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  • Daniel, Dee, AC me we are all right, now what do we do? So I'll tackle this. I dont see that Dems or Republicans will win without the support of the independants. So its a matter of who of the candidates can carry the independant vote. The wrong Republican nominated will swing the vote to muslum o & dems. We better be studing each candidate & issues clearly. I wish this wasnt the way it is, but it is. I want the most Christian conservative Presidant we've ever had, unfortunatly thats not the way it is currently. A third party candidate is not the answer to beat obama, this only splits the vote. I hope everyone will vote on the facts of the issues & not from emotions which change from day to day. Which of each of the candidates has accomplished the most positivly. All candidates come w/ flaws & baggage which can be exploited by dems in an election, plus all the lies the dems will tell. Review all the issues of each candidates past & see how they voted. We cant as American lovivg freedom believing voters let this election fall into the hands of the dems, libs. socialists, progressives. You think America is hurting now, picture every issue w/ muslum o as presidant if elected. God bless the Tea Party & GOD BLESS AMERICA 

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