24 September 2010
Rally for Bradley Manning
By Ryan HarveyAt a rally Sunday, September 18, 2010, outside of the
gates of Quantico Marine Base in Virginia, Iraq veterans
spoke on behalf of a soldier imprisoned inside,
Pfc. Bradley Manning.
Manning has been held in solitary confinement at Quantico
for almost three months now, accused of being the source
of the “Collateral Murder” video which was released in April
by the online whistleblower web site WikiLeaks. The video
shows US forces firing 30 mm cannons from helicopter
gunships into a crowd in Baghdad, killing over a dozen
Iraqis, including two Reuters journalists, and seriously
wounding two children.
The government has intimated that Manning may also be
considered the source of the “Afghan War Diaries,” a series
of almost 100,000 documents pertaining to the Afghan war
published in July by WikiLeaks, which all together
constitute the largest leak in military history.
A former soldier from the ground unit that responded to the
helicopter shooting seen in the now-infamous video
described the incident as a typical moment in his 2007
deployment to Baghdad as part of the Surge. “It was by
no means abnormal,” said the former soldier, Josh Stieber
, who served 14 months in the New Baghdad neighborhood.
In a previous interview with me, Stieber and two other soldiers
from his unit, Bravo Company 2-16, detailed the paradox of
attempting to “win hearts and minds” while systematically
abusing people. “I think it illustrates why we shouldn’t put
soldiers in that situation” he said of the video.
“That’s what the war looks like,” he told the crowd Sunday,
while explaining that those who leak such information to the
public are doing a service to the country. “It’s important in order
to even have a conversation on [these wars] where soldiers are
supposedly fighting on behalf of the American public,” he added
, “for the American public to realize what kinds of situations
soldiers are being put into.”
[I believe it is time for politicians to quit meddling in
military matters! How are soldiers suppose to 'serve country'
when you politicians keep getting in the way?
This isn't about you politician(even though you THINK it is)
This situation is all the more reason to put military
General into the position of US President.]