#maga (5)

Trump the Hate

I have recently seen many good people getting verbally attacked for simply expressing optimism and the desire to move forward as a country after the election. Many of them don't even normally offer their opinion politically. But by them simply offering kind words, singing Kumbaya so to speak, and declaring united we stand has just been too much for some. It has triggered the delicate little snowflakes who are currently very sad with the outcome of the election right now. Some people are acting like hysterical arrested development spoiled babies. Despite your worst efforts it will not change the outcome of the election.It is not normal to attack another because of their use of political free speech. Violent riots have no place in a country of law and order. Whatever happened to peaceful protests? No one should feel so intimidated that they can't speak their opinion freely. After all If we don't continue to practice freedom of speech, we will surely lose it. We should all be able to debate and yet avoid physical altercation. You can choose to commiserate without spreading hate. Your current state of emotions does not condone perpetuating violence. Tribalism has been promoted so relentlessly during the last eight years it has continued to divide us like never before in our lifetimes. The leaders of this country need to step up and speak out against the violence in the streets. We cannot tolerate inciting violence, threats of murder on our president elect, his supporters, or anyone else. This behavior is absolutely insane and needs to stop. If this dangerous trend continues we'll completely lose any chance we had at civility.https://youtu.be/1d9lm-T87AQI'm not sure why so many people continue parroting what they hear on the severely discredited main stream media. Their pre-election trust rating was at a dismal 6%! Pollsters have been turned into laughing stocks. The MSM have become mere actors whose job was colluding with the Democrats to dumb us down, while keeping us distracted, and divided. They almost achieved that goal. Instead they should have been bringing Hillary's issues, crimes, and failed policies to the forefront. They acted as an accomplice and turned out to be nothing more than another arm of the Democrat Party. Some of the media outlets have since confessed to their wrong doing and have issued apologies for acting in such manners.The election of Trump has shown itself to be a total repudiation of the last eight years under the sycophant Obama and his administration, corrupt career politicians like Hillary, the establishment Republicans, out of touch Hollywood, and the bought and paid for media. Middle America has clearly had enough.https://youtu.be/Qzl8xjkgXCohttps://youtu.be/Z-IhRL8OwO4http://www.cbsnews.com/news/commentary-the-unbearable-smugness-of-the-press-presidential-election-2016/https://www.google.com/amp/nypost.com/2016/11/11/new-york-times-we-blew-it-on-trump/amp/https://youtu.be/GLG9g7BcjKshttps://youtu.be/2mr9_lY-RrUhttp://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/weekly-updates/judicial-watch-changed-history/My point isn't to try to be callous. The labels, false accusations, and mischaracterization by the left have gone on for far too long. We are not racists, bigots, sexists, or homophobes because we disagree with you on issues or in principle. Like many Americans, I am gravely concerned for the state of our great nation. Just because someone has different views than you does not make them your enemy. There is always room at the table for intelligent discussion.We should all feel bad for anyone who has been victimized by the media and cannot, or doesn't choose to challenge the popular narratives by using critical thinking for themselves. After all most of us are very busy people simply trying to go about our lives. However, some of us have actually paid attention. We are troubled by the current state of affairs and frustrated with the past decade. Despite what they wanted you to believe, we are not in some fantastic financial recovery stage with Obama. Much of the mistake was to keep repeating the lies while much of America is hurting. The real numbers never backed up those claims. And if you dedicate a few minutes you could learn what the Democrats really think about everyday Americans, including minorities. They are on record calling Latino communities "taco bowls" have degraded blacks and Catholics and the list goes on, and on. Some of the actions Hillary has taken throughout the years are highly criminal. I ask you to spend a small amount of time and you will find an onslaught of information where you could view in their own words through Wikileaks (which has an impeccable record mind you), or many other sources that use investigative reporting, such as the Project Veritas videos. The truth is out there.WikiLeaks - DNC email databasehttps://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archivehttps://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/It's amazing, and sickening to many of us that Hillary was even on the ticket. We often asked ourselves, "How could this anathema ever be that close to the White House once again?"The Democrats tried to hoodwink the American people. I don't blame you for buying into the hype however. The media applied a relentless full court press of propaganda and fake polls throughout the entire campaign. She effectively stole the Democratic nomination and nearly stole the Presidency. They really did a great disservice to the American people. Many of us want the truth, and demand transparency from our public servants from both sides of the political spectrum.Fortunately the truth resonated with enough people who were completely fed up with our corrupt and broken system. We are sick and tired of pay to play dirty politics. Career politicans never have the American people's interest in mind. The majority of the American people do not want others to live decadent off others misfortune. Obama's policies have played a significant role in the stunning defeat of Democrats at every level across the nation.http://www.nationalreview.com/article/442105/obama-hillary-clinton-2016-defeat-democratsMind you Donald Trump may not the perfect choice for everyone, but the election results have overwhelmingly shown a shift that is undeniable and impossible to ignore. Despite popular belief, Trump had broad appeal among many groups. Many of which the Democrats have continually taken for granted. It became clear to many he was the only choice. He was the only candidate that could possibly bring down the Clinton machine.https://youtu.be/yhUXSX3ZnpEClinton has been proven to be the most corrupt career politician to ever run for president. She made Nixon look like child's play. She will never represent me or Millions of others.Trump and the Republicans have continously been falsely labeled by the left.Lets take a look at some of their favorite monikers:Bully?- Hillary bullied, and threatened all of her husbands rape accusers. Let's also not forget he settled on some of those cases. She even defended a known child rapist and laughed about getting him off. This continues to haunt his victim every day.Sexist?- The new form of feminism is the ultimate form of sexism. Hillary's only positive is that she was a woman. That is all she had going for her. She couldn't run on her miserable record because she hasn't done anything in 30 years.Racist?- Hillary has referred to a former Grand Master of the KKK as a great friend and one of her mentors. She has called African Americans professional never do wells, and super predators etc..www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/08/25/hillary-clinton-friend-mentor-robert-byrd-kkk/amp/http://theblacksphere.net/2016/10/hillary-clinton-calls-blacks-professional-never-do-wells/Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has decades of making anti-Semitic, anti-black, anti-Indian (both Native Americans and Asians), and anti-Latino statements. Why is Trump a racist and Hillary is not?http://downtrend.com/71superb/top-ten-examples-of-hillary-clintons-racism-the-media-chooses-to-ignoreEvil?- Rules for radicals is a book in which was dedicated to Lucifer by the author Saul Alinsky in which describes how to gain power and control, fight dirty, and that the ends always justify the means when gaining political power. Sound familiar? She loved it so much she wrote Alinsky personal fan mail letters, and even based her senior thesis on it.https://archive.org/stream/RulesForRadicals/RulesForRadicals_djvu.txthttp://www.conservapedia.com/Saul_Alinsky#/image/File:Hillary_letter1.pngSome of her supporters have a very twisted sense of reality. Their desire to incite hate and attack half of America for their beliefs is very disheartening. Please inform yourself on the issues and turn off Rachel Maddow, the View, and the Clinton News Network.During this time it's becoming very clear to many of us how "tolerant" many liberals really are.It is time to get past the name calling and promote freedom and liberty.If you are skeptical about what I'm saying, good. You can look it up for yourself. And when you learn the truth for yourself is when it will become most powerful, and very clear.Despite what side your on we must continue to remain objective, demand accountability, transparency, and hold Trumps feet to the fire, keeping him honest and working for us.I ask you not to pick a party, I ask you to align with the truth. Stop the nonsense, root for all of America to thrive, while we Make America Great Again.
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