Government controlling, humanity dies

I lived in the Communist country for 20 years. My grandparents were hard working people, early 1900s, my grandfather was a young boy, went to Shanghai to learn about banking business. He was poor from a small village. He worked very hard and soon became very successful banker and sent his 7 children to the colleges, he owned Shanghai Coal Industry Bank and Coal Mine and Silk factory in Suzhou. The communist governmet took over China One night he and his family became homeless, they were kicked out by communists, they said that he had to share his wealth with the poor. But the poor never got their share. He owned a gun, but they took that away as well, you know it started all about food and healthcare and fordable housing, the communists took everything, but they never shared the stealing wealth from rich with the poor. The only thing that the communists are good at is class war fare. People hate each other, poor hate rich, then there was culture revolution, it was in hell, finally the communists fully control the people. When the liberals tries to pass the law on gun cntrol, they are in the process to get rid of gun and ready to take over Amerca to control American people and we will not be owners of this country, rather become their slave. The humanity dies. We are as Americans can not afford to be lazy thinking. We can not compromising any more, Roberts compromised the constitution and the liberals will never compromise their believe, they will just take over America and fully control the government, then it will be too late, thousands of thousands Americans will be homeless, only those in charge are become wealthy. They will never share wealth with the poor, the poor will not be able to have dream, like my grandfather had to become successful. We must stand up for the constitution, the humanity, liberty and freedom. We must remember who we are, we are the beacons on the hill to bring light and freedom to the world, we are hands and feet of our God.
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  • We also are dealing with the fact that Stalin sent over people to begin to spread discontent with Democracy and build up Socialism as a utopia. Vladimir Lenin's quotes are very telling in that the Democratic party mirrors these strategies to a T. He said, among many other things, that if you repeat a lie often enough it will be accepted as truth, that atheism was a key part of debauching a society to make it susceptible to rule by god-man and not the real one (paraphrasing), that one man with a gun can control 100 without, that the end justifies the means, that freedom is so precious - it MUST be RATIONED (i.e., reserved only for the self-appointed elite), that Socialism needs capitalism (for the same reason a parasite needs a host), etc., etc. Indeed Germany is getting the power it has always wanted while we are fighting near terminal Socialist poisoning. When the Iron Curtain fell in the late 20th Century I thought about the fact that the Soviets had bragged in the 1960's that they would feign defeat then come roaring back, which seems to be what they have done, with the aid of George Soros and his Manchurian candidate Obama who have so befuddled us that the eay is clear for the Soviets to do certain things, like destroy Israel so they can have their long coveted port on the Mediteranean as well as the oil that sits under Israel. It is interesting that the Nazis enticed the Muslims to aid them by helping them win WWII so that they could ultimately wipe out all Jews everywhere. Many Arabs embraced Fascism because of this. Then, the Soviets stepped in to cultivate a relationship when a vacuum was created by the Nazi defeat. The Russians and Iranians especially are awaiting their opportunity to destroy Israel and bringing the US down is their strategy to get them there. I'm sure as long as Europe can raid our Treasury before our demise, their Socialist leaders don't mind seeing our downfall.
  • This is precisely why the Founding Fathers also warned us about immigration and to be careful and discerning. Those seeking freedom who come here to escape tyranny infuse us with a recent memory of what our ancestors fought to free us from when we get complacent. But we have not heeded their voices and instead allowed the perverted ideas of the Left to gain support from the exact wrong kind of immigrant/invaders who had no desire for liberty but intended to be parasites or conquerors from the start, and certainly had no intention of "becoming American" any more than a burglar who invades your home to steal your belingings has any intention of becoming part of your family. The Left has simply stuffed the ballot boxes with enemies of the United States to destroy us from within.
  • The liberty and freedom come from Chitistian faith, Christ fought this battle for us 2000 years ago died on the Cross for our liberty and freedom, That is our heritage. Our founding fathers accepted the call and they became hands and feet of God to build the New Jerusalem. Now it is time for us to accept the call to continue this battle of liberty and freedom on the 4th of July.
  • Well put.Most people in America are complely unaware of how they came by their freedoms and rights.You hear "My rights" like the believe that their rights just appeared out of thin air.Well their rights have been around the world several times.It took the blood of our armed forces to win those rights.It took the veterans blood who fought to keep America safe who bought those rights.We have an illegal alien who sits in our whitehouse who is preparing to take those rights away from us.I ask the question?Are we going to sit back and let him or are we going to fight.?

  • Well written Esther.  I feel like you are my Sister in the Lord.  Thanks for your awesome testimony of what you see happening to America.  God will surely bless you for it.  This is no time for political correctness.  We must speak the truth in love in these challenging times.  I will stand with you for the Constitution and help be that shining beacon of light on the hill with you!  God bless you and the millions of Americans like you who believe in Freedom, limited government, and the American dream, you are what makes this Country the best in the whole world.  Thanks be to God for you and the Tea Party! 

  • The core ! What you see when you look up from the abyss.


    Thanks Ester and James:  Your story needs to be seen by every American along with James's Video..  It's certainly going out to my lists.. God Bless America and our Free Constitutional Republic,   Bill       

    Re: Ester's Story (above) and Comment by James:   "I am going to share a link. Please watch and get and understanding. When the fight does start use wisdom.

    James's Link:  The art of war.

  • This story reminds me of the first chapter in the book "Cheque Mate: The Game of Princes" wher he talks about a Russian boy who lived in an oppressive country. It isn't until you reach the end of the chapter that you understand he is talking about the U.S.

    "Baker contends that there is a plan for a one-world government and the evidence presented is beyond credible--it's compelling! Baker reveals the "games" these "Princes" of power and intrigue are playing in order to establish a New World Order."
  • Well spoken.  This is what these young kids need today--a lesson in reality to let them know what communism/socialism really means.  This is something they no longer teach.  When I was in school in the 1950's and 1960's they taught what socialism, communism, nazism, and facism were.  Today, they do not bother.  I think they do this so the young will never know until it is too late.  This is something we have to get out.  I think a book should be written quickly with several stories in the book of people who were under communism and what it meant to be citizens of conquered territories that came under communism, etc., either by conquest or by revolution.  This is the only way they will find out.

  • Great article, Esther.

    This fight ain't over until we win!

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