James Gencarelli



Dear Friends, Neighbors and Fellow Citizens of the Great State of New Jersey.


It is the time for [A]LL to come together to petition vigorously our Politicians to become answerable to the people, not only to the affluent and the omnipotent [who gets them elected] but to all . [We the People] who elect them and put our trust and confidence into their capacity as our elected representatives must stand for our welfare and interests . We want Representatives with Accountability and Intelligence,responsive to the needs of the People.  Voters afford their elected officials trust and confidence by electing them to office.  In turn, they must be obligated to do their utmost and foremost best for their constituent's legitimate needs .

The State of New Jersey Faces Numerous Obstacles , TODAY !!!!

1. Education: Conforming the cost of education for the average person, permitting every student the opportunity to pursue their goals in life , coexisting with the American dream.

2. Transportation: Roads and Public Transportation that will enhance the quality of life for all the Citizens of our State. Safekeeping the cost of public transportation to coexist with the general population needs. The commuters that journey everyday to work and add Millions of tax dollars to the State coffers.

3. Air Quality: Hard-and-fast air-water quality control laws [over what the Federal Government requires], and then coming generations will not condemn us for degrading the environment.

4. Taxes: Increase Taxes and [less infrastructure betterment ] that is presently what is flowing from the Government. Our State Government must be more accountable before “raising taxes”, i.e. State, Property, and Sales Tax. Taxation with [False Representation ] seems to be the road that our government has taken.

My Campaign hopefully will provoke all those who are concerned about improving and ameliorating our State Government to better serve the people. Please join me in the struggle to passing Bills and Laws that will serve the needs of all the people.  Representing the Citizens of this District and State will be an honor and privilege , with all the fortitude, spirit and grit that one can muster to bring about affirmative change in the government . And last but not least : Immigration

Immigration: Justice to all people of the world. Believing that Migration Laws must be the same that past generations had to abide with in order to become American Citizens . No less , No more , But equal , the qualifications need to be rightful, in order to insure the quality of life in America for everyone.

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