4063700605?profile=originalLady Palin gets it! Sarah Palin just gave $5,000 - the maximum amount allowed by law - to a candidate in a critically important race. So who is this candidate and why is this race so important? Allow me to explain in the form of a medieval tale.

Patriots, our once great land of the free has been invaded by an evil overlord, King Obama, the Socialist and Bullier. King Obama has proclaimed that the Democrats have a "great chance" to win back control of ye olde House of Representatives.

Can you imagine the horror and tyranny of the out-of-control drunk-with-power lawless Obama regime winning a majority in the House of Representatives? They would control the White House, Senate and House. Their every socialist/progressive dream would be rammed down our throats, equaling disaster for our country. King Obama and wicked queen Nancy Pelosi would impose their radical leftist agenda without anything stopping or even slowing them down. I shudder just thinking about it.

Speaking of wicked queen Pelosi, Obama has declared that she will regain the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives.

America must never again be subjected to the Dark Ages of a Congress run by Nancy Pelosi and her decrees that we commoners (the American people) will only find out what is contained within legislation once the bills are already passed.

To his dismay, causing great fury in King Obama, commoners dared to raise up with political pitchforks and plowshares in defiance to King Obama's socialist/progressive agenda and quest to take back control of congress. The peoples' rebellion is strong, known far and wide as the Tea Party. The mere mention of their name strikes terror in the hearts of King Obama and his sycophant supplicants (MSM, Democrats, Hollywood and RINOs).

While the Tea Party has many members and yet no leader, there is one fair maiden Tea Party leader who particularly drives King Obama and his minions crazy; Lady Palin, the Bold, Courageous and Beautiful.

Leading by example, giving $5000, Lady Palin has inspired a national grassroots coalition of We The People to support Jason Smith for Congress. The Missouri 8th District Special General Election is June 4th. http://eepurl.com/AlRof

In short, Jason Smith is one of us, folks! He is a Conservative Republican who will fight Obama's job killing regulations that hurt small business.

The NFIB (National Federation of Independent Business) endorses Jason Smith because he understands that burdening small businesses with outrageous regulations and excessive taxes makes it harder to create jobs. Smith vows to fight for commonsense reform in Washington.

It has become frighteningly obvious that opposing Obama on any issue will more than likely have dire consequences at the hands of his enforcers.

When Obama boldly launched his chilling clarion call, “We will punish our enemies and reward our friends”, his enforcers clearly understood and embraced their mission – go out and get them! Never before has a U.S. President openly threatened Americans who dare disagree with his agenda. Thus, we need conservative candidates with backbone such as Jason Smith more than ever.

Every day more and more victims of Obama's enforcers in the IRS are coming forward with shocking un-American horror stories of abuse. Perhaps, the Obama Administration feels invincible and insulated from consequences due to the historical aspect of a black man in the Oval Office. Or perhaps, the Administration’s unprecedented ruthless behavior is them simply being who they are, thugs who only know the Chicago way of functioning.

Remember the old joke? An animal asked the snake, “Why did you bite me after promising not to?” The snake replied, “What can I say, I am a snake”.

For whatever reason, this Administration is arrogant and vicious beyond belief. Despite national bipartisan outrage over the IRS admittedly targeting groups based on their ideology, the IRS continues to harass, target and intimidate conservative groups. Unbelievable.

Make no mistake about it folks, the Obama Administration has no intention of backing off. Obama enforcers stay on offense – punishing Obama's enemies and rewarding his friends. This is why Lady Palin realizes the importance of not allowing King Obama and wicked queen Pelosi to regain control of congress.

The Missouri 8th District Special General Election is this Tuesday, June 4th.

Patriots, we have a responsibility to make sure this medieval American tale has a happy ending. Please support Jason Smith for congress. http://eepurl.com/AlRof

Let's add another severely needed warrior/hero to our Royal Knights fighting on our behalf in Washington.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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  • I hate to sound like a pessimist, but unless we push for control at the polls, we will get the same results as 2012. I believe voter fraud is already being worked on by his criminal cronies. It started once they knew that his reelection was in his pocket. If we are going to call this a two party system, then we should have two members of each party present at the voting booths to verify the eligibility of every person voting (voter ID). Every voter should be allowed to verify their vote prior to it being recorded. They should be given a receipt showing the result of their vote. Right now, our system is rigged and unreliable.

  • Let's see if this stays.

    nebraskarepublic.org Pick on "WATCH VIDEO". It takes a while to load in. Let me know what you think; rd6475@hotmail.com

  • Sarah is still at work as so should we, giving of our time in working to replace the faux conservatives of the GOP with real leaders who will stand up the DNC (aka a cabal of communitwits). 

  • "The Republican party is filled with weak, scared, fearful men and women in Washington, D.C., who try to rationalize what they’re doing, which isn’t much of anything. And then lash out against people who are calling their attention to the perilous future that is being placed before us" Mark Levin, and a great observation.


    Obama, the muslim president, has done to America in four years what communists have tried to do for decades.

  • There does not appear to be a workable plan. Seem everyone ahas jumped the gun with typing their feelings and coming up with some half baked idea as to what should happen to un screw this mess.. All of these articles and ideas that come down the pipe contribute to depression.
    Suppose we start by cleaning house, have some eagle scouts in the wings. Tell the world we are cleaning house and everything is on temporary hold. We need a DOJ that will investigate arrest the bad guys and put them in jail. Drag an eagle scout out dust him off And give him a copy of his job description. What I have seen so far is they won't give us a chance to investigate. They can't stay out of trouble that long. One person was accused of numerous offenses. He challenged the administration an walked away laughing. If there are allegations, investigate go to trial and put them in jail. If we don't have the people to conduct proper and legal investigation get some. They can be a cop from anyplace. The cop who has taken the oath and performs his job honestly. We need enough people to keeps the courts busy 10 hours each day. We will also need an internal affairs department. Enough of the logistical stuff, we need someone who can issue all of the authority needed. We would be better served if there were several super judges in our corner.
    Does anyone have any ideas how to make this happen ? JUMPER
  • Adolfo: I'll second that motion!

  • I agree..MArcus needs to run for office! As does Xavier Keough

  • The EVIL king

  •  Marcus have you ever considered running for office ?

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