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A Rapper’s Hell Hole Delight

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

gsd-1.jpg?profile=RESIZE_710xI don’t know about the rest of you…but when I feel the need to gain a clear, concise understanding of things…and when I say “things” I mean…you know…stuff…I shut down the radio, turn off the TV, and step away from any and all of my run of the mill sources and go directly, with great alacrity to…


Once on instragram…I begin looking for the correspondents who always seem to have THE best grip on all the things…and by “things” I mean stuff…that affects us all…


And among the legions of celebrities who populate Instagram, there exists a sub-category where wisdom is found which rivals that purported to reside in Hindu sages who sit atop the mountains of Tibet…


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