tom whitmore's Posts (21)

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Happy Independence Day

On July 2nd 1776 the Second Continental Congress approved Richard Henry Lee’s Resolution of Independence, thus declaring the 13 Colonies free and independent of Great Britain and the Crown.

The Congress then turned its attention to the Declaration of Independence a document that the committee of five with Thomas Jefferson being the chief author had undertaken to explain the particulars and reasons for the colonies to seek independence. The Delaration after debate and amendment was then approved on July 4th 1776.

On the 3rd of July in a letter to his wife Abigail, John Adams stated:

The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.

Eventually July 4th, the date that appeared on the Declaration of Independence became recognized as the official Independence Day holiday.

Whether you feel Independence Day should be celebrated on the 2nd or the 4th, please take a moment to read and hopefully enjoy a poem I wrote to celebrate our Independence, Liberty and Freedom and the continued blessings of the Creator.

In God They Did Trust

At a time in our country, when oh so young

There were many heroes who went unsung

The people were subject to a royal tyranny

Of tariffs and taxes there were just too many


One starry night after dark, on a ship laden with tea

Patriots protesting the taxes, tossed the cargo into the sea

And then resolutely on one bright and sunny day

The founding fathers came forth and were heard to say


The Creator hath bestowed upon us unalienable rights

Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness, all deserving of a fight

All men by God, were created equal with his own hand

And these truths were held self-evident across the land


The bell of freedom that day did loudly ring

And was said of some, the angels came to sing

The battle for liberty waged on for many years

Over lost ones, were shed, many loving tears


The founders for their boldness did nobly sacrifice

Life, fortune, family, some gave twice, even thrice

The army they raised, were patriots one and all

Out of love for their freedom they answered the call


The summers brought mosquitoes, dysentery and blistered feet

Though wounded and hungry they fought on through the heat

The winters were harsh and their feet were cold and sore

Muskets could barely be heard through the cannons loud roar


Their courage, honor, and virtue was heralded by their flag

Even shedding blood, sweat and tears, their determination did not lag

The patriots fought on, for liberty’s fire did burn

In the hearts of each man and his comrades in turn


The Army’s General kneeled in prayer, to our Lord on high

He prayed for freedoms victory, that none in vain would die

And with courage and conviction each patriot did vow

Never again before God, to a tyrant would they bow


The patriots persevered and quelled the army of the king

The Freedom Bell rang and the people joyously did sing

Now the work would begin on a plan, with God’s guiding hand

To craft a government of the people to watch over the land


The people were free and sovereign and in as much saw

The need for a Constitution and a Republic, ruled by law

We have since that time celebrated, with “Pomp and Parade”,

“Bonfires and Illuminations”, our victory o’er tyranny’s blade


Lest we forget all the sacrifices that were made for our liberty

On each Independence Day, say a prayer or two, even take a knee

Thank, God, the Founding Fathers, and all of our freedom’s defenders

For our bountiful Nation and the wisdom our Constitution renders


Evermore in the land of the free, let there be Liberty, and Justice for all

That every man, woman and child might stand straight, proud and tall

And to those who would hide or cast, the Creator’s influence asunder

Let the historians reflect, how the patriot’s response was like thunder!


God Bless America and may our Freedom Bell ring on, forever!


By Tom Whitmore

Copyright 2010, Thomas J Whitmore

Twitter @thomasjwhitmore

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Defaults, Terrorists and Reality!

Defaults, Terrorists and Reality


Of recent, we have heard much, of the Federal Governments’ certain default if we didn’t raise the debt ceiling, yet many fiscally conservative Congressmen made compelling arguments against doing so or at least not doing so without commensurate and immediate cuts in spending, which after all, nearly everyone admits is beyond our ability to pay for.  Their reward for questioning the long-term viability and fiscal prudence of the debt ceiling deal was to be labeled “terrorists” as were the Tea Party members who supported them.


Out of this supposed crisis the President gets what he wants, authorization to spend another $2.4 Trillion and avoid debt ceiling debate till after the 2012 elections; the Republicans in Congress come out of it with no new taxes at least for the short term, and the people get to pay for the continued spending because the proposed offsetting spending cuts are mostly illusionary.


So why, all of the “theater”?  What is the truth?  Now that the $2.4 Trillion deal is passed do we still have reason for concern or are we out of the woods?  I would like to present some facts and let you judge for yourselves.


The GDP (Gross Domestic Product or economic output) of the United States is approximately $14.8 Trillion, while the U.S. debt is approximately $14.3 Trillion and soon to rise to $16.7 Trillion.  To put these numbers in context, the GDP of the entire world including the U.S. is $63.1 Trillion.  Our debt will very soon exceed 25% of world GDP.  But looming on the horizon, and what sends shivers down the spine of the world financial market, is our un-funded liabilities.  Benefits that we owe to retirees and others that are as yet un-filed for and uncollected, and because there are no trust funds or they have been for the most part robbed, remain un-funded.  The most conservative estimates place this liability at about $65 Trillion, where others place it as high as $105 Trillion.  These debts are in addition to the current national debt!


Imagine one country whose debt liabilities exceed global GDP, who is borrowing 41 cents of every dollar it spends, whose currency is the reserve currency of the world and through the Federal Reserve owns nearly half of its own debt!  Scary is not the word for it!


Many think that China owns most of our debt, but in reality their GDP is only about $6.1 Trillion and they hold just over $1.1 Trillion of U.S. debt, about 7% of the total and they have been reducing their stake.  What they have a large stake in are the manufactured goods that we consume as we only manufacture about 10% of them ourselves.


Some think that raising taxes is the answer, but we could raise everyone’s income taxes by 50 % and would still have nearly a $1 Trillion annual deficit at current spending levels.  A very real burden on all taxpayers is not a lack of taxes collected from the rich, but the governments choosing to exempt over 50% of the workers from paying federal taxes and indeed share your tax dollars with approximately 40% of the population with income tax credits, food stamps, medic-aide, housing assistance and other forms of redistribution by a government whose spending practices have outstripped the taxpayers ability to pay and still support a thriving economy as evidenced by the protracted downturn and continued high unemployment levels.


High unemployment and underemployment have along with the general economic down turn resulted in a revenue shortfall compared to 2008, of over $400 Billion annually.  The uncertainty about whether spending will go down, or taxes will go, up has exacerbated the problem and slowed the recovery.  One thing is for sure, raising taxes now will slow hiring, economic growth and the revenue growth that would have followed.


Clearly we have a spending problem and need to rein it in.  What is not so clear is why Speaker John Boehner did not address immediate and substantial cuts in the debt ceiling deal, but opted for “pie in the sky” future cuts that he knows, full well, we cannot force on a future Congress.  So in other words the very clear mandate of November 2010 has been ignored and rather than cut spending this Congress has chosen to continue spending to the tune of an additional $3.3 plus Trillion to be added to the debt.  From January 2011 to January 2013, the 112th Congress will have added nearly as much to the National Debt as the infamous 111th Congress!  What mandate?!


The fight with Congress and the Administration, will now be to not increase taxes and give the economy a chance to recover.  But worry, from the rating agencies hinted downgrades, and the battle to avoid that, will put pressure on the Congress to either raise taxes or make additional spending cuts.  So once more the taxpayer is caught between a rock and a hard place because the Congress does not have the courage to make the necessary cuts to bring financial stability, balance the budget and lower or eradicate the debt.  Indeed the Congress has established a “super committee” to take up the task of determining what further cuts to make over the next decade, further abdicating their responsibility to a select few and making doubtful that the cuts to offset the new round of spending will ever truly be made.


The world financial markets have reason to be concerned when the world’s largest economy, one that is inextricably wound through their markets as the reserve currency, exhibits such irresponsibility and resorts to name calling and deception.


Some are advocating that doom and collapse are right around the corner.  I would hope to think that our leaders had a better handle on the economy and that the doom was not true, but after the continuing financial crisis of the past 3 years, I am left with little faith.  Just as with an overburdened family budget, we must cut the spending to match our income or risk having the debt service force us into an, ever worsening, downward spiral toward financial ruin.


Common sense dictates that there must be immediate cuts to spending in the $400 Billion or more range, cuts that include all departments even Defense and incentives employed concurrently to jumpstart employment in order to begin substantially increasing revenues.  The object is to be bold, to jump out of the ditch and point the economy toward prosperity once more, not to simply tread water and await our fate as this new deal offers. 


There is now reason for additional concern for the separation of powers and future of liberty as the Congress has once more, in the Budget Control Act of 2011, vested additional powers to the President, by relinquishing their constitutional power and duty to determine the need and time to spend our money and vesting it with the President. 


It would seem, once more, the Congress has not failed to disappoint the people it is supposed to be serving!


Come November 2012, the Tea Party should not disappoint those who have failed us!!



Tom Whitmore
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A Key To Winning Our Country Back

A Key To Winning Our Country Back 


Here we are 7 months into the new 112th Congress, who just last November, received a huge makeover and a mandate to "Cut Spending"!  And how successful have they been?  How much have they saved? That's easy "0"! 

We started out with dreams of cutting $400-500 Billion a year, in light of deficits that had increased by over $1.2 Trillion per year!  They quickly sliced and diced that down to $100 Billion, only to come back from negotiations with the President with $61 Billion, which quickly shrank to $38 Billion.  But alas, as with most things Congressional, it was all smoke and mirrors, since that deal turned into just a few million in real dollars, just before we found out that the cost of the war in Libya, the first week, ate that up!  And today the Speaker is negotiating tax hikes with Obama to make permanent many of his spending increases! 


We have been through the Continuing Resolution battle, the 2011 Budget battle, the ongoing 2012 Budget battle and the Debt Ceiling debates, and where are we?  We've not saved a thin red penny, but we managed to add $17 Billion to the Pentagon Budget!!  It is said we are close to a deal, yeah right.  They speak of spending cuts that that sound good until you realize they mean over ten years, a drop in the bucket, essentially meaningless, just sound bites.  The promise of a Balanced Budget Amendment; at best, with a miracle or two, that process could be realized in 6 to 8 years and if it isn't indexed to a percentage of GDP, look out for tax hikes!!  We need immediate answers, immediate spending cuts, no more rhetoric, just honest governing.  We need the Congress to stop abdicating it's duty and begin exercising its First Branch powers! 


The founding fathers were most concerned over two things, a standing army and a central bank, convinced that either was a great threat to liberty.  Today we have both and neither of them is audited!  That is frightening and can probably account for much of the mess we find ourselves in. 


The DOD/Pentagon is the largest department of Government, indeed it consumes nearly half of the entire world's defense spending!  I want to let you know about the “Pentagon Petition” which seeks to make sure Congress understands that all departments must come under the spotlight of scrutiny.  I hope that you agree and can support the petition and forward to your associates and group members for their consideration as well.  Join many leading conservatives and Tea Party Leaders in supporting responsible across the board cuts in all departments of the Federal Government.  


If the Republicans can address DOD spending cuts, then it will be the key toward further, larger, more meaningful spending cuts and reforms that the Democrats have so vociferously refused to go along with to date.  Especially since the base Pentagon budget has more than doubled over the last decade!! 


If the Republicans insist on protecting the Pentagon, the Democrats will insist on protecting their sacred cows.  Where do you start?  If you are as tired as I am of the Congress spinning its wheels and getting nowhere on spending cuts, how about insisting the Pentagon/DOD institute a standardized accounting system so that they can be audited, the cost ratios can be determined and the Congress can assess the effectiveness of programs, because right now they don’t have a handle on it and just keep throwing money at the Pentagon to play it safe.  Senator Tom Coburn illustrates the need to audit the Pentagon in this eye-opening letter: 


Immediately, we can start cutting in Germany with over 200 bases!   I thought the cold war ended a few decades ago.  Then there is Japan with over 100 bases and S. Korea with more than 80 and counting.  All told we have over 1,000 bases in 135 countries.  Talk about an empire.  Surely we can find a few to cut back on, or maybe, more than a few.  At any rate we have to get the ball rolling.  If we can't get them to give them up, how about relocate a few to the Southwest border and spend those dollars here! 


Then of course there is the GAO report that shows duplicative and wasteful programs.  There is a lot to cut without fear of hurting the troops or the defense mission. The troops serving in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are funded through supplemental appropriations separate from the regular Pentagon budget, but an open and fair process in reducing spending is needed to ensure they won’t be made the easy target and our security suffer as a result. 


Speaking of duplicative programs did you know that besides the U.S. Air Force, the Army has it’s own air force, as does the Navy, which also has it’s own army, the Marines, who not to be out done has their own air force as well?  Frighteningly this is not rare instance, but rather it is indicative of how the DOD/Pentagon operates.  


The greatest threat our country faces today, is a financial one, wrought of the excesses of the DOD/Pentagon, the manipulations of the Federal Reserve, untended trade deficits and the avarice of the big banks and the financial industry.   Reining in the Pentagon and DOD spending is not the whole answer, but is a start, and takes away the blind corner where the Congress continues to feed it’s spending addiction. 


I know and appreciate how hard you work for the cause of liberty!  Please take a couple of minutes to read the petition and go on line to sign it!  And please, please forward this on to your friends and associates.  Thanks so much. 


For Liberty’s Sake 

Tom Whitmore 


Please Sign The Pentagon Petition 


    Please, sign the Committee For The Republic Petition to tell the 112th Congress that no department or program is sacred; that they must all remain on the table as we seek ways to cut spending, including Pentagon, and reduce the deficit.  Until we get serious about cuts in the DOD, we will not gain significant support from Democrats on other spending cuts or entitlement reforms! 


The Pentagon Petition 

The 112th Congress, tasked with a clear mandate to cut spending, must look to not only cut spending now, but permanently arrest the bias towards the careless wastefulness, bred of cronyism, that has plagued Washington for too long. To that end, lawmakers must dismiss the erroneous assumptions that have led to sacrosanct budgeting; no longer can select departments and programs enjoy protected status in the appropriations process. Conservatives should enthusiastically reject the notion that any area of the federal budget should be protected from examination. Attempts to isolate departments or programs from scrutiny undermine any serious efforts for positive spending reform — for this and many generations to come. Any policymaker determined to cut government spending must commit to keeping spending cuts in all departments on the table — whether efficiencies can be realized in the Department of Defense or the Department of Education, they must all be considered fair game in the battle to instill fiscal prudence in federal spending.


   If you ever needed proof that when government grows too big, it will lose control, you have it here: In January 2011, at a news conference, Adm. Mike Mullen, Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, said: “My own experience here is that in doubling (the Pentagon budget over the last decade), we’ve lost our ability to prioritize, to make hard decisions, to do tough analysis, to make trades.”  Adm. Mullen leads the largest government agency in the U.S.A., indeed, the whole world.  


   "Our exploding federal debt is the greatest threat to the Republic.  Republicans are in a unique position to make spending cuts in our largest federal department. Pentagon savings will enable Republicans to exact greater domestic spending cuts from Democrats. By adding your name to The Petition, you are helping address the $14 Trillion plus debt Washington politicians have run up.  

   Before CPAC, The Pentagon Petition was signed by dozens of leading conservatives, including Grover Norquist, David Keene, Richard Viguerie and Al Regnery. By coming together with one voice, The Petition persuaded Congressional Republicans to reverse their policy of exempting the Pentagon from spending cuts.  

   Unfortunately, our work has just begun. While paying lip service to The Pentagon Petition, the Republican leadership is timid and continues to rubberstamp Pentagon spending. That is why we need you to spread the word among fellow conservatives. We urge you to direct your friends and colleagues to and ask them to sign The Pentagon Petition.”                                         


                                       Thank You, for all that you do, for Liberty

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How Does America Break Out of the Financial Crisis?


I will try to explain this as succinctly as possible.  America is faced with several looming problems that are preventing our recovery and are being largely ignored.  Much of it is not revealed or pursued because there are many folks making a lot of money over it!!  They are picking your pockets!


The first problem is the gusher of deficit dollars going overseas whether it is for oil, manufactured goods or US military spending.  Dollars leave at a much faster pace than they come in.  The trade deficit is on the order of $540 Billion dollars annually and that does not count the Military expenditures!!  By way of comparison our total manufacturing is $1,700 Billion annually.


The second problem is a lack of quality jobs, due in part to the mass exodus of manufacturing overseas.  Today we manufacture a little over 10% of what we consume.  That represents one of our greatest threats to national security.  We cannot fend for ourselves.  We have to trade with overseas partners to survive.


Third, is the fallacy of “stimulus” spending by the Government being able to always stimulate the economy.  When it is done in the form of rebates to the people or by way of tax cuts, then there is a strong chance it will stimulate spending and move the economy forward.  When it takes the form of creation of new government jobs, it actually stifles the economy, although the new employees are spending, they are either being paid through increased taxes or increased borrowing.  The former gives folks more money to spend and leaves them feeling better about the economy with an inclination toward spending more, but the latter leaves less, for everyone who pays taxes, to spend and injects caution or fear into their spending patterns with an inclination toward tightening the purse strings further (Where we find ourselves now).


Fourth is the Federal Reserve’s penchant for working deals behind closed doors, for printing dollars at will and for refusing to disclose what they are doing and who they are doing it with.  I can tell you, that they have been around 98 years and during that time the dollar has devalued 98%!  Some job of protecting the currency they are doing!


Fifth is the “Culture of Cowardice in the Congress”!  There is a great unwillingness to take the hard votes!  That’s why we can’t reduce spending, balance the budget, slow the deficit or reform our entitlement programs.  The individual Congressmen and Senators fear their campaign donors, the lobbyists, the threat of another Wall Street manufactured financial crisis, or the idea they might be blamed for another terrorist attack if they were to trim some dollars from the defense budget more than they fear “We the People”!  The two things the founders feared the most, a standing army and a large central bank, are what have consumed and devalued a tremendous number of dollars leaving us even less secure.  Meanwhile the Pentagon and the Federal Reserve remain un-audited!! 


To think that spending can be reined in, the budget balanced, the deficit reduced or entitlements reformed without putting the Defense budget under scrutiny is, at best, foolhardy.  In total when you consider the entire DOD related spending which includes the Pentagon Base Budget, New construction, Veterans Administration, DOD/Military retirement benefits, Nuclear program under DOE and other DOD administrative spending it accounts for nearly a third of the current total budget and a third of the budget represents deficit spending, or borrowed money.  To say current spending levels are unsustainable is a gross understatement.


There is no plan before the Congress today that can succeed.  Only measures that can be fully implemented during the current session of the Congress will be of lasting benefit.  Last year one of the battle cries was for the “Repeal Amendment”, this year another is for “Cut, Cap and Balance”…problem is, it is another multi year program, again!  You remember what happened to the former, it just sort of lost steam, as probably will the current plans.  Now honestly, do any of you really believe the Congress can embark on and stick to some grand multi year program to cut spending and reduce the budget?  We need to address some of the root problems, right now.


You can help implement the following commonsense five-point program to get America started down the road to recovery immediately, by making sure the Congress listens to and fears, “We the People” more than they fear the special interests!  Call (877)-762-8762 or email your Congressmen and Senators today and every day until they:


v    Drill Here and Drill Now!  For oil, natural gas and coal.

v    Bring Manufacturing Jobs Back to America! Rein in the EPA and Gang Green!

v    Audit the Federal Reserve and stop the devaluation of the dollar!

v    Audit the DOD/Pentagon and cut wasteful and duplicative spending.

v    Immediately cut back the “stimulus” programs that grew the Federal government.


Only if these points are implemented and realized can plans like the Balanced Budget Amendment (which will take several years to be ratified) be able to help succeed in restoring fiscal order and security in America.  We must begin treating the ailment instead of just relieving the symptoms, to ensure our long-term fiscal health!!


You know in your heart no matter how hard they massage the debt and spending, they will not succeed if they don’t implement the above commonsense measures.  Ignoring these points, which can all be implemented immediately, leaves the Congress on a fool’s errand.


Don’t expect many to be talking about these issues.  There are only a few, like Tom Coburn, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Ron Paul, Alan West, Michele Bachmann and Frank Wolf along with a handful of others, with the courage to speak out and sponsor appropriate legislation.  To expect much more from most of the others would be like expecting a pickpocket to say “Hold still while I lift your wallet”!


Take your country back and restore financial security, starting today!  “Turn Up the Heat In Washington”; bring the “Fear Factor” to Capitol Hill.  Thank you, for all you do for Liberty.


Tom Whitmore

Washington DC Tea Party

Copyright 2011, Thomas J. Whitmore

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Action to Protect Patents Required

Hello Patriots,


Read, Take Action, Repost and Resend! 

In the House is a bill that will be considered on the floor before the full house, in the next few days.  It is H.R. 1249 "America Invents Act", you can see it here , Although introduced by Republican Lamar Smith (TX) and some provisions may be worthwhile, the net outcome of the bill with its provision to change Patent office registering of patents from "First to Invent" to "First to File" would undermine the protections given to inventors in the Constitution.  It would in practice be more like "First to Steal" a patent.  The real danger is the risk of American Intellectual property, being stolen by the likes of multi-national corporations in China and other countries. 


An argument is made that it would put us more in line with the patent rules of other countries, but then who in America really cares.  It is our empowering of the people that has made us so prosperous, this is not the time to allow another blow against the Constitution and our rights, for the sake of being like others.  We started out different!!


I personally revel in our American exceptionalism, how about you?  Read below what Congressman Dana Rohrbacher had to say in a press release to counter this hideous bill.  Then please call your Congressman at (202)-224-3121 or Toll Free (877)-762-8762 or email and urge them to vote no on this bill when it comes up.  If you have time please call these Co-sponsors and ask them to review the Constitutionality of the bill and please withdraw as Co-sponsors.

Steven Chabot [R-OH1]  John Duncan [R-TN2]  Elton Gallegly [R-CA24] Robert Goodlatte [R-VA6]

Darrell Issa [R-CA49]


 No savings, no changes in procedure, no legislation should ever come at the expense of the Rights guaranteed under the Constitution!


***PRESS RELEASE*** Reps. Rohrabacher, Kaptur Lead Bipartisan Opposition to Patent Reform Bill
Letter Signed by 50 Members Asking for Constitutionality Debate Unveiled

Washington, Jun 1 -

Today, Reps. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) expressed their opposition to H.R. 1249, the America Invents Act, citing constitutional concerns and listing several provisions they consider detrimental to American innovation and harm the average inventors ability to secure patents. The lawmakers were joined by two former House Judiciary Committee Chairmen, Reps. John Conyers (D-MI) and Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) to unveil a letter signed by 50 bipartisan Members, addressed to the House Rules Committee, requesting time for the constitutionality of the bill to be adequately debated.

“If H.R. 1249 is passed into law, we will have weaker protections for our inventors and we can expect American innovation to be easily stolen not only domestically but by foreign entities overseas,” said Rohrabacher. “Perhaps the worst aspect of this bill, that hurts the American people the most, is the harmonization of our laws with those internationally in terms of the fundamental way we issue patents.

“The bottom line is this,” Rohrabacher stated. “In our Constitution, the words make it very clear that the original inventor should be the one who receives the patent, not the global standard of whoever files first. That would be very damaging to American innovators and would change the way we do business.”

According to the House Committee on Rules, if a threshold of 50 Member signatures is reached “in a letter addressed to the Chair of the Committee on Rules requesting a separate period of debate to discuss the constitutionality of a measure considered under a rule, the Chair shall include such a period of separate debate, not to exceed 20 minutes, evenly divided and controlled between a Member specified in the letter and a Member defending the committee position.”

Reps. Rohrabacher and Kaptur also called for H.R. 1249 to be rejected outright by the House of Representatives and replaced with a bill that straightens out the current mess of backlogs, delays, and inadequate funding at the US Patent and Trademark Office.

Lawmakers expressed concerns that several of the bill’s provisions are not only unconstitutional, but a “jobs-killer” that harms the main source of new jobs in the economy, small businesses and start-ups. In its current form, H.R. 1249 greatly increases costs on the “little guy” inventors seeking patents making it a cost prohibitive venture in many cases and increases the likelihood any patents that are granted will be infringed upon and subsequently tied up for years in the bureaucracy under the new procedures.

In addition to Reps. Rohrabacher (R-CA), Kaptur (D-OH), Conyers (D-MI), Sensenbrenner (R-WI) and Manzullo (R-IL), Kevin Kearns from the U.S. Business and Industry Council, patent expert David Boundy, and constitutional scholars Jonathan Massey and Adam Mossoff, also participated in the press conference.

H.R. 1249 is expected to be brought for a vote later this month.  Thank You!


For Liberty's Sake,


Tom Whitmore

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Freedom's Phoenix

Freedom’s Phoenix


From the ashes of decline, shall rise, a great phoenix

On the wings of American exceptionalism

A symbol of  “We the people”, republicanism


The founding fathers in their wisdom did greatly fear

Two very dangerous things, that more than any other,

A standing army or central bank, liberty would smother


The Constitution, Article 1 and the laws of the land

Were intended to protect the people from being ripped off

In refusing to be audited, the Fed and Pentagon do scoff


The earmarks flourish, while our Liberty shrivels

For the power and the glory of a Capitol hill few

Who blindly throw our money in the pot, as if, fixing a stew


We have a standing Army, in spite of our founders fear

It has its own air force, as does the Navy and its army, the Marines

All in addition to the US Air Force, flying must be in the genes


The Pentagon has bases galore and on nearly every shore

Duplicative programs abound, as the branches trust not each other

If this, be the case, why should we people trust one branch or another?


We spend nearly as much on defense as the rest of the world combined

Yet our weapons systems are aging and our troops often do suffer

As the sheer size of the DOD bureaucracy, our success does buffer


Put the Pentagon under scrutiny, to trim the waste, and unnecessary spending

Before financial calamity doth spark a round of indiscriminate cuts

Our security put at risk, by the unwitting in Congress or those without guts


We have a great Central Bank that we all know as “the Fed”

We know not what they do, for they report not to Congress

Operating audit free, cronyism run amok, part of the mess


They are printing new money at an alarming rate

We know not to whom they give it, only who they come to,

“We the people”, whenever, the piper’s bill doth come due.



As the founders feared, unchecked, our government has grown too big

Big enough to give to some, everything that they want and need

Big enough to take from others, all they have, down to the seed


There is a movement afoot, across this great land

To spread the light of truth and fiscal awareness

By bringing to bear, transparency, audits and fairness


It is a movement born of the spirit, the heart and soul of our great Nation

Men and women uniting with purpose, Liberty’s flame burning, in their heart

Restoring pride, honor and moral bearing that our nation, be not, torn apart


Won’t you please read, and join us in signing, the Pentagon Petition

Demanding of the Congress, fair and orderly cuts in the spending

Bringing all departments to the table and leaving no sacred cows pending


If you have had enough and are tired of watching your Country decline

Join the ranks of the patriots who are uniting and working together

To see our Republic flourish once more and our exceptionalism un-tether.


Tom Whitmore

Copyright 2011, Thomas J Whitmore


Please Sign the Petition here:





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Obama the Illusionist

Obama the Illusionist


The release of Obama’s birth certificate was just another hat trick, more smoke and mirrors.  First of all, it came from a document that Hawaiian officials released and that copy is in the hands of the White House.  The online copy is a purported electronic scan of that and more than likely was enhanced for legibility.  Of course any enhancement may be innocent in itself or by design used to cover up changes.  The point is, there probably are no significant changes to the certificate as provided by Hawaii and in the end if there are any inaccuracies proven, it will fall on some poor scapegoat in Hawaii. 


All this furor has done, over the last few days, has been to distract folks from the real business at hand, which is to stop Obama and the left from destroying our Country.  Our job #1 this past week should have been to go in to see our Congressmen in the district offices or write and phone them to make our voices heard.


Obama the Illusionist threw out the birth certificate to distract conservatives from the important and real work.  He knew full well that Osama Bin Laden would be this week’s news and so for two weeks could draw the conservative fire away from the battle to save our country.  He did it to you last year and got Obamacare through.  He is doing it again!  Ignore the distractions and the smoke and mirrors.  Worry about what you can do to make a difference on, not that which you can’t help or change.  Make every minute of your valuable time, one that may bear fruit, not one that is spent dallying over that which is a distraction.


We are faced with several huge and looming battles this week and next as the Congress returns and the outcome of these battles will determine the Country’s fate.


-        The debt ceiling increase must be stopped.  We must take decisive action to stop the financial hemorrhaging.  There is plenty of money to pay bills.  Just like your own budget, if you come up a little short and do not want to borrow, you protect your assets by paying mortgages and financial obligations first, while allowing other non-critical bills to slide a little.

-        The passage of the Full Faith & Credit Act, introduced by Senator Toomey and the House counterpart, must be passed to ensure that the President and Harry Reid don’t intentionally let our debt payments default, in a political ploy just to try and blame the Republicans.  After all, if we believe that the left is trying to tear our country down as we know it and fundamentally transform it, we must take those steps necessary to stop them and protect the Country.

-        Stop spending and begin making cuts, but the only way we will have an open and honest dialogue that will yield the kind of results necessary to restore financial stability, is if all departments and agencies are squarely on the table.  We have a spending problem and that is what has sent our economy into a tailspin. 

-        No tax increases.  The closer we get to balancing the budget the better, but only if it is not at the expense of raising taxes.  We need less government impeding the free market and more money available to grow the free markets.

We also need to begin addressing some of the other real problems that are causing the financial havoc, besides the government spending.

1.     Start bringing our manufacturing jobs back from overseas.  The fabric of our economy has been torn and we have become this voracious consumer society without the ability to produce for ourselves.  We manufacture less than 10 % of what we consume.  The loss of our manufacturing base is the greatest national security threat that we face.  We can no longer fend for ourselves.  A new world order be damned, we need to take back our manufacturing capabilities and restore a balance in our economy.  We cannot let ourselves become dependent on China and others to manufacture almost all we consume.  What if……………………!  Yeah, it is too scary to think about!

2.     We must stop the one-way flood of dollars going out of the Country.  That begins with solving more of our energy needs right here at home with sound policies that recognize the reality of our needs, and can balance domestic production and consumption with research and development toward more efficient technologies and fuel sources going forward, while reducing dependency on foreign sources that leave us at their financial mercy.

3.     We need to rethink our defense strategy.  Defense represents nearly one third of our budget if you take an honest look and consider all factors.  We have excessive numbers of bases overseas, that in this new world of technology and satellites could have many of their functions consolidated and moved back within our borders.  Let’s spend some of that new construction and remodeling money here, not to mention what is spent in the foreign local economies by the defense department, our troops and civilian employees and contractors!  Go here to see what the Nations leading Conservatives are saying: and then join them by clicking on "Petition" and signing it!  We need to change the mindset on Capitol Hill and re-examine our priorities and make informed, deliberate decisions instead of waiting for a crisis and then hurting our troops and missions by cutting indiscriminately.


These are just a few of the areas where, if we pay attention and press hard, we can have a positive impact.  That is after all what we are working for, to have a positive impact and make a difference.  How well we do should be measured by how many times we contact our elected officials about the current issues and let them know where we stand and to that end how many times there was a positive outcome.


We must be very careful how we measure success and what we choose to measure.  Which do you think will have more impact, 40,000 protestors with signs gathering for a couple of hours on Capitol hill, or that same 40,000 activists spending 2 hours churning out perhaps 4 or 5 letters/emails each and a half dozen or more phone calls.  I can assure you that 500,000 phone calls and emails in a week on the issues of the day will have a much bigger, longer lasting and more positive impact!!


It is great to do the meetings and go out to the events to recharge our batteries but we must all learn to employ some balance, to make sure we are doing and measuring the right things, to be sure we will make an impact and to make sure we devote enough time to those tasks that will in the end make a measurable and positive difference.


 We must look beyond the smoke and mirrors, whether it is from the left or from our own and learn to focus on the future, where we want to see our country be, and prioritize those actions that will yield the greatest results, from contacting our local boards and councils to our State level government, right up to the U.S. Congress.


We must not let ourselves be distracted by Obama and the left, they are masters of deception and illusion.  They want to take what you and I have and use it to fundamentally transform our Country so that our children will not have the same fighting chance we had.  DO NOT lose that chance, FOCUS, focus, focus, focus,………………


You can reach the U.S. Congress at (202)-224-5121) or (877)-762-8762 and can find many of your elected officials and their contact info at this site:  Stay engaged, establish a habit of making a few calls and sending a letter/email or two every week, until it becomes second nature.  That is what it takes to win!!  If our elected officials don’t hear from us regularly, they start thinking we don’t care and they start listening to the lobbyists, special interests and their colleagues. 


Politics is about a fear factor.  We would want to believe it is about our representatives doing what is right, doing what we elected them for, but once in office it often becomes more about who they fear most in their reelection, the special interests and their colleagues or “We the People” who elected them.  Don’t let a week go by without reminding them how they got there and what we expect, let doing the right thing become the “icing on the cake” for them!!  Thank you for all that you do for Liberty!!


For Liberty’s Sake,


Tom Whitmore
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Sign the Pentagon Petition


Sign The Pentagon Petition 


Please, sign the Committee For The Republic Petition to tell the 112th Congress that no department or program is sacred; they must all remain on the table as we seek ways to cut spending, including Pentagon, and reduce the deficit.  CUT SPENDING NOW!!


   Here's proof that when government grows too big, it will lose control, you have it here: In January 2011, at a news conference, Adm. Mike Mullen, Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, said: My own experience here is that in doubling (the Pentagon budget over the last decade), weve lost our ability to prioritize, to make hard decisions, to do tough analysis, to make trades.  Adm. Mullen leads the largest government agency in the U.S.A., indeed, the whole world.


   "Our exploding federal debt is the greatest threat to the Republic.  Republicans are in a unique position to make spending cuts in our largest federal department. Pentagon savings will enable Republicans to exact greater domestic spending cuts from Democrats. By adding your name to The Petition, you are helping address the $14 Trillion plus debt Washington politicians have run up.

   Before CPAC, The Pentagon Petition was signed by dozens of leading conservatives, including Grover Norquist, David Keene, Richard Viguerie, Matt Kibbe, Tim Phillips and Al Regnery. By coming together with one voice, The Petition persuaded Congressional Republicans to reverse their policy of exempting the Pentagon from spending cuts.

   Unfortunately, our work has just begun. While paying lip service to The Pentagon Petition, the Republican leadership is timid and continues to rubberstamp Pentagon spending. That is why we need you to spread the word among fellow conservatives. We urge you to direct your friends and colleagues to and ask them to sign The Pentagon Petition.”                                        

The Pentagon Petition

The 112th Congress, tasked with a clear mandate to cut spending, must look to not only cut spending now, but permanently arrest the bias towards the careless wastefulness, bred of cronyism, that has plagued Washington for too long. To that end, lawmakers must dismiss the erroneous assumptions that have led to sacrosanct budgeting; no longer can select departments and programs enjoy protected status in the appropriations process. Conservatives should enthusiastically reject the notion that any area of the federal budget should be protected from examination. Attempts to isolate departments or programs from scrutiny undermine any serious efforts for positive spending reform — for this and many generations to come. Any policymaker determined to cut government spending must commit to keeping spending cuts in all departments on the table — whether efficiencies can be realized in the Department of Defense or the Department of Education, they must all be considered fair game in the battle to instill fiscal prudence in federal spending.

Thank You, for all that you do, for Liberty

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Who Has War Powers?

Who Has War Powers?


Our Constitution provides that the Congress make declarations of war or define and punish international offenses, in Article. I. Section. 8. “The Congress shall have Power to declare War, grant letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water; To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations; To raise and support Armies; To provide and maintain a Navy; To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces; To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions”, although the President is “Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States" he has no such power to declare war. 


As Commander in Chief the President has full authority to direct the military of the United States of America in her defense by repelling attacks, but within the confines and regulations set forth by the Congress.  Nor was that executive power meant to extend to foreign soil or the high seas except in self-defense without the express consent of Congress.  


It is clear that the Congress was meant to be in control of the armed forces and that only the Congress has the Constitutional authority to declare War or to "define and punish, Offenses against the Law of Nations", as in the case of Libya.


The fact that many previous Presidents and Congresses have ignored the Constitution, whether it is in matters of war or otherwise, is not solid grounds to support an argument.  The Constitution is very clear in it's original intent, it is when we fall prey to the "living Constitution" advocates or the precedent of other failures, that it's meaning becomes vague.


The founders were very careful to create a Republic with a separation of powers so as not to vest our President with another monarchy like King George enjoyed.  One of the powers they strove to separate from the President was the ability to make war (as opposed to defending the country).  A constitutional student would find that, even President George Washington, more than once, reinforced this separation of powers by deferring to the Congress when asked to endorse an offensive operation.


The War Powers Resolution of 1973 (commonly referred to as the War Powers Act) was an effort in part to make sure the intent of the Constitution would not continue to be ignored.  It states that “(c) The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to (1) a declaration of war, (2) specific statutory authorization, or (3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.”   Whether heretofore ignored, it is still the law of the land, and should be adhered to and enforced, unless/until it was to be found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.


The original intent of the founding fathers was that, Congress was to make the rules and regulations, and decide when and where we went to war or enforced international laws and the President directed the armed forces in that effort and in the defense of the Union.  The founding fathers’ concept of maintaining a standing Army and Navy was for the sole purpose of defending the Union and its interests from uprisings and foreign attacks.


I believe, too many people view the Commander in Chief, as like a head coach directing the offense and defense.  Where, indeed, it is the Congress that is the head coach of our armed forces, the CinC is like the defensive coordinator by default (directing training and defensive operations) and may take on the duties of the offensive coordinator when under attack and/or authorized by the head coach (Congress). 


One of the greatest challenges our nation has faced, and will continue to face, is the usurpation of power by the executive branch, as forewarned by the founding fathers.  A second great challenge is stopping and reversing the abdication of responsibility and power by a Congress engrossed in squabbling over how to spend (waste) our money.


Are you up to the challenge?  Will you hold them to account, to debate and authorize with appropriations and limits of engagement, all offensive military operations?  Will you help restore Constitutional limits?  Contact your U.S. Representatives and Senators by phone (877)-762-8762, mail, email or fax, but do it!!
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Where Do You Stand On Libya?

Where Do You Stand On Libya?


Whether you are against Muammar Qadhafi and his regime or not, it must be recognized that enforcing a no fly zone over Libya is tantamount to a declaration of war.  Both Admiral Mullen and Defense Secretary Gates have acknowledged that to enforce a no fly zone would require the destruction of Libyan air defense capabilities, amounting to an attack on Libya, a sovereign state that has not attacked the US and a country where the U.S. has very little if any interests.


Granted the civilian casualties are atrocious and the U.N. has voted to take all steps necessary to protect the civilian population, our Constitution provides that the Congress make declarations of war, in Article. I. Section. 8. “The Congress shall have Power to declare War, grant letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water”, although the President is “Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States”, he has no such power to declare war.


It is the duty of the Congress to take the U.N. resolution under consideration, to debate the proper course of action and to weigh the U.S. options and expense.  The U.S. Congress must make the decision to invade a sovereign state under a declaration of war and it is the President’s responsibility as Commander in Chief to carry out such declaration.  It is the duty of the Congress to appropriate the funds and to determine the scope of the war effort if a declaration of war is to be made.  Are we to just enforce a no fly zone along with other allied partners, who is in control of such an allied effort, what branches of our military will be committed, are we only to protect civilians, are we wanting a regime change, are we supporting the rebels, how much money are we authorizing the expenditure of, these and a litany of other questions are up to the Congress to debate and authorize action upon.


Keeping tight rein on Constitutionally limited powers in a case such as this should fall under the Tea Party’s aim to restore Constitutionally limited government.  We must insist that the U.S. Congress stop abdicating it’s responsibility and take up the debate on an authorization and declaration of war.  We must insist that the President present before the Congress and seek such authorization, as the U.S. Constitution requires.  To require the Congress to debate and authorize the spending in such a war effort should come under the Tea Party’s goal to restore fiscal responsibility and cut spending.  We should insist that the Congress appropriate the funds and establish limits to the spending and scope of the conflict or to direct the President to withdraw our troops.


Remember, every penny spent on this new war effort will add directly to the deficit unless the Congress will vote to redirect other funds, which is unlikely given the resistance they have exhibited toward making any substantive spending cuts. 


I urge all of you to contact your Representatives and Senators and ask them to take up the debate on the declaration of war against Libya and to set the rules for the engagement and appropriate the funds to do so, if the Congress concurs, as the Constitution requires.  You may reach their offices at (202)-224-3121 or Toll Free (877)-762-8762.  You can also reach them at their local offices, email or fax, by going here:


Thank You, for all that you do for Freedom!


For Liberty’s Sake,


Tom Whitmore
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The Debt Is Just Too Damn High!

The Debt Is Just Too Damn High!


Our new Speaker of the House John Boehner is too busy shrinking from Nancy Pelosi’s shadow to be of much use to anyone.  He is calling for and losing key votes that are an embarrassment to his party.  He is not paying attention to the mandate the American people gave him and the Republican Party last November, or to his own campaign promises.


To make matters worse it would seem that most of the new Republican leadership since assuming the reigns of power have joined him and turned into what the “Governator” would call a bunch of “girlie men”.  Surely Nancy Pelosi must have left a pound or two of brass behind somewhere.


Reps. Boehner, Cantor, McCarthy, Rogers and Issa among others all started out balls afire, swore they were going to turn this ship of state around, starting day one.  So far their efforts have been more like “window dressing” and hype.  They have set very poor examples for the entering freshmen.  They have been dodging the hard votes.  They were re-hired to force the hard votes, to cut spending, with a machete, not a scalpel!  De-funding Obamacare completely in the 2011 CR would have yielded over $105 Billion in spending cuts, more than their target $100 Billion in other areas.  It would have been a doubling down and shown how serious their commitment was.  The promise or pledge to repeal, de-fund, stop it or otherwise “Kill Obamacare” was the defining issue on Nov. 2nd, 2010 and nothing has changed!!   Wait, back up, the judge in the 26 state lawsuit against Obamacare ruled it un-constitutional!!  That alone should have been reason enough to completely stop any and all spending for Obamacare


The only thing they have shown they are serious about other than a few rules changes is the continuation of “business as usual” in the “Swamp”.  A paltry $60+ Billion in cuts is like changing the curtains when the windows are cracked and leaking!  What happened to all of the tough talk when the present leadership was in the minority just a couple of months ago?


We do have leadership in the House; folks that meet the definition of a leader, that could serve and would not hesitate to stand up for us and our principles and values.  Rep. Mike Pence, Rep. Steve King, Rep. Michele Bachmann, Rep Paul Broun, Rep. Jack Kingston, many in the freshman class and many others are all honoring their pledges to us and care deeply about our Constitution and preserving and defending it.


Our current Republican leadership is more concerned with maintaining the status quo and relationships across the aisle than honoring their promises.  One would think that after being kicked around viciously for 4 years, and after the runaway spending that was jammed down our throats this last 2 years, that there might be a sense of urgency about turning things around.  Alas, it doesn’t seem to be materializing.


They, and we, have another chance to extend some more spending cuts and that is by refusing to raise the debt ceiling permanently!!  Enough is enough and somewhere, at some time we have to draw the line.  The time is now, and holding the line on the spending limit is the where!   With just a “smidgeon” of the brass it took for the Democrats to jam us with Obamacare, the Republicans can keep the debt ceiling capped where it is, or with no more than a temporary bump, till spending cuts catch up if it becomes necessary.  Remember we have had over $3,400,000,000,000.00 ($3.4 Trillion dollars) of deficit spending forced on us in just the past two years!!  It should be relatively easy to find enough cuts to not have to tamper with the debt ceiling permanently. 


Leaving it alone, or guaranteeing only a temporary bump up, would send tremors around the world that we are serious about addressing our debt crisis.  It would give businesses another solid measure of assurance that their investment in new jobs would make sense!  And wish upon wish, think what would happen if we were to reduce it slightly!!


It is high time to rein debt in.  Any stimulus not spent, rein it in.  Obamacare spending, rein it in.  Across the board spending cuts in all agencies, rein them in.  Duplicative program and agency cuts, rein them in. Want to save the value of the dollar, rein the spending in.  Want to head off inflation, rein the spending in.  This is a no-brainer folks! 


Don’t believe for one minute the nonsense about the possibility of the US Government defaulting on its debt.  The interest we pay represents just a small part of our overall spending and is the first thing we would pay in order to not spark a worldwide financial crisis and meltdown.  Any one insinuating that we might default is an outright liar or totally delusional.  At worst we would have to furlough federal government workers for a few days (Hmm…sharing the pain?).  Treasury Secretary Geithner says we may hit the ceiling by March 31st 2011, maybe, maybe not.  There is an option, however.  Tie a temporary increase to substantial and immediate spending cuts that would automatically return the ceiling to the present level or lower within 6 months!


Call your Representatives and let them know that you want to rein in spending, NOW, and to start with not raising the debt ceiling permanently!!  Ever increasing debt is not a forgone conclusion.  It is the result of foregone irresponsibility.  Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202)-224-3121 or (202)-225-3121 also Toll Free at (877)-762-8762 ask for your Representative by name and also call the leadership and tell them: “The debt is just too damn high”!!  Do Not Raise The Debt Ceiling Permanently!!  Stop Talking and Stop The Spending Now!!  Show Some Brass!!


For Liberty’s Sake,


Tom Whitmore


Copyright 2011 Thomas J. Whitmore
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Defunding of Obamacare Needs Your Help

Hi There,

Good news, your calls, faxes and emails are having an effect! Please redouble your efforts on Thursday starting in AM.   Rep. Steve King will be introducing his Amendment to defund Obamacare in it's entirety on the floor of the House on Thursday or NLT Friday and it is vital that we amass wide support.

Simply ask your Representatives to support the King Amendment to completely defund Obamacare when it, or any motions in support of it, come up or for a vote. Remind those that promised last November to "KILL THE BILL" and stop Obamacare, that you view that promise as a sacred trust, it is that important, and you will accept nothing less. If funding for Obamacare is allowed to proceed in any way, shape or form, you will consider that sacred trust broken and you will not forget.

This time in addition to calling your individual representatives and the freshman, PLEASE include calls to Speaker Boehner's office and Majority Leader Cantor's office. Capitol Switchboard (202)-224-3121 or (202)-225-3121 or Toll Free (877)-762-8762, if lines are busy or slow to answer, here is a link to get their direct lines:

Remember it is our responsibility to make sure our Representatives do the right thing, take the hard votes, honor their promises and defend our liberty. It is up to us to make sure they do not slip down the path of least resistance, otherwise known as "the slippery slope" that we have been on for years, and has our children's futures mortgaged to the hilt!!

Thank you for all that you do to further the cause of Liberty!!

For Liberty's Sake

Tom Whitmore

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Defunding of Obamacare At Risk

Hi Patriots,

In the past it has been the "dark side" that has caused us so much angst and made us have to work so hard. I am sorry to report that I have to ask you to go to work again, only this time it is to work against the Republican leadership to defeat allocation of funds to Obamacare.

A federal judge has ruled that Obamacare is unconstitutional, end of argument. The Republican leadership should have no problem honoring their pledge to defund Obamacare, ALL of it, not just parts.

They have the perfect opportunity to defund Obamacare in the Continuing Resolution that the House will be debating and voting on this week. Conspicuously missing is the language to defund Obamacare in all of it's manifestations. It is this oversight, which at this point can only be construed as an intentional play, that spurred Rep. Steve King to propose his amendment to completely defund Obamacare!

Leadership has chosen to hide behind "rules" and have disallowed his amendment in the Rules Committee for probably the same secret reasons that complete defunding is not addressed in the CR. The whole reason for a "Rules Committee" is to establish special rules for large or significant bills that the "normal" House rules don't cover. You have to ask yourselves what are they up to, what is in it for them? Is this another Omnibus like bill with "special political gifts" heretofore known as earmarks and now we just hide them in the bill or include key concessions?

The Republican leadership promised to defund Obamacare and stop it dead in it's tracks! Don't let them pull a fast one like when Senate leadership said they got it on earmarks and then tried to slip a bunch of them through in the Omnibus bill in exchange for their votes. We stopped the Omnibus and now we must stop the funding of Obamacare.

Call your Representatives NOW at the Capitol Switchboard (202)-225-3121 or tollfree (877)-762-8762 and urge them to support Rep Steve King's amendment to completely defund Obamacare. Anything short of that will be seen as a backroom deal and Republican leadership should come squarely into your "crosshairs". They are going to have to either make good on their promises or they become part of the problem and we must seek new solutions in 2012.

We cannot afford to take prisoners where Obamacare is concerned; KILL THE BILL!! I don't know about you but I am tired of the stench coming from the "Swamp". Pay special attention to your newly elected freshmen in the House. We need to nurture and mentor them along they way that they are not led astray.

For Liberty's Sake,

Tom Whitmore
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Happy Birthday to The Gipper

Ronald Reagan Remembered

Ronald Reagan was a Conservative icon for sure
A kitchen table patriot, whose wisdom will endure,
Embracing power with the responsibility of office and without thirst
A man of strong values who loved God, family and Country first

A true culture warrior who revered the sanctity of life
He taught us to love thy neighbor and not covet his wife
The Reagan’s slice of heaven was at their Rancho del Cielo
He seemed happiest at the Ranch where life was so mellow

Atop his horse he evoked an almost royal or heroic air
He commanded respect from world leaders everywhere
Always unpretentious, unassuming the leader of our land
Was as at ease with Kings and Queens, as with a ranch hand

He was a man of the people and in all ways lived for them
Among a world full of leaders he stood tall and was a gem
He spoke of the American people with love and affection
He set our national moral bearing in a righteous direction

Of personal freedom and responsibility he would speak often
With his smile and wit the hardest heart he could soften
I don’t think he knew the meaning of the word quit
It was not very often that you would see him sit

Three times he ran before winning the nomination
And twice was elected President of our great Nation
The first time he thanked God for being on his side
God rewarded him next time with an enormous landslide

Of the Russians he declared they were an “evil empire”
And winning the arms race was a need, of ours, very dire
To Mikhail Gorbachev he said, “Tear down this wall”
So that, democracy and freedom could be enjoyed by all

Reagan thought to lower the tax rates to create more growth
Which expanded the tax base and increased revenues both
Some said Reaganomics and Defense spending the debt did increase
I say small price to end the Cold War and bring a new era of peace

“Peace through strength” was his mantra and call to arms
He struck when Libyan terrorists did dare our troops harm
Against international terrorists he declared relentless war
For the longest period in our history the economy did soar

I first revered Jefferson and then along came Ronald Reagan
Both were men of great virtue with nary a hint of the pagan
Men of strong character, sacred honor and stalwart devotion
Great statesmen whose words carried across the wide ocean

Limited government was one of their common goals
As was personal liberty that sparked a fire in men’s souls
Anti-federalist was a label you could put on both men
Majestic words and ideals they could either put to pen

But with Reagan I felt a kinship born of shared values and a love
That he had for the American people and the Creator above
He was a contemporary leader and we could see, hear and feel
The wisdom, honor and character of he, who led us with zeal

He represented his nation as a “Shining city on the hill”
And always revered those, who for freedom, blood did spill
Indeed, his own was spilt from a would be assassin’s shot
But God spared his life that day, so that we might grieve not

He gave us hope that sprang eternal and did not fade
I am grateful for his inspiration of which my debt is unpaid
Until conservative values have been restored throughout the land
And our faith in God and family are renewed, with His helping hand.

Tom Whitmore

Copyright 2011, Thomas J Whitmore
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Happy New Year!

 Happy New Year!!


We have had a great year in some ways and not so great in others.  The great silent majority awoke and found its voice.  Although it fell on many deaf ears in the halls of Congress, it was deafening at the ballot box in November. 


2010 was the year that gave us Obamacare, confirmation of Justice Elena Kagan, Senate ratification of the new START Treaty, repeal of Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell and the Dodd-Frank Finance bill to name just a few of the not so great.


In 2010 “we the people” took a stand and stopped the Dream act, Harry Reid’s Omnibus funding bill, the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill, the Employee Free Choice Act (Card Check) and many others.  We took back 63 House seats, 7 Senate seats and 6 Governorships as well as 675 plus seats in state legislatures nationwide.


Now the big question is, what’s next?  We have to keep the momentum going until 2012 when we can take another big step in restoring our country by electing more leaders and a president that represent our values and not those of some academic elite or European model.  We do that by taking care of some issues we have remained silent on for too long; by going out into our communities and talking up what has happened.  It is not just about the lawmakers and judges losing sight of the Constitution, it is about us losing sight of the importance of families and communities, and our religious heritage and how the mores and laws of our modern civilized society has it’s roots in that heritage.


Don’t think for one minute that Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levine and others can get the job done, they can not, because they are preaching to the choir!  The liberals have been inoculated against the conservative media and middle America is busy putting bread on the table, getting kids through school, paying taxes, worrying about their jobs and trying to find a little happiness. 


Nope….it is up to each and everyone of us to go out and be disciples of liberty, to teach and illuminate our heritage, so that others can appreciate our rich history and understand exactly what has made America so great.  Bit by bit our Judeo-Christian heritage is being stripped from the public venue, even though it embodies beliefs that the vast majority of Americans embrace.  Our Judeo-Christian heritage is undeniable, that is until the liberals finish stripping and rewriting references in our history books; the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, other founding documents and those produced by Presidents and Congresses for over 200 years; and before they begin removing vestiges of it from our public buildings in Washington DC where one of the richest displays of our Christian heritage exists, on and within nearly all of our important buildings including the Whitehouse, the Supreme Court, the US Capitol, the Senate chambers, the House chambers, the monuments, our money, our motto….yikes, what a kick in the teeth for President Obama to say we are not a Christian nation!


It is through a strong sense of family, community and Country that we may unite and restore those principles and values to the forefront of American’s thinking.  We must speak up, we have been silent too long, we have let the liberals have the stage for too long, we have tried to be politically correct (A progressive liberal tool to place the most important principles and values for conservatives on the back burner; out of sight-out of mind; convincing many to go along to get along) for too long!  It is time for all conservatives, Christians, Jews and others to drive a stake through the heart of political correctness and take our country back. 


Since when does a tiny minority, be they LBGT, Atheist, Agnostic, Marxist, Socialist, Communist or other drive the conscience and public conversation in America?  Well, they have been getting away with it for a long time and it is high time the majority stepped up to the plate and started preserving and protecting their way of life!  We outnumber them; we are more compassionate than them; we are smarter than them (although not always as vocal), but we must be willing to work harder than them as we have this past year or so!


You can start in your churches, at the veteran’s service organizations, at your local service organizations…yeah, I know, they have to remain neutral, but that goes for the Non-profit organization, not the members!  Silence is not golden, at least, when your Country and way of life are at stake!  This is a time when we reflect on past years and set priorities for the future, what better time to speak with family, friends and acquaintances about the state of your country and opportunities to re-prioritize and turn our culture around. You don’t want to have your grandchild on your lap someday and find yourself explaining why professing to be Christian/Jewish or American is a bad thing in a new world where secularism and world citizenry is revered!


I don’t know about you but I swell with pride when we start conservative or Republican meetings of any kind with a prayer, the Pledge and the Anthem.  And man o’ man when any crowd starts shouting USA…USA…USA what a rush that is!


Americanism, Nationalism call it what you may, we Americans are exceptional and not anything or anybody should stand in the way of us realizing our dreams in our pursuit of life, liberty and happiness for ourselves and future generations.  It has been said that only an enemy from within could confront the American spirit and conquer it. 


Come on brothers and sisters, fellow patriots let’s make 2011 a year of Renewal and work to restore faith in God, Family and Country, to shine a light on our heritage that there be no mistaking who we are or where we came from.  Let us remain with open arms and welcome others as our forefathers have done, but let them that come know, we have accepted them, to join with us in strengthening America and what she stands for, not remaking America in their vision.  And to those that have worked against God, the Constitution, the family, American nationalism/exceptionalism and our heritage, let them be known as the “enemy within” and continue working to identify and defeat this enemy. 


Shine a light on our roots; they are strong, honorable, compassionate and reverent; nurtured by God.  Cling to them as you would your bibles and guns and protect them for posterity!!  We are the conscience of America it is time to exercise that conscience!!


Have a Blessed and Happy New Year


Tom Whitmore

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Merry Christmas in America

Dear Friends and Patriots,

Merry Christmas to All and a Blessed New Year to You and Yours! Enjoy!

Merry Christmas in America

The clean crisp smell of Evergreen boughs in the air
Sprigs of holly, green leaves and red berries, everywhere
Pieces of mistletoe tied up with a bow over the door
Everyone so jolly as they tramp from store to store

A time to share gifts and love, a wonderful celebration
A time to be grateful for freedom and our bountiful Nation
And to remember, foremost this day, God’s gift to all men
His only begotten son, sent here, to pay for our sin,

How merciful is He, to sacrifice, His only son’s life
That we on earth may be granted blessed eternal afterlife
Long ago near the end of December, on a cold winters night
Our Lord was born under watchful eyes and a guiding light

Just as mother Mary, father Joseph, the shepherds and wise men,
Watched over the precious child, born that day to carry our sin
There are those, our nations defenders, under starlit wintry skies
On a cold vigil, ever watchful through the darkness, our fears to belie

No glow of soft candlelight as they watch with sharp eye
Or crackling fire with crimson sparks wafting to the sky
Courageous men and women all standing their ground
Stalwart for centuries, uncomplaining, uttering nary a sound

Guarding our freedom, over the seas and in lands far away
Standing silent vigil, some here at home, do also stay
Honor, Dignity, Courage and unselfish Sacrifice
Are just a few of the things we learned from Jesus Christ.

Christ the Savior was born in Bethlehem and for good reason
We celebrate with love and joy this very special season
We follow His teachings that we may be better men
And are thankful for His sacrifice and forgiveness of our sin

Our Country, was founded, by men of Godly faith and foresight
A land of religious freedom where all men may pray by right
Where they can practice their peaceful religions without any fear
A land where Godliness, honor, character and courage are revered

A wondrous place where all of good intent have always been welcome
Where Christmas isn’t just for Christians; it is Christ’s birthday and then some
It is about what He stood for, His always open arms; His lessons of love for all
About Peace on Earth and Goodwill toward all men, be they great or small

It is a holy day for Christians just as other religions celebrate theirs openly
The Jews with Yom Kippur and Hanukah, Sikh and Hindu celebrate Diwali
The Moslems with Ramadan and Eid-al-Adha, all, celebration days to remember
Then Christmas comes just before New Year, spreading peace and joy, in late December

Some choose to make wishes of “Season’s Greetings” or “Happy Holidays”
Instead of wishing a very “Merry Christmas” for this most special of days
They are afraid of offending just who, I am afraid I know not
But their political correctness costs them, in stature, quite a lot

God gave a gift to Washington and our great Republic, the U.S. of A.
It was the Revolutionary war’s turning point, at Trenton, on Christmas Day
So happily light your candles, exchange gifts and drink your eggnog
Decorate your Christmas trees, roast a turkey and burn a Yuletide log

But remember, with a quickness of step and a twinkle in your eye
To always be grateful, to live in a free nation, where we understand why
Spreading the gifts of love, peace and joy in exchange for our sins is the reason
God chose to bless the world with, his beloved son, this most holy season.

Have A Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

Tom Whitmore

Copyright 2010 Thomas J. Whitmore
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The Awakening

Thanks to all the Tea Partiers for all you do for the Conservative cause!


The Awakening


It was a sunny day as I stood on the Capitol steps in D.C.

There was a great sea of people on the lawn before me

What brand of protestor be these with signs not vulgar or profane

Who called for prosperity, lower taxes, less government caused pain?


They invoked God and his forgiveness as they did pray

They said the pledge and sang the Anthem at each meeting day

So many people and yet they left behind not a speck of trash

For as far as you could see there was only green grass!


This new kind of protestor was without doubt a rare breed

All colors, all races, all faiths, all avocations and all creeds

Proclaiming their love of Country, patriots one and all

Honoring the Veterans and all, who had answered the call.


The Tea Party movement had been born at long, long last

Their name harkened back to patriots from our revolutionary past

We would know them by their patriotic garb, slogans and signs

Some on the left called them Astroturf, terrorists and worse at times.


They advocated for free markets, fiscal responsibility, freedom and liberty,

For Constitutional limits on the State and Federal government’s authority

They believe that “We the people” are the rightful masters of the land

And that the government works for us through God’s guiding hand.


At last the great silent majority had awakened and loudly they spoke

This November past, the Left and the media learned they were no joke

They stood proud for God, Country and principles with character so hardy

Taxed Enough Already became the battle cry of the modern day Tea Party.


What a counterpoint to the protests of the left in the past

With their signs advocating for peace, but that didn’t last.

No short sleeved shirts for their police guards on duty

Full riot gear was the order of the day, to control the unruly!


The Left would invariably espouse their green philosophy

Yet their trash left behind was an environmental catastrophe

They carried signs with nooses round necks and heads lopped off

Of religion and family values they would most often scoff!


I always wondered if any Liberals realized the hypocrisy of it all

“Do as I say, not as I do”, must require a great deal of gall

Or was it as simple as they couldn’t think, they were sheep

They were just out there protesting together, their minds asleep.


These days the lights and cameras are on the Tea Party

The newly awakened and no longer silent majority

What a pleasure to see patriots standing for their God and Country

Knowing their actions won’t embarrass us here, or over the sea.


The job is not done for the Tea Party; indeed, it just started

There is bad legislation to repeal and earmarks needing to be parted

A balanced budget amendment would be a good place to begin

Make the tax cuts permanent and the wasteful spending reign in!


The voters have spoken, Tea Party principles they embrace

They have flipped the House, the Senate, they'll finish next race

It is now for the new Congress to show they are up to the job

Or else next Election Day they will face, yet another angry mob!


Tom Whitmore


Copyright 2010, Thomas J. Whitmore
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Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!


As we celebrate and give thanks with family and friends, we remember and honor those who came before to make our celebrations possible and those who could not make the journey this year.


It is a time to thank the Lord for all of our blessings, family, friends and Country. A time to reflect on our Pilgrim forefathers who made the long and arduous journey across the sea, bringing their values, principles and faith as they founded this new Country and the Founding Fathers who later gave us our great Republic and our Freedom.


Give thanks to God for being so lucky, but don’t forget to remain ever grateful for those blessings and remember that with Freedom comes the responsibility to protect it.


Say a “Thank You” for the great silent majority that found its voice and rose up this year. Pray that they will be silent no more, that they and you will find the time and the strength to remain ever vigilant and the courage to speak out when necessary.


Rejoice, reflect and recommit to honor, protect and preserve our values, principles, faith and freedom for as another great American once said:


“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free”.


Ronald Reagan
40th president of US (1911 - 2004)


A wonderful Thanksgiving to all!


God Bless You and Yours,


Tom Whitmore



A Thanksgiving poem for you, enjoy:


On Thanksgiving


On the fourth Thursday of every November

We reflect, rejoice and we all must remember

It is to give thanks this day that we all gather

With family, friends and others that matter.


We give thanks for our blessings and bountiful dinners

And pray for the Lord to forgive all that were sinners

Of those who no longer the journey can make, we will always remember,

The memories of them will burn in our minds like a glowing ember.


We celebrate the Pilgrims who survived those first harsh winters

Standing strong and grateful their hopes were not dashed to splinters

Give tribute to Squanto and the other caring Indians who,

Befriended the Pilgrims and helped them get through.


And to whom do we give thanks on this celebration day?

Certainly the patriots and leaders who a great part did play

In recognizing and defending all our God given rights

But, it is mostly to He on high whom shined the guiding light!


From Plymouth to Valley Forge and others where hard times were fought

Our Founders always reached out to thank God without second thought

Over the intervening years one fact has always remained clear

Our predecessors abiding faith in the Lord was always held dear!


Since the beginning there has always been the presence of God’s guiding hand

From the Declaration, to the Constitution, to the Great Seal of the Land.

“In God We Trust” is the motto of our great nation

To decry or dispute this would be beneath anyone’s station.


From ocean to ocean, from the Great Lakes to the Rio Grande

We celebrate the greatness and bounty of this our God given land

On our monuments and on our buildings our God we have praised

Yet among us are a few who would have all vestiges of God razed.


Now bow thy head please, for a moment and offer a prayer

That the Supreme Court of our Nation, the highest judicial layer

Might open their eyes and look around at all the abounding evidence

And realize that their separation of God and State is misguided jurisprudence!


Lest we forget or take for granted our most precious blessings and lose sight

Of “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” our God given unalienable rights

Be thankful to be able at will to move about, for free speech and the right to assemble,,

For speedy public trial, fair bail and no unjust search and seizures, to make you tremble!


Be thankful this and each day for your blessings that do abound

Remember to be ever grateful, that your ship doth not run aground

Cherish your families and other loved ones who support you in all ways

Remain true to your heart and thank God for all, till the end of your days.


Tom Whitmore


Copyright 2010, Thomas J. Whitmore
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Time Out! Tea Party!

Time Out! Tea Party!


You know with approximately six thousand Tea Party/9-12 groups nationwide and many of them under the umbrella of one or more national Tea Party groups it is an impossible task to get them to all march to the same tune. Let’s face it they are a diverse group of folks with little or no interest in having a single national leader or group because each individual Tea Partier or group has their own priorities.


They are bound together by certain principles, namely; Constitutionally limited government, fiscal responsibility both personal and government, free market economics, less government spending resulting in lower taxes, return of sovereignty to the states and the individual, and most importantly protecting their freedom and liberty!


Some groups focus on just a few of the above or add in some 2nd Amendment or social issues that are dear to them…to each their own. They all fall under the broad umbrella of the Tea Party movement, born of the awakening of the “great silent majority” and silent no more. The Tea Party is the “Conscience of America”, conservatively plain and simple.


The best path forward for the “Tea Party” movement is for each to allow the others their space. By now the whole world knows that regardless of what one group or individual may say or infer, there is no one leader, no one group that speaks for all of the Tea Party movement even though the media may try to portray it that way, but isn’t that how the MSM has always operated, exploiting situations for sensationalism and provocative headlines?


There is no need for us to speak out publicly against one another every time we don’t agree with some action, statement or project of another. It just makes us look fractious; it impugns our collective character; it provides the MSM with even more cannon fodder and it pits brother against brother and sister against sister. Oft times we are perceived as like little kids fighting over marbles and what a shame because we all know of the sacrifice of time and money we all put into our efforts. That effort is at times staggering; mindboggling!


Complaints have been vented about a National Convention, a state convention, bus road trips, particular rallies, press conferences, press releases, you name it, but you know what? If you talk to anyone who participated or attended, they were fired up and thought it was a great success! Maybe we should begin recognizing some of these “complaints” for what they really are, differences in opinion, before we launch public attacks. As defenders of the Constitution we must always be mindful of other's First Amendment rights and learn to express a difference in opinion, at will, but to reserve attacks for only the most egregious acts or statements by those who would harm the Tea Party.


We can no more control what road folks choose to take or prevent them from making their own mistakes, than we can affect the rising and setting of the sun. What we can do is learn from each other whether it is from what worked or what didn’t work. We can support each other’s efforts and recognize it is all for the greater good.


It has been said that even greater deeds may be accomplished, even greater heights may be reached, when we are not encumbered by, who gets the credit. Two tactics by which we may all do a better job and be more effective are before making comments: first, ask yourself, always “Is this good for everyone in the Tea Party, all of our grassroots?” and secondly “Speak no ill of other conservatives/Tea Partiers publicly” in other words let’s keep our house cleaning, disagreements or complaints among ourselves.


We are not ourselves the enemy; we just sometimes disagree on the battle plan. We must learn to save and focus all of our angst and energy on the real enemy, the liberal and progressive Left. We must not waste our energies on infighting and thereby afford strength to the liberal Left and the MSM!


It is rare that you would ever agree with anyone 100% of the time. Relish and be thankful for that which you agree on and learn to accept that there will be some things that you won’t ever agree on.


Remember always to stay focused on the prize; forgive others who are less focused; realize we all have different skills and resources and will approach things differently; don’t worry who is getting the credit (the folks who really matter know where it belongs); don’t speak ill of other Tea Partiers (it tarnishes character and lowers stature, your own!); remember just because you didn’t think of it doesn’t mean it isn’t a good idea; apologize for no one but yourself (you know when you are wrong, apologizing for others may prove to be a mistake in the long run); worry more about how good a job you are doing than the judging of others and remember in the end, we are all accountable to only One!


The prize you may ask? Here on earth, your liberty and freedom as well as that of your family and loved ones. And afterwards?………you hold the key to that prize in your heart and mind!!


For Liberty’s Sake,

Tom Whitmore

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In God They Did Trust

At a time in our country, when oh so young

There were many heroes who went unsung

The people were subject to a royal tyranny

Of tariffs and taxes there were just too many


One starry night after dark, on a ship laden with tea

Patriots protesting the taxes, tossed the cargo into the sea

And then resolutely on one bright and sunny day

The founding fathers came forth and were heard to say


The Creator hath bestowed upon us unalienable rights

Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness, all deserving of a fight

All men by God, were created equal with his own hand

And these truths were held self-evident across the land


The bell of freedom that day did loudly ring

And was said of some, the angels came to sing

The battle for liberty waged on for many years

Over lost ones, were shed, many loving tears


The founders for their boldness did nobly sacrifice

Life, fortune, family, some gave twice, even thrice

The army they raised, were patriots one and all

Out of love for their freedom they answered the call


The summers brought mosquitoes, dysentery and blistered feet

Though wounded and hungry they fought on through the heat

The winters were harsh and their feet were cold and sore

Muskets could barely be heard through the cannons loud roar


Their courage, honor, and virtue was heralded by their flag

Even shedding blood, sweat and tears, their determination did not lag

The patriots fought on, for liberty’s fire did burn

In the hearts of each man and his comrades in turn


The Army’s General kneeled in prayer, to our Lord on high

He prayed for freedoms victory, that none would needlessly die

And with courage and conviction each patriot did vow

Never again before God, to a tyrant would they bow


The patriots persevered and quelled the army of the king

The Freedom Bell rang and the people joyously did sing

Now the work would begin on a plan, with God’s guiding hand

To craft a government of the people to watch over the land


The people were free and sovereign and in as much saw

The need for a Constitution and a Republic, ruled by law

We have since that time celebrated, with “Pomp and Parade”,

“Bonfires and Illuminations” our victory o’er tyranny’s blade


Lest we forget all the sacrifices that were made for our liberty

On each Independence Day, say a prayer or two, even take a knee

Thank God, the Founding Fathers, and all of our freedoms defenders

For our bountiful Nation and the wisdom our Constitution renders


Evermore in the land of the free, let there be Liberty, and Justice for all

That every man, women and child might stand straight, proud and tall

And to those who would hide or cast, the Creator’s influence asunder

Let the historians reflect, how the patriot’s response was like thunder!


God bless America and may our Freedom Bell ring on forever!

By Tom Whitmore

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