By John W. Lillpop

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie made big news last week by releasing a report which appeared to exonerate the husky RINO of wrong doing in the Bridge Gate kerfuffel.

Trouble is, the report was prepared by a private law firm hired by Christie; thus, rendering the results essentially worthless, except in the mind and soul of the desperate governor whom is struggling to remain viable among potential GOP candidates for the presidency in 2016.

Christie’s long-shot prospects were not helped in the least by the federal government, mostly still the exclusive province of Barack Obama and deeply-partisan liberals, all of whom would savor the opportunity to send Christie across the Washington Bridge en route to federal prison, just in time for the November, 2016 election.

Thus, the federal government has targeted Chris Christie  as reported:

A federal grand jury is investigating NJ Governor Chris Christie’s involvement in the George Washington Bridge traffic scandal and heard hours of testimony Friday from Christie press secretary Mike Drewniak.

Many conservative Republicans regard Christie, and his moderate-to-left views, as dangerous for America and would prefer to see the Governor fighting government indictments rather than doing battle with conservative candidates for the 2016 nomination.

For such folks, the glad word to the federal grand jury is, “Happy Hunting!”

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  • I have no sympathy for him and that could be just a ploy to get another Marxist into the White House! "NO MORE RHINOS!"

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