john lillpop's Posts (214)

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Satire by John W. Lillpop

Thinking like an official of the Mexican government when it comes to illegal immigration to the U.S. requires that one abandon common sense and logic in total.

That reduced mental capacity would lead one to endorse the following immigration principles:

( ) There are NO valid borders between Mexico and the United States. In this age of progressive enlightenment, open borders reflects the new age of trust and reciprocity between the nations.

( ) Although there are no borders restricting migration from Mexico, prudence demands that the rich cultural heritage of the Mexican people be preserved.

Consequently, borders and border fences in southern Mexico are necessary to maintain our sovereignty and limit the dilution of our unique heritage by foreign interlopers.

( ) Mexico is a free and open society that welcomes diversity: We welcome the use of most dialects of Spanish in government, business, education, and medicine. Because English is the language of white racists, its use in strongly discouraged, especially around young children and the elderly.

( ) Mexican citizens unable to provide the bare necessities of life to their families have a patriotic duty to migrate to the U.S. where free welfare, housing, food, education, health care and other benefits are available.

( ) Legal migration to the United States is far too time-consuming and riddled with bureaucratic red tape for most Mexicans. Much of the paperwork is in English, which unnecessarily complicates legal migration even further.

( ) Given the fact that the U.S. immigration system is hopelessly broken, Mexicans desperately in need of
food, housing, education, and health care are urged (mandated) to sneak across the border and establish residency in one of the many Hispanic-majority cities and Sanctuary Cities that welcome undocumented refugees by the millions.

Government brochures, including detailed maps, names and phone numbers of DNC and ACLU offices, are available for free at any Mexican government office or on-line at

( ) Those migrating illegally into America are advised to bring with them at least one late-term pregnant woman currently in, or about to be, in labor.

Upon delivery of a new born on American soil, or reasonably close thereto, the woman should immediately register the child as a U.S. citizen which will indemnify the entire family from deportation, and will open the door for other family members left in Mexico to migrate north.

( ) Mexicans planning to migrate illegally to United States are reminded that the U.S. is a racist, terrorist state that abuses minorities, especially brown people, with reckless abandon. When in danger, always find a local office of the Democrat Party or an ACLU office for help.

Do NOT seek help from the local police, most of whom are red-neck Tea Party bozos who foolishly believe that Arizona, Texas, California, and New Mexico are a part of the U.S. rather than Mexico.

( ) The Mexican government aggressively defends our citizens against abuse at the hands of racist, right-wing extremists. This effort is very expensive; thus, we encourage all patriotic Mexicans to send as much money back home as possible. Because most undocumented Mexicans will pay no taxes on their income, those savings should be the minimal amount sent home.

And there you have it: The Felipe Calderon welcome wagon kit for illegals headed north!
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By John W. Lillpop

When President Obama officially leaves office on January 20, 2013 and passes the nearly-extinguished flame of American Exceptionalism to President-elect Mitt Romney and Vice-President-elect Sarah Palin, he will leave a legacy of blaming others for his dismal performance.

Truly, Barack Obama has been the Blame Others President.

For example, Obama spent the better part of two years blaming former President George W. Bush for everything from global warming to the putrid economy to Michelle’s ongoing struggle to eat carrot sticks rather than Tacos.

Now that the W. rag doll has been battered into oblivion, Obama has been forced to dig deeper to find situations and people to blame for the putrid economy and his persistent bungling of damn near everything that he sticks his nose into.

Obama’s blame game hit new lows on July 8 when the numbers for June showed an increase in the unemployment rate to 9.2 percent.

In trying to explain the alarming news, Barack Obama blamed Greece, Japan, high gas prices, uncertainty over the debt-ceiling issue, and natural disasters across the globe.

Not once did the president mention the anti-business climate that he and his administration have deliberately created. That would include the potentially devastating impact of ObamaCare; the prospect of recovery-killing higher taxes; and a plethora of new EPA regulations sure to stifle economic growth and cost jobs.

From this reporter’s perspective, Barack Obama needs to own up to his own failings.

A good, long, hard look into a mirror might go a long way toward helping Obama identify the culprit in this era of rising unemployment, out of control spending, and exploding federal deficits.

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Viva Justice, Texas Style!

By John W. Lillpop

Just before he was put to death on Thursday, Humberto Leal Garcia said, "I am sorry for everything I have done. I have hurt a lot of people. Let this be final and be done. I take the full blame for this."

Leal then shouted "Viva Mexico," followed by "I'm ready warden, let's get the show on the road."

Garcia’s confession, although not under oath and without the benefit of legal representation, should put an end to the foolish argument advanced by some which suggests that the brutal rapist-killer could have been absolved of his heinous crime if only he had been allowed to consult a Mexican lawyer.

The truth is that the man was as guilty as sin, and when you do what he did to 16-year old Adria Sauceda in Texas, you can expect to be sent away from this life, even it takes 17 years to send you away!

As to Garcia’s “Viva Mexico!,” uttered twice before the thug was silenced forever, an appropriate rejoinder is: “Viva Texas Justice, and Adios Humberto Leal Garcia!”

Garcia’s execution should also serve as a warning to other Mexicans contemplating an invasion of America. That message is simply, “When in America, you must abide by US laws. Failure to do so can, depending on the crime, cost you your life!”

“Safest bet: Stay in Mexico!”
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John W. Lillpop

Who would ever imagine that the administration of the most liberal president in U.S. history would actually sell guns, including AK-47 assault rifles, to “straw purchasers,” with the intent of tracing the flow of said weapons into Mexico?

And who could possibly imagine that some of those same weapons would end up in the hands of Mexican drug cartels and be used in murders including that of a border patrol agent?

Could this botched project titled, “Fast and Furious” be a part of Obama’s “under the radar” assault on the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution otherwise known as Project Gunrunner?

Is the Justice Department obstructing an investigation into the scandal?

Those intriguing questions are being pursued with vigor by Rep. Darrell E. Issa, California Republican and chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

As reported, in part, at the reference:

“The closed-door testimony of ATF’s acting director, saying that the Justice Department was obstructing a congressional investigation, has prompted an expansion of that ongoing probe into the controversial “Fast and Furious” weapons-smuggling operation.

“We’ll go wherever the investigation takes us,” said Sen. Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee and a key inquisitor in probing the operation, during which guns, including AK-47 assault rifles, were “walked” into Mexico.
He said the weekend testimony of Kenneth E. Melson, acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, had corroborated information that “more agencies within the Justice Department may have been involved in allowing guns to fall into the hands of known straw purchasers.”

A spokesman for Rep. Darrell E. Issa, California Republican and chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said Thursday that the Melson testimony “raises new questions” about the scope of the program and certainly “justifies an expansion of the investigation.”

“After talking with the acting ATF director, I think we have a greater insight into what happened and what questions need to be asked to lead to some final answers as to who authorized this program and why,” said spokesman Frederick Hill, whose boss also has been a key player in the ongoing investigation.

Meanwhile Thursday, Mexican police released a videotaped interview of Jesus Enrique Rejon Aguilar, in which the recently captured No. 3 leader of the Los Zetas drug cartel said “all the weapons” the Zetas use were “bought in the United States” and that “even the American government itself was selling the weapons.”

Mr. Grassley and Mr. Issa have been investigating accusations that Operation Fast and Furious, part of an anti-gun initiative known as “Project Gunrunner,” allowed thousands of weapons to be purchased by “straw buyers” in Arizona and Texas that later were “walked” unchecked to drug smugglers in Mexico.

At least three of those weapons, including two AK-47 assault rifles, later were found at the site of separate shootings that claimed the lives of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Jaime Zapata, who was killed by Rejon Aguilar’s Zetas, and U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry.
The lawmakers also want to know what role other federal law enforcement agencies, including the FBI and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), played in the operation.

Last weekend, Mr. Melson said during two closed-door interviews that the senior leadership at the agency wanted to cooperate in the congressional probe but were stopped by Justice Department officials who took control of all briefing and document requests. Mr. Grassley and Mr. Issa, in a letter to Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., accused Justice of “muzzling” the director.

Mr. Melson confirmed information the committee has been investigating that some of the suspected gun traffickers targeted by ATF in the Fast and Furious probe may have been working with the FBI and DEA without ATF’s knowledge.

He also confirmed concerns expressed by several ATF agents during their recent testimony before Mr. Issa’s committee that while they witnessed the transfer of weapons from the straw buyers to others, they were not allowed to follow the guns further as they made their way to Mexico. He told the investigators he became aware of “this startling possibility” only after the killing of Mr. Terry and the indictments of the straw purchasers.

“We have very real indications from several sources that some of the gun-trafficking ‘higher-ups’ that the ATF sought to identify were already known to other agencies and may even have been paid as informants,” Mr. Grassley and Mr. Issa wrote in the letter to Mr. Holder. “The acting director said ATF was kept in the dark about certain activities of other agencies, including DEA and FBI.”

In the videotape, Rejon Aguilar told Mexican police that his gang - considered that country’s most violent - had armed itself with weapons “bought in the United States.”

Rep. Issa has already stated that he knows with certitude that Attorney General Eric Holder knew about Fast and Furious much earlier than Holder has admitted.

This is a huge scandal with enormous implications that could rival the Iran-Contra mess in gravity.

Thank goodness the American people had the good sense to install a GOP majority in the U.S. House last November.

If Nancy Pelosi was still House Speaker, we might never learn the answer to, “What did the president know and when did he know it?’

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John W. Lillpop

Mention strong enforcement of the Rule of Law and the name Barack Obama does not immediately pop to mind.

Obama’s flippant disregard for the War Powers Resolution and application to war in Libya; his refusal to secure the U.S.-Mexican border and enforce U.S. immigration laws; his sidestepping of the Congress via a vast left-wing conspiracy of stealth czars; and his sponsorship of ObamaCare, all point to a dictatorial tyrant intent on ruling by fiat, rather than by Democratic rule of law.

However, Obama’s anti-Rule of Law fetish went missing when the president became aware of an illegal alien Hispanic in need of intervention in Texas.

The plight of Humberto Leal Garcia, an illegal alien convicted of a brutal rape and murder 17 years ago, became vital to Obama’s 2012 campaign strategy. It became Obama’s mission to lobby the U.S. Supreme Court and delay the execution of Garcia, said execution scheduled for July 7.

In full campaign mode, President Obama flexed his liberal muscles and dispatched a 30-page epistle to the SCOTUS. which essentially argued that executing Garcia would violate international law and "would place the United States in irreparable breach of its international law obligation."

Obama argued for a delay to give the U.S. Congress time to craft a law more favorable to the convicted murderer and rapist, who was also an Mexican citizen.

As reported at the reference, the SCOTUS was neither convinced nor amused by Obama’s plea:

“Refusing to defer to President Obama’s view of a threat to U.S. foreign relations, the Supreme Court voted 5-4 late Thursday afternoon to allow Texas to execute a Mexican national whose international treaty rights were violated in his prosecution for murder. The Court majority dismissed as “free-ranging assertions” the President’s foreign policy arguments against the immediate execution of Humberto Leal Garcia, and added that the Obama Administration had not presented “a persuasive legal claim.”


The Obama Administration had not presented a “persuasive legal claim”?

One would expect much, much better from an alleged professor of law and Harvard Law School graduate.

Shortly after the SCOTUS rejected Obama’s “free-ranging assertions” and lack of “persuasive legal claim,” Texas law, and common sense, prevailed and the brutal killer-rapist was put to death.

Still, not all is lost: Obama can remind Hispanics and illegal aliens that he went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court on their behalf.

Obama can also claim that he championed the Rule of Law—even though it was international law that would have usurped American law had the president’s argument not been so devoid of “persuasive legal claim” and had it not been riddled with “free-ranging assertions.”

Viva Texas justice!
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By John W. Lillpop

Despite a tsunami of hand-wringing and weepy cries of protestation from pathetic bleeding hearts, including President Obama, this earthly world is home to one less brutal killer and rapist.

That good news is the result of the fact that Humberto Leal Garcia was executed and pronounced dead this evening in Texas.

To those prone to weeping seizures, save your tears. Garcia got exactly what he deserved for the brutal May 21, 1994 murder and rape of 16-year-old Adra Sauceda in San Antonio.

Sadly, Adra was just 16 when her life was brutally taken from her. Incredibly, it has taken 17 years for the wheels of justice to deliver just rewards to Humberto Leal Garcia.

Garcia was a Mexican citizen which caused Mexican President Felipe Calderon and others with distorted vision to argue against the application of justice in Texas.

According to Calderon, and apparently President Obama, the rule of law does not apply to Mexicans, regardless of how egregious their crimes.

But now justice has been served and Humberto Leal Garcia will no longer be a threat to rape or kill anyone.

Praise be to God!

Garcia’s demise may also be a deterrent to other would-be rapists and murderers, especially those with their eyes on Texas.

Let the message go forth loud and clear: Don’t Mess With Texas!

Thank you Governor Perry for standing your ground and making Texas, America and the world a safer place for all.
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Obama's Independence Day Message

By John W. Lillpop

Given Barack Obama's penchant for tearing down America and Americans at every possible opportunity, do not be surprised if the Anointed One delivers an apology for the 4th of July.

I envision an Obama Independence Day apology speech to sound something like this:

My Fellow World Citizens:

Two hundred thirty five years ago, on July 4, 1776, a small band of angry white Christian males declared their independence and established a new nation, one that was supposed to bring hope and comfort to human kind all across the world.

Regrettably, instead of providing a beacon of hope for the world to rely on, right wing extremists established a nation of renegade capitalists who have started wars and oppressed hundreds of millions of innocent people in order to secure wealth.

Those right wing extremists, now celebrated in much of America as courageous freedom fighters and patriots guided by the divine power of Jesus Christ, have brought more war, poverty, and death to the world than any other demographic in human history.

Those right wing extremists stole property and assets rightfully belonging to subjects of the British Empire.

Those right wing extremists marched relentlessly, seizing all land between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans in the name of "Manifest Destiny" which was their naive way of saying "Jesus made us do it."

Those right wing extremists slaughtered innocent people of color and took away their land and condemned them to live like captured animals.

Those right wing extremists forced English and Christianity down the throats of all people conquered.

Those right wing extremists imported millions of Africans to work as slaves and be considered subhuman because of their race.

Descendants of right wing extremists continued the legacy of treachery by starting world wars and using a devastating nuclear weapon that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Japanese civilians.

Descendants of right wing extremists created a system of capitalism that rewards greed and punishes compassion.

Descendants of right wing extremists created a system of opportunity and prosperity that unfairly embarrasses and humiliates nations, once considered our allies, who cannot match the greed that lurks in the heart of American capitalists.

Descendants of right wing extremists implemented their racism through Jack Crow laws and mob lynching.

Descendants of right wing extremists continued to treat black people as subhuman through government-sponsored discrimination in education, employment, and housing.

Descendants of right wing extremists invaded Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq in the name of spreading freedom when the real objective was oil and other interests considered vital, economically, to the United States.

On and on the list of transgressions by descendants of right wing extremist goes, making America the most despicable and loathsome nation in human history.

Fellow world citizens, I stand before you today as the new president of the United States, committed to ending the legacy of right wing treachery and replacing it with a policy that takes wealth from the successful and gives said wealth to the mediocre and poor.

My administration is committed to slapping a great deal of that "Yankee" arrogance off the faces of right wing extremists so that America can once again be an obedient, nothing special force that works to be liked by other nations.

Know, too, that CHANGE is the objective of my administration.

YES WE CAN! become a nation of followers and mediocre citizens.

Being second best is America's new "Manifest Destiny" under my administration.

Thank you and praise be to the United Nations, Europe, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and President Manuel Zelaya and his family.

Allah willing, of course!

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By John W. Lillpop


President Barack Obama refuses to face not face a simple truth: U.S. Armed Forces are still engaged in hostilities in Libya.

Unless one’s wonky logic allows “bombing raids” to be defined as non-hostile.

As reported at Reference 1, it sure as hell looks as though Obama is an at war President, whether he knows it or not:

“U.S. forces are still flying hundreds of bombing raids over Libya even though the Obama administration claims that American armed forces are only playing a limited role in the conflict.

Since NATO’s Operation Unified Protector took over from the American-led Operation Odyssey Dawn on 31 March, the U.S. has flown hundreds of strike missions, according to United States Africa Command (AFRICOM).

The White House originally claimed that U.S. planes were mostly providing intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance and played down the number of bombing raids.

However AFRICOM spokeswoman Nicole Dalrymple said: 'U.S. aircraft continue to fly support missions, as well as strike sorties under NATO.”

Obama continues to slither about using his favorite political weapon—LIYING-- with statements like the one at reference 2:

“We have engaged in a limited operation to help a lot of people against one of the worst tyrants in the world, somebody who nobody should want to defend. And we should be sending out a unified message to this guy that he should step down and give his people a fair chance to live their lives,” Obama added.”

Translated into transparent English, Obama is really saying: To hell with the U.S. Constitution and the War Powers Resolution. After all, the smartest man on the planet wants to send a message!

While Obama continues to defy the constitution and Congress, the mainstream media is in summer vacation mode.

Where is the outrage from the Washington Post, LA Times and other leftist leaning posts?

More significantly, why are the streets not jammed with hundreds of thousands of anti-war protestors demanding an end to Obama’s war?

How ironic that on Independence Day the President is acting like a dictator and tyrant akin to King George when it comes to war, health care, and taxes.

Is a 2nd American revolution brewing?

Reference 1

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By John W. Lillpop

Flying the American flag upside down sends an urgent message on behalf of American patriots who love freedom.

That message is simply: Our nation is under attack and is greatly distressed!

Has there ever been a time when American culture, language, and values were in greater danger than at the present time?

With an unbowed, anti-American Marxist in the White House and Marxists in control of the U.S. Senate, the state of our union is precarious and getting worse by the day.

We the people have foolishly elected a president who is bent on destroying capitalism and replacing it with socialism, a bankrupt ideology which has failed everywhere it has been attempted.

Our naive and inexperienced president has wasted trillions of dollars of American treasure, and, in so doing, has driven our national debt to levels not seen since World War 11, a financial disaster that seriously impedes jobs growth and any hope for economic recovery.

This anti-American cretin has taken the side of terrorists in the global war on terror.

He has targeted private enterprise for bankruptcy through government abuse. He has used the tax code to punish successful Americans for being successful.

He has weakened the U.S. military by ignoring the rights and wishes of heterosexuals in order to appease the gay community.

He has ignored the will of the people by ramming Marxist health care down the throats of an unwilling public.

He has enthusiastically participated in the scandalous circumvention of conventional rules and procedures in order to pass ObamaCare.

He continues to ignore the will of the people by promoting an amnesty scheme that would reward invading criminals for violating our borders and immigration laws.

He has taken the side of Mexico by opposing the American state of Arizona and its attempts to deal with illegal immigration, an out-of-control crisis hat he refuses to take responsibility for.

He has failed to grasp the severity of the worst economic disaster in history, thereby making an effective response impossible.

He has made a mockery of America throughout the world with stupid, immature, and naive words and actions that make our once great nation appear weak and second class.

Incompetence aggravated by unimaginable arrogance has rendered Barack Hussein Obama more calamitous to America than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined.

In recognition of what Barack Obama and his Marxist cohorts mean to America, Old Glory should be flown upside down on Independence Day!

God Bless America!
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Speaker John Boehner
Office of the Speaker
H-232 The Capitol
Washington, DC 20515

Subject: A Common Sense “Investment” in America

Dear Speaker Boehner:

Given the unprecedented debt facing our nation, it is obvious that putting our financial house in order will require sacrifice from virtually all Americans. We understand that there are no simple, painless solutions.

Although spending cuts will impact scores of millions of American citizens, there is an outrageous expense that benefits foreign invaders, those with no legal or moral basis for being here.

I refer to many millions of illegal aliens who have ignored our borders and immigration laws.

As documented in Reference 1, illegal aliens cost American taxpayers $113 billion a year.

Again, illegal aliens, cost American taxpayers $113 billion a year.

As a taxpaying citizen, I wonder why politicians from both sides of the aisle refuse to target this wasteful expense, particularly when our nation is mired in deep financial crisis?

Surely, $113 billion a year cannot be too paltry an amount to summon the attention of those responsible for eradicating wasteful spending?

Clearly, the American people would benefit enormously if the federal government would simply enforce existing laws and take action, through deportations, to return illegal aliens to their nations of origin.

In the past, skeptics have argued that mass deportations would be too costly.

However, Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, Nelson Peacock, responding to request from several U.S. Senators, recently (December 3, 2010) wrote the following:

“Our conservative estimate suggests that ICE would require a budget of more than $135 billion to apprehend, detain and remove the nation’s entire illegal immigrant population.”

See reference 2 for the complete statement.

Thus, an investment of $135 billion dollars would yield a savings of $113 billion a year.

Over a period of ten years, that would result in more than $1 trillion dollars for American citizens.

In addition, millions of jobs now filled by illegals would be available for unemployed America citizens, and homeland security would be strengthened by removing individuals about whom little or nothing is known, including possible ties to terrorists.

I know that you are committed to eliminating wasteful spending, reducing the federal deficit, creating jobs for Americans, and assuring that our homeland is safe and secure.

Therefore, I respectfully request that you apply your influence and power to require that illegal aliens be deported, thereby freeing America from the extreme financial, employment, and security dangers attendant with a huge population of illegals.

Thank you for your consideration.


John W. Lillpop
San Jose, CA

Reference 1:


Reference 2
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By John W. Lillpop

Homeland Security boss Janet Napolitano has hit a new low in her mismanagement of the important office to which she has unfortunately ascended.

As reported at the reference, Napolitano’s TSA saw fit to challenge the veracity of a 95-year old dying granny, including a humiliating examination down of her adult diaper:

WASHINGTON: A 95-year-old cancer-stricken woman was forced to undergo 45 minutes of intrusive pat-down at a US airport, triggering an outrage on the treatment meted out to her.

Lena Reppert was to say her final good-byes to her daughter before she made what would most likely be her last flight to her native Michigan.

But when Reppert made it to the check-in line at the Northwest Florida Regional Airport on June 18,Transportation Security Association (TSA) agents singled her out because she was in a wheelchair. Wheelchairs require other security measures to be employed since they don’t go through metal detectors.

“So they brought my mom to the side, and two agents just started patting her,” Jean Weber, her daughter was quoted as saying by “Eventually they found something that appeared to be hard they said could be a concealed weapon.”

She said two female agents wheeled her mom into a private room where they performed a more thorough inspection, and found that Reppert was wearing a Depend adult diaper.

After 45 minutes, the mother and daughter were given two options: either don’t fly, or lose the Depend. The women chose the latter.

Weber said she burst into tears during the ordeal. “I ran with her to the bathroom and stripped her down,” Weber recalled. “I got back to the line and just started bawling.”

This is not the first time that the TSA’s pat-downs of passengers have come under fire. Recently, outrage erupted over a video-recorded pat-down of a six-year-old passenger last April at New Orleans’ airport.

Indian Ambassador to the US Meera Shankar, who was clad in a sari, was pulled out from an airport security line and patted down by a TSA agent in Mississippi last year.”


While agents were busy protecting America from a diaper-clad 95-year old granny, a Nigerian man, presumably sans a diaper, was able to evade TSA as recounted in the story at reference 2:

WASHINGTON (AP) - A Nigerian man boarded a Virgin Atlantic airplane last week with an invalid boarding pass—making it through a federal security checkpoint where travelers must show identification and their boarding passes.
After the man, Olajide Olwaseun Noibi, got through security, the airline let him onto the plane even though his boarding pass was for a flight the day before, according to the FBI.

The identification check at airport security checkpoints was put in place as one of many new security measures after the 9/11 attacks. These federal document checkers have basic fraudulent identification training.

Mid-flight from New York to Los Angeles, a flight attendant noticed Noibi was sitting in a seat that was supposed to be vacant. Noibi showed the attendant the expired boarding pass that was in someone else’s name, and then showed him a University of Michigan identification card with his picture on it.

The boarding pass belonged to a man who said his boarding pass went missing from his pocket on his way to the airport June 23. Noibi boarded the plane with the expired pass the next day.

Noibi was arrested Wednesday when law enforcement officials saw him trying to board another flight and discovered he had more than 10 other expired boarding passes belonging to others in his bag.

Noibi has been charged with being a stowaway.”

Perhaps young, Nigerian males should be forced to wear diapers in order to enhance the TSA profiling process?

Reference 1:

Reference 2 :
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By John W. Lillpop

When asked if he supports gay marriage, Barack Obama answers:

My thoughts on that are "evolving."

The perfect dithering response from the Messiah of Dithering.

Does Obama really think that African-American Christians are that stupid?

African-American Christians are among the most faithful followers of Jesus Christ in the world. These good people know, with certitude, that homosexuality is a grievous sin, and as such, completely incompatible with Christianity.

President Obama has danced around the issue with platitudes and double-talk dithering meant to deceive blacks and others into believing that his attitude is "evolving," a wicked way of refusing to answer honestly and openly about a very controversial matter.

Most "real Christians" do not need to dither when it comes to gay marriage. Most will say it is written in the Bible that homosexual acts are an abomination to the Creator.

So, why the need to "evolve" a position, except for temporal, political purposes?

The Bible says it is wrong! Period, done, case closed!

Obama's actions, as opposed to his words, speak volumes about his "real" beliefs: He signed the repeal of DOMA, has appointed openly gay people to his administration, and continues to seek the support of the gay community based on a shared agenda.

Clearly, although he will not admit it, Barack Obama supports the gay agenda and that must surely include same-sex marriage.

Then again, perhaps President Obama is not REALLY a Christian?

May the strong faith which has sustained African-Americans through slavery, discrimination, and the evil of racism sustain them again in deciding between the teachings of the very mortal Barack Obama and the Prince of Eternal Life, Jesus Christ!
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By John W. Lillpop

Apart from the fact that he is woefully ignorant of the U.S. Constitution, Senator Durbin seems unaware of the origins of the community organizer who is currently posing as U.S. president.

As reported at the reference, the never- to- be- mistaken- for- a-Mensa member Senator from Illinois, embarrassed himself with this asinine remark intended solely to pander to Hispanic voters:

"When I look around this room, I see America's future. Our doctors, our teachers, our nurses, our engineers, our scientists, our soldiers, our Congressman, our Senators and maybe our President."

Two immediate points jump out about this incredible faux pas:

( )Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution says: "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."

( )Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, by electing Barack Obama as president, the U.S. has already “been there, done that” with the illegal alien nonsense.

Obviously, the "Obama experiment" has been an unmitigated disaster and should never be repeated!

Dick Durbin should read the U.S. Constitution before ceding the nation to illegal aliens!
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By John W. Lillpop

Bleeding-heart liberals are in a hand-wringing snit over news that a convicted murderer “suffered greatly” during his execution.

As reported at reference 1, in part:

A death-row prisoner who was executed using a new lethal injection drug 'suffered greatly' during the process, a leading U.S. anaesthesiologist has testified.

Roy Willard Blankenship, who was executed on June 23 using pentobarbital - also known as nembutal - was said to be conscious for approximately the first three minutes of the execution and 'suffered greatly'.

Dr David Waisel, an Associate Professor of Anaesthesia at Harvard Medical School, also said in the sworn affidavit that 'his eyes were open throughout', according to witness accounts.

He said: 'I can say with certainty that Mr Blankenship was inadequately anaesthetised and was conscious for approximately the first three minutes of the execution.
'Mr Blankenship should not have been conscious or exhibiting these movements, nor should his eyes have been open, after the injection of pentobarbital.'

Suffered greatly, did he? Hooray for Georgia!

The story did not mention that Blankenship was convicted for murdering a 78-ear-old woman, as described in reference 2:

ATLANTA - Blankenship was convicted of the 1978 murder of Sarah Mims Bowen, who died of heart failure during the attack. Her bloody, nude body was discovered by friends and neighbors after the attack, and police were able to trace footsteps to the area where Blankenship lived across the street. They also matched blood scrapings and seminal fluid to Bowen.

When police confronted Blankenship two weeks after the killing, he told them that he broke into her apartment, threw her onto a bed and "got my pleasure or whatever you want to call it." He added that he didn't remember some details, saying, "I don't know why I did it. I was drunk. I know I had to be drunk."


Clearl, Sarah Mims Bowen surely suffered greatly and for more than three minutes!

The fact that Blankenship “suffered greatly” is good news and should be widely advertised so as to discourage other would be killers.

Why do liberals lament the fate of a brutal killer while ignoring the abused victim?

Ref 1

Ref 2:

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By John W. Lillpop

America’s Homeland Security Boss Janet Napolitano is actually a mole working on behalf on the Mexican government, the ACLU, La Raza and other anti-American vigilante forces.

Napolitano certified her status as a Mexican mole during testimony before the U.S. Senate as reported, in part, at the reference:

Questioned about DHS enforcement Tuesday at a Senate hearing on the DREAM Act, Napolitano confirmed that the department is not interested in deporting "DREAM Act students."

"We have provided information about what it would take to do removal of everyone in the country. It's obvious that those resources aren't available, …" Napolitano said”


Earth to moon bat Napolitano: America has at least 14 million Americans out of work. Most if not all would jump at the opportunity to work on Project “Recover American Jobs from Invaders,” which would involve locating and assisting in the posthaste kicking of illegal aliens back across the U.S. border into Mexico.

There may be many others even willing to work for free, just to be a part of the effort to shout out on behalf on American sovereignty, language and culture.

Project “Recover American Jobs from Invaders,” could help reduce the massive Obama unemployment problem while saving the government scores of billions now wasted to support illegals.

How about it, President Obama?

Why not give rule of law a chance and put Americans back to work doing jobs that illegal aliens won’t do? This project could create at least 12-million jobs and will not cost a trillion dollars like your foolish stimulus.

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Is Being Poor in America Unconstitutional?

By John W. Lillpop

Being poor is no fun. As Mae West allegedly once said, “I’ve Been Rich and I’ve Been Poor. Rich is better!”

Right on, Mae!

Being poor is also un-American, anti-capitalism and should be a serious crime.

Being poor in America is a choice. A very bad one.

Most poverty can be attributed to sloth and ignorance, or addiction to drugs and alcohol; conditions that can be reversed by the individual. If said person is willing.

Poverty cannot be fixed by government run by progressives, who have thrown billions of dollars at the problem for decades.

Like most progressive “solutions” the solution has solved nothing and has only made the problem worse!

With progressives in charge, poor people become enslaved to government entitlements, and are stripped of esteem and ambition.

Again, being poor in America is inexcusable and should be declared criminal and unconstitutional.

Poor people living on the public dole are obstructing the constitutional right of Americans to pursue happiness because the government takes money from taxpaers to support the poor.

Which brings me to an astounding fact: The majority of Americans pay NO income taxes whatsoever.

Nada, zero, not one damn penny!

Sorry, moon bats, but ZERO is not a fair share for anyone living in America!

America’s deficit problem and the plight of the impoverished should be attacked by forcing the poor to swear off government entitlements and contribute! By working, succeeding, and prospering.

Of course, many poor have lived in entitlement hell for generations. Which makes their recovery difficult.

Government needs to motivate the poor to succeed, rather than rewarding their dependency with cash.

To President Obama and all Democrats: Get off the backs of the "rich" and go after those who pay no taxes.

After all, this is America!
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By John W. Lillpop

The message below was written by Dave Mundy and posted at

This is an excellent presentation of the historic facts and exposure of the existing political corruptions that mar the relationship between America and Mexico.

The message verbatim as written by Dave Mundy:

Our dear friends:

For some time now there has been great enmity between our peoples when we should, in fact, be close friends. This enmity was created by issues over which neither you nor we control, issues created by our respective federal governments and others who seek to rule, not govern.

We have for years attempted to solve these issues on our side of the border in a rational fashion, but those governments and other power-seekers have resisted our attempts. Therefore, we appeal directly to you.

Let us begin with history, and a misconception which has been ingrained in the consciousness of the people of Mexico by the same autocratic rulers who have kept you, our brothers and sisters, impoverished, uneducated and subservient for more than two centuries.

In 1835 our country rebelled against the dictator who had shredded the Constitution of 1824, and we declared our independence from Mexican rule. That rebellion was against a dictator and the corrupt autocrats he represented, not against the people of Mexico itself, for many of our ancestors considered themselves proud to be citizens of Mexico. Much blood was shed on both sides, but on April 21, 1836, we defeated the army of the dictator Santa Anna, who had betrayed his own people's trust, and won our independence.

For ten years after the Battle of San Jacinto, Texas sought peace with Mexico but found only enmity from a federal government which repressed its people and continued to be corrupt and authoritarian. In 1845, Texas applied for admission to the United States, and when that same federal government in Mexico City attacked the United States, Texans were again forced to take up arms against their mother country.
Historians agree that the United States should not have defeated Mexico. Mexico's armies were more numerous and better-trained than the hastily-conscripted American forces – but poor leadership and interference from aristocrats trying to profiteer from the war undermined Mexico's effort.

Three times during the War of 1846-48, the American Congress offered honorable peace terms to the Mexican Congress. Three times, those terms were rejected. It was only after American troops stormed Mexico City itself that the United States dictated a peace which included the cession of what would become the states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and others. Those lands, while claimed by Mexico, were sparsely populated and the government in Mexico City exercised almost no control over them. And even then, the United States Congress tendered millions of dollars in payment for those lands, and for a second strip of disputed land several years later.

For more than 150 years, the autocrats have told the Mexican people that those lands, including Texas, were "stolen" by the United States in an imperialistic manner. The truth is, it was the autocrats of Mexico who lost those lands with their greed, their corruption and their military ineptitude. For more than 150 years, those rich aristocrats have preached the concept of "reconquista" of those territories, including Texas, to the people of Mexico when in fact their only aim has been to distract the Mexican people from the corruption, graft and greed which undermines every facet of Mexican government.

In 1973, the Ministry of the Interior issued a report which outlined the idea of "reconquista" by the waging of demographic warfare – flooding the United States' border states with Mexico's "undesirable" people, with the idea of establishing a majority in those states of Mexican citizens and having them vote to secede from the United States and re-join Mexico under the guise of fervent nationalism. Since that time, the government of Mexico has encouraged and even helped its most "undesirable" citizens – its poorest, least-educated and in some cases, most criminal – to cross the border into the United States in support of that policy.

Yet what the people of Mexico are not being told is that they are being used and manipulated. What good could come from re-gaining all those lands if the same aristocrats remain in power in Mexico City and the same corruption, graft and greed is brought across the border?
Lies have been fomented by both our national governments to undermine the fabric of both our peoples. You have been told, perhaps, that the immigration policies of the United States are unjust and unfair; yet the immigration policies of Mexico are far more restrictive. Research for yourselves, and judge.

You may have been told that the Mexican people have been "migrants" for "thousands of years" – when the truth is even before the coming of the Spanish and other Europeans, the ancient kingdoms of the Aztecs, Toltecs and others were well-ordered empires with firmly established borders, and almost no contact with the scattered tribes of natives of the desert territories which would eventually become the American Southwest.

Many of these lies have been spread by figures on the American side of the border who are part of organizations such as MEChA, La Raza and the Nation of Aztlan. They promise prosperity and greatness and cloak themselves in patriotism – yet their promises are false and their motives are the same as the aristocracy which has held Mexico back from true progress for 200 years. The socialism they embrace is the same socialism which enslaved the peoples of Russia, China, Eastern Europe and other nations for hundreds of years; they mean to set themselves up as dictators.

At the same time, there are American politicians who are equally corrupt and greedy who seek to use you for their own ends – namely, to stay in power. They, too, make false promises – that of "free" government aid programs which do nothing but slowly suck those enrolled in them into dependency on handouts, tearing down individual initiative, responsibility and motivation. They seek to use you to create a vast class of impoverished votes they can continually count on to retain their dictatorial powers.

Our brothers and sisters, we implore you to stop listening to the lies perpetrated by the aristocrats, politicians and would-be communist dictators!

Ask yourselves why you are being forced to leave your homeland to make a living for your families.

Mexico is a land of vast resources which have never been exploited. By rights, Mexico should be economically as strong, or stronger, than the United States – yet the aristocracy has resisted every attempt to improve the lives of the Mexican people through economic development. Ask yourselves why the mineral wealth of Coahuila and Chihuahua remain underground, why the schools of Mexico remain substandard and why you can earn more in one day digging a ditch in Arizona than you can in a week selling the produce from your own farm in Sonora.

Why should the people of Mexico have to fear their children being kidnapped on their way home from school, or being shot in the street in front of their home by thugs – thugs wielding guns made in Venezuela? Why can't the same government of Mexico, which is working so hard to "reconquer" lands it has no right to, protect the very people it is supposed to serve?

It is time for the people of Mexico to ask hard questions of those who govern. It is time the people of Mexico cast off the colonial rulers they were supposed to have discarded when they won independence from Spain. It is time for Mexico to assert its greatness.

The people of Texas do not hate you. We share much of our culture, heritage and history with you. You are our family – our brothers and sisters. We want to see you prosper, and grow. We will gladly help you build your home.

But you cannot have our home.

Those of you who wish to move to Texas or to other American states, we ask only that you enter our home through the front door – emigrate legally, not sneaking across the border like some thief. Learn our ways, our language and our culture, rather than trying to supplant them. Our land became great because we assimilated other cultures and took the best from each. Be one with us, not apart from us.

--The People of Texas


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 By John W. Lillpop
Spanish-language apologists in denial refuse to admit that Latinos, including millions of illegal aliens who should not even be here, refuse to assimilate into American culture by learning and speaking English.

The lie to those denials was exposed in abundance by two recent events, one in California the other in Nevada.

The first involved a soccer match between the U.S. and Mexican teams in Los Angeles. Under normal, common-sense circumstances, the U.S. athletes would be the “home” team since the match was in fact in the U.S.


As reported at the reference, the American team was treated as if it were a hostile “visiting” team: 

 It was imperfectly odd. It was strangely unsettling. It was uniquely American.

On a balmy early Saturday summer evening, the U.S soccer team played for a prestigious championship in a U.S. stadium ... and was smothered in boos.

Its fans were vastly outnumbered. Its goalkeeper was bathed in a chanted obscenity. Even its national anthem was filled with the blowing of air horns and bouncing of beach balls.

Most of these hostile visitors didn't live in another country. Most, in fact, were not visitors at all, many of them being U.S. residents whose lives are here but whose sporting souls remain elsewhere.

Welcome to another unveiling of that social portrait known as a U.S.-Mexico soccer match, streaked as always in deep colors of red, white, blue, green ... and gray.

To add insult to injury, the post-match ceremony was conducted in Spanish, causing U.S. Goalkeeper Tim Howard to remark, “I think it was a [expletive] disgrace that the entire post-match ceremony was in Spanish. You can bet your ass that if we were in Mexico City, it wouldn’t be all in English.”

Right on Mr. Howard! And add a extra dozen expletives for emphasis!

The other incident took place in Nevada where an air-head principal decided that his commencement speech should be blathered in Spanish as well as English:

 ZEPHYR COVE, Nev. (CBS13) – He congratulated the graduating class of 2011, but one but one principal’s commencement speech actually offended some in the crowd.

The graduating class at Whittell High School has only 30 students. Just a few weeks ago during graduation their principal gave an encouraging speech congratulating his students and their parents.

“Class of 2011, I want to congratulate you for all your accomplishments this year,” said Principal Crespin Esquivel.

He then said the same thing in Spanish, making sure his commencement speech could also be understood by his Spanish speaking parents and students who make up the second largest group of the school.

“I figured why not do it in Spanish? I think it’s important for me to make sure all the families feel comfortable,” said Esquivel”

 Turns out that in his zeal to pander to Hispanics,Esquivel failed to make several Americans comfortable. The woman who complained about Esquivel’s Spanish translation sparked a debate online.

To Esquivel and all of the other renegades behind the Spanish Imposition:

 This is America, dudes. We don’t need no stinkin’ Spanish here! </b> 

<b>Reference 1:

<b>Reference 2:

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Satire by John W. Lillpop

Astounding fact: The majority of Americans pay NO income taxes whatsoever.

Nada, zero, not one damn penny!

This is the result of Democrat-sponsored exemptions, deductions, and other gimmicks which allow seniors, people in the middle class, the poor, large families, disabled and other “constituents” of Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi to avoid paying their “fair share.”

Sorry, moon bats, but ZERO is not a fair share for anyone living in America!

On the other hand, left-wing crazies want to pillage and plunder the rich, that upstanding one-percent of patriotic citizens who already pay the lion’s share of taxes.

Think about it: Here America stands on the brink of financial meltdown and Democrats want to invade the pocketbooks of those overburdened, under appreciated, and abused folks referred to as the rich.

Just what sort of sense does it make to ignore the majority of people who pay no taxes, while attacking the one-percent of the population that is already paying exorbitant taxes?

The answer is, of course, no sense at all.

Except to power-mad liberals who do not give a damn about fairness or equality, but who are addicted to power.

In all comes down to votes and power. Unfortunately, there one hell of a lot more scalawags who pay no taxes than there are millionaires and billionaires!

In short, the successful and prosperous are easy targets for people like Joe Biden who believe that paying higher taxes is the “patriotic” thing to do—except when it comes to constituents of the Democrat Party!

The solution to all of America’s financial woes is to go after those folks who are not paying their “fair share,” that being the middle class, poor, and others who manage to avoid taxes altogether.

Significantly, those who pay no taxes are the same folks who knock the federal piggy bank out of whack with excessive demands on entitlement and discretionary spending.

That would be the tens of millions of people placed on the public dole by Democrats in order to purchase votes for their party.

So, you see, it is not the rich who are ruining America!

Rather it is the poor and middle class who need to clean up their acts.

America needs to rewrite the tax code so as to punish those who take but give little, or nothing, in return. A “Poverty Surcharge” would do the trick.

Here’s how it would work: Any family that earns less than $30,000 in any tax year would be assessed a Poverty Surcharge, nominally 2 % of gross income.

Another example: An unmarried woman with four children who is on welfare should be penalized for having more kids!

For each additional child she brings into the world, her monthly welfare check should be cut by 20 percent. All welfare income should be taxable, with no deductions allowed.

This would help bring down the deficit AND motivate the poor, down trodden, and irresponsible to get off their “Pity Pots.”

The new American model should be “Contribute your fair share, or perish!” and it should apply to all.

The notion that the rich should subsidize millions of slothful folk who do nothing but sit on their bottoms while watching Oprah reruns is “Old school,” immoral, and must stop!
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Satire By John W. Lillpop

While the Anthony Weiner scandal was deadly serious and cause for grave concern, it is nonetheless hysterical to hear Democrats scream foul about morality and decency. Both subjects have all but been eliminated from the liberal vocabulary, especially since the perverted administration of Bill Clinton.

In fact, comparing the case histories of Anthony Weiner and Bill Clinton helps to place the weiner crisis in perspective.

To wit, unlike Bill Clinton, Weiner did not:

* Lie under oath about a sexual relationship with a subordinate (Monica Lewinski) on government property (The White House).

* Discuss military matters on the telephone with a member of the U.S. Congress while receiving oral sex from an intern (Monica Lewinsky) in the Oval Office.

* Leave a foreign leader (Yassar Arafat) waiting in the Rose Garden of the White House while engaging in sex with the same intern.

* Sexually assault (allegedly) a volunteer worker (Kathleen Wiley) in the White House.

* Rape (allegedly) an associate (Juanita Broderick).

Furthermore, at least Weiner had the good sense to resign, albeit with pressure from Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and other feminists just now discovering the wild, wonderful world of morality!

Obviously, Clinton’s sexual transgressions have nothing to do with those of former Rep. Weiner.

But watching liberals gag on their own words while feigning outrage over the sexually explicit nature of Weiner's e-mails is the most entertaining theater seen in Washington, D.C., since Clinton’s impeachment in December of 1998!
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