Goof-Ball Glenn Beck Pooping Out!


A few weeks ago I ran an article on and here on our forum, little did I know that it was so accurate and so telling. No, I don't have a crystal ball but sometimes things just add up. 

So tell me what you think? Is Goof-Ball Beck imploding? ....or just early retirement? 

What about this? Beck Plasters Face

Glenn Beck revealed that he has lost $500,000 campaigning with Ted Cruz , but said that has nothing to do with the recent firing of 40 of his employees.

“We are making the hard choices,” Beck explained. “We’re choosing principles over power. We’re staying true to the Constitution.”

“There’s a story maybe you have read, that came out yesterday, that is talking about how yesterday, my company The Blaze laid off 40 people, and my media empire is crumbling, and part of it is because I’m traveling around with Ted Cruz,” he said, referencing a Daily Beast story.

“Well, I want you to know,” Beck continues. “Yes, I’ve lost a lot of money traveling around with Ted Cruz. I’ve lost about half a million dollars. That’s my choice. I believe in something.”

“Did that cause the 40 people to lose their job? No.”

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  • AHP1081...I do not agree with you..I was and still am a Trump supporter..all of us Tea Partiers had and still have issues with king o and his "eligibility" to be Pres. Cruz had and still has the same "issues".......I for one will NOT waver from that. My issue with Trump is his son-in-law Kushner...we did NOT elect him and I do not like someone in our WH dictating to Pres Trump that rubs elbows with soros.....who is a treasonous bastard. So far I have liked everything that Pres Trump has done...I did not vote for a priest...I voted for a bulldog.

  • Beck is lying about the 500,000 loss.  He most likely Made more than that, he made a reported 26,000 for the Utah gig in Provo, where he made his false prophecy concerning another false prophecy concerning the presidency by Joseph Smith...  He is just laying low, to keep his crumbling GB network somewhat alive... on life support. Nevertheless, he has invested well ... lots of overpriced gold, a ranch or two, and several cars. 

  • Why don't people just vote for one that is right of left of the two? Trump is right of left enough for me all day along.

  • We will all know when he stops crying. Suspect he will continue to bash Trump.

  • What is Goof-Ball Glenn going to do now that his boy didn't win? He has laid off over 40 of his loyal employees from his make believe Oval Office, rolled his face in Cheetos... whats left? 

    Where does Glenn go from here? 

  • I won't bother to read the post.  The headline most probably represents the idiotic content in the post.  I also realize I am treading into a den of lions, but so be it. Sadly, Steve, the writer of the post, and far too many others have elected to believe what trump spouts as a truth they can accept.  For some reason many are grasping for straws in an effort to heal the damage obama has done over the last seven years.  They ignore that trump supported obama in 2008, and has been a democrat most of his life. They actually believe trump will do what he says.  Those who loaned him money to build the various properties also believed him and they were shafted.  The wives he has had believed he was truthful.  The many women he brags about having affairs with do not affect his supporters and as he has said; he could shoot people on fifth avenue and his supporter would still vote for him. That kind of suggests that he thinks his supporters are just plain stupid.  I would suggest that there may be merit to that opinion. I haven't seen this kind of blind unqualified support for a crook since obama won, not once but twice.  It appears, this particular teaparty group has lost their way and now support a lifetime socialist/ democrat who is masquerading as a conservative. 

    I can understand Becks confusion when seemly intelligent people fall for a known crook sales pitch.  I can rest with the knowledge that I refused to believe the lies trump, a corrupt businessman tells. However, I will not revel in the demise of America by saying "I told you so" .


  • "Staying true to the Constitution " - boy I wonder if he really believes that is what he is doing ? Because if he does, he knows very little about the Constitution.

    He's supporting someone who is a total non-Citizen that by running destroys the presidency and the Constitution. So how is he supporting the Constitution again ?

    Cruz destroys the Constitution and the presidency  just by running ! Cruz is a Globalist and Beck seems to be totally oblivious to that fact.

  • I have stopped listening to many of the talk shows I used to love, ie Levin, Limbaugh, Beck and a few more. I have no problem with everyone making their own choice as to whom they support but the constant Trump bashing has been over the top. I just could not listen any longer. I have 2 talk shows I still listen to. One is for Cruz and the other for Trump. If either of these guys mess up they talk about it regardless as to which one it is. Both have stated that they will vote for the nominee Trump, Cruz or whichever REPUBLICAN it is because our Country is in such a mess and Hilliary would finish it off.  They are right. We have to stick together regardless of which candidate we support.

  • Glenn covered the Gosnell case of pennsylvania (which not even Fox would touch until they were humiliated into doing so by the excellernt coverage given the story by Beck) better than anyone in the business, proving that the truth does indeed live at his network.  He started with a fw hours daily on teh internet and his network has grown into one that spans the entire day every day of the week and is now carried on most cable and satellite networks as well as the internet.  I was glad to see Glenn supporting Ted for the presidency.  The Cruz/Fiorina ticket should prove unstoppable.  Carly is an excellent speaker and a true asset to the ticket.  Senator Cruz is a Harvard graduate who is destined to become in effect the next Ronald Reagan, and I look forward to his overturning the past 8 dreadful years of Obamunist hits upon America.  Cruz/Fuiorina 2016, to the rescuing of the republic.

  • I can see why Beck was fired from CNN and Fox, he's full of crap,nothing he says can be believed,he is worth over $85 Million and tries to portray himself as barely making it from pay day to pay day,on his radio show he is never serious and he and his group of employees act like children,and facts are lacking in most of the stories he tells,he is backing Ted Cruz which is a good thing,if anyone listens to Cruz they'll find he is very intelligent, more so than the idiot we now have in office, but the lies from Trump are hurting him,I was at Liberty University when Cruz gave a speech and he talked for two hours without notes or a teleprompter like Obama has to use,that alone proved to me how smart he is,and he covered all subjects to correct the mess Obama has created for our nation and how to correct them,Becks future is dim and it's his fault.  

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