Impossible to impeach ... YET!

It would be impossible to convict on any article of impeachment as things stand right now.  The house could pass such an article; HOWEVER. the senate then would try Osama errr sorry, Obama.  Figuring out in advance the verdict of such a mockery as the current senate trying this so called president is much more simple than becoming a fortune teller .

The senate would fail to convict.  After all many of the people voting on the issues are guilty of the same crimes!

 Again I say ... HOWEVER!

There is an election coming in just over a year from right now that will put one third of this senate's members at risk of losing their jobs.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could begin our campaign right now to replace just 7 or 8 of the 33 that will be standing for election on that fateful day in November of 2014?

  Hmmm Perhaps then....

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  • What difference does it make if it he gets impeached or not, what it does it force the liberal media to report on his crimes, they will spin itm but at least they have to report it and bring out in the open instead of covering all of this up. If the first impeachment doesn't work there are plenty more. He can be tried for derilection of duty and crimes against the people plus all of the economic job destroying lies he has told and keep hidden. If we can impeach someone for having sex and lying about it, then impeaching this character should be a slam dunk. Keep this sob so busy defending himself and keep the media so busy not reporting the truth that maybe some people in this country will wake up to just how dangerous this traitor is. Doing something is better than doing nothing. Keep doing it until one gets through or the American people deman that the media report the truth.

  • Virgil Koon;  You say there are 2 reasons to try Obma for treason.  I have searched for any reason that actually vilolates article IV section 3 Paragraph 1 of the constitutionand haven't found one.  I woould really appreciat you imput on this.

    Here is that section just incase you don't find it quickly and do respond.


    Article IV Section 3 para 1

    “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”

  • The impeachment process would certainly put him on notice that a tremendous number of people are sick and tired of his socialist agenda.

  • Guess we have sensoring with TPCC these days.  I must have written something that someone didn't like..

  • I have to agree with you Richard.  Many have called for President Obama's impeachment, but just like Castro or any other dictator, they have evil, self-serving thugs all around them.  That's how they stay in power so long and get away with doing what they do to the people of their country.

    Impeachment proceedings against Obama would not go very far, but it would give him a lot of negative publicity for sure.

    You are on target with the mid-term elections in 2014 though.  We need to keep the pressure on the Liberals and work together to elect more people on our side in the coming 21 months.

  • I see no hope. Impeachment? He should be tried for treason and should be convicted of 2 counts as the evidence is there. Yet, since the Feds control the Liberal Media their commentators would let him sit on their face as his morning throne!

    How many that ran on and won with the Democratic ticket are really Democrats? I know what that is suppose to mean and that has been long gone! Recently a very honorable black Florida representative told that there are at least 79 Communists in the Senate and House. Obviously under the Party of the Democrats. When much of the media is controlled, as it is in any country takeover, by the Feds it is a no win situation. It happened with Hitler and all the Communist Countries but there is another problem. We have total fools in America that say there is no such thing as Communism! We simple remind them to go there and watch the citizens vote! They cannot!

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