God, the Socialist-Idioticus and 2 Ply Toilet Paper

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The election is over.win-1.jpg?width=217

It was a very, very sad day for socialists as they watched their hopes of changing American into a fundamentally transformed nation of drooling hand-out seekers come crashing down.

At Yale University, a professor cancelled an exam for students too distraught over the fall of American socialism to take a test..  In Arizona, high school students walked out of their classes to protest the end of a nation without borders or laws.

Look…we know that you’ve been indoctrinated to pitch a fit every time you don’t get your way, or anytime you’re faced with earning something you feel pre-entitled to, but curling up in a ball, in your safe place with a government granted therapy dog, a box of crayons and a bowl of organic, free-range tofu noodle soup while refusing to go outside for the next four years really isn’t the answer.

In Oakland California…


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  • The road to destruction is paved by ignorance, support the Alternative news media and get the truth.



    The corrupt Washington establishment and the mainstream news media exploited the misinformed race and culture groups that are believers of the Democratic party. The truth is that Democrats and Republicans subscribe to the ill Ideology of Neo-liberalism, they form the network of corrupt criminals that lied and deceive us for the last 30 years. we elected Donald Trump because we are fed-up with this Washington corrupt establishment.  We the people believe that united, we can take our country back and make America great again. We voted for Donald Trump and we win our first battle. Now the real work has begun; our job is to support our elected President, Donald Trump and help to make and support the policies that will stop free trade agreements and demise this ill ideology of neo-liberalism that make the 1% the ruling class in our country, mega rich. Our country’s Freedom and prosperity is not only for the 1% of Americans.

    I believe that most Americans care about our country. what make us different from each other is our culture, religion and what we believe live should be. Our problem is that we want to impose in others our life style and fail to see how important is to respect other people's right to live according to their culture, religion etc. We must learn to respect each other rights and work together for what is best for us the American people. I think that most people main concern is to have an opportunity to be the best they can be. What this mean; 1- Good education 2- Good jobs to be able to support our families. 3- Good social system that will care for us if we are sick and disable to care for ourselves and our family. 4- Good system that will empower us to save and provide for ourselves when we get old 5- a system of government that place the needs of the people, before the interest of the greedy corporations and the financial system. The time that we realized that people is more important than money, we will become the best in the whole world. Wars are a waste of human lives, money and created hate and violence in humanity, human exploitation is limitation of human potential and productivity, greed and concentration of wealth is the greatest impediment for grow and prosperity of humanity. We must work together to make our country a better place to live.

    Our enemy is the Washington establishment that promotes and subscribe to the ill policies of the Neo-liberalism. We must stop this system of corruption and the Neo-liberalism ideology.

    Neoliberalism Is Destroying Almost Everybody's Lives


    Neoliberalism Is Destroying our lives


    The ill policies of Globalization and Neoliberalism that destroyed lives


    We must stop this neoliberal road to ruin


    Alternate News Sources
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