Anthony Weiner, a True Class Act


Ed Driscoll's blog on PJ Media gave us an outline I've saved for future rereads (translation: laughs). Last night, from a Queens pizzeria, Anthony Weiner conceded defeat in the race for New York City mayor. It's sad that he was even allowed to run again in the first place. He obviously cared more about his sordid personal life than he ever cared about his position in public service.

Let this be a (humorous) lesson to us. Anthony Weiner: a track record so bad, even New York voters couldn't ignore it.

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  • Do you know the difference between Weiner and a bucket of shit ? Neither do I !

  • Anthony Weiner is a classic example of the American politician of today's world.  Is it any wonder why this country is now just a 2nd rate 3rd world country at best?  Just take a look at the leaders!  I mean Pelosi, Reid, Obunghole, Waters, Lee, and so many, many more of the same ilk!  These people haven't the sense God gave a goose and they are our "leaders"!  How can one country have so much trash in its government?

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