I've commented before about the need for us to get on top of the 2014 elections immediately; there are many Congressional districts where good conservatives either have a fighting chance or where a conservative challenger needs to be identified and supported in next year's GOP primaries. The first step in that process is to assess the 2012 election results and the resulting representation district by district in every state.
In the image below I've done that for my home state of Arizona, which has 9 Congressional districts. (My apologies if it's hard to read; I'm far from expert at this sort of online thing!)
In the 2012 elections, two formerly Republican districts (1 and 9) ended up with a Democrat representative because the Republican candidate lost votes to a Libertarian 3rd party candidate. In both cases, the losing Republican appeared to be a fairly strong conservative. Why, aside from arrogance, ideological perfectionism, or deliberate sabotage, did there need to be a Libertarian candidate in these races? The GOP committeemen covering this district need to be working with local Libertarian party leaders to gain their backing for good candidates. Surely Tea Party members in those districts have a role to play here.
In two other races, the losing Republican was a solid conservative who lost by a very slim margin. With just a little more energetic door-to-door support, these candidates might have won their races. These districts need to be high priorities for the Arizona Tea Party; we need to work with the local committeemen to get more legs and faces out on the streets to better support these candidates.
Finally in district 4, we have a Republican who won in a huge landslide, but who has a rather poor voting record as a conservative. This--a strongly Republican district with a moderate incumbent--is a good opportunity for a Tea Party challenge in the next primary.
With some hard work, good candidates, and a little luck, it's conceivable Arizona's House contingent could be turned from a humiliating 5 to 4 Democrat majority to a 7 to 2 Republican majority--and conservatives to boot. That may be too good to imagine, but anything is better than what we're stuck with now. We need to take victories where we can get them, and keep trying where at first we don't succeed.
I'm in district 5; my representative is a good conservative. I'll do what I can to help in those other districts where opportunities exist. I encourage my fellow Tea Partiers to take similar initiative in their own states, identifying districts where opportunities exist and taking action on those opportunities.
Secondly she does'nt need to know everthing about running this country !! She like others knows how to utilize her resorces !!
What are some of you Idiots complaining about when it comes to Sarah Palin ? You should be such a roll model ! She is a perfect example of the values this country was founded on and if some of you say she does'nt have the experience, for God sake !! look what we have now !! We need character and she is allready a proven leader.
Good Plan!!
Excellent article. Before we do anything we must stop voter fraud so our votes really do count.
Good job. The Senate and the house has to be changed.
Stupid pride people. The only way is to take over the Republician Party. This is how the communist did it in the Demcratic Party. So we can do it.
ACTION HOUSE TO HOUSE. Threw Churches or any other way.
If your willing to quit, stop complaining. There were some 12 to 13 million voters who voted against Obama in 2008 that never bothered to show up in 2012.
They gave up, how's that working out for you.
If your holding Sarah in contempt, you've swallowed the coolaid.
Quick, spit it out!
BO WON BECAUSE: 1. I will not vote because both are bad 2. I will only vote third party 3. I wanted so-and-so, so I will not vote 4. I feel guilty cause of slavery 5. I'm stupid and drink the jimmy jones kool aid 6. I am a communist 7. I am a muslim 8. I like the government to support me 9. My daddy always voted democrat so I will 10. I only watch BO's approved tv channels or read only BO's approved Associated Press newspapers so I do not know the truth. VOTE REPUBLICAN ALWAYS AND SAVE THE USA
We can do better than Sarah... Please!
Sgt, I agree the fraud is rampant and in many places has absolutely destroyed any notion of free elections; this is a drum we have to keep beating hard and loud, and continue to demand action on. It has to happen in parallel with efforts to get electable conservatives into the primaries.
Until voter fraud and vote fixing is fixed, it is a wast of time and money for real Americans to run for office or vote.