presidency! (1)

"Donald Trump"

On several occasions I've had the opportunity to listen to interviews with Donald trump and I liked what he said, not to mention the way he said it.  In June he will make his decision with regards to placing his bid for The Presidency.  In my opinion, he's the only choice for America and the American people.  He's the one person who can bring America back to the greatness it once was.  He's the one person who can bring an end to the corruption in government, something plaguing our nation for decades and presently devastating our American way of life.


We drastically need change.  Our present administration and following Democratic Congress are our destruction on the horizon, and if we don't think smart and challenge their decisions, we are going to fall and when we land, it won't be softly.  


In closing, I hope Donald Trump enters the race.  I believe him to be the right choice for America and the American people and as always, "God Bless America". 



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