"Donald Trump"

On several occasions I've had the opportunity to listen to interviews with Donald trump and I liked what he said, not to mention the way he said it.  In June he will make his decision with regards to placing his bid for The Presidency.  In my opinion, he's the only choice for America and the American people.  He's the one person who can bring America back to the greatness it once was.  He's the one person who can bring an end to the corruption in government, something plaguing our nation for decades and presently devastating our American way of life.


We drastically need change.  Our present administration and following Democratic Congress are our destruction on the horizon, and if we don't think smart and challenge their decisions, we are going to fall and when we land, it won't be softly.  


In closing, I hope Donald Trump enters the race.  I believe him to be the right choice for America and the American people and as always, "God Bless America". 



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  • Now I know some of these are far fetched examples, but still...Is this Lawyer a good candidate?


    just the question...

  • CJ...My statement was not rhetorical and I always welcome response...thank you.
  • a rhetorial questions Wayne

    this is a rhetorial comment

  • LOL, Cj.....LOL...come to think of it, that may not be such a bad idea...Well, actually there is most assuredly a place in politics for attorneys, but, simply having the degree in law, does not automatically qualify that individual...please allow me to demonstrate:  We shall say that there is a successful lawyer and he is running for governor...now this lawyer believes that the only way to generate the money to fund the state is to raise taxes on the citizens.  He also believes that if you are not a homeowner, that you should also have to pay a tax proportionate to whatever amount you pay in rent.  He believes that speeding tickets should be a felony charge...he believes that it should be illegal for anyone to operate on his state highways any vehicle more than seven years old....Now I know some of these are far fetched examples, but still...Is this Lawyer a good candidate?
  • hmmm then we should not put attorneys in office or politics in general
  • CJ, yes it is true that each has their ideas and do push form their candidates.  But, it is true, we do not need a "Businessman" in charge...BUT, yes we do need a man that has businessman knowledge.  If you dare put a "Businessman" in the seat of the President of the United States, then you will have just played into that businessman's hands.  You will have in fact assisted him in his greatest business deal that he will ever have the opportunity to hope for.  And you must know as well, "businessmen" are not in business for the welfare of others.  They are in fact in business for their own personal welfare.  It is time that we do start taking a more serious look at the candidates that we choose to vote for.  A simple knee jerk reaction at the poles can further an already disastrous state of affairs for this nation and the citizens of this nation.  This is not a popularity contest, this is not the damned country music awards, this is not "American Idol"...this is serious business and we must start looking at it in this fashion.  It is not about whom you "LIKE"....You don't have to "LIKE" someone to admit that this person is the "best for the job".
  • We will need a powerhouse of VOTES.

    Who would you support?


  • another candidate down....as I see it the bloggers push their 'agendas' their candidates...so far no one agrees with me so I'm going to vote as I always do...for the best person I FEEL will do the best job for my country and for me.

    Brainwashing is on all sides of the spectrum.  Everyone does it.  Open you mind to all possibilities and if one thing against a candidate is a reason not to vote for him then it could be all are loses.  If you want to get rid of Obama you'll need a powerhouse of a person to compete...nothing less.

  • We do not need a "Business man" who has, essentially, stated himself that he would go with the flow. He bought Chinese because it was the lowest bid.

    We do not need a low bid here.

    We need someone who will put it ALL on the line, up front and with no hedge room!

  • Trump is a businessman...and we need that for our Country.  Second, Trump knows China and we need that also.  He has repeatedly said to tax china on their goods..........I agree and if it means more jobs HERE then Bravo....Trump knows China is laughing at us and it's time NOT to laugh back but to free ourselves from their squeeze on us.
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