The amnesty gang of 8, the president, Mr. Holder, and their bipartisan progressive soldiers owe citizens some real answers!
What part of income tax evasion, Social Security tax evasion, workman’s’ compensation evasion, unemployment compensation tax evasion, wage and hour laws, OSHA, EPA, identity theft, etc, is not a felony crime that is aggressively prosecuted to the fullest extent of law within the US, relative to both employees and employers?
What about border security and VISA laws? We have an army designed to protect our borders, don’t say we can’t!
Have any of you not taken the oath of office? Surely you’re familiar with Article VI of the Constitution! Surely you understand the written covenants of the Constitution, including the Amendment and state ratification process required to change any word or corrupt the meaning of any word or passage!
Is there not a high covenant of character, integrity, and honesty required to possess such high offices of government?
If you will not call a criminal “a criminal”, how can you arrest a criminal?
If you don’t arrest a criminal how will you prosecute a criminal?
Failure to prosecute criminals clearly violates oath of office and predictably creates chaotic lawlessness!
Calling criminals “undocumented workers” adds collusion and complicity to the crime. Protecting criminals from the law and justice aids and abets the crime! Democrat and republican citizens better throw the corrupt trash out or both lose!
Are you saying you’re not going to enforce the Constitution and laws of the land??? Please explain