I have been remiss in my duties as "founder??" of the Grey Tigers. That seems a tad presumptuous. I must apologize profusely. I just got tired of 'Black Panther this' and 'Black Panther that.' They are a bunch of p*ssants when they are compared to the greatest generations that ever graced the country. WE, or those whose spirits we honor, fought in the revolution and created the greatest country the world has ever seen or likely will see. WE defended the world in World War I. WE suffered through the great depression. WE fought from one side of the world to the other in World War II. Some of us suffered the brutal conditions in Korea. Younger versions of us went on the thankless mission to Viet Nam. Recently, much younger versions stepped up and took the battle to the minions of evil in the Middle East. WE are dying today in the deserts and mountains of Afghanistan. For what? Braggin' rights? Some twisted ideal of exporting "democracy"? Not all of these folks are really grey tigers in terms of age, but they do personify the values and heritage and honor of the grey tigers among us. We place country first. Most of us, having been in the military or law enforcement, don't seem to pay as much attention to a person's color as their honor and character. All of us are AMERICANS in heart, soul and actions. Then this piddling little covey of black tweety-birds thinks they can intimidate us? GET REAL! Mess with us and know real pain and fear!
Now, what can we do as grey tigers? I don't know about the rest of you, but a trip to DC is a bit of a burden on the limited funds I have to spend. Most of us can make a trip to our state capitol. If, we could get a 100 or so grey tigers to invade the sacrosanct halls of the state legislatures and the executive offices, I bet someone would sit up and listen, especially if we let them know we don't plan to stop there. Politicians are an arrogant species. They believe in their divine right to rule over the unwashed masses. We are too dumb and apathetic to take care of ourselves. They must be our protectors and benefactors. The only time they want to hear from us is at the ballot box. Otherwise sit, down, shut up and let them run our lives in the manner for which we should be grateful. NOT BLOODY LIKELY!
Another thing we can do is stay on our senators and congress-person like stink on poo. These folks like to live in a world of their own making. It really irritates them when a mere mortal has the temerity to disturb their lofty thought processes and deeds of daring-do. They live in a fantasy world of backroom dealing and photo-ops. We on the other hand must live in the real world, a world they have created but don’t live in. Email them every day. It keeps their staff busy. If you don’t have a computer, go to the library with a computer literate friend. If nothing else, drop them a post card. The thing is, stay in their faces (but keep it civil and to the point). And above all don’t let them get away with sending you a form letter. Bring up specific issues and demand (nicely) specific answers, not generalities. I suspect that my name is well known in my senator’s offices. I like it that way. They know I am serious and don’t tolerate being shuffled off to the side. I confess that I am sorely remiss in riding my congressman’s rear-end. Ralph Hall lives in a world of 70 years ago. All he wanted to talk about when I went to visit him was the time he flew F4U Corsairs in WWII. Ok Ralph, get a grip on the 21st Century and live today like the rest of us. Ralph talks the talk, but can’t walk the walk any longer. He sits and stares at the pretty pictures of him and his plane on his office walls. Somehow he has managed to convince the folks in his district the he is still relevant. Actually, he is a relic. I wonder if Allen West would consider relocating to North Texas?
We must clean house at home, then we start running the varmints out of the walls in DC. I strongly suspect that any “cleaning up” we do locally will come to the attention of the miscreants in Washington. We the people still “own” this country. The politicians and bureaucrats still work for us … we pay the darn bills. It’s way past time for us to remind them of this fact.
Right now, several of my acquaintances are concerned that Obamugabe will nullify the next elections and declare himself “great leader for life” or some such nonsense. He may well try. I would put nothing beyond the depravity and deviousness of this man. BUT, there are a lot of us grey tigers … and most of us are armed. It will be a tough takeover and a lot of government agents will most likely wish they were somewhere else before it’s over. As for the military, I think Mr. Obama might find himself high and dry. Oh, there are those who would follow his unlawful orders, but there are a Hell of a lot more that won’t. It is certainly going to be interesting if he does try some such maneuver.
I guess, I need to know just how many grey tigers there are out there. I am in Northeast Texas and lay claim to the handle GreyTigerTX. There must be others as crazy as I out there. I need to know who you are and where you are. I don’t care what political philosophy you profess. The only thing I want to make sure of is that you are an AMERICAN, through and through. Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Constitutionalists, et al: we can be allies long enough to take back our country. Maybe we can grow to be as much of a thorn as the Tea Party. Sounds like fun to me. At my age I need a little excitement.
By His Grace, For His Glory
Peace my friends
Good for you Jody. The only way these minions of the political species will pay attention is when many people stay on their royal butts constantly about issues. When we take the time to e-mail or write or simply yell, they begin to understand that there are people out there who are paying attention and are willing to get involved. An informed, socially active voter scares the Hell out of most of them. Keep the pressure on.
Grey Tiger here as well. I live in NE Tx as well. Louie Gohmert is my congress critter. I do frequently call and or email all reps. There is so much going on all the time that I am sure they are tired of hearing from me. But, still and all, they must.