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Satire by John W. Lillpop

August 4, 1961.

A day that will live in infamy along with December 7, 1941 and September 11, 2001?

Or should America be celebrating the birth of Barack Hussein Obama with the same gusto, reverence, and passion reserved for Christmas?

Do we Americans need a new national holiday--Barackmas--to celebrate this most special birthday?

Under this tax and deficit neutral scheme, everyone would get August 4th off. A small $500 "gratitude fee" would collected by DNC workers to pay for the frolicking.

If all of this sounds far fetched, please consider the following scrolls found in Mohamed Attah's safe deposit box at the Bank of Baghdad:

And He Shall Be Called Barack, The Anointed One:

"And it came to pass, in the appointed time, that a child was c born unto a humble servant of Allah in a land called Kenya. And the assembled 72 virgin angels tended to the mother and child, and sang in unison in praise of Allah for blessing the Faithful with this most holy of beings.

"And the virgin angels saith unto his mother, "Take ye this new born, the most favored of Allah, to an island where trade winds blow and birth certificates are fungible.

"He shall be called Barack, which means the Anointed One, and his birthplace shall be recorded as Honolulu to protect Faithful Kenyans from the ravages of evil crusaders, who will be known as "birthers."

"His powers shall be great and he shall be called upon to deliver the Faithful from the ravages of a dyslexic cowboy from Texas who destroyed many Muslims in order to shield Zionist pigs from justice.

"That evil man is the anti-Allah who hides behind a Bush to escape exposure. He must be blamed for all manner of sin and Barack must be held blameless for all woes to visit America, the home of the unfaithful and the land of the fraud."

"The Anointed One shall bring with him a sword with which to slay the moguls of capitalism and free the unwashed masses from insurance companies, Wall Street tycoons, automobile corporations and other agents of tyranny, except for labor unions which shall be rewarded and encouraged to multiple in great numbers, Allah willing.

"His enemies will be many and powerful, but none shall prevail.

"The Anointed One shall reign over America for eight years, or until the US Treasury runs out of money, whichever comes first.

"Go ye, therefore, two by two and preach the Gospel of Barack near and far to all who would hear you. To those who would not abide you, shake the dust from your feet and report the incident to the nearest ACORN center.

"Declare the good news to all, being this: On this night in a lonely mud hut in Kenya, Allah delivered unto us a child to rebuke all that malarkey about a baby Jew birthed by a virgin come to save the world."

And his name shall be BARACK, and he shall be Allah's gift to the Faithful.

Amen and amen!"

John W. Lillpop
San Jose, California
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By John W. Lillpop

Vice-president Joe Biden, no doubt with coaching and encouragement from Janet Napolitano and other progressives in the Obama Administration, significantly lowered the bar on civility and adult behavior with a scurrilous attack on elected members of the U.S. Congress.

Specifically, Biden referred to Tea Party members as “terrorists” for their heroic efforts to force fiscal responsibility down the throats of an out-of-touch president and Democrat cohorts in Congress, all of whom are addicted to spending money that America simply does not have.

Terrorists, Mr. VP?

Odd language, that, especially from an administration which refuses to acknowledge that America is at war with radical Islam, and which will do damn near anything to avoid the word “terrorism” when referring to the violence and mayhem inflicted on innocent people by the “Religion of Peace.”

Still, Biden’s remarks should come as no great surprise, given his warped view that paying higher taxes is “patriotic”!

Which raises an interesting question: If Biden had been alive during the American revolution, whose side would he be on?

King George, or those “terrorists” who dumped tea in Boston Harbor to protest unfair taxes and tyranny?
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By John W. Lillpop

Everyone knows that the U.S. House is home to right-wing zealots, eccentric nut balls, and racists known as Tea Party activists, right?

But did you know that the Nanny House of Pelosi is also digs for demented, far-left rascals?

As reported, in part, at the reference, Emanuel Cleaver is not particularly thrilled with the “deal” struck on the debt ceiling:

Emanuel Cleaver Democratic Congressman, chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus and United Methodist minister, appeared on MSNBC last night and vented his strong disapproval of what he sees, concluding “if I were a Republican, this is a night to party.”

Cleaver also described for MSNBC host Chris Jansing just how much he truly despised this “deal

“If you lift the bun, what you see is antithetical to everything the great religions of the world teach. Which is take care of the poor, take of the aged. . . . I am concerned about this because we don’t know the details. And until we see the details, we’re going to be extremely non-committed, but on the surface it looks like a Satan sandwich.”

Hmm. How is it that the “Minister” is able to label the Deal as “antithetical to everything the great religions of the world teach” without lifting the bun and knowing the details?

Perhaps the minister should be asked, “Sour Grapes with Your “Satan Sandwich,” Rep. Cleaver?

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By John W. Lillpop

Although Barack Obama and his Marxist cohorts take enormous pride in being “illegal alien-friendly,” the Obama economic depression is driving hundreds of thousands of illegals back home to Mexico.

As reported in the media:

“Though construction generally is the best-paying work for illegal aliens, California’s agriculture industry has depended on these workers also. Now, more are heading back to Mexico where opportunities are improving.

“It’s now easier to buy homes on credit, find a job and access higher education in Mexico,” Sacramento’s Mexican consul general, Carlos González Gutiérrez, said Wednesday.

Mexico’s unemployment rate is now 4.9 percent, compared with 9.2 percent joblessness in the United States.”

Of course, what is NOT being said is that Mexico’s low unemployment rate is due, in large part, to the fact that the third-world nation has exported millions of unskilled, non-English speaking illegals to the United States where they undercut American citizens by working for lower pay and with no benefits.

Still, America stands to benefit if the “reverse invasion” continues because our nation currently spends more than $100 billion each year to feed, educate, house, and provide health care to illegals who do not belong here.

Over the course of 10 years, that amounts to more than one trillion dollars, which should be used to pay down the deficit instead of buying votes for Democrats.

Earth to Obama and progressives: Illegal aliens are self-deporting, which is wonderful news for the American economy, education, health care and culture.

All of which means that wasting money on the DREAM Act, Comprehensive Immigration Reform and other such illegal-pandering nonsense is uncalled for, unnecessary, and, at this point, un-American.

The last thing America needs is for a gaggle of bleeding heart liberals to do something stupid that will entice illegals to stay or, God forbid, motivate even more to come here!
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By John W. Lillpop

According to breaking news headlines cluttering my TV screen, President Obama and Minority Senate Leader Mitch McConnell are “VERY CLOSE” to agreement on a deal (scam) that will end the debt-ceiling crisis, avoid default, and transport 307 million Americans to the promised land where we will all live happy forever more.

All in one fell swoop!

The good news is that Harry Reid has been “politically castrated” on national TV by Drs. Obama and McConnell without wasting taxpayer money and time on unnecessary anesthetics!

Thank God, we do NOT feel your pain, Senator Reid!

The bad news is that Tea Party Republicans in the U.S. House are also slated for “group castration,” again with Drs. Obama and McConnell administering the tough medicine to those vermin with the audacity to demand a balanced budget!

Let the message for forth to the heroic Tea Party members who have changed the way Americans think about spending and deficits: DO NOT WAIVER IN YOUR COMMITMENT TO CONSERVATIVE PRINCIPLES!

Americans are counting on the Tea Party to inject common sense and fiscal responsibility into this political debate.

Carry on Tea Party, and God Bless!
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By John W. Lillpop

During an appearance on the Larry King show back in February 2010, Vice-President Joe Biden made headlines when he opined that the situation in Iraq would be a “great achievement” for the Obama Administration.

As reported, in part, at the reference, VP Biden said:

“I am very optimistic about -- about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You're going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You're going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government.”

Fast forward to July 2011 where the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction released his assessment (see reference 2) which is far less optimistic that the Biden gushing:

"Iraq is a less safe place than it was one year ago as security deteriorates, an American watchdog warned on Saturday, just months ahead of a US withdrawal from the country.

The assessment by Stuart Bowen, the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, contrasts markedly from the more optimistic view often voiced by senior US army officers who argue Iraqis can maintain internal security.

Bowen said efforts by the US embassy to train Iraq's fledgling police force would be "challenging."

While the military has been in charge of developing Iraq's policemen, that responsibility is being transferred to the US State Department.

"Iraq remains an extraordinarily dangerous place to work," Bowen said in the report published on Saturday. "It is less safe, in my judgment, than 12 months ago."

He added the transition of responsibility for reconstruction from the US military to the embassy was occurring "against the backdrop of a security situation in Iraq that continues to deteriorate."

Iraq less safe than it was 12 months ago?

How, even in the muddled minds of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, does that qualify as a “greater achievement”?

Ref 1:

Ref 2:

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By John W. Lillpop

For years, the United States Senate has earned universal respect and admiration as the “most deliberative body in the world.”

Indeed, the Senate has been seen as a cooling pond to counter the impulsive, knee-jerk reaction often emanating from the more radical U.S. House of Representatives.

All of which makes the recent behavior of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid seem most bizarre.

Specifically, after the U.S. House passed the Cut, Cap and Balance Act and sent same to Reid for action by the Senate, Reid broke out into a cold sweat while defiling the bill as weak and senseless” and “perhaps some of the worst legislation in the history of this country.”

Remember this is one of the trio of thugs who rammed ObamaCare down the throats of unwilling Americans!

Talk about weak, senseless legislation!

Still, Democrats all across the landscape of American politics seem to agree with Reid. It is though the term, “Balanced Budget” is the contemporary equivalent of the N word!

Reid also said the following about the first Boehner plan: “I’m not going to waste the Senate’s time day after day on this piece of legislation which I think is anathema to what our country is all about.”

Balancing the budget and cutting spending is “anathema to what our country is all about” ?

Other terms that Democrats universally object to include:

Free speech

Homeland Security

Rule of Law

US Constitution

And Tea Party members are extremists?
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Let Them Drink Tea!

By John Lillpop

July 28 was an amazing day in America.

Early in the day, John Boehner, Erick Canter, and other Republican leaders confidently declared that the U.S. House would pass the Boehner plan and send it to the U.S. Senate where Harry Reid promised to run the document through a shredder immediately upon receipt.

Boehner had apparently turned the corner by telling his wild tea party members to “get you’re a**** in line!” Tough language usually works when delivered in stern tones and with clenched teeth.

By 11PM, Boehner and crew had cancelled any action on his namesake bill due to a lack of votes. The Speaker headed home as did Harry Reid after turning his shredder off for the day.

July 28 will be indelibly stamped on Boehner’s brain as the day that the Tea Party came of age in the U.S. If there was any lingering doubt as to the commitment, energy, and integrity of the Tea Party gang, all such doubt was erased as they brought down the Speaker and forced him to eat crow with the entire nation waiting to watch the House vote.

Democrats are snickering with glee at the rude treatment visited upon the befuddled Speaker.

A word of caution to Democrats: Do not underestimate the power of the Tea party. These patriots mean business and operate under the slogan, “Let them drink tea!”
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 Satire By John W. Lillpop

Once again, Comrade Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco has made headlines, this time with an out-of-this-world remark about the ongoing debt-ceiling war.

The former Shrieker of the House entertained the world with this pearl of wisdom:

“What we’re trying to do is save the world from the Republican budget,” she said. “We’re trying to save life on this planet as we know it today.”

So, just what is “Life as we know it” according to this bug-eyed grandma and is it worth saving?

Consider the fact that Comrade Nancy does hail from San Francisco—the only American city that tried to join the former USSR, but was rejected because Moscow found folks here too far to the left.

In San Francisco, “Life as we know it” includes the following untoward circumstances, because in San Francisco it is:

*A felony to vote Republican;

*Against the law to fly Old Glory without a special permit on Cinco de Mayo day when the Mexican flag is preeminent, and must not be mocked with vulgar displays of excessive Americanism;

* A hate crime to speak English at fast-food restaurants, car washes, emergency rooms, and whenever speaking to Hispanics obviously here illegally;

* A violation to wear the uniform of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines, especially when one does so with an arrogant, “America First,” belligerence.

* True that attending a Christian church will automatically cause one's property taxes to double. However, there is an appeals process.

* Required that job applicants prove that they are transvestite, gay, handicapped, or a racial minority to qualify;

* A major crime to work at Wal-Mart;

*Possible to get an abortion on one of those fabulous cable cars, at most self-serve gas stations, at progressive piano bars, and at Alcatraz Island after 6pm, except on Mother's Day;

* Not enough to be a young Middle Eastern male who speaks Arabic in order to be considered a protected minority. In order to be so classified, one must have been arrested and charged with a terrorist act--- like attempting to move the Golden Gate Bridge to Oregon with an IED;

* Required that straight, white, employed Christian males notify the police 60 days before moving into a new neighborhood;

* Necessary to enroll as a dues-paying member of ACLU in order to secure a driver’s license;

*True that convicted sex offenders moving into San Francisco are automatically registered to vote as Democrats.

Therefore, the question as to whether liberalism spawns a life worth living is very much a matter of judgment and morality—both of which are in very short supply in the mind of Nancy Pelosi and other moon bats in ‘Frisco!

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By John W. Lillpop

Although politicians from both sides of the political spectrum proudly declare that their particular “plan” will take a bite our of the whopping federal deficit, the brutal truth is quite the opposite.

Of the current plans being considered, neither the Boehner nor Reed plan will actually eat into the $14.3 trillion dollar yoke that is being fitted for our grandchildren, and Lord knows how many generations to follow.

Because this nation spends about $100 billion more each month than revenues received, the deficit automatically grows by about one-trillion each year. And that does not include interest on the debt or unexpected emergencies.

Thus, when John Boehner or Harry Reid boasts of saving a couple of trillion dollars over 10 years, the simple truth is that that would barely enable America to keep up with the escalating deficit!

If either of these plans is enacted, in year 2021 America will still have a $14.3 trillion dollar deficit, or more.

Furthermore, America has no savings for a rainy day, although violent storms are forecast for decades to come.

The solution: Congress must pass and the president must sign legislation which CUTS the debt-ceiling and requires immediate spending cuts so as to stop the accumulation of any more debt. Period!

Future budgets must be designed to cut ten percent of the federal deficit each year so that the debt is retired, in full, by 2021.

Call it a “Balanced Budget” by default if you will. America can no longer afford to have the nation’s financial future left in the hands of politicians who get elected by giving away other people’s money!

Tough medicine?

Of course, but unless the political class takes on this mess in a serious fashion, America will be pan handling on the Mexican border and in other third-world nations for funds to meet our basic needs!
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By John W. Lillpop

Worried about August 2 and the financial “Armageddon” that will allegedly wipe out the U.S. and the world if the debt-ceiling is not raised by then?

Forget August 2, patriot!

Thanks to genius unleashed in Washington D.C., the drop dead mark has been moved up to 4pm, EST.


According to financial wizards(the same who failed to keep America from falling into this mess to begin with), the Congress must solve the crisis by this afternoon in order to prevent the “markets” from melting down in Asia, and snowballing into complete disaster on Wall Street come Monday.

Thus, Congressional critters are working this Sunday in a heated rush to show Asia that Yankee ingenuity and Exceptionalism are still formidable, the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama notwithstanding.

But would America actually be better off if our vaunted AAA credit rating was knocked down a notch or two?

As it now stands, America is cursed by the presence of Democrats in the White House and U.S. Senate who refuse to accept the fact that reckless, irresponsible spending must be halted in order to assure the long-term solvency of the American economy, and our democracy itself.

Yet, despite all the warnings, Democrats continue to pursue the “spend and tax agenda” that has America reeling out of control and on the brink of bankruptcy.

Part of the “problem” may be our cherished AAA credit rating, which makes it possible for Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack Obama to continue the pattern of spending like drunken sailors with impunity.

Default and downgrade, unthinkable to most, might just provide the medicine needed to treat the liberal addiction to excessive spending.

Would America be better off, in the long-term, if the ability of our government to borrow additional sums, which we cannot afford, was involuntarily reduced by downgrade of our credit?

At least until the American people can remove woefully ignorant and reckless progressives from the White House and Senate in November 2012?

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By John W. Lillpop

Homeland Security boss lady Janet Napolitano has repeatedly stated that the U.S.-Mexico border has never been more secure. Her spin is intended to counter demands that the borders be secured before “comprehensive reform,” otherwise known as amnesty, is even considered.

Its all part of the sinister Obama master plan to fundamentally CHANGE America by importing and granting amnesty to millions of non-English speaking foreign invaders who, if promised enough goodies, can be counted on to vote Democratic for decades.

Never mind that such a tactic threatens American sovereignty, economic health, culture and language.

All that matters to Obama and the left is the golden opportunity to build the base of the Democrat Party with millions of docile sheep ripe for brain washing as useful idiots.

Unfortunately for Napolitano and Obama, huge holes in the actual border, and in the liberal argument, continue to ridicule the notion that the border is secure.

The latest outrage comes from Escondido, California as reported in part at the reference:

ESCONDIDO — A 25-year-old man with an extensive criminal history who has been repeatedly deported was detained this week in Escondido, police said Thursday.
Jose Vigil Carbajal, 25, was stopped Monday by Escondido police officers for a vehicle-code violation, said police Lt. Craig Carter. He was turned over to U.S. Immigration and Customs enforcement officials and was scheduled to again be removed from the country. According to ICE, he has been deported 15 times.

Carbajal’s criminal record includes four arrests for driving under the influence, one arrest for hit-and-run and two arrests for driving with a suspended license.

It was the third time that Escondido police have detained Carbajal, Carter said. The first was last November, also for a vehicle-code violation. The second was May 11 for disturbing the peace while attending a party.

In each case, Carbajal was deported after being turned over to ICE officials under a program called Operation Joint Effort.

The program, launched in May 2010, partners Escondido police with federal immigration-enforcement officers in an effort to help identify and arrest criminal illegal immigrants.

Since its inception, ICE officials have arrested 539 illegal immigrants who were previously deported, had a criminal history or were ICE fugitives at large.

Among those arrested, 70 had drug convictions, 49 had assault convictions, 13 had sexual assault convictions, 141 had DUI convictions, 43 had theft convictions and 19 had gang-related convictions. Twenty have been arrested in Escondido multiple times.”

Deported 15 times, including three times over the past nine months?

Good grief, Madam Secretary, how in the hell does that qualify as “Never more secure” ?

The progressive impulse to ignore homeland security in order to grow the Democrat Party base is out of control! On a scale damn near as disastrous as the party’s idiotic stance on spending and deficits.

Awaken, America! Your nation is being sold out to illegal aliens by politicians who hate this beloved nation.

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John W. Lillpop
During President Obama’s emotional tirade on Friday, he fumed about Republicans and posed the following question, “Can they say yes to anything?”

The answer to that rhetorical gouging is an emphatic: Yes! they can, and have already done so!

Fact is, the ONLY actual legislation for ending the debt-ceiling crisis was passed Monday by the U.S. House.

Its called “Cut, Cap, and Balance” and passed by a 234-190 tally in the House, including five votes from Democrats.

Cut, Cap, and Balance was then sent to the U.S. Senate, where, at the hysterical urging of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, it was tabled, 51-46.

All Republican Senators voted YES!

If just a couple of Democrats in the U.S. Senate had voted YES!, Cut, Cap, and Balance would have been headed to the president for signature.

The question then would be, “Can President Obama say YES! to a reasonable bill to end the debt ceiling crisis and tackle the deficit in a responsible manner?”

Bill Wilson of Americans for Limited Government put it this way as reported at the reference:

“The defeat today in the Senate of the ‘Cut, Cap, and Balance’ provision to deal with the debt ceiling crisis is a tragedy. We have lost, through this vote, not just the ability of any short term remedy, but the opportunity to put America on a trajectory for fiscal sustainability and a return to sound economic planning and thinking. Today is going to be marked, frankly, as a tragic day in American history. This is the day when the Senate went on record wanting to see America expand its debt, which will inevitably lead to the collapse of the dollar and the collapse of the U.S. economy.

“Credit rating agencies Moody’s and S&P have warned if a fiscal consolidation plan of at least $4 trillion is not put in place now, our Triple-A credit rating will be revoked. That will crash markets all over the world, mean higher interest payments, which already total in the hundreds of billions every year, and make the size of budget cuts needed even larger in the future. Washington simply is not taking this threat seriously.

‘Cut, Cap, and Balance’ is the only proposal on the table that can deal with this threat in a timely and effective manner, saving $5.8 trillion in the next ten years and balancing the budget.

“Senators who profess to support a Balanced Budget Amendment and who voted no on ‘Cut, Cap, and Balance’ have, through their deceit, tabled the one proposal that can prevent a downgrade. They are guaranteeing that their own states, which too will be affected by a Treasury downgrade, will have to make even higher interest payments on municipal debt. By fighting budget cuts in Washington, senators are guaranteeing bigger budget cuts at home down the road.

“When the nation is downgraded, and markets crash, the American people now have someone to blame: Those senators that refused to take the opportunity presented by ‘Cut, Cap, and Balance’ to restore order to the nation’s fiscal house.”

 Thus, the issue drags on and the threat of a default remains alive.

When will President Obama and Senate Democrats get serious about reigning in spending and cutting the deficit?

Can they say YES! to the “shovel ready” solution known as Cut, Cap, and Balance?


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By John W. Lillpop

Call me a skeptic, cynic, or even a Doubting Thomas when it comes to the secret, private meetings allegedly taking place at the White House between President Obama and Speaker John Boehner about the debt-ceiling crisis.

For several weeks now, the media have reported that these two “public servants” have sequestered themselves somewhere in the White House for hours of one-on-one negotiations, undertaken to end the bitter stalemate over raising the debt-ceiling, thereby avoiding a default come August 2.

Obama and Boehner have allegedly worked late into nights and on weekends, in addition to hours spent blabbing on the telephone.

The two even held a highly celebrated and public negotiation on the golf course, along with VP Biden and Ohio Governor John Kasich.

While it is undeniable that the issue is hugely sensitive and a veritable political land mine for all involved, the fact is that Obama is stridently opposed to any and all spending cuts while Boehner is just as adamant in opposing taxes, or anything remotely resembling same.

So why the hell does it take these two powerful men hours and hours on end to keep saying, “Keep your slimy Republican hands off Social Security and Medicare!” in Obama’s case, and “Read my lips—no new or old taxes!” in Boehner’s case?

Suspicious minds want to know!

A conspiracy theory worth considering: Both Obama and Boehner know that America’s financial mess is so icky that the only way out is through default and bankruptcy. No other solution is viable, nothing else will work.

So why the hours and hours of torture behind closed doors?

It’s all a façade, folks! The President and Speaker have conceded that America will tank on August 3, but are engaging in these phantom meetings to give the appearance of working their fingers to the bones to avoid the default pain.

In truth, the president and Boehner shoot hoops in the White House gym for an hour or so, or until Boehner, a heavy smoker, collapses. Boehner then goes home, after logging out on the official White House visitor record.

There are no marathon meetings between these two powerful leaders, except for games of HORSE, inevitably won by the president!
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By John Lillpop

With America at risk of default what with the debt-ceiling crisis, President Obama allegedly suddenly finds comfort and wisdom in what the people want.

In fact, Obama gushed with pride recently while claiming that 80 percent of the American people agree with his “balanced” approach to the crisis.

However, as indicated at the reference, most voters do NOT agree with raising the debt limit and believe that Obama was using missed Social Security checks as a scare tactic:

Most American voters oppose raising the national debt ceiling and think talk of missed Social Security checks is just a scare tactic. Voters are optimistic that a debt deal will be made soon, and if it isn’t they will blame both Republicans and Democrats.

These are just some of the findings from a Fox poll released Wednesday.

Voters were asked to imagine being a lawmaker in Congress who had to cast an up-or-down vote on raising the debt ceiling. The poll found 35 percent would vote in favor of increasing the limit, while 60 percent would vote against it.

Most Tea Partiers (81 percent), Republicans (76 percent) and independents (63 percent) would vote against raising the limit. Views among Democrats are more evenly divided: 50 percent would raise it and 44 percent wouldn’t.”

Get that, Barack? Sixty percent, including 44 percent of Democrats, disagree with you on raising the limit!

The American people agree with the Tea Party!


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An Obama Epiphany on What Americans Want?

By John W. Lillpop

The American people have never approved of the Marxist health scare scheme known as ObamaCare. From the time that the government takeover of 17 percent of the U.S. economy was first proposed in Congress to this day, a majority of Americans are opposed and favor repeal of the hideous bill.

Yet, President Obama continues to support the flawed bill, despite what the American people want.

In general, a large majority (70-80 percent) of Americans think the nation is headed in the wrong direction.

Yet, President Obama continues his assault on the U.S. economy, the Constitution, and American capitalism with naïve, foolish policies which push the nation further into debt and toward socialism, a failed ideology.

Overall, this president has shown a persistent and impassioned disregard for what the American people want, and what the Constitution requires.

Now, with America on the cusp of default what with the debt-ceiling crisis, President Obama suddenly has an epiphany, a spiritual awakening if you will, and finds comfort and wisdom in what the people want.

In fact, Obama gushed with pride recently while claiming that 80 percent of the American people agree with his “balanced” approach to the crisis.

The obvious question to The One is:
What about ObamaCare and the direction the nation is headed, Mr. President? Why do you ignore the will of the American people when it comes to those vital concerns?
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Satire by John Lillpop

Anyone who has ever applied for a loan from a bank knows that the federal government’s current efforts to raise the debt ceiling would most likely be rejected by most financial institutions.

Still, it might be fun to imagine what would happen if Barack Obama was forced to jump through normal hoops in order to raise the debt ceiling.

We imagine the following dialog might take place:

Banker: Good morning, Mr. Obama. Please have a seat. You don’t mind if I call you Barack, do you?

BHO: Actually, I prefer “Mr. President.”

Banker: Great. Now about your application, Barack ,you are looking to increase your credit limit, is that right?

BHO: That is correct.

Banker: And what is the purpose? I do not see that listed here---

BHO: The increased limit is to accommodate urgently needed additional spending.

Banker: Ouch! This must be a typo, Barack. According to this, your current obligations exceed your income, leaving you with a substantial deficit every month. That must be an error?

BHO: Actually, it’s easily explained. We have had some ferocious headwinds recently that have set us back, and ---

Banker: You mean to say these are your actual numbers? You are already running a deficit and you want us to increase your credit line?

BHO: It’s just a temporary bleep that we are in and I expect---

Banker: Sir, I am sorry! It would be totally reckless and irresponsible of this institution to enable you to get further in debt. With all due respect, sir, your have a devastating spending problem. You need to stop spending, Barack!

BHO: What are you, some sort of Tea Party racist or something?

Banker: Mr. Obama, I must ask to leave this bank immediately. There is no way we can help you. Perhaps the Bank of Greece could help?

THAT is how any sane person would respond to Obama’s scam. Unfortunately, Obama is dealing with the Congress where sanity is never in vogue!
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10 Steps to Understanding Liberal Thinking


By John Lillpop


The liberal brain does not collect and process information in a logical, reasonable, and objective manner. Rather, liberal thinking is dominated by an obsession with power, and use of that power to preserve elitist advantages.

This distorted perspective makes it very difficult to understand exactly how liberals think without advanced training in Abnormal Psychology.Nonetheless, the following non-technical summary should be useful to lay people.

How liberals think on 10 major issues of the day:

1. The U.S. Constitution Is Unconstitutional
According to liberal dogma, the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and Bill of Rights are unconstitutional because all were crafted by an exclusive conclave of white male Christians.

Women, Hispanics, African-Americans, Asians, gays, lesbians, transsexuals, the handicapped, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and the blind were all under represented, if at all.

Because of this devastating lack of diversity, the Constitution must be regarded as a “living document,” subject to change in accordance with ever changing demographics and contemporary values.

2. Free Speech
Freedom of speech must never be quashed, except for criticism directed at minorities and sensitive constituencies of the Democrat party.

Burning Old Glory is protected free speech, whereas expressions of conservative values by people like Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage are unacceptable “hate speech,” which must be subjected to “fairness” censoring by the federal government.

3. Abortion, the Death Penalty and Assisted Suicide
On issues of life and death, liberals are especially vulnerable to tripping on their own hypocritical double talk.

A woman’s right to abort the life of an innocent child is inalienable; whereas execution of a convicted killer is cruel, unusual & barbaric.

Starving a helpless victim like Terri Schaivo to death is acceptable; but using lethal injection to end the life of a brutal killer is not.

4. Religion
Religious faith and belief in God are outdated pagan concepts, which do more harm than good. Sophisticated citizens can rely on the Democrat party for support from cradle to grave, obviating the need to rely on beliefs and rituals long since debunked.

Symbols of Christianity such as the Ten Commandments, the Cross, Christmas trees, nativity scenes, and the like must be hidden from public view so as to offend no one.

Publicly wishing a friend or family member “Merry Christmas” is clearly an act of civil disobedience and unconstitutional.

While Christianity is to be suppressed at all costs, Islam must be openly promoted in the name of religious awareness, sensitivity and tolerance.

The separation of state and government applies fully when dealing with Christianity or Judaism, but is irrelevant with regard to Islam and all other religions.

Delivery of Christmas cards and gifts by the United States Postal Service is an unconstitutional violation of state-religion separation and must end immediately.

5. Taxes
Leveling the playing field between haves and have-nots is the most important function of government, even more critical than national security.

To support that objective, no government role is more essential than levying and collecting taxes, otherwise known as redistribution of wealth.

Tax cuts are wrong when returned to people who actually paid taxes, but are perfectly fine when sent to those who paid none.

Although most liberals deny that Jesus even lived, many use the quote in Matthew 22:21, “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s…” to justify higher taxes.

Paying taxes is the “Christian Conservative” thing to do!

6. Marriage and Same-Sex Issues
The traditional American family consisting of one man and one woman is just one of several possible arrangements, all of which are equally moral and acceptable.

Marriage is no longer necessary to sanctify man-woman relationships.

Although the institution of marriage is no longer vital to heterosexual partners, it is absolutely essential that same-sex couples be allowed to marry. To deny them that basic right is discriminatory, immoral, unfair, and clearly unconstitutional.

7 Racism, Diversity and Affirmative Action
Liberals believe that discrimination based on race or gender is wrong. Except when waged against Caucasian men, in which case it is mandated by law and called Affirmative Action.

“Our Diversity Is our Greatest Strength” is the liberal pledge of allegiance to socialism.

Enforcing U.S. borders and immigration laws, including deportation of illegal aliens, is wrong because it targets Hispanics, obviously based on racial profiling.

Those who support English as the official language of America are racists. But those who prefer Spanish and other foreign languages over English are not because of the inherent value of diversity.

Conservatives who seek to preserve American language and culture are bigoted hate mongers, whereas new immigrants, including illegal aliens, must be allowed to maintain and celebrate their cultural heritage at all costs, even if it interferes with assimilation into mainstream America.

8. Preserving the American Dream for Working Class Americans
According to liberal propaganda, they are the only hope for American families, notwithstanding the fact that Democrats support the influx of millions of illegal aliens who work for lower wages and without benefits, and drive down the standard of living for working families.

Skyrocketing gasoline prices devastate working American families, but protecting Alaskan wild life is a greater priority.

Businesses are oppressive institutions that must not be allowed to become too large and powerful. By contrast, government creates wealth & happiness and should be expanded whenever possible.

Outsourcing of American jobs to foreign nations is driven by immoral corporate greed.By contrast, open borders and amnesty are acceptable because most illegal aliens are future Democrats.

Huge profits are obscene and un-American, except when enjoyed by Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, George Soros, Oprah Winfrey, Ted Turner, and other liberals.

9. Global Warming, the Environment, and Energy Independence
According to liberal technocrats like Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, Katie Couric, and Dennis Kucinich, global warming is a greater threat to the health and well being of humanity than the war on terror.

Some liberal extremists even think that the colors of the American flag should be changed to green, white, and blue so as to reflect the importance of the environment to our nation, while simultaneously deleting the color red, which symbolizes blood shed in illegal wars waged by Bushes 41 and 43.

10. Use of Military Force, Invading Foreign Nations
Military force must never be used, except when needed to advance interests not vital to the United States, or to obscure a Democrat president’s sexual misconduct in the Oval Office.

Invading a foreign nation is wrong, except when aliens from Mexico invade America.

Bottom line: Understanding liberal thinking is probably more trouble than it is worth. The more prudent action would be to take all necessary steps to assure that liberals are not elected or reelected to political office.

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Boehner Boner on Debt-Ceiling Battle

By John W. Lillpop

Speaker Boehner’s apparent retreat from the fiscal revolution to save America is, in and of itself, a despicable cave-in to the Snake Brigade on the left, those anti-American, elitist intellectuals who do not give a tinker’s dam about anything but being re-elected in 2012.

The Snake Brigade includes the president and his Marxist minions in Congress, as well as the mainstream media.

Boehner’s boner is already being parlayed into political hay by the left as noted at the reference, in part:

Boehner "couldn't do revenues from wealthiest Americans," a White House official said.

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) all but extinguished hopes for a big deficit reduction deal because he refused to support any tax increases for the wealthiest Americans, a senior administration official said Saturday night.

The White House official also disputed the charge that President Obama was not willing to give ground on entitlement programs, saying that is "not true."

"[Boehner] couldn't do revenues from wealthiest Americans, he walked away over that," the official said. "They are telling people we couldn't do entitlements, not true."

There you go, Mr. Speaker: According to the “good faith” people in the White House, the Republican Party is so obsessed with protecting the rich that the desperately needed entitlement reform was sacrificed just to make sure that the wealthy are not forced to share in the sacrifice needed to save our beloved nation.

Lesson learned: When playing with snakes, regardless of how wrapped in “good faith” they may seem, one does risk being bitten!
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Boehner Blinks: America Loses!

By John W. Lillpop

House Speaker John Boehner has apparently decided that America’s financial problems are not that grave after all.

As reported in at the reference, in part:

“House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) abandoned efforts Saturday night to reach a comprehesive debt-reduction deal, telling President Obama that a mid-size package was the only politically possible alternative to avoid a first-ever default on the nation’s mounting national debt.

After speaking with Obama -- who is hosting a key meeting Sunday evening on steps forward on the debt issue -- Boehner issued the following statement:

“Despite good-faith efforts to find common ground, the White House will not pursue a bigger debt reduction agreement without tax hikes. I believe the best approach may be to focus on producing a smaller measure, based on the cuts identified in the Biden-led negotiations, that still meets our call for spending reforms and cuts greater than the amount of any debt limit increase.”

Good faith effort from the White House, Mr. Speaker?

Are you serious?

Exactly what flavor of Kool-Aid did Obama serve, sir?

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