Hillary Clinton has stated that of the 60,000 emails she exchanged as Secretary of State half or 30,000 were personal. Randall Sorensen, CPA decided to provide Hillary’s boss, the taxpayers with the estimated cost of her lost work productivity. Based on her salary and workplace statistics, Hillary’s emails cost taxpayers $125,000.
Hillary Clinton’s private server will confirm for the FBI whether any classified information was inadvertently passed. The server will also provide an exact timeline of her emails. Randall Sorensen, CPA and Certified in Financial Forensics decided to determine how much Hillary’s personal emails cost American taxpayers.
Mr. Sorensen reviewed Hillary’s tax returns for years 2009 through 2012 and found that as Secretary of State she was paid an average annual salary of $158,000. Presidential candidate tax returns can be viewed at www.taxhisory.org. Also, according to the CATO Institute the average federal worker receives an additional 42% in fringe benefits ($34,000 avg. ben/$81,000 avg. pay). When you multiply her annual salary of $158,000 by 142%, Hillary’s annual cost to taxpayers was $224,000. www.downsizinggovernment.org/overpaid-federal-workers.
Next, Sorensen relied on the McKinsey Global Institute regarding the amount of time worker’s spend on emails. MGI’s research shows employees spend up to 28% of their day on emails. www.mckinsey.com/insights/high_tech_telecoms_internet/the_social_economy.
Therefore, if you multiply Hillary’s annual wages and benefits of $224,000 times 28%, the effective cost to taxpayers for her to read and send emails was $62,700. Since Hillary has stated that 50% (30,000 of 60,000) were personal we would need to multiply $62,700 by 50% for a net cost to her boss, the taxpayers, of $31,350. Multiplying $31,350 times four years as Secretary you arrive at a rather staggering cost of cost of $125,000.
Mr. Sorensen said tongue in cheek, “imagine walking into your boss’s office tomorrow and announcing that you plan to prepare 30,000 personal emails over the next four years at a cost to the company of $125,000 and you expect them to pay for it”. Before attempting this, Sorensen stated “I recommend that your boss have a good sense of humor to prevent your sudden unemployment”.
In summary, Hillary’s urgency to instantly contact a loved one or repairman is human nature. The content of Hillary’s personal emails isn’t any business of the rest of the world….. except maybe when you’re the Secretary of State and your being compensated by hard working taxpayers. Hillary should be applauded for teaching us all a valuable lesson……. emails can and will come back to bite you!