How to win my vote in 2012

debate questions & answers: Where do you stand on off shore drilling? If it gets us out of foreign oil dependency i'm for It. where do you stand on entitlements? Only vets, elderly, disabled and children should be able to receive government assistance. Where do you stand on foreign policies. There is enough to fix here before we can worry about foreign anything. How would you address our current military situation. I would bring our men home to help rebuild and secure America. Where do you stand on raising income tax? Why not raise corporate tax. What would you do to improve the Economy? Raise foriegn taxes, promote US production by creating a build America Bond sold to Americans only, eliminate the Free Trade Act, cap malpratice compensation, Stop all aid to foreign countries, repeal the Health Care Act, close all duplicate agencies and require states do do the same.



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  • We're borrowing to take care of other countries. The same countries we've helped build are crying because they're not earning enough on our bonds f them they buy our bonds and treasury notes knowing our country is the strongest financially. And the morons in Washington keep spending knowing knowing others will buy our debt. I'm sure if we start taxing foreign imports all of these countries would turn on us. But they all seem comfortable taking more from you and I. @$%*-$##%&** because I'm a lady I'll refrain from the actual word I would love to tell them all!!!!
  • My father always said take care of your own house then take care of others,If we can not take care of our own then we must stop taking care of others
  • I listened to Obama's speach last night and the finger pointing is outrageous. He is supposed to lead not expose his childish rear. Why is the first bill not paid on Aug 3 social security. Not one politicians has said all foreign aid will stop. At least Bohner referenced the phony numbers being tossed around. shows the monthly budgets. Even the commissions that we fund run outrageous budgets. The top personnel raking in outrageous salaries. They think we're all stupid! !!! I am sick of the bull @#$@!!
  • The issues you referenced are those of a true patriot I AGREE WITH ALL OF THEM
  • Obama is NOT a legitament president. He is not born in the USA which is required by the constitution. He should be impeach and we need a special election to have a legal president for the remainder of the term.
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