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Being a Tea Party member places a HUGE target on your back.  The tax exempt scandal proved that the IRS will go to great lengths to deprive honest Americans their constitutional rights.  I contacted the IRS Criminal Investigation Unit on May 9th, 2014 and informed them that I could verify whether President Obama was a tax fraud in 1 minute!  The IRS sent me a letter on May 20th, 2014 stating that my Whistleblower Form 211 didn’t contain an original signature.  This was a blatant lie on behalf of the IRS.  I suspect the IRS “lost” my signed original in the same manner they lost Lois Lerner’s emails.  I mailed a second “signed” Form 211 on May 30th, 2014.  The IRS has never launched an investigation to determine whether Barack Obama committed a felony by willfully failing to pay his federal taxes.   


  1. Chairman Dave Camp of the Joint Tax Committee can request Barack Obama’s IRS Account Transcript for 1990.  At a minimum, this would confirm that BO failed to pay social security taxes on his book advance and currently owes the U.S. Treasury between $43,000 and $130,000.

  2. Congress can subpoena Barack Obama’s social security earnings records for 1990.  Don’t worry about the CIA trying to redact these records.  If 1990 isn’t available, then subpoena every year from 1991 through 2014.  Records can be altered but computer forensics will leave a complete picture of the fraud.

  3. American Center for Law and Justice Attorney Jay Sekulow can file a lawsuit to obtain the release of Barack Obama’s social security records under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).    

  4. Subpoena Harvard Law School financial aid department to verify timing of $43,000 in student loans from 1988 through 1991.  Did BO defraud the federal government by pleading poverty on his student loan applications after he was flush with cash after receiving a $75,000 book advance?

  5. Congress can extract Barack Obama’s 2006 Senate Financial Disclosure Report.  Did President Obama submit a fraudulent report by failing to report an outstanding federal tax liability approaching $40,000. 


  1. Barack Obama would have needed to write out a check to the Internal Revenue Service for $26,490 just four and ½ months after receiving his $75,000 book advance in November of 1990.  BO’s personal accountant may have filed an amended tax return in later years but he would have conveniently forgotten that the book advance required BO to pay the IRS $8,370 in social security taxes. 

  2. Barack Obama was incompetent when he prepared his 2001 tax return.  He made 10 math errors, prepared three different versions, claimed phantom income of $21,000 and overpaid his taxes by $7,300.

  3. BO remembered grass falling from his grandmother’s apron in the book Dreams From My Father.   How is it possible that BO could recall events that happened 25 years ago but can’t remember the content of his speech he read five minutes earlier without the aid of a teleprompter?

  4. Barack Obama accumulated 17 parking tickets while attending Harvard and paid just two in February of 1990.  Nine months later BO received a $75,000 book advance but made no attempt to pay his delinquent parking tickets.

  5. Barack Obama received book income of $1.5 million in 2005.  Why did BO wait to pay his delinquent Harvard parking tickets just two weeks before announcing his candidacy for President in 2007?

 I’m the only Certified Public Accountant that has been involved in an Impeachment Trial of a presiding Governor in the last 70 years. If I’m wrong about President Obama being a tax fraud I will personally pay my way to Guantanamo Bay.  Let the water boarding begin!



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Author: Brian D. Hill

Source: USWGO Alternative News
From image of their press releases and believed to be under public domain government image.
From every action we have been seeing from the Transportation Security Agency and the VIPR Teams (Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response Operation) is it a way of preparing us for concentration camps when they are ready for American citizens? Lets do a comparison with footage of how the Nazis treated the prisoners at concentration camps and how people are being treated by our countries security officials today and see the resemblance.

First of all in the Nazi Concentration camps they ordered the Hitlers mad power grab victims off the trains to meet their doom at the Concentration camps that the victims were ordered to cooperate with the Nazi soldiers as they were processed at the concentration camps. Even the MTV Commercial showed what would happen if the same incident that happened during Adolf Hitlers reign happened on American soil.

MTV Commercial and portion from (Anne Frank Movie) showing the treatment of the victims and then show a video of how people getting off of a train at stations are being treated by VIPR security forces:

So these two videos show how aggressive the NAZI Soldiers following a tyrannical leader are and how they treat passengers coming off of a train or subway car now below a WPTV news news report where VIPR teams are occupying America in the name of “security,” having expanded from airports to forcing people exiting trains to submit to bag searches and being dehumanized. Why do these both seem to similar? Because the Pentagon, Northcom, and the Bilderberg Group is preparing Americans to get used to and accept being thrown in a Concentration Camp or FEMA Camp is the new term these days.

The 2nd comparison is that during World War II during the time that there were NAZI concentration camps, the processing centers were taking everything including Jewelry from the camp victims, then forced identification numbers on all the processed victims, then forced them to strip naked like piggies (Both men and women got to see the concentration camp victims naked there was no privacy for them as they were being humiliated) then had their hair forcefully cut off then they were completely processed as slaves in the concentration camps until they get sick then they are thrown into the gas chambers to rot and die.

Some of the same NAZI tactics are being moved into airports under the guise of airport Security the Transportation Security Agency (TSA) squads steal peoples non-weapon possessions then force a grope-down in front of people watching or forced through a highly detailed naked body scanner. So the similar tactics between the TSA Agents and the NAZIs at Concentration Camps are that they both use humiliation and dehumanization as tactics to degrade their humanity into that of cattle or piggies.

Several videos and article links below show proof that the TSA is actively engaging in dehumanization and molestation tactics under the guise of security at public international airports.

6 Year Old Girls being openly Groped By TSA Agents is the same as the NAZI soldiers engaging in NAZI dehumanization tactics by tyrants. When they declare that it is okay to grope little girls like pedophiles then we have truly lost our humanity to dehumanization.

Newark Liberty Airport screener charged with stealing electronics from luggage

Has the TSA stolen from you? – This Just In – Budget Travel

TSA Screening Supervisor Admits to Stealing from Passengers – AOL Travel News

TSA agents busted for stealing from luggage | DailyProsecutor

TSA Workers Admit To Stealing Huge Amounts Of Cash From Passengers

TSA pat-down leaves traveler covered in urine – Travel – News –

So how come what VIPR and the TSA Agents seem so similar to what the NAZIs did to the prisoner victims of the concentration camps? Because tyrants like to use dehumanization as a means to reduce the humanity of the population so that they won’t fight back because they are too busy feeling violated and humiliated.

So does this mean that VIPR and the TSA is preparing us for when Martial Law happens then Concentration camps in the United States will be completely legal by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)?

You decide when enough is enough!

Brian D. Hill is a Federaljack and USWGO Alternative News reporter. Mr. Hill has autism and severe type 1 diabetes. Mr. Hill writes as a volunteer writer/reporter and makes no commission off of any of his work. Mr. Hill gives his work for the public good as a truth advocate. You can send him news tips at admin @
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