marcus (197)
Folks, I pray that what I am about to say will help open your eyes to the evil coming from the Left in our country (Democratic Party, Hollywood and the mainstream media). When you start teaching innocent little children to feel guilty for being born white, it can only be described as a war on white America.
I am black and very pleased with who God made me to be. Imagine the Left's reaction to a white person saying they are grateful for God's choice for their life. According to the Left, everyone (gays and minorities) are encouraged to be proud of who they are except white people.
I brought this up at dinner with white friends. I wonder how white America is dealing with the Left relentlessly trashing all things white? When will it reach a tipping point? My friends laughed, “Oh my gosh, Lloyd is becoming David Duke (white nationalist, former Grand Wizard of the KKK).” My friends were having a little fun with me. But one does have to wonder when whites begin saying, “Enough!”
Before I continue, I am not advocating nor predicting a race war or any such nonsense. I am simply saying how long can you beat up on people without some kind of backlash; whites turning a deaf ear to the Left's rhetoric.
Excerpt from a white female vet's email with 27 years of service:
“I find myself resentful and angry at the way White America is being abandoned and persecuted. Being a Government employee and a military reservist, I've been subjected to many of the government "diversity" classes and the "Whatever-American" celebration months with increasing resentment.
In these classes, EVERY ethnicity is discussed...except white people. In fact, when questioned by attendees as to why there are no Gov't programs of any kind for white people, the instructors become a little annoyed and snap back that "they don't need them". This is when I decided that I no longer needed to attend these silly classes. I figure I'll use the good sense that God gave me to determine the character of an individual...not the ridiculous Gov't training class!!”
My response is right on sister. Praise God!
Perhaps my lack of tolerance of bullies is due to my early childhood years living in the projects of east Baltimore. I detest watching bullies get away with pushing people around. This is exactly what I am witnessing in regards to the Left's war on my fellow Americans who are white.
A WMD (weapon of mass destruction) of the Left's assault is the hate and violence generating lie that white men, particularly police, routinely murder young black males. When you teach black youths that criticizing the president is racist and Trayvon Martin and Micheal Brown were murdered by whites, black flash mob attacks, the knockout game, polar bearing hunting, and assassinations of police are to be expected.
It is up to good folks like you and me to push back against the evil racial hate coming from the Left. So, what do I mean when I say “push back”. Once again allow me to make myself perfectly clear. I am not advocating violence or any such nonsense. I am advocating courage and doing the right thing.
For example: When little Buffy comes home from school in tears, feeling guilty for being white, her parents should overwhelm the school board and all the powers that be with calls, emails and visits. As I said, I am not advocating any craziness, but simply standing up to the Left, not allowing them to victimize your child. This is how you deal with bullies.
During a radio interview, the host had a cow when I said white police do not murder blacks. I thought, “Fine, kick me of your stupid show. I refuse to allow that evil political narrative to stand; going unchallenged.”
The insidious reasoning behind the Left generating racial hate on purpose is political. In a nut shell the Left seeks to sell blacks the lie that America is eternally racist, structured to make blacks fail. Vote for Democrats to keep racist rich white Republicans at bay, transform our racist system and make everything fair. I know folks, their narrative is untrue and so evil.
Lying to the American people comes easy to the left. The Left considers the sabotage of national race relations acceptable collateral damage to recruit minority voters.
Folks, we are engaged in a battle of good vs evil. It is my prayer that God gives you the grace, strength, wisdom and courage to push back against the Left's evil. No one in our great nation should be bullied, made to be ashamed of their race. The Left's war on white America must not be tolerated.
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee
Forty years ago when my Aunt Nee was the pastor of the Holy Temple Church of Truth, an east Baltimore storefront, during testimony service Sister Davis or Sister Cleary would spontaneously lead the tiny congregation in singing, “We're Livin' In the Last Days.” “They're calling wrong right. They're calling right wrong. Surely, we're livin' in the last days!”
As I listened to Sarah Palin's speech at the Iowa Freedom Summit, I was elated that she once again displayed her exemplary leadership by not joining the chorus of those on our side who believe touting true conservatism is a loser. Palin said we should expose the Left's false premises and educate the public to the benefits and virtues of Conservatism. Wow! How simple and right on target is that?
Many Republicans believe we have lost the argument and the only way to win votes is to abandon core principles, surrender and campaign according to the Left's/Democrats' false premises. In essence, they want the GOP to call wrong right and right wrong.
For example: Dems argue that requiring a photo ID to vote disenfranchises blacks. A GOP presidential contender suggested that the GOP drop the requirement to show a photo ID to vote, citing that it offends African Americans. Well, as an American who happens to be black, I find the absurd assumption that it is too challenging to ask blacks to find their way to the DMV to acquire a photo ID extremely insulting and offensive. Showing a photo ID is a reasonable common sense solution to combating rampant Democrat voter fraud. The GOP line should be the same for all Americans. If you want to vote, show a photo ID. Period.
Some on our side are pandering to Obama's lie that raising the minimum wage will help fix income inequality; once again calling wrong right and right wrong. As Palin suggested in her speech, the GOP should be educating voters to the truth; explain why free market solutions are most beneficial to all Americans and the right thing to do.
Some GOP presidential contenders have embraced Common Core, big government overreaching control of the education of our kids.
I get a bit queasy when members of the GOP start using liberal lingo and embracing premises such as man-made climate change, income inequality and white privilege. My “danger Will Robinson” alert goes off when GOP members start talking about fixing Obamacare, despite winning the election on their vow to repeal it. Shockingly, many in the GOP secretly want to allow Obama's outrageous executive amnesty to stand.
Man-made climate change is a hoax. Period.
Allowing absurd evil liberal Democrat premises to gain momentum have dire consequences. Their lie that white cops routinely murder blacks lead to the assassination of two NYPD officers. White privilege is another Democrat made-up crisis.
Remarkably, a St Paul, Minnesota school district spend $60k of taxpayer dollars attending “White Privilege” conferences. Talk about the bigotry of lowered expectations, the conferences suggest that black students should not be expected to be on time or work hard because neither concept are a part of their culture. Give me a break.
It is vital that our 2016 presidential candidate be over the “Obama is black thing”, unafraid to deal with Obama as an arrogant lawless tyrant.
Terrified of being called racist, the GOP has allowed Obama to act like a far left radical kid in America's candy store; insulated from criticism and rebuke by his black-skin coat of armor.
Over the past six and a half years, a socialist/progressive zealot has crept out of the Left's handsome well-spoken black man Trojan Horse. His mission is to destroy America as founded from within; the Constitution, the law, congress, the senate and the American people be damned. Obama's strategy is to federalize as much of our land, economy and lives as possible, thus repealing as many of our freedoms as possible.
From the beginning, Sarah Palin and the Tea Party tried to warn America about Obama, only to be marginalized in the minds of many by the mainstream media. They branded Palin and the Tea Party stupid, crazy and a bunch of redneck racists hating on our first black president.
The mainstream media game plan to defeat us in 2016 is quite simple. First they hammer us with the notion that any GOP candidate who defends the Constitution and advocates for limited government is extreme. Thus, to win, we must embrace liberal Democrat false premises.
The MSM then selects a “moderate” candidate which they praise to the hilt. But once we fall for their con and make the moderate RINO our official presidential nominee, they launch a vitriolic campaign portraying our candidate as the devil incarnate.
As Palin has stated, in 2016 only a presidential candidate who inspires, pleasantly educates and boldly articulates Conservatism will do.
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee
Mary and I just arrived home to Florida after campaigning around the country most of the year for conservative candidates. Our pet/house sitter did an excellent job keeping our animals (greyhound, three cats and three birds) happy and our home in order.
A large tree in our backyard died and fell. Thank God it did not hit our house. Mary gets really nervous whenever I play with ladders, chainsaws and fire. Still, I safely used my chainsaw to cut up and stack the fallen tree. I dealt with various other neglected homeowner projects.
It was refreshing taking a break from my 24/7 focus on fighting Obama and company's 24/7 attacks on our freedoms and destruction of our country. Please note that I only took a break. Every patriot must stay engaged fighting to save our country.
I dug the Christmas tree and decorations out of our backyard storage shed. The radio in my shed and car are on the all Christmas music station.
I turned 66 years old October 31st. I do not know if this is due to my age, but I noticed something a bit different in my emotions this year. For some unexplained reason, the classic Christmas songs performed by the likes of Nat King Cole, Dean Martin, Bing Crosby, Andy Williams and others mean much more to me than they did in the past.
Mary informed me that my Christmas gift to her is a new pair of leather boots. Because my beautiful awesome wife deserves everything I can give her, accompanying her in her quest to find the perfect boots has caused me to boldly go where few men have gone before; numerous shoe stores and malls packed with shoppers, aromas of sweet delights and long lines of parents with their very excited loud kids waiting to chat and take a picture with Santa.
“Honey, we have already gone to Macy's, Dillard's and the others.” “Yes, but not every Macy's and the others carry the same boots” she replied. “Oh, okay”, I replied.
I do not enjoy shopping. Witnessing Mary's extraordinary diligence has been fascinating. First, she spent hours on the internet researching. She is probably informed enough to give a seminar on boot manufacturers and designers.
Something else I have detected is that when we are in the malls/stores, Mary is truly enjoying herself. So, this is my Christmas gift to my wife, not just the boots, but hanging out with her in the stores in her quest to purchase the boots. While Mary would never pressure me to shop with her, I know she really appreciates me accompanying her, even though I wander off for awhile; watching football on the store TVs and so on.
No, we have not found her perfect boots; wrong color, sold out in her size, not quite the right style and the calf part is too large.
Meanwhile, I am excited to announce that Mary and I will be flying out to Reno, Nevada to host the December 31st – Conservative New Year's Eve Party. You can watch the special 8-hour broadcast live from anywhere in the world online at our website:
The program will air from 3:00 PM - 11:00 PM Eastern (12:00 Noon - 8:00 PM Pacific), which will give you time to still watch the ball drop at Times Square in New York City at Midnight, or whatever other New Years evening plans you might want to make.
Bottom line: this New Year's Eve, you need not watch the mainstream TV networks with hosts and guests who will inject their liberal propaganda into everything, raising your blood pressure, especially as they review the events of the year. No, instead, our national conservative family is getting together for a massive celebration of our values, our victories and our plans heading into 2015!
The Conservative New Year's Eve Party will feature some of the leading conservatives from around the nation. We'll be unveiling these special celebrity guests in the days to come.
Please join us by watching The Conservative New Year's Eve Party folks. It is going to be fun!
Maybe we will be more successful shopping for Mary's perfect boots in Nevada rather than Florida.
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee
Profiling: Sin or Survival Instinct
It was after dark. I was taking a short cut to the convenience store through an alley. Ahead of me, a middle-aged white woman was walking down a side street and started to enter the alley. Upon realizing that I would be walking behind her, she made a quick turn out of the alley. Once inside the convenience store, I saw the woman come in. We were headed to the same destination, but she chose to take a different route.
As a black man, should I be offended for being racially profiled? Well guess what? The night before, a late night craving sent me headed to the convenience store down that same alley. A block away, I saw a white guy as he began to enter the alley. He and I would eventually cross paths. I immediately did a quick turn out of the alley. It was late and dark, without another single soul in sight.
Common sense dictated that I not unnecessarily put myself in a vulnerable situation. The white woman who chose to change her direction made the same wise decision. Does that make us both racists? No. It means we both used our brains and instincts to protect ourselves.
And yet, liberals who are obsessed with political correctness absurdly condemn such street-smart judgments, declaring them racial profiling and racist.
The reality is profiling is normal, expected and necessary. People dress to create their desired image/profile. For example: Stockbrokers wear suits to create a profile of trustworthiness. Hookers dress that they may be profiled as open for business. Gang members wear various colors and styles of apparel to specify their gang affiliation.
And yet, liberals expect us to ignore all signals sent out by people that telegraph who they are. Liberals are nuts.
I remember a horrific incident that happened in a white upscale neighborhood in Maryland. Three young black men were walking wearing gangster style apparel. Clearly, the men were out of place. Residents chose not to call security for fear of being called racist. The thugs hijacked a mom's car, dragged her clinging to the door during their get-a-way and threw her toddler in the back seat out the window. If only political correctness had not prevented residents from following common sense and their instincts.
A Hispanic co-worker of mine was mugged while walking down a street in Baltimore by a bunch of gangster-attired black guys. My co-worker admitted that he was caught off guard because his mind was elsewhere. Had he been paying attention, he would have profiled the gang as they walked towards him and crossed over to the other side of the street. Liberals would call my co-worker a racist.
As a visual and musical artist (singer/songwriter) my appearance (signature hat and braid) is a bit distinctive. Add in the fact that I am black, and people assume I am liberal. Well, 90% of the time, their assumption/profile of people presenting themselves like me would be correct. The public is only using experience and common sense to read the messaging of who I am based on how I choose to present myself. Rather than scolding people for profiling me incorrectly, it is my responsibility to inform people that while my appearance reflects my artistic nature, I am a proud to be an American, and a Ronald Reagan conservative.
My wife has noticed that men relate to her more respectfully when she is wearing heels and a dress than when she is attired in flat shoes and jeans. When she is dressed, doors are held open for her and so on. A black male wearing a suit and tie is perceived differently than a black male with his cap turned around backwards and his pants worn below his butt. This is not racism. It is common sense, a logical response to how people present themselves.
Like many other liberal politically correct sacred cows, profiling is another item on their list that liberals bully us and demand that we go brain-dead. They decree that profiling of any kind is unacceptable -- deemed racist, sexist and homophobic.
The overwhelming majority of terrorist attacks have been committed by Middle Eastern men between the ages of 18-35. And yet, such men wearing Islamic apparel breeze pass TSA at the airport, due to hypersensitivity against profiling. Meanwhile, an old white-haired Caucasian grandmother confined to a wheel chair is all but strip searched by TSA.
I realize that liberals are going to have a cow over what I am about to say. Profiling is a necessary God-given survival instinct.
As a black man, if I wandered into a setting in which everyone is wearing white sheet hoods and robes, it would be prudent to profile them quickly and get the heck out of there. It would also be unwise to quote Cleavon Little in the movie, Blazing Saddles: “Where the white women at?”
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American;
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee
After six years of putting up with his eldest son actively working with those crazy racist white folks in the Tea Party against the first black president, my 86 year old black dad has finally begun to understand why.
A lifelong Democrat, dad contributed to the GOP shocking victory in Maryland by voting Republican in the 2014 midterm. It has taken me six years to convince Dad that Conservatism is much better for everyone than Liberalism. Dad is old school with basic beliefs. Democrats are for the working class little guy. Republicans are for the rich. Oh, and Republicans are also racists.
So, you can imagine the challenges I faced trying to re-educated him. Dad believed the Tea Party was racist because he heard it on CNN. I said, “Dad, I travel the country on the Tea Party Express tour bus. And, they allow me to sit upfront. However, I prefer riding in the back because there is a large TV back there and I can watch all the football games.” Dad chuckled.
I know what you are thinking. Lloyd, why haven't you turned your dad on to Fox News? I have tried. I do not know why he rejects Fox and conservative talk radio. Still, I am working on it folks. I am working on it.
With the biased MSM as his main news source, Dad is a low-info voter. I have been working on Dad, educating him one issue at a time. Dad is a good guy, warm and compassionate. I am trying to get him to use his common sense and instincts for right and wrong rather than getting caught up in the Democrats' and MSM emotional manipulative spin on issues.
We chatted about illegal immigration. Dad has been a Christian pastor for over 50 years. He is still the pastor of four churches; driving several miles to visit the sick and shut-ins.
“Dad, remember when mom used to get annoyed at people who used you and your church?” Dad chuckled. I do not recall Dad ever turning away anyone in need.
Mom was frustrated with people who did not want to contribute in anyway to Dad's ministry; never attending a single service or listening to a sermon. All they were interested in was the freebies available at the church; food, clothing and so on. They wanted Rev. “My-cus-sin” (Marcus), never did get his name right, to perform their weddings and funerals for free. They expected Dad to show up at their homes or hospitals in the middle of the night in times of crisis, despite never setting one foot in Dad's church. Still, Dad faithfully did it all. He was functioning on a higher level; God's Love.
I told Dad that the illegals flooding across our borders have the same we're-just-here-to-take mindset that frustrated mom. They do not want to assimilate. Heck, they could not give a rat's derriere about what it means to be an American. Illegals proudly fly their Mexican flag and are offended when our kids wear American flag t-shirts to school on Cinco de Mayo. Illegals receive entitlements that are unavailable to U.S. Citizens. They have no desire, nor is there a pressing need for them to learn English.
While liberals claim that poor humble illegals are quaking in their boots “hiding in the shadows”, illegals are boldly and arrogantly protesting in our streets, demanding entitlements and that they not be deported. Illegals claim a moral right to be in our country, while blatantly breaking and ignoring our laws.
The spin promoted from the bully pulpits of the MSM and White House is anyone who does not turn a blind eye to illegals breaking our laws, making demands and abusing our system is a hardhearted racist.
Meanwhile, a mysterious polio-like illness has paralyzed 75 kids across America. A rare Enterovirus D68 is causing an outbreak across 45 states sickening nearly 700, mostly children. Illegal alien minors are also spreading dengue fever, swine flu, tuberculosis and possibly Ebola. Obama's open border policy has delivered over 300,000 illegals, 75,000 of them are children who directly entered schools across America without proper examinations and so on.
It has been exposed that many of the illegals are gang members and drug dealers.
As inconceivable as this is to imagine, it does appear that one man, exploiting the historical aspect of his presidency to break the law at will, may be allowed to fundamentally transform America. Obama via executive order unilaterally imposed amnesty for 5 million illegals, plus the 75,000 children who invaded our country and their parents.
If Republicans do not stop Obama's insanity, one characterless out-of-control arrogant evil liar will fundamentally transform America. That is totally unacceptable.
Years ago, I wrote a satirical article to illustrate illegal immigration and how we are expected to deal with it. I was shocked that many people thought my fictional scenario was true. Their reaction spoke to how crazy, brain dead and emotion driven the topic of illegal immigration has become and what people think of our government.
In my fictional parable, I came home to discover that a family had taken up residency in my backyard storage shed. Displaying remarkable arrogance and a sense of entitlement the squatters refused to leave arguing that they were simply seeking a better life. Their TV, computers and etc were powered with an electrical cord plugged into the exterior outlet of my home.
Infuriated, I asked the police and City Hall to remove the trespassers from my property. Upon local government discovering the race of my invaders, I was accused of being selfish, cruel and using the law to hide my hateful racism. Suddenly, I began witnessing a migration of my trespassers' relatives and friends into my backyard; littering my property with tents, makeshift shelters and old vehicles.
The city cited me for numerous code violations which included all the dangerous electric cords and bizarre hook-ups into my electrical power source. I was ordered to immediately upgrade my electrical power to meet the needs of my current and potential new residents.
From that point in my imaginary tale, the pandering to my trespassers by my local government got even more outrageous. You get the idea. Folks, this is exactly what is happening in our national home, America. Illegals are showing up and making outrageous demands. The Obama Administration is siding with them. The reality of the situation is just that simple.
Imagine, “Jeopardy” game show host Alex Trebek saying, “The lawless man who fundamentally transformed America.” If we do not politically stop him, the correct Final Jeopardy question will be, “Who is Barack Hussein Obama?”
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee
Are we there yet? Are we there yet? No, the election is a few days away and we have not yet secured the U.S. Senate for the Republicans. I know everyone keeps saying it is in the bag, but it is not over until all the votes have been counted.
It has been reported that voting machines in Maryland are switching Republican votes to Democrat. Rest assured, the Democrats will remain fully engaged through the November 4 election day until every vote has been counted – spending mega millions on ads filled with distortions and lies. Despicably, they are trying to use Ferguson to inspire hate to get out the black vote. They never tire. They never retreat. They never surrender. They will try every dirty trick in the book to steal or win this election by any means necessary. That is how they roll.
Some of you are saying, Lloyd, I am done! You're saying, I have given faithfully and generously to numerous candidates and still, my in-box continues to stay full. I am sick of all the ads on TV and so on.
Folks, I understand how you feel. But folks, we have only a few more miles to go before we can sleep. Please, please, please hang in there. We have seen rookie football players have a clear run to a touchdown begin celebrating early, only to be tackled on their blindside, fumble or spike the ball before officially crossing the goal line. Secure victory, then relax and celebrate.
While I understand that some of you are political campaign war weary, the world does not function based on how we feel. Feelings rather than adult common sense decisions are making a mess of our country.
For example. ISIS is a clear and present danger because Obama pulled out of Iraq because his base was war weary. Well unfortunately, you can not tell bad guys who are attacking you that you do not want to play anymore and expect them to go away. Continuing his governing by feelings, Obama refused to send in the boots on the ground which military experts say are needed to secure victory. Why? Because boots on the ground would upset his peace-nick base.
Our election battle with those hellbent on fundamentally transforming our country is similar to our battle with ISIS. These people are socialist/progressive zealots. They pray for us to let down our guard, succumb to election fatigue and over confidence.
Our Democrat opponents will not stop their conniving, cheating and below the belt attacks because we Conservatives/Republicans are sick of the campaigning process.
I heard another horrific tyrannical overreach of the Obama regime. The IRS has been confiscating hundreds of thousands of dollars out of taxpayers' accounts because they “think” it may have been obtained illegally; no trial, no nothing!
Folks, we have got to get these arrogant vile people out of power.
The Bible says the race is not given to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but to those who endure to the end. I realize you are tired and battle weary, but we have got to finish this race. Stay engaged. It ain't over til its over. We are almost there!
C'mon patriots, let's do this.
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

I met a lot of great patriots/Tea Party leaders while campaigning across the state -- Norm Hughes, Candy Gillman, Steve Mobley, doctors Linda and Cal Dykstra and Trucker Dan to name just a few.
I posed for a picture with Mr Roher, a WW II veteran at a tea party rally in Grand Rapids. Mr Roher was deeply concerned about the direction our country was going.
Hosts of the Joshua's Trail black conservative radio show out of Detroit drove to our tea party in Livonia. It was truly refreshing to meet courageous Christian black men who were fighting the good fight in Detroit, the belly of the beast. These brothers were enlightening their black listeners to the virtues of Conservatism and how they do not have to continue eating the crumbs that fall from the Democrats' table; awesome patriot brothers.
My most endearing Michigan memory happened at a tea party in Traverse City. An excited white woman in a wheelchair said she was a huge fan. Her adult daughter who brought her to the rally told a staffer that her mom was dying. She said her mom said that all she wanted to do was to meet Lloyd Marcus before she died. Folks, I was blown away. Then, I became extremely angry at the mainstream media and the Democrats for despicably branding the Tea Party a bunch of redneck racists.
I have shared my personal experiences to say that while Detroit is a liberal disaster, the rest of Michigan is pretty awesome.
There are good people, and good businesses, that deserve better treatment from their government. The socialist, big-government policies that destroyed Detroit are being inflicted on the rest of the state - whose values are sooo different from Detroit.
Many Michiganders feel that it is time for a new chapter in their state. Leading the peoples' charge is Terri Lynn Land running for the U.S. Senate.
Terri Lynn Land is currently trailing in the polls because a bunch of liberal billionaires dumped huge amounts of money smearing her. They want the socialist, big-government policies that destroyed Detroit imposed on the rest of the state.
Folks, we see the glaring hypocrisy of the Democrats in every race in which the candidate is a conservative woman. While promoting their bogus Republican war on women, Democrats launch brutal no-holds-barred attacks on conservative women candidates who run as Republicans.
My wife Mary and I have noticed that the Democrats' favorite buzz word is, “extreme”. Any candidate such as Terri Lynn Land who espouses common sense solutions, respects traditional values and celebrates God, family and country is branded “extreme” by liberal Democrats.
Their modus operandi is to spread lowering the bar nationally. All their liberal policies have failed miserably making a mess of Detroit; once a great city. And what does the Democrat candidate plan to do? If elected, he will implement the same proven failure politically correct liberal policies state wide, all over Michigan. Say no voters. Just say no!
Our Conservative Campaign Committee team has put together a TV ad to inform Michigan voters that they have a much better choice than the Obama clone, Gary what's his name.
The Democrat candidate boldly touts his support for all of Obama's tyrannical and job-killing initiatives; Obamacare, amnesty, oppressive taxes, destructive social engineering spending programs and mountains of absurd intrusive new government regulations on businesses.
Please give our TV ad a view and share it, helping us to spread the good news about Michigan's superior choice, Terri :
Folks -- just a quick side note I wish to share. My lifelong Democrat 86 year old black dad called me this morning from Maryland. He said he wanted to vote for the Conservative Party candidate but did not see one on his ballot. He only saw Republican, Democrat and Libertarian candidates. I explained that Conservative is not a political party. I instructed dad to research the Republican candidate to see if he is conservative.
Folks, this is huge because typically dad would, without thinking, vote for the candidate with a “D” beside their name. Dad is finally understanding that the conservative candidate is going to be more in-keeping with his Christian and mainstream principles and values.
If he lived in Michigan, Dad would really like and vote for Terri Lynn Land.
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee
Six years ago I wrote the song, “American Tea Party Anthem” and was asked to perform my song at rallies across America on a Tea Party Express national bus tour. Back then, I was not politically savvy; clueless about how all this political stuff worked; back room deals, positioning, strategic narratives, optics and so on.
Like millions of my fellow Americans, all I knew was Obama, the Democrats and the MSM were pushing my country down the wrong road; exploiting the occasion of the first black president to force their dreamed socialist/progressive agenda down our throats. Insidiously, all opposition was branded racist. For this reason, I joined the Tea Party.
The hardworking decent patriots across America who attended the rallies, mostly white, mostly Christian, middle-aged and grandparents treated our team (speakers and performers) like rock stars. We were their voice in the national arena, pushing back against Obama's tyrannical overreaches, fighting for traditional principles and values which they held dear.
They were frustrated and through with voting for soulless politicians on both sides of the isle who said whatever necessary to get elected without really giving a hoot about the desires and best interest of their constituents.
A remarkable unforgettable incident from one of the early bus tours was a whistle-stop. Our team had completed a huge rally in the state and was headed to our next rally in Memphis. Our rally coordinators informed our team that some folks requested that we make a brief unscheduled road side stop before heading to Memphis; supposedly 50 or so people wanted to meet us.
As our Tea Party Express tour bus pulled up to the location off a major highway, a State Trooper was directing traffic. Five hundred or more people greeted our bus cheering and waving U.S. flags. They showered our team with baked goods, hand-knitted patriotic gifts and requests to take pictures with them and their kids. Because it was not supposed to be a rally, the truck with our sound system and staging was on its way to Memphis.
Our team climbed up on the back of a pick-up truck and some guy handed us a bullhorn. After encouraging and thanking the crowd, and spontaneous outbreaks of the crowd chanting, “U-S-A! U-S-A!”, we closed with everyone singing “God Bless America”. There were very few dry eyes in the house (on side of the road). They were extremely grateful because we were their representatives, fighting, speaking out and working for them. They trusted us. We were their heroes.
Fast forward six years. Praise God, I have grown to become Chairman of the Conservative Campaign Committee; much more politically savvy.
Frankly, the GOP establishment candidates with unlimited resources have been kicking most of our true conservative Tea Party candidate's butts in the primaries. The GOP joined the Democrats in branding the great Americans I met at over 400 tea party rallies on numerous national bus tours, a bunch of extremists and racists for simply expecting candidates to honor the Constitution and stay true to their word.
Having said that, a third party is a loser right now. While the GOP is not perfect, it is the political party closest to supporting our principles and values. Therefore, it is wise to support the GOP while working to infiltrate its ranks with as many conservatives as possible. This means that on occasion we must vote for GOP candidates who may not be as conservative as we would like.
It is crucial that we (Republicans) win the Senate. I get that. After all, I am more mature and politically savvy.
However, there is one last race in which there is a true conservative, Col. Rob Maness (ret.) running for U.S. Senate Louisiana. Folks, tea party groups and people that I respect are understandably supporting Bill Cassidy because he is polling better than Maness against the Democrat and we really need that seat. Fine. But folks, I can not do it.
I thought about the five dollar lady that I met at one of the early rallies. She took my hand and placed a crumpled up five dollar bill in it for gas for the tour bus. With tears in her eyes, she shared how Obama's policies had caused her to fall upon hard financial times and thanked me for fighting for people like her.
Folks, for me to support Bill Cassidy is a betrayal of the five dollar lady, the patriots at the whistle-stop and the tea party movement.
Bill Cassidy is a liberal whose behavior is an anathema to the Tea Party. He trashed Ronald Reagan and campaigned for Michael Dukakis. Not only did Cassidy contribute to Democrat politicians, he contributed to Mary Landrieu, the same Obama sycophant incumbent Democrat senator he is trying to unseat. How bizarre and politically soulless is that?
Cassidy repeatedly voted to increase the debt limit. He received a failing “F” grade from FreedomWorks and was labeled too liberal by Senate Conservative Fund.
Conservative Rob Maness is an American patriot who served 32 years in the U.S. Air Force. Maness has been a fighter to defund and repeal Obamacare. He has proposed a Constitutional conservative agenda of lower taxes, reducing the size and scope of government, and expanding our personal liberties; in essence, restoring what Obama and company are incrementally taking away.
Rob Maness has received thumbs up from Sarah Palin, Conservative Campaign Committee, Tea Party Express and Gun Owners of America.
All you folks who choose to hold you nose and vote for Cassidy, I get it and do not judge you. You are my patriot brothers and sisters doing what you believe to be best for our country.
I am simply saying that I can not support a RINO when there is a real conservative in the race; not after looking into the eyes of the five dollar lady. For me to go along to get along would feel like a slap in the face betrayal.
The man in my mirror forces me to support conservative Rob Maness for U.S. Senate Louisiana; staying true to my patriot sister, the five dollar lady.
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee
“Feelings, nothing more than feelings. Trying to forget my feelings of love...” Okay folks, I'll stop singing.
Is it just me or have you noticed that feelings now trump common sense and rational reasoned thinking in America today? Feelings have become more important than national security, our economy, the lives of our troops and even public health when you observe the politically correct way our government is dealing with this Ebola thing. It is insane.
I am not blaming Oprah, but I saw this trend towards everything-being-about-feelings beginning decades ago when the Oprah Winfrey show became the hottest thing on national daytime TV. Has our culture become too feminized?
Before I continue, allow me to admit an embarrassing personal quirk. When I am passionately talking about an issue, I sometimes struggle to hold back tears. Encountering honorable things such as love, courage and goodness also tend to cause me to well up. Every time this happens during a radio or TV interview, I feel humiliated. I ask myself, “Lloyd Marcus what in the world is wrong with you?”
My mom was a very compassionate and emotional person. As her first born, I wonder if I inherited something from her. I rationalize my quirk with the knowledge that Jesus wept for his people. So, I am in good company.
Having said that, I am appalled by the emotion-driven touchy-feely brain-dead metro-sexual idiocy that is running the show in America today. Apparently, somehow I missed the national memo banning testosterone and common sense.
Dad taught my three younger brothers and me to take pride in being men; always try to do the right thing, stand up for what you believe, nobody owes you anything, protect and respect women. Dad instructed, “When you take a girl out on a date it is your responsibility to return her home safely.” That is being a real man.
In our new wimpy America, manhood is no loner celebrated. Respecting women now includes asking a girl's permission before kissing her. Folks, biology dictates that most women like confidence in their men. Wimpy liberal dudes and hardcore radical feminists do not go nuts and misinterpret my point. I am NOT saying that women like overly aggressive jerks.
All I am saying is that I would not have witnessed the same swooning reaction from my mom to the movie scene in which Burt Lancaster kissed Deborah Kerr on the beach had Lancaster asked permission before kissing her.
America's obsession with taking a kinder, gentler, careful not to offend or hurt anyone's feelings approach to everything is out of control.
A few examples...
Guilt feelings over America's sin of slavery have lead author and Ebola expert David Quammen to suggest that we risk Ebola getting into our country rather than blocking flights from Liberia. So this fool cavalierly advocates putting millions of Americans at risk of contracting Ebola as payback for slavery. This is insanity, folks.
As a child, I remember my grandmother was sent away (quarantined) for over a year because she had tuberculosis. Should my family have raised a stupid emotion driven stink saying there they go again, locking way (enslaving) a black woman? Quarantining my grandmother was the right thing to do; common sense.
Then, there is the disturbing way feelings has been allowed to reign supreme in Ferguson. Cops were instructed, do not come across too aggressive and let the angry looters wreak havoc freely for a night or two. Despite the police super sensitive nuanced response, Ferguson is still a war zone.
Allow me to propose a radical and controversial concept. How about the Ferguson police locking up everyone who breaks the law? I am concerned that feelings, rather than the facts, may factor in the fate of officer Wilson who shot Michael Brown.
A Democrat Missouri state senator said if officer Wilson is not indicted, then the current rioting “will seem like a picnic”. Isn't such a threat outrageously irresponsible and inflammatory coming from a public official? Oh I forgot, the senator is black and Democrat, so he gets a pass. Never-mind.
Generals are frustrated that we are fighting ISIS with one arm tied behind our back because our Commander-in-Chief feels it would be unfair and mean to unleash the full power of the U.S. Military in defeating our enemies. Such half measures ultimately lead to higher numbers of U.S. troops dying. Its all about feelings folks.
In keeping with the Obama administration’s pattern of using every governmental agency at its disposal to overrule the Constitution, punish its enemies and bully Americans, the FCC is considering a petition to ban the name “Redskins” from being used over the airwaves. Can you believe that folks? Remarkably, Democrats believe being sensitive to the feelings of those who are obsessed with political correctness is worthy of killing the First Amendment.
Everywhere you turn, Constitutional rights, the law and freedom of speech are being overruled by a hypersensitivity to hurting someone's feelings. Liberals tell us that public expressions of patriotism and wearing a t-shirt displaying an American flag to a California school on Cinco de Mayo is mean because it hurts the feelings of illegals. Don't you just want to yell, “This is my country! Get over it!”
I know what you are thinking. What about your feelings as a hardworking, law abiding, flag waving, tax paying, play by the rules U.S. citizen? As far as Obama, Hollywood, the MSM and assorted other liberals are concerned, your feelings do not count. Period.
“Feelings, woo-o-o feelings...woo-o-o feelings, again in my arms.”
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee
Perhaps it is because as a child, I witnessed Zaggy torturing chubby Butterball every morning at the school bus stop. Consequently, I have an extremely low tolerance for Leftists bullying Americans into submission and getting away with it.
Fear caused Butterball to endure daily humiliating facial slaps, punches and extortion of his lunch money. Frustrated for Butterball, I asked, “Why don't you hit Zaggy back?” Butterball replied, “He will beat me up”. My retort, “He is beating you up every day!”
One morning to the delight of us kids, Butterball, while crying his eyes out, went wild on Zaggy. Nothing seriously violent, but Zaggy was the one crying and afraid.
My fellow Americans, we are being bullied like never before by Leftists which include Obama and the MSM. We are being forced not only to tolerate, but embrace their liberal far-left radical socialist/progressive agenda. Their agenda is particularly hostile towards Christians, the unborn, American traditions and exceptional-ism. Noncompliance or opposing points of view are not tolerated; either total submission or suffer total destruction.
For example.
Christian twins, Jason and David Benham had their Home & Garden Television (HGTV) show, “Flip it Forward” canceled when the Left learned that the brother's faith based views were not in step with the Left's mandated thinking. Even though the twins proclaimed their love for all people and vowed never to discriminate, it still was not good enough for the Left. Every American is required to agree or suffer the consequences.
David Benham's heartfelt statement: “We love all people. I love homosexuals. I love Islam, Muslims, and my brother and I would never discriminate. Never have we – never would we.”
Despite HGTV canceling the TV show and withdrawing its financial support, the Benham brothers are still moving forward, renovating the homes for the families who would have been featured on their TV show.
Like many Americans, my black brother is a low-info voter. He is not politically engaged and gets his news from the MSM. Consequently, he was not up to speed on the Hobby Lobby case. He was shocked to learn that the case was really about the Obama Administration attempting to bully the business into betraying its Christian faith. He was stunned learning that Hobby Lobby provides 16 of the 20 contraceptives mandated in Obamacare, only refusing to fund the four that kill babies. He replied, “Wow!”
I explained to my brother how the Left is scamming the public. The Left has launched a campaign to disguise its attack on religious freedom; claiming that Christians who refuse to be bullied into betraying their faith are engaged in a war on women.
In the Left's relentless efforts to “bully” a 175 year old order of Catholic nuns into betraying their faith, the National Organization for Women (NOW) which is an extreme Leftist group placed the Little Sisters of the Poor on its Dirty 100 list.
It is chillingly evil to call sweet humble elderly nuns who provide loving care for seniors in the late stages of life, “dirty”. Nothing could better illustrate the sick and depraved mindset of this vile organization. Like harden mercenaries, Leftist operatives take no prisoners. Furthering their agenda trumps common sense, compassion and decency.
Even blacks, whom the Left claims to champion, end up on the Left's excrement list when they get too uppity. A Leftist major union bullied the United Negro College Fund, scolding and placing it on a blacklist for accepting a $25 million donation from the conservative leaning Koch brothers. Now get this folks, 18 million will provide scholarships for 3,000 black youths.
Is this the behavior of true advocates for black empowerment or plantation overlords committed to keeping blacks under their thumb of dependency?
Master connivers, deceivers and manipulators, the Left portray themselves as victims of intolerance while they bully us into submission under the radar; emboldened under Obama.
Leftist “thought police” enforcement has not yet progressed to physical detainment. However, anyone deemed pro-life, too conservative, politically incorrect and too Christian risk losing everything; job, career or property.
We are living in a very scary time in America.
So how do we defeat Leftist bullies? Like battered chubby kid Butterball, we decide enough is enough. We go politically wild on them, sending them packing, crying and afraid.
Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee
I have said it before and I will say it again, I love Sarah Palin. Governor Palin has come out strongly calling for the impeachment of President Obama. I say, “Way to go sister!”
During an interview, Sarah expressed the frustrations of millions of patriotic Americans, myself included. Enough with being intimidated and impotent to act because Obama is black. Enough with the smartest pundits' in the room explanations why it would be politically unwise to challenge Obama's unprecedented lawlessness. Enough with being politically castrated by fear of the mainstream media.
Palin is calling for Obama's impeachment simply because it is the right thing to do. Palin cites 25 impeachable offenses by Obama thus far.
While politicians express their shock and awe regarding Obama's daily acts of lawlessness, a tsunami of illegals are flooding our country with Obama gleefully having ordered the opening of the flood gates. Some say allowing the invasion of illegals to continue will change America forever.
Remarkably, the Administration will not allow the GOP to visit the federal facilities where illegals are being held to assess the situation. This is astoundingly arrogant and totalitarian; the action of a supreme dictator rather than a U.S. President.
We can not allow a lawless imperial president to run rampant wrecking havoc on our great nation for two more years, hoping that his behavior will harm Democrats in elections. Reversing Obama's vote winning entitlements and laws may be extremely challenging, if not impossible.
And another thing, this Administration's secrecy, stonewall coverups and iron fist tactics against any individual or institution that challenges or disagrees is outrageous and totally unacceptable. It should no longer be tolerated. It is vitally important that Americans immediately wake up and smell the tyranny and act accordingly.
Here is a recent prime example of this Administration brazenly attempting to bully even the U.S. Supreme Court. Henchman Harry Reid has announced that he intends to punish the “five white guys” on the Supreme Court for ruling in favor of Hobby Lobby.
By the way, one of those so-called five white guys is black, Justice Clarence Thomas. Note the Democrats' trademark tactic of insidiously playing the race card in Reid's “five white guys” statement. This man is an awful evil human being; characteristic of the many hit men and women of the Obama Administration; Lois Lerner and Eric Holder to name a few. Remember, leadership emanates from the top down.
Relentless in their efforts to force everyone to yield to king Obama, Reid has basically said screw the Supreme Court ruling. He will continue going after Hobby Lobby.
What more evidence of an out-of-control tyrannical Administration, believing themselves invincible does one need? Obama is king and whatever he says or desires is law. Period.
A movement to impeach Obama has been underway for awhile. Governor Palin as the face of it is the perfect leader to give it legs.
As an individual proud American who happens to be black, I wholeheartedly support Governor Palin's movement to impeach our imperial president, Barack Hussein Obama.
Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee
I am considering joining a new gym closer to my home. The gym markets itself as a friendly place for people who simply wish to get into shape, unlike other gyms where overzealous muscle-heads harass, bully and judge them.
In my twenty years at various gyms, I have never witnessed the scenario this gym claims is such a problem. As a matter of fact, working out among serious bodybuilders has proven beneficial. At home, my max bench press was my 110 pound set of weights. Thus, I thought that was the most I could safely bench press. Upon joining a gym, I saw a guy half my size pressing far more which opened my eyes to my potential. Working out where professionals were shooting for the moon helped me to at least land among the stars.
The new gym near my home brilliantly created an enemy and a crisis which does not exist to attract clients.
My fellow Americans, this is the evil modus operandi of our President Obama. To gain public support for him breaking the law, ignoring the Constitution and sidestepping Congress at will, Obama insidiously manufactures a real or nonexistent crisis which he claims poses an immediate danger. He then blames a nonexistent enemy such as obstructive Republicans, Congress and conservatives as the reason he must act unilaterally for the good of the people.
This tactic routinely used by Obama is called creating a straw-man; a fallacy, a sham, a distortion, an exaggeration, a lie.
Obama's most recent use of the straw-man tactic to con the American people is his attempt to make Congress the bad guys in the fiasco at our border. Obama sent the message to parents in non-contiguous countries that if they get their kids to America they can stay. Consequently, illegal children are invading America by the thousands, 90,000 expected by September 30th.
Making Congress the villains in the border mess opens the door for Obama to ride in on his white horse to save the day enacting amnesty by executive order. He is confident that the MSM will play along with him once again shaming America.
Another Obama Administration straw-man is its absurd “Republican War on Women”. Talk about creating an enemy which does not exist, Democrats are calling the Supreme Court ruling in favor of Hobby Lobby, “gender bigotry”. What the heck are they talking about. The court simply ruled that the government can not force Hobby Lobby to pay for abortion drugs against their religious faith.
Now get this folks. Even before the Supreme Court ruling, Hobby Lobby provides 16 of the 20 contraceptives mandated in Obamacare. Hobby Lobby only refused to pay for the 4 that kill babies. Do you see the Obama Administration spin, the distortion, the attempt to sham, the lie?
There is a real war on women and minorities spewing out of the Democratic Party which abuses and exploits women and minorities with impunity.
Here is one example of many. Republican president George W. Bush made Condoleezza Rice the most powerful black woman in America and possibly the world as Secretary of State. Guess who was out there calling Secretary Rice an Aunt Jemima, a house n*****, a traitor to her race and relentlessly tried to destroy her simply for being a black conservative? The answer is the Democratic Party.
An Obama and MSM supported straw-man that I find particularly deplorable and evil is his divisive slander of millions of Americans in the Tea Party. Think about that folks. The first black president exploits his race to demonize and shame Americans into submitting to his fundamental transformation of America. Decent folks who simply love their country have been successfully branded “racist domestic terrorists” in the minds of many.
Past Obama straw-men include banks, the auto industry, insurance companies, small business owners, corporations, the rich and doctors.
What American industry, institution or group will Obama declare is public enemy number one? What will be the next crisis Obama accuses them of creating, causing him to usurp unlawful authority to fix?
Quoting Nancy Reagan, Americans must “just say no!”
Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee
My fellow Americans, we are all bit players in the making of a metaphoric slasher movie, “Obama Unchained” starring Barack Hussein Obama.
Here is a summary of the movie. It is a heartwarming tale about how the mainstream media and Democratic Party suckered America into electing their extreme far-left dream president; a Trojan Horse in the form of a black man.
Once in the Oval Office, Obama began incrementally implementing his socialist/progressive agenda and iron-fist pressure on Americans to conform. Everyone, including a 175 year old order of elderly Catholic nuns were forced to comply to Obama's decreed anti-biblical new moral standards or face termination. Only donors, labor unions and favored friends of his royal Obamaness totaling over 2000 are unlawfully granted exemptions from his tyrannical overreaches hidden in Obamacare.
Unchained from pretending to be a moderate to get reelected, Obama is releasing his judgment and rage upon America; wielding his executive pen sword, causing a bloody massacre of our economy, national security, world standing, freedoms, liberty and culture.
Now totally unrestrained, with lawless abandonment, Obama dishes out what he believes is well-deserved revenge on America for her crimes against the rest of the world. Obama is delivering the retribution spoken of by his former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright who said, “America's chickens have come home to roost.”
Pundits say Obama is merely incompetent. They site highly unfavorable approval polling to conclude that Obama's presidency is in deep trouble. Political analysts believe dismal poll numbers will force Obama to back away from his intensely focused savage attack on America as founded; his vowed fundamental transformation of America. These sycophant, apologist or naive talking heads are missing the point. Obama does not give a rat's you know what about polling. Nor does he fear lawsuits, Congress, impeachment or anything else.
Remember Michael Jackson's famous line, “I'm not like other guys”? Obama believes he is not like other presidents. I am Barack Obama, the first black president. I can do whatever I please and no one is going to stop me. Period!
“Obama Unchained”, the movie, is directed by Unknown Socialists/Progressives.
Obama's supporting cast includes Eric (cited in criminal and civil contempt of Congress) Holder as the corrupt partisan head of the DOJ. Lois (Wicked Witch of America) Lerner as the corrupt, vindictive and evil IRS enforcer. Kathleen (Yes, you will fund abortions against your faith) Sebelius as the totally incompetent head of the botched Obamacare roll-out. Jay (please don't make me go out there and lie again with a straight face) Carney as Obama's Press Secretary. This just in, Carney has been replaced by understudy liar, Josh Ernest.
If the metaphoric Socialists/Progressive's movie were to snag a Best Song nomination, their song would be titled, “I Believe I Can Lie” performed by Barack Obama. A real trailblazer, Obama is the first U.S. President awarded,“Liar of the Year”.
In my metaphoric scenario, the buzz in DC would declare “Obama Unchained” a shoe in for Best Picture. However, the sentimental payback favorite for Best Picture would be “Sixty-Six Years A Liberal” starring Hilary (don't asked me about Benghazi) Clinton.
Folks, while I have taken a humorous approach to describing Obama's Revenge War on America, the situation is extremely serious. The solution is quite simple. It is push back, push back, push back politically. While the Tea Party remains fully engaged, what strong courageous conservative will emerge to lead the charge?
We who love America are metaphorically in the process of producing our own movie titled, “November 4, 2014: Independence Day”.
Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee
Decades of socialist/progressive indoctrination in our schools, media and culture, plus six years of Obama, has yielded a devastating unspoken consequence. It is the loss of who we use to be as Americans.
In his 1961 Inaugural Address, President John F. Kennedy said, “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Democrats have perverted Kennedy's inspiring challenge. Their dispiriting goal is to have as many Americans as possible controlled by and dependent on government, even for life itself, which is at the root of Obamacare.
I mourn the loss of the independent self-reliant mindset which made our parents great; and the pride and dignity it generated within them. Welfare (government assistance) was a last resort and for the truly needy.
Today, far too many Americans see no shame in living on government assistance or scamming the system. The Left's campaign led by the Obama Administration to instill an entitlement mindset in many has proven successful. The Administration even campaigned targeting minorities, discouraging their instinct to be self-reliant. Even worse, the Administration portrays getting on welfare as the honorable thing to do. Dear Lord, what kind of nation are we becoming?
An unprecedented 47 million Americans are on food stamps which is riddled with fraud. The Obama Administration has added over 10,000 new oppressive job-killing regulations. Consequently, 90 million are unemployed and on unemployment which is also riddled with fraud. Here's another first for America, over 11 million are receiving disability benefits; riddled with fraud. Clearly, many believe working is for suckers when the government is handing out freebies.
In his War on Achievers, Obama used his bully pulpit to deflate business owners by saying, “If you've got a business, you didn't build that.” Obama and his operatives use compassionate sounding terms such as “social justice” and “income inequality” to justify the government confiscating the earnings of achievers and redistributing it to non-achievers to win their votes. Despicable.
My heart aches for my America when character, excellence and hard work were rewarded, celebrated and respected.
At 9 or 10 years old, I worked part-time for my neighbor Mr Buddy Roy. I pulled the copper out of old motors for him to sell. I still remember the pride I felt making my own money.
In the early 1950s, blacks were allowed to take the entrance test for the Baltimore City Fire Dept. My dad applied and mom helped. My parents sought opportunity not handouts. Talk about a strong black woman, though compassionate and loving, mom could be a tough no nonsense person.
I remember my parents sitting at the kitchen table, a glass turned upside down between them with mom tapping on the glass with a spoon. She was simulating the different bell sounds which alerted the firefighters to various situations. She would yell at my dad, “No, that's wrong, stupid! Listen and get it right!” Thanks to my drill sergeant mom, dad was among a hand full of blacks who became Baltimore City's first black firefighters.
Being a pioneer is never easy. Dad endured humiliating work conditions and blatant racism. Still, dad relished the opportunity. Thanks to his Christian faith, dad won admiration and respect by fighting racism and hate with excellence. He won “Firefighter of the Year” two times.
That mindset of putting ones best foot forward and striving for loftier standards is what I fear we are rapidly losing as Americans. Apparently, character is no longer expected in our leaders. President Obama is caught repeatedly lying to the American people and the response is ho-hum, let's move on.
The trend is to celebrate deadbeats, entitlement junkies, haters of achievers and assorted low life. For example. The Democrats and mainstream media loved the Occupy Wall Street mobs. People were assaulted and even raped at their angry mob gatherings. Severely infected with an entitlement mindset, Occupiers dumped feces in a public building demanding the government redistribute wealth to them.
Meanwhile, the Left continues their shameful relentless demonizing and slandering the Tea Party with unfounded allegations of racism. The Obama Administration has plotted to criminalize free speech (the Tea Party). Folks, we are talking decent hard-working Americans who are simply pushing back against Obama's shock and awe assault on our freedoms, liberty and culture.
Tax cheat Democrat Rep. Charlie Rangel compared the Tea Party to Hamas terrorists. Either Mr Rangel is a loudmouth clueless idiot or a despicable evil human being. Leftists like Rangel who throw unfounded irresponsible“hate” grenades at millions of Americans should be called on it. Inciting racial division is extremely serious.
Amidst the unbelievably long list of scandals, crimes and misdemeanors of the Obama regime, the damage that this evil man and his minions have done to the internal make-up of many Americans is extremely disturbing and heartbreaking.
Please view me performing my song, “We Are Americans” which I wrote to remind us of who we use to be and I believe a majority still are as Americans. I have faith that the liberal's, socialist's and progressive's toxic disease of entitlement thinking has not reached critical mass.
My fellow Americans, we are exceptional, a chosen people. We are Americans!
Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee
I was alone in a Biloxi Mississippi hotel room when a TV reporter named Cochran the winner over Tea Party candidate Chris McDaniel in the extremely close GOP runoff election. Losing is always heartbreaking. And yet, I strangely felt a peace about the situation.
Chris McDaniel was an excellent candidate; good looking, bright, articulate and a bold, strong, rock-solid advocate for conservatism. He has also been blessed with that certain “it factor” which all born leaders possess. McDaniel is only in his early forties. In the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger, he'll be back! Next time, Chris McDaniel will win!
Patriots, thanks to your support, financial and otherwise, McDaniel had a real shot at winning. The combo of the Tea Party and McDaniel scared the heck out of the GOP which is why they poured tons of money and organizational resources into the race.
After the Dave Brat remarkable upset victory over Majority Leader Eric Cantor, the closeness of this runoff sent a powerful message to the GOP establishment. They MUST deal with us in the Tea Party.
I think one reason for my peace about the situation is knowing that my Conservative Campaign Committee team and I did everything we could possibly do; leaving no cards unturned. We traveled to Biloxi from our various homes across America and set up our war room. We rallied for McDaniel. We produced and ran ads and organized a small army of volunteers to make get-out-the-vote phone calls.
We endured the Mississippi humidity waving McDaniel signs on a street corner. My wife Mary was bitten several times on her feet by ants. So folks, like all of you, we did our part. Beyond that, everything else is in God's hands.
Cochran and his GOP deep-pocket power brokers won this round. Doing a despicable dance with the devil to win the runoff, Cochran even reached out to Democrat voters. But, the battle to send conservatives to DC is far from over.
Mary and I will drive home to Florida; pet Sammy our greyhound and maybe spend a day at our favorite beach. Then, we will focus on helping Tea Party candidate Joe Carr for U.S. Senate Tennessee. I hope we visit Nashville!
Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee
My Conservative Campaign Committee team and I attended the Tea Party Express rally for Chris McDaniel in Biloxi Mississippi. We have launched an independent expenditure ad campaign and rallied volunteers to assist our team in making get-out-the-vote phone calls for McDaniel.
Passion, excitement and enthusiasm for McDaniel is high. McDaniel signs decorate many neighborhoods. An attendee at the rally told me that when the taxi driver heard he and his friends were going to the McDaniel rally he drove them for free, refusing to take their money. The taxi driver stayed for the rally. He expressed his frustration to me with the “good-ole-boy-network”. The taxi driver passionately said, “It is time for change”. Locals shared story after story with me about the good-ole-boy-network being used to lord over, abuse and bully the people and businesses. Clearly, the local mantra is “Enough with the good-ole-boy-network! It is time for change!”
I was really encouraged by the enthusiasm, grassroots volunteers standing on street corners waving McDaniel signs and get-out-the-vote efforts of We the (Mississippi) People for Chris McDaniel. Talk about David vs Goliath, the airways are flooded with ads for McDaniel's, long, long time, good-ole-boy, and extremely well-funded GOP establishment opponent.
A young black Obama supporter wandered into the McDaniel rally. He was bright and open to ideas and new information. In a nutshell, he said he voted for Obama because Obama is black and vowed to help the poor. I dispelled that myth with facts. Then, the 21 year old kid dropped a bombshell. He said he owned a landscaping business. I said, “Then why on earth are you a democrat? Man, are you on the wrong side!” He chuckled and we had a great talk.
The young black small business owner was from the hood. He avoided drugs and crime and worked to provide a better life for his family. He had a little college education under his belt as well. He was conservative and did not even know it. I added him to my newsletter list.
I was sitting on a bench in Walmart waiting for Mary to get through the checkout. A sweet elderly white lady sat down beside me. I struck up a conversation. Well, she got on a roll talking about her childhood growing up in Mississippi. She and her best friend would share an ice cream cone. But when it came to telling me her best friend’s race, the elderly white lady became noticeably uncomfortable. She simply did not know the current politically correct term to use for a black person. First she started to say colored, then she began to say black. She cut herself off and said, “My friend was... (then she tapped me on the arm), meaning to say her friend was the same race as me. I thought, “Poor sweet lady. Look how ridiculously cautious of offending political correctness has made us.”
Folks, this is one of the many reasons why we need sane responsible adults running our country again. We desperately need true conservatives like Chris McDaniel in DC.
On our way to the McDaniel rally, we passed a Biloxi restaurant called, “Slap Your Momma” which was one of my late mom's favorite sayings when referring to really good food. “That pound cake was so good it makes you want to slap you momma”, she would say. I had my first seafood gumbo here in Biloxi. Awesome!
Y'all folks in Mississippi sure are friendly. I have never been called sweets and sweetie pie so much in my life. You deserve a refreshing change...a really, really good guy like Chris McDaniel. Vote Tuesday, June 24th for Chris McDaniel.
Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee
It has become a daily frightening occurrence, hearing politicians, commentators, pundits and stunned Americans say, “That's outrageous!” “He can't do that!” “No way!” “It's against federal law!” “They have no legal authority to force us to do that!” These comments are in response to the daily unprecedented out-of-control tyranny handed down by Obama and his operatives. We are talking arrogance with a capital “A” coming out of the Obama Administration.
For example. The GOP was moving too slow in caving to Obama's amnesty scheme, so Obama said, screw it, I'll bypass everyone and make it happen. Obama sent a clarion call interpreted around the world to mean if you can get your kids to the U.S., the kids can stay. In essence, Obama has made illegal aliens winners of his Open Borders Lottery; free food, health care, legal assistance and education – winning more free goodies than are available to American kids. Like a game show announcer, I expect an Administration official to enthusiastically say to illegals, “But wait, there's more....A NEW CARRRR!!!”
Around one thousand illegals arrive daily. Over 47 thousand have arrived thus far, an estimated 90 thousand to arrive by September 30th.
Everyone and anyone (gang members, drug dealers and other criminals) are illegally moving to America greeted with open arms by the Obama Administration. Americans who are paying attention are well aware of the impending devastatingly negative impact Obama's “y'all come” policy will have on our structure as a nation, economy and national security.
Like every other extremely arrogant action by Obama from blatantly lying about Obamacare to releasing the Taliban five, while everyone expresses disbelief, outrage and concern, nothing happens. The same is the case concerning the disaster happening at our border. Despite bipartisan outrage, the tsunami of illegals continues.
Then, there is the absurd lie from the IRS that Lerner's emails related to the targeting of Tea Party and conservative groups were lost due to a computer crash. Does this Administration believe they can say and do anything they please and get away with it? The answer is yes. As I stated, the remarkable arrogance of this Administration is becoming legendary.
However, what I find most extraordinarily arrogant and insidious is this Administration's relentlessly focused efforts to mandate political correctness and implement their socialist/progressive agenda via government overreach. The feds have stepped in to try to force the Washington Redskins to change their name; talk about focusing on the minor while ignoring the major.
Think about that folks. Iraq is falling apart. A gazillion illegals are invading our country. Terrorism is back on the rise. Food prizes are through the roof. Forty-seven million Americans are on food stamps. Ninety million Americans are unemployed. Obamacare is a job killing and health care disaster. And what does the Obama Administration focus on; taking extraordinary measures to force the Redskins to change their name. Unbelievable.
My fellow Americans, when is enough enough from this horrifyingly deceitful, conniving, anti-American and evil bunch in DC who are holding our great nation hostage? The mainstream media will never place the best interest of America above Obama. The first black president is their best hope for ramming their dreamed socialist/progressive agenda down the throats of the American people. I get that.
It is becoming increasingly clear that the GOP, Democrats and the MSM are in solidarity with the concept of an ever-increasing big government America.
Obama and his operatives are so emboldened to lie and do whatever they please because there has been no major push back or effective effort to politically stop them.
Therefore, the last hope for America as founded is us; you, me, the Tea Party. We MUST vote out GOP traitors and Obama operatives and replace them with conservatives. Period!
And another thing -- along with supporting conservatives such as Chris McDaniel in his June 24th runoff in Mississippi, we MUST continue rallying around, supporting and encouraging our hand full of fighters in DC, Sen Ted Cruz, Sen Mike Lee, Congressman Trey Gowdy and others.
Mary and I are driving from Florida to Biloxi Mississippi to meet up with our Conservative Campaign Committee team. We will help push Chris McDaniel over the top.
Folks, together, we can do this.
Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee
This weekend, the state convention will decide if State Senator Julianne Ortman will climb the next step up the ladder to the August 14 primary to become the Republican U.S. Senate nominee to ultimately defeat toxic flaming-liberal Democrat Al Franken in the general.
Ortman released her Twelve-Point Turnaround Plan for Minnesota and America. Upon comparing Ortman's plan to Franken's failures 2009-2014, the contras was striking. I thought, “Oh my gosh. Franken equals big government controlled slavery. Ortman equals liberty and freedom!”
The battle between Franken and Ortman really comes down to slavery vs freedom.
Here are a few examples. As a loyal enforcer for our supreme imperial dictator Barack Obama, Al Franken cast the deciding vote for Obamacare which is a huge iron-fist take-a-way of our liberty and freedom. Ortman will fight to repeal Obamacare and rely on a state model like MNCare.
Franken supports King Obama's lawless Executive Orders; his refusal to enforce immigration laws and desire to implement amnesty. Ortman says we must secure our borders and enforce existing immigration laws.
These are just a few of the issues Ortman deals with in her Turnaround Plan. When you compare Ortman's agenda with Franken's, it is quite obvious that Franken is one of King Obama's many overlords along with the IRS, DOJ, NSA and other governmental agencies, all working together in concert to keep We the People slaves in check.
Let us not forget that Franken demanded that the IRS harass conservative and Tea Party groups, lest we patriots escape from Obama's unprecedented intrusive all-powerful and all-controlling big government plantation.
In terms of their war-chest, we are talking David vs Goliath. As of March 31, Ortman has a little over $600 thousand compared to Franken's $6 million.
I am chairman of CCC (Conservative Campaign Committee). Our seemingly impossible mission which we have passionately chosen to accept is to travel the country launching independent expenditure campaigns to help conservatives get elected in key House and Senate races. On several occasions, we have faced the challenge of first defeating the GOP's anti-Tea Party establishment candidate before taking on the Democrat. Ortman for U.S. Senate is one such race.
Here is our TV ad supporting Julianne Ortman for U.S. Senate, Minnesota.
Ortman is an extremely bold, brilliant and capable fighter for conservative principles; a student of Minnesota for 14 years. She has built/earned confidence and public trust, proclaiming that she has taken 14 years of public votes.
Ortman says, “It has become all too clear that Washington is broken and that it no longer serves anyone but itself and monied special interests." She added, "We need more Minnesota in Washington and less Washington in Minnesota.”
I had the pleasure of hearing Sen Mike Lee speak in an intimate setting. Sen Lee explained how vitally important it is to send conservatives to Washington. He explained that the impact of every additional conservative extends much further and is far greater than just one more vote. It encourages, strengthens and empowers their ranks.
Ortman will be a tremendous asset to our “good guys” fighting Obama-ism in Washington. So folks, whatever you can do to help push Ortman across the finish line is a victory for freedom over slavery.
The choice is clear. Freedom and liberty through Ortman vs ever-increasing slavery through Franken.
Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee