Impeach in the House
Convict in the Senate
Remove from Office of the President
Charge with crimes against the people of the US of A ( High Treason)
Convict of Treason
Execute expeditiously
Place carcass in oil drum (poetic justice)
Stick drum in hole (preferably a dry well)
Forget 'em. Get on with fixin' his screw-ups.
Be sure to invite Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, et al to all of the above.
The ditor is quite right on differences with the two parties, with the exception that the Illuminati under estimed the resolve of WE THE PEOPLE when they approved the election of the Kenyan born illegal alien Marxist Muslim COMMUNIST as their sock puppet to catch the American people asleep at the wheel while he brought America to her knees in every way and then declare a Communist Dictatorship , which was damned near complete when WE THE PEOPLE ( NOT OUR CONGRESS WHO WERE CONSPIRITERS IN THE SCAM! ) woke up and started fighting back in SPADES !!!!! Now the only option for the Elite Cabal Illuminati Tri-Lateral Commission to do is to throw him under the bus and to bring up fresh new faces to impress the American public, then to put them back to sleep again. Demand that Congress enact the TWENT EIGHTH AMENDMENT!! CUT ALL GOVERNMENT DC EMPLOYEES BY AT LEAST 50%!!! VOTE A STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN TICKET & GET THE S--T OUT OF THE SENATE !!!
Let's get to it!
Anyone in Tea Party know a General who is constitutional and would aid us in arresting this treasonous bunch of sycophants?
When one is found I will join them.
A drum filled with pig lard !
And drop it on MECCA along with 1000 dead pig carcasses