
Man of man American is the best place to live. I can get a tax refund with out paying tax's or having a social security number.So I do not need to us my number  to get the free money,that others had paid into. I know they will make up the lost money by taking it from social security.Sent that what they have been doing for so long.Oh man what a life just sit back and draw money for doing nothing,Like 

 Tony the Tiger said

(It's Great)

We can always keep in our heart that our Government will take care of all who live here not matter what.

Why do I feel like I wasted my time fighting for this county? I know I have tried to do whats right by putting in my far share in so my my family will be taken care of. I work hard to make it a better life.better for my family then when I was a child. But that really do not matter any more because my voice will never reach any one ear's in Washington not even the one who was put they to work for all who did the right thing to help our family and county.

So keep on giving away what others had work for,(a better life) and a (better American) But if you can please stop taking it from our backs so you can keep your job.

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  • Me to brother, busted my butt, mostly piece work which required a high quality & quanity, should be requirements now. Both unions & companies have destroyed this value system. DC is a big bad part of this also. I could go on & on. Dont give up we all together can change all of this for the better & we will

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