Globalization is the main cause World Poverty.

By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

Seek the truth and let the people know. Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

Seek the truth.

Globalization is the main cause World Poverty.

The making of Poverty is the worse crime against humanity. The .01% commits Crimes against Humanity through intentional policies to create poverty and the murder of over 8 million children each year.

The oligarchs, that control, The IMF, The World Bank, The WTO and the US multinational corporations lie and deceive us. Their agenda of free trade and globalization to eradicate world poverty is a farce, the truth is that free trade and globalization created more poverty in the world and made the 1% richer and more powerful, that now they control the US and many countries in the world.

2016 must be the year of "Economic Justice for All" and stop the murdering of millions of people including innocent children.  The choices to kill by deception and lies, began with George W. Bush and Obama unlawful wars, and the IMF and world Bank ensnare the world in this escalating and unpayable debt and then allow the debt-burdened and war victims to die by the hundreds of millions with ongoing lies by government officials and the corporate media sycophants criminals that committed these crimes against Humanity.

The Nature of Poverty - Poverty is not merely the lack of adequate financial resources. It entails a more profound kind of deprivation, a denial of full participation in the economic, social, and political life of society and an inability to influence decisions that affect one's life. It means being powerless in a way that assaults not only one's pocketbook but also one's fundamental human dignity. This means that the poor are, by definition powerlessness, marginalized and oppressed by the 1%, the oligarchs that control our country.

The question we must ask is: what is our purpose and commitment of being an American, what are our principles?  The US Declaration of Independence is honored for asserting unalienable rights of “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” for each and every human being. The cruelest violation of these cherished ideals is, that by intentional sadistic policies over 22,000 children die every day from preventable poverty and hunger, while we are engaging in unlawful wars, piling our country with debt made with money out of thin air.

The US spends over $600 billion per year on the military to support their military war mongers.  The .01% oligarchs “legally” hide $20 to $30 trillion in offshore tax havens product of this rigged economy designed to make them richer and peak inequality. This .01% parasitic loot is twenty to thirty times the amount to end global poverty forever since the total amount to end poverty is $100 billion Dollars.  Ending poverty and promoting education will reduce population growth rates increase productivity, reduces strains on resources, and will end global terrorism.

We are the solution, we must end government corruption and stop the oligarchs from controlling our government, we must not let money buy the White House and place as President another of their puppet. We need in the White House a statesman that will defend our US Constitution and represent the people not the oligarchs, we must end crony capitalism, monopolies and military interventions, only congress must call for war in defense of our country and end the protection of corrupt corporations, predators of the world community.

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“Neo-imperialist” seeking to control the destiny of humanity

Globalization is the main cause World Poverty.

Why globalization is not reducing inequality

Predator corporatism, takeover of ours country

Free Trade destroyed one century of American's job protection and broadly share prosperity.

Corporatism means globalization of corruptions and organized crime


Plutocracy is global financial domination and world government.


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