A Lesson in Liberal/Democratic Party Hypocrisy

4063691816?profile=originalWhat do Herman Cain, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Tim Scott, Michele Bachmann, Condoleeza Rice, Allen West, Dr. Ben Carson and TW Shannon all have in common?

Calm down Joseph. I see your hand, but I want someone else to answer for a change. No takers? Ok Joseph.

You are correct. They are hated by liberals and Democrats. Tell us why? Correct again Joseph. They are women and minorities who honor God, family and country. They are self-reliant, extremely successful and do not view themselves as victims.

Liberals and Democrats will not tolerate such liberated independent thinking by women and minorities. It threatens the foundation of the Democratic Party which is built on insidious evil lies, class envy and victim-hood-ism.

POLL: Does Congress need to revive the House Committee on Un-American activities?

Very good Joseph, please continue.

For decades, liberals and Democrats have been indoctrinating women and minorities; filling their heads with lies such as America is eternally racist and sexist. They claim the only way for women and minorities to succeed is through Democrat led government mandated lowered standards, entitlements and special concessions.

Women and minorities who succeed via education, right choices and hard work, without Democratic Party intervention, upset the Democrats' applecart. These uppity women and minorities must be silenced at any and all cost.

But wait a minute Joseph. Are you saying that these self-proclaimed heroes of women and minorities would actually seek to punish and destroy them? Oh, I get it. You are saying their faux-compassion is nothing more than a PR campaign promoted by their buddies who dominate the mainstream media.

Liberals and Democrats do not give a hoot about women and minorities other than their usefulness in furthering the socialist/progressive agenda. Their mantra is continue your monolithic voting for us and we will continue upping the entitlements and keep rich white racist conservative Republicans at bay. Despicable.

Excellent points Joseph.

Because they thrive on perceived victimized voting blocs, that explains why liberals and Democrats will not seriously address epidemic levels of black out-of-wedlock births, school dropouts, unemployment, urban poverty, black on black crime and genocidal abortion rates.

They became hysterically outraged when Bill O'Reilly and Republican Congressman Paul Ryan compassionately dared to address issues which are devastating the black community.

National race relations and the lives of women and blacks are considered acceptable collateral damage in the liberal's and Democrats' implementation of their socialist/progressive agenda.

Joesph, please define “socialist/progressive agenda”.

Their agenda includes banning God from the public square to install a secular society, homosexual marriage, illegal immigration which means new Democrat voters, late term abortions and continuously increasing the size and overreach of government. Their goal is to have as many Americans as possible dependent on government (unprecedented 48 million on food stamps, over 90 million unemployed and Obamacare) which equals government having total power and control over every aspect of our lives.

Anyone, particularly women and minorities, who promote traditional family values and Christian faith is problematic for their PR campaign of indoctrinating the American people, particularly women and minorities.

This also explains liberal's and Democrats' high tech raping of Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Condoleeza Rice and others. Liberal celeb Cher called Sarah Palin a “dumb C-word”.

Rabid liberal Bill Maher called Michele Bachmann a “bimbo”. He also called Sarah Palin the C-word and a “dumb twat” with no rebuke from the liberal infected mainstream media. Can you imagine the media feeding frenzy had a conservative used the C-word to describe Hillary Clinton? Glaring hypocrisy.

Would anyone else like to chime in? Ok Joseph, the floor is yours.

Democrats claiming that Republicans have launched a “war on women” is a prime example of the pot calling the kettle black and a media supported PR game. Democrats are obsessed with women killing their babies via abortion which is the leading cause of death in America annually.

CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) is attempting to silence the movie, “Honor Diaries” which exposes violence against women.  Only conservative leaning Fox News is the lone media outlet informing the public. Due to political correctness, liberals and Democrats remain mute.

But wait Joseph. Please forgive me for interrupting. It has been my understanding over the years that liberals and Democrats are the great saviors of women.

Say what? Ok, now I understand. Political correctness and furthering their fundamental transformation of America always trumps our God given freedom, liberty, human suffering and lives. This is cruel, evil and glaring shameless hypocrisy.

Well done Joseph. Very well done.

Unlike liberal teachers, I will not give every student a gold star simply for showing up. I am giving you Joseph a gold star because you earned it. You did the work. Congratulations!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Conservative Campaign Committee

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  • Well said Lloyd; and we should support anyone who shows enough courage to stand up in the political arena and the public forum as there is not enough room for all of us on the front lines in this dirty battle.


  • One small problem with the article title.  The "Democrat" Party is anything but "democratic".  It is, in fact, extremely autocratic.  I will NEVER refer to them as "democratic".

  • I would faint dead away if a liberal ever approached a subject by honestly defending their policies and their record... Fact is that their policies nor their records stand up to scrutiny by honest people that think for themselves!!! In fact that is a large part of why they are out to destroy the middle class and small business...!!! Both are comprised of people who work for a living and are problem solvers!!! Problem solvers study the situation and look for honest solutions... Politicians don't.. they look for opportunities to steal money, power and freedom from their situations, usually created by our own government as a diversion  to either hide what the axis of evil (Obama, Pelosi and Reid) are doing or to create another man-made crisis for them to profit from the confusion and the diversion... It is sort of look over hear and don't worry about the men and "women" behind the curtain with their hands in your back pockets...!!

  • Thank you Marcus. There is the TRUTH!

  • Beware of common core it is part of the liberal/ socialist agenda to control the masses . Control the mind of the young and you control the population . Thankfully there are states turning away from this socialist from of education . Individual though is paramount to the American way of life . Common core is collectivism in it's most insidious form .
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