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Rumor has it that Anthony Weiner will run for President in the 2012 elections. His running mate is Eric Holder. Get you're Weiner/Holder bumper stickers while they last.
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  • Great comments keep it up can't let it peter out.   If a picture is worth a thousand words then Weiner is nothing but a d***head.  The missing letters also spell a word that can describe Tony Balonie Weiner.

    That is a real 'limp Idea'
  • That's a lot to swallow! Then, maybe not! (lol)
  • LOL Good one and I know you are dicking me around.  Obama said elections have consequences but in Weiner's case it is erections have consequences.  I am sure Barney Frank would like to back that ticket he would have no problem swallowing that platform.  Sincerely, Angelo Mule'
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