donadio commented by saying, “The positivity and professionalism that Nicolee Ambrose has brought to the Republican Party is unprecedented. She is a person who constantly works to improve party policies and relationships. Her devotion and ability to mentor other Republicans is another one of her many wonderful traits. Thank you for all you do Nicolee!”
In 2014, Barry Donadio was elected to the Queen Anne's County Republican Central Committee in Maryland. He is currently a rising star in the Maryland Republican Party. Prior to becoming an Elected Official, he led a long and honorable career serving the public. He relocated to Maryland from New York after taking a position at the White House in the U.S. Secret Service.
Later, he formed his private security and investigation firm "Public Security LLC". He also released a book in 2013 named "TWA Flight 800 First Responder Witness Account". He remains the only person to write a book about the crash of TWA Flight 800 that was actually at the scene of the rescue on the night the plane crashed, July 17th 1996.
Surrendering the sword to the Progressive/Socialists is an unintended consequence, or is it rather intentional? The Republican Party is splitting itself into factions, some not too far, if not identical to the far left agenda and behavior. Trump is a glorified Lefty pretending he is a Conservative,camouflaged in his self adornment and Republican proclamations, boasting to dismantle both parties replacing it with the unknown fetes; For sure, he will destroy the Republican Party, replacing it with a coercive agenda, threatening all incumbents to submit to his will or perish at the polls or be destroyed politically with accusations.
The Republican Party is unable to realize its, precarious, predicament; it is drowning in its own ignorance. Even if Trump does not win, he will leave this Party in disarray, resembling more not unlike the Progressive/Socialists Party.
Old Hillary will have won by their default, in their in- house turmoil; she laughing all the way to the White House.
If they do not self correct,very soon, they will be seen too much like the Far Left to matter to the American voter, giving Old Hillary the leverage she so desperately needs. Good timing Reps!!!
Surrendering the sword to the Progressive/Socialists is an unintended consequence, or is it rather intentional? The Republican Party is splitting itself into factions, some not too far, if not identical to the far left agenda and behavior. Trump is a glorified Lefty pretending he is a Conservative,camouflaged in his self adornment and Republican proclamations, boasting to dismantle both parties replacing it with the unknown fetes; For sure, he will destroy the Republican Party, replacing it with a coercive agenda, threatening all incumbents to submit to his will or perish at the polls or be destroyed politically with accusations.
The Republican Party is unable to realize its, precarious, predicament; it is drowning in its own ignorance. Even if Trump does not win, he will leave this Party in disarray, resembling more not unlike the Progressive/Socialists Party.
Old Hillary will have won by their default, in their in- house turmoil; she laughing all the way to the White House.
If they do not self correct,very soon, they will be seen too much like the Far Left to matter to the American voter, giving Old Hillary the leverage she so desperately needs. Good timing Reps!!!
The Tea Party Killing Machine "Trump Card LLC" Libertarians Plan To Attack Donald Trump

"Trump Card LLC" Libertarians Plan To Attack Donald Trump

The news about the new attack PAC against Donald Trump is starting to circulate and will be well known fast as the lips can fly and the fingers can tap buttons on the keyboards. Yes, our shiny establishment libertarian republicans have put together a PAC of business wealthies to show the strength of the their collected dollars to a candidate that has his own dollars. The PAC won't let their donor list go public so there's something about the something and I myself am under the thought that some of the donors are of the democratic communist party. I've always stated the rino population that has infiltrated the republican party are the libertarian half democrat, half republican creatures of our despare.
Many many business entities are named, "The Trump Card" and some may or may not be connected to the new "Tea Party Killing Machine" Trump Card LLC. There are even foreign business entities with the name "The Trump Card". "The Trump Card" is a popular name most likely playing off of Donald Trumps popularity. Using the name "Trump Card" is a good laugh for the libertarian republican rinos and mixing the name "Trump Card" in with all the other businesses named "Trump Card" is a good way to conceal the organization that plans to attack Donald Trump.
There are several "Trump Card" business entities. The "Trump Card LLC" I'm investigating was created August, 2015 and is connected to "Paracorp Plus" under the name of "Parasec". Paracec is the registered agent for "Trump Card LLC" that's out to kill Donald Trump and the Tea Party. All the names listed in the next paragraph are without a doubt "Libertarians". My first thought that's not proven is this "Registering Agent Business" Parasec could be and most likely is the connecting rod for the libertarian political machine. Why would the "Trump Card LLC" Tea Party killing machine use someone else's registered agent business and not one of their own? Parasec is "Global".
What is the "Trump Card LLC" and/or "Trump Card Inc.", well, I got hold of a list of participating directors: Liz Mair, Elizabeth Mair, Michael Hanlon, Michelle Hanlon, Reince Priebus, RNC, IGH Holdings Inc, Ron Pauls Private Republican Liberty Caucus, New Media Strategies, Hynes Communications LLC, DCI Group LLC, MAIR Strategies LLC, Rick Wilson.
The " Congressional Republican Liberty Caucus " may be confused with " Ron Paul's Private Non Congressional Republican Liberty Caucus " that is connected to "The Trump Card LLC" attacking Donald Trump. The "Congressional Liberty Caucus" was created by Justin Amash and as of this day the "Republican Congressional Liberty Caucus" does not have any libertarian members and will not attack Donald Trump. MARK SANFORD and RAUL LABRADOR have good conservative voting records in opposition to the GOP libertarians.
If you go to " Ron Paul's Non Congressional Liberty Caucus " you will see they have Ted Cruz and Rand Paul listed as members. After all the research I've done on Ted Cruz there's no doubt at all Ted Cruz is libertarian and "Lying" about his stance on illegal immigration. Ted Cruz will legalize illegal aliens if he happens to get elected. Other libertarians out to take control and distort the "Tea Party" with libertarianism are: Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, Rand Paul a most if not all of the republican presidential candidates. Ben Carson is dipped into the libertarian puddle also. Half of Fox News anchors, reporters and contributors are libertarian.
Here's the link to the "Libertarian Republican Rino" list. Libertarian Rinos
Article: The Libertarians Believe U.S. Citizens Into Their Non Reality
Read Full Article Here: The Tea Party Killing Machine
I'm tired of the corrupt "party politics" of the GOP. When I vote for a candidate, I am voting for someone that will represent me in Washington. I am not voting for someone to represent the GOP.
I posted on this today on my blog "Parties-Shmarties - Get Me Some Tea!"
Hillary Clinton has stated that of the 60,000 emails she exchanged as Secretary of State half or 30,000 were personal. Randall Sorensen, CPA decided to provide Hillary’s boss, the taxpayers with the estimated cost of her lost work productivity. Based on her salary and workplace statistics, Hillary’s emails cost taxpayers $125,000.
Hillary Clinton’s private server will confirm for the FBI whether any classified information was inadvertently passed. The server will also provide an exact timeline of her emails. Randall Sorensen, CPA and Certified in Financial Forensics decided to determine how much Hillary’s personal emails cost American taxpayers.
Mr. Sorensen reviewed Hillary’s tax returns for years 2009 through 2012 and found that as Secretary of State she was paid an average annual salary of $158,000. Presidential candidate tax returns can be viewed at www.taxhisory.org. Also, according to the CATO Institute the average federal worker receives an additional 42% in fringe benefits ($34,000 avg. ben/$81,000 avg. pay). When you multiply her annual salary of $158,000 by 142%, Hillary’s annual cost to taxpayers was $224,000. www.downsizinggovernment.org/overpaid-federal-workers.
Next, Sorensen relied on the McKinsey Global Institute regarding the amount of time worker’s spend on emails. MGI’s research shows employees spend up to 28% of their day on emails. www.mckinsey.com/insights/high_tech_telecoms_internet/the_social_economy.
Therefore, if you multiply Hillary’s annual wages and benefits of $224,000 times 28%, the effective cost to taxpayers for her to read and send emails was $62,700. Since Hillary has stated that 50% (30,000 of 60,000) were personal we would need to multiply $62,700 by 50% for a net cost to her boss, the taxpayers, of $31,350. Multiplying $31,350 times four years as Secretary you arrive at a rather staggering cost of cost of $125,000.
Mr. Sorensen said tongue in cheek, “imagine walking into your boss’s office tomorrow and announcing that you plan to prepare 30,000 personal emails over the next four years at a cost to the company of $125,000 and you expect them to pay for it”. Before attempting this, Sorensen stated “I recommend that your boss have a good sense of humor to prevent your sudden unemployment”.
In summary, Hillary’s urgency to instantly contact a loved one or repairman is human nature. The content of Hillary’s personal emails isn’t any business of the rest of the world….. except maybe when you’re the Secretary of State and your being compensated by hard working taxpayers. Hillary should be applauded for teaching us all a valuable lesson……. emails can and will come back to bite you!
As we Christians "Know" the truth and had learned it's not how I have formed it but how it "IS" To see an object and wonder if you can pick it up, finding it to be welded to a table is to then know that truth, as when some one else removes the weld and claims to have proven you wrong now that the truth has been removed. What could be said is that bracket they removed was the canapy bracket to hold the canapy when it rains thus forming a new lifestyle around that table. For those unable to know the history of that truth wont try and repaire the damage in not seeing it, thus forced to abapt to the new truth. The Democrats now the Republicans know how simple it is to change a society, away from the truth. The citizens will soon always be in "Survival" mode" as our lifestyle has been given away.
There are four facts freedom loving folks must face.
1. The main enemy is liberalism. See http://www.insectman.us/misc/liberalism-is-evil.htm
2. The battle front is for the hearts and minds of our children. See http://www.insectman.us/exodus-mandate-wv/index.htm
3. Republicans are not the answer. See http://www.insectman.us/articles/karls/political-bugs.htm
4. No matter how many political battles are won it will be useless without being saved. See http://www.insectman.us/getsaved.htm
We must learn from the folks that fired the first shot in the Culture War. See http://www.insectman.us/testimony/text-book-war.htm
I truly believe Liberlism is a mental illness. It seems the slogans they use and the agenda they support and follow is to most normal and rational people ofensive and twisted. They seem to thrive on deception and hiding the real truth about issues.
Abortion is a topic that always is taken by political correct liberals and turned into a non violent and heroic act by the female. They will only use the term "A woman's right to choose." This is the only description of the act of abortion a Liberal will accept and use.
In response to this politically correct label and description of abortion I once asked a liberal "choose what?" The liberal looked at me and said, "you know." Have control of her body''. I replied, "control her body? And what act lets her control her body? Then the liberal said, "free choice." I replied, "and what is the result of the free choice?" The liberal could see what the truth was now and refused to talk more about it.
This is an example of the mentally ill liberal mind. When in reality the right to choose means the right to choose to murder your child! When I use this truth to debate liberals and call it murder they most always freak out and call me a terrorist. Or call me a right wing fucking idiot. Or sometimes they have actually gotten violent when I have spoken the truth about the reality of abortion. Murdering your child!......And Jesus Said: “See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. ... To practice harm to any, especially children."
Another issue I debated with liberals is a fact I thought of concerning Gun control. In a group of liberals I stated I was an NRA member and the second amendment guaranteed out right to keep and bare arms. The Government had no right to molest gun owners.
This statement immediately infuriated the liberal group! They went crazy and called me a fascist and a danger to the public. I let them rant on for about ten minutes. My response to them was this...Your whole argument is that gun owners are potential killers. You say a number of children are killed every year by firearms. A very small number but I did agree every child's life is precious.
I said to the liberals, "Now I will ask you a question. It seems you Liberals think the murder of over 50 million children killed in the mothers womb is ok! But we both just agreed every child's life is precious. So if you want to ban all firearms you should be more that happy to stop the murder of children by abortion."
This was the liberals response to my reasoning... "You are a terrorist!" "you are a sick right wing fanatic!" "Go to Hell!"
I rest my case. Liberals are twisted and mentally ill... also liars and deceivers!
Obamas policies are disturbing enough, but the sad truth is the liberal media gives him a pass just because he is a Dimwit I mean Democrat. Then so called conservative media like fox news gives him a pass because they are scared of being scene as raciest. Then to top it off, most Americans, just want nothing more than to go to work or collect their welfare check and be left alone. In turn they to give the overall government a free pass thus allowing Obama to just ignore any piece of legislation that doesn’t conform to his dictator mentality.
Thus, it is going to take a lot of work to undo the effects of the Obama administration. Thank God that people are starting to get mad at the system, and say enough is enough. I for one am sick and tired of politicians who have never worked a blue collar job, never had to live paycheck to paycheck, never wondered where their next meal was coming from tell me that they are “looking out for me”, or Full Time employment vanish so big business can get around Obamacare. Then thanks to Obamacare the working class who can’t make ends meet are forced to pay higher insurance cost.