Dear Editor: RE: Race in Politics....
race (10)
Attorney General Eric Holder, who has suggested that critics of the Obama administration are motivated by race and referred to America as a "nation of cowards" on race issues while blasting Americans who resist more gun control laws, suggested that those opposed to President Barack Obama's policy agenda of "fundamental transformation" are quietly prejudiced.
In his Saturday commencement address at Morgan State University, a historically black university in Maryland, Holder said that even though there are no more "separate but equal" laws on the 60th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education decision, the "vestiges of state-sanctioned discrimination continue to reverberate across the country even today."
POLL: Should Voter ID be required in every state?
He said America is done a disservice when they "trade the noisy discord of honest, tough, and vigorous debate for the quiet prejudice of inaction – and the cold silence of consent." To Holder, dialogue is insufficient to address the "hidden" racism in society but is "a necessary first step that must lead to action."
After comparing Obamacare to the Civil Rights Act of 1965, Holder suggested that those opposed to Obama's "year of action" are silently displaying their prejudices and suggested that "action" is needed in voting rights, school discipline, and criminal justice reform. He blasted voter ID laws and "zero-tolerance school discipline practices" that "affect black males at a rate three times higher than their white peers." The Justice Department's school guideline reforms have been heavily criticized for effectively forcing schools to enact "de facto racial quotas" in school discipline.
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Race and the TEA PARTY!
I agree with Allen West and Star Parker 110%!! They are so right in this Video above!! My Thoughts for this Video it is GREAT!! What are your Thoughts on this Video?!
Ed Driscoll's blog on PJ Media gave us an outline I've saved for future rereads (translation: laughs). Last night, from a Queens pizzeria, Anthony Weiner conceded defeat in the race for New York City mayor. It's sad that he was even allowed to run again in the first place. He obviously cared more about his sordid personal life than he ever cared about his position in public service.
Let this be a (humorous) lesson to us. Anthony Weiner: a track record so bad, even New York voters couldn't ignore it.
President Obama wasted no time in fulfilling his promise to spread American's wealth around. Having more than doubled the number of welfare recipients in the U.S., the President was not only successful in locking in these recipient's votes but he was also successful in robbing them of their "self-worth." Since when did Welfare become something that American's aspired to rather than aspiring from its' grip ? This is not to say that all forms of Welfare are debilitating but we would be beyond naive to think that these prolonged tax
payer "handouts" aren't crippling our country ! Aside from greatly limiting any incentive to follow The
American Dream of working hard, contributing to society and enjoying the "fruits of your labor," the expectation of Welfare has made the fruit even sweeter when it comes from someone else's labor ! This has taken the "entitlement mentality" to new and dangerous levels - hence, the bold and needless crime we are seeing ! Society can no longer afford the entitlement that Welfare breeds, the lack of supervision from single
parent households and the crimes the products of these households commit ! Many of these children are
simply a means to get more entitlements, then left to fend for themselves. No wonder they have no incentives, no direction, no self-worth other than what the criminal element can provide ! When we have children shooting other innocent children because they're bored, we're in trouble ! It's time for stary eyed
liberals to realize, that "we are all" expendable under Obama's watch, especially our children . . .
For Dr. King
Weep Martin, weep.
You had a dream of equity for all.
Weep Martin, weep.
But in fifty years your march wins not its goal.
Weep Martin, weep.
For hatred’s tall white hood still stands its ground.
Weep Martin, weep.
For men foment for gold to line their purse
Weep Martin, weep.
And our courts drive justice from her halls.
Weep Martin, weep.
And men can’t get a job for color’s lack
Weep Martin, weep
The King is dead. His dream is too.
Weep Martin, weep.
‘Tis your “followers” now do the hating.
Author: Brian D. Hill
Updated: According to Mercurynews the pastor wants to continue to burn Qurans even though this may lead tothe end of the first amendment and may lead us into martial law.
Right now could the burn a Quran day be an set up event to anger other religions to attack the United States, or be used as a excuse for afalse flag terrorist attack, and then be used to instigate martial law?
Right now it seems as though it's a huge possibility especially after a internalFBI memo details that the US Government was prepared for violenceif the Burn a Quran day have went through as planned. This may mean thatthe US Government will be able to execute the executive ordersdetailing that martial law is to be instigated on all Americans, thuswould enact the suspension of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.
Executive Orders associated with FEMA that wouldsuspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years andcould be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen:...EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways andseaports.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to seize all means of transportation, including personal cars, trucks orvehicles of any kind and total control over all highways,seaports, and waterways.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10999 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with publicfunds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish newlocations for populations.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to putall Executive Orders into effect in times of increasedinternational tensions and economic or financial crisis.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in ExecutiveOrders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicialand legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penaland correctional institutions, and to advise and assist thePresident.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control overthe mechanisms of production and distribution, of energysources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in institution in any undefined national emergency. Italso provides that when a state of emergency is declared by thePresident, Congress cannot review the action for six months. TheFederal Emergency Management Agency has broad powers in everyaspect of the nation. General Frank Salzedo, chief of FEMA'sCivil Security Division stated in a 1983 conference that he sawFEMA's role as a "new frontier in the protection of individualand governmental leaders from assassination, and of civil andmilitary installations from sabotage and/or attack, as well asprevention of dissident groups from gaining access to U.S.opinion, or a global audience in times of crisis." FEMA's powerswere consolidated by President Carter to incorporate the...
National Security Act of 1947 allows for thestrategic relocation of industries, services, government and otheressential economic activities, and to rationalize the requirementsfor manpower, resources and production facilities.
1950 Defense Production Act gives thePresident sweeping powers over all aspects of the economy.
Act of August 29, 1916 authorizes theSecretary of the Army, in time of war, to take possession of anytransportation system for transporting troops, material, or anyother purpose related to the emergency.
International Emergency Economic Powers Act enablesthe President to seize the property of a foreign country ornational. These powers were transferred to FEMA in a sweepingconsolidation in 1979.
Right now because of all of the anger and attacks against peaceful Muslims this will be used as an excuse for a violent backlash in theform of another terrorist attack. Also even a Top Clinton officialadmits that only a falseflag terrorist attack in the scale of 9/11 or a Oklahoma Citybombing would save Obama and help reenact the agenda of the worldselite.
So could this Quran burning be an attempt by dirty factions of the Government in order to jump-start a religious war against Christians andMuslims?
Well I have helped brought out along with Alex Jones that Machete is a plot to jump-start a plot for a race war to turn Mexicans againstother races of the earth to instigate violence in America, which willturn into the possibility of civil war and even martial law.
So now race war is not the only thing on the minds of the elite but also a religious war between Muslims, Christians, and Jews.
If the elite succeed with their plan to burn Qurans it will not only lead to violence but will also lead to martial law where people will beforcefully micro-chipped, vaccinated, then forced to wear metalbracelets plus weekly home invasion searches under the guise of stoppingterrorism created by the super-rich Bilderberg elite.
What started all of this was all over the Mosque being built on Ground Zero of 9/11. The people are not against the rights to build amosque but just to build it away from the site of the terrorist attackthe the US Government claims is started by radical Islams even thoughthe buildings were suppose to fall in order to push forth the PatriotAct which would strip away American rights. Right now there are protestsclaiming that they want a right to religion but they actually do havethe right to build a mosque but as long as they build away from the areaof 9/11 because it would hurt 9/11 victims and be a insult to all whoescaped the building collapse. The same junk went on to make it fair forillegal immigrants to cross the border claiming that going againstillegal immigration is a race issue thus starting the whole racial hateand conflict.
Sources include as followers:
Exclusive secret FBI memo: Government bracing for violence over burn Koran day
FEMA Concentration Camps: Locations and Martial Law 'Executive Orders'
Top Clinton Official: Only a Terror attack can save Obama
It is really so simple. Why does it have to be so difficult? We have truly lost our way, and I pray we get back to the school system so beautifully laid out by Dennis Prager. Never in my lifetime have I seen such division between the races, in an age when we have come so far beyond it.
We will have failed if any one of you graduates this school and does not consider him or herself inordinately lucky -- to be alive and to be an American.