comprehensive (1)

Now Hear This:

This article  by George F. Will, is one of the worst pieces of tripe I have ever read on the subject of so-called “immigration.”

 How can this  man,  with his unremarkable views, call himself a conservative  when he is so eager to  collude with  the surrendering of our country to “La Reconquista?”

Conservatives believe in conserving the republic for their posterity, not surrendering it as a petri dish experiment in social engineering for the elites, to pave the way for the ascendancy of Big Brother.

“The last gasp of white America; understand that!”- says the cheeky Mechista.

 What part of this affirmation from a hostile foreign power—in  active annexation of American territory—does  Mr. Will not understand?

 It is completely beyond comprehension how a man of such great intelligence as Mr. Will, can comport himself as a pigeon-brain and lackey of vested interests.

 What Tower of Babel would he build, in his quest for “vibrancy?”

How can the reader take any of Mr. Will’s madcap notions  seriously—most particularly regarding “assimilation” of the Mexican  peasant army-- when he lacks a basic grasp of what constitutes  “immigration,”  as he fails to differentiate wholesale invasion of America, from valid immigration policy.

Should not a pundit be able to winnow-out the sugar granule from a pile of sand, like the wise ant?

This writer believes that it was Fred Thompson who said that it is “time to start offending people” and this article falls into alignment with that view, as it deals with politicians and journalists who would unremittingly force the Mexican conquest onto the American people against their will.

 This republic does not need snake-oil salesmen or traitors in the sacred halls of government or media.

The American people will not eat this “bad penny” which continually returns like a nightmare, no matter how many times the American people swat it down, or how many times the central bankers try to shove it down our throats.

We the People, are sick-to-death of the quislings who infest the Beltway and the airwaves, continually exhorting us to solve Mexico’s domestic and international  problems !

According to Mr. Will, “Many Republicans see in immigrants only future Democratic votes.”

Wrong!   Such a Simple Simon view and warped weltanschauung  must  be  discounted with mocking laughter, cat calls and hisses.

 It must also be directly challenged with facts and reality.

Conservatives see a territorial incursion—in the form of a blatant race war— prosecuted against the United States of America by Mexico and  Mr. Will,  would encourage us to open wide the gates of Rome to the barbarians who have come—by their own admission-- to supplant Americans!

 Has George Will ever read the works of the great Patrick J. Buchanan, regarding the “bright shining lie” of free trade?

 If he had, he would not be waxing sentimental about Bill Clinton and NAFTA:

“ But President Bill Clinton, refuting opposition — much of it from Democrats — to the North American Free Trade Agreement, splendidly said: “Protectionism is just a fancy word for giving up.”

 Is  Mr. Will aware of Mr. Buchanan’s  take on the subject  of attempting to “assimilate” an obvious invader? 

 Does Mr. Will not understand what constitutes national suicide, in the form of any tolerance for a vigorously professed genocidal race war against white America?

It was Mexico which first established the concept of  “Deguello,”  which is the belief that no quarter be given to the enemy.

Tell  us, Mr. Will;  how tenderly did Mexican forces treat the small band of American defenders at the Alamo?

 Is it not you, with the “dim memory?”

Should America not return the “favor” in this Second Mexican War, by following the ground rules of engagement first established by Mexico?

Mr. Will asks the question: “Are we sure they are resisting assimilation?” 

This has got to be the most asinine question of all time, betraying the mindset of  those politicians and pundits,  who exhort us to play fair with an invader,  as if it were a civil rights or constitutional issue.

Americans are “pretty sure” that the Mexican nationals in our midst—telling Anglo-Saxon America to “go back to Europe”—are not too keen on any idea of assimilation with the “gringo.”

  "We have an aging white America. . . . They are dying. . . . They are shitting  in their pants with fear! I love it!   We have got to eliminate the gringo and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst,  we have got to kill him.”

--Jose Angel Gutierrez, professor, University of Texas, Arlington; founder of La Raza Unida political party; and beneficiary of American generosity. 

 Will talks about the “East Germanization”  of  the Mexican border, implying that  one  race or people is being kept apart, when such comparisons are the equivalent of erecting a straw man argument for Mexican annexation of the American heartland.    

Mexican nationals-by their own cheeky admission—are here to “take over.”

The American people have “had it” with the Mexican invasion and are in no mood to suffer the indignity of serving as a cash cow and financial slave to wretched  mestizos and degenerate lawmakers, especially when our own people are living in tent cities alongside the railroad tracks of major metropolitan areas.

It is the position of the American people that the U.S. is the cradle of the Anglo-Saxon race, NOT the Mexican, no matter how many Mexican eggs are deposited by stealth warfare, in the nest of the American Eagle  as  a switcheroo.

George Will makes a spurious and unenlightened charge that: “Opposition to immigration because the economy supposedly cannot generate sufficient jobs is similar defeatism. Zero-sum reasoning about a fixed quantity of American opportunity is for a United States in a defensive crouch, which is not for conservatives.”

“Supposedly," he says? 

George Will must also imagine that  disenfranchised young Americans are going to shoulder paying for  “Obamacare,”  if he subscribes to the absurd notion that opportunity is endless during a time  of universal, worldwide depression.  Never mind granting concessions to invaders with no strings attached.

Does this brilliant “solon” not know that one third of  Americans  are out of work—that AMERICAN college graduates cannot find work to pay off their student loans and that thirty year-olds are living with Mom and Dad?

Does he think it a good idea that young  Americans  of all colors—including Hispanic Americans--- be unable to have a future, because their living space and jobs have been stolen by interlopers from the Third World?

Does Mr. Will not see how the central bankers have hijacked America and that these third world hordes come at the behest of vested interests, to  be employed as corporate shock troops and modern-day  “Hessians” against the American people?

Does Mr. Will fathom what is at stake here?  Does he understand that this nation and its future belongs  to the American people and  NOT  the Third World, or the United Nations?

The real state of our Union is that it is in dire straits, due to the fact that irresponsible and criminal lawmakers seem hell- bent on forcing young Americans—who are living in their parents’ basement—to surrender their collective future to an alien race and culture.

 Now hear this:  No American should have to compete for jobs with third world wretches in his own country.

This position is the only course which will ensure that Americans remain an  exceptional people—based on ONE common culture-- rather than a mish-mash of debt slaves and what President Theodore Roosevelt described as a “tangle of squabbling nationalities.”

The American  people  are here to remind the Beltway that We the People, are NOT the Santa Claus of the World, nor are we  debt slaves to the banksters.

We further assert that the traditional host/parasite relationship between the United States of America and Mexico is O-V-E-R.

 The American people are embroiled in the Second American Revolution, to throw off the debt shackles to usury.  They do not have time to entertain any nonsense from border-breachers regarding their  “rights,” based on a sense of their own self-entitlement.

 The American people  are resolved to return these wretched scarecrows of  “La Reconquista” back to from whence they came, so that they may prosecute their own revolution in Mexico City, rather than meddle in and subvert the American political process.

 The occupation army of 40 million Mexican nationals must be forcibly expelled from American territory—if they refuse to self-deport-- before the American people feel inclined to grant any concession to Mexico.

They—unlike Speaker Boehner—will not surrender an inch, until Mexico comes to the  glaring realization that its bid for carving a “new mestizo nation” out of American territory is NOT going to happen, no matter what kind of a ruckus they think they are going to make.

Mexico must be punished for its arrogant stance, by being forced to sign articles of surrender, so that  in future,  it  makes no “politically incorrect”  mistake about American resolve to repel the  Mexican incursion.

 The American people require  clarification from Mexico regarding what it deems American and what it sees as distinctly Mexican, as the present definition by Mexico engenders the grapes of wrath for our people.

This stance of the American people, is non-negotiable and any lawmaker  or  pundit who imagines otherwise, will self-immolate politically.

Is George Will  aware of the number of people on food stamps?   What planet is Mr. Will from?  Seriously!

Does he really imagine that we as a people,  should simply lie down for his absurd argument, not to mention the insult he made against Americans, with his patronizing assessment of our “dim memories?”

These are the ravings of a “whacko bird.”  

 “Many are understandably disposed against immigration because they have only dim memories of a more dynamic United States and have ‘little aptitude for politics’ suited to, and aimed at restoring, vibrancy.”

Hogwash!  This is an insult to the intelligence of a vigilant, deliberate and revolutionary people.

This writer remembers when America was  ninety percent white.  Will  is not addressing a dumbed-down audience, as there are millions of Americans who  remember when America was powerful, feared, respected…and  “vibrant” based on the achievements of Anglo-Saxon Americans—not an alleged “Muslim achievement in space” contribution to NASA.

George Will —through his condescending attitude—has betrayed himself as an elitist and tool of the central bank.  

 It is he, who  obviously  has “little aptitude for politics,” at least in the wide-awake sense.

 Nor does he possess a rapport with or empathy for, the serious plight of the American people, for if he did, he would not be a carnival shill for amnesty.

 Like most establishment types, Mr. Will functions as a vassal and jumping jack cheerleader for the vested interests.  He serves as an intellectual prostitute.  

He promotes the sunset of decline—even as he professes “vibrancy.”

 Will paints an abstract picture when he   states:  “A mass murder committed by mostly Saudi terrorists resulted in an almost limitless amount of money being made available for the deportation of Mexican house-painters.”

 Such a vainglorious attempt to evoke sympathy for Mexican invaders--by painting them as innocent victims-- is  a  “no-fly zone” for the American people.

This is patently untrue, as evidenced by the recent thwarted plans of Mechistas,  who intended to march on Washington D.C., demanding their “rights”  to annex America  for Mexico.

It’s not about "house painters,"  but it is about the theft of  America and American jobs,  through Mexican invasion and the corresponding end of the American Dream.

The American people can admire the two Mexican men who walked barefoot across a fiery desert,  in order to save their shoes for employment.  We would welcome such men as honored guest workers in our agricultural industry, where they do not directly compete with Americans.

 But first, the American people require final clarification from Mexico, regarding its territorial ambitions, as we ostensibly came to accord with that nation in 1848 and there is a question as to who owns what in Mexico's national psyche.

 Mexico has a sense of self-entitlement to the American landscape, based on a roughly 25 year tenancy.

Maybe California should be returned to Russia, due to the occupation of Fort Ross--which predates the Mexican claim-- under this  demented  line of reasoning?

The American people too,  have a “set of principles” and a cardinal principle is that  this nation does not reward interlopers, nor does it transfuse its lifeblood into the veins of the invader.

Any agreement between the United States and Mexico must be predicated on Mexico’s understanding that it has NO CLAIM HERE.

The American taxpayer does NOT owe Mexican nationals one thin dime.  These parasites  are NOT the responsibility of our people.

The governed will deny their consent to any special consideration for Mexican nationals, until Mexico signs formal articles of surrender, in this Second Mexican War  AND  agrees to make provision for the upkeep and accountability of its nationals, while they are guests here, including retroactive restitution to American victims of the Mexican crime wave.

Further,  due to the current criminal history of  Mexican  interlopers  in America; the American people insist that Mexico build service centers in America—at their own expense, much  like America does at Gitmo in Cuba-- in order to isolate its nationals from the general population, as we are discussing slave labor for corporate America here, NOT  potential American citizens.

 Mexican nationals have lost any chance for tolerance from the Americans they have victimized.

How keen will the proponents of CIR and amnesty  be, when they realize that Mexico must meet ALL financial obligations for housing, education, entertainment,  medical and dental care and providing a social safety net in the form of a Mexican social  security program for its own people,  while they are guests here?

Mexico is a nation wealthy in natural resources and tourist destinations and can well afford to pay its own way, rather than sponging off the American people, as a common carrion crow.

Any “comprehensive immigration reform” plan which fails to hold Mexico financially accountable for its own nationals while they are guests here, will be grossly unacceptable to the American people.

 Mexican obligations must be outlined before any forward momentum can take place in bilateral relations between invader and the one invaded.

 Such an article of surrender requires documentation, as we are discussing matters of race  war  here—not  “immigration.”

 It is NOT the responsibility of the American taxpayer to subsidize his own demise, nor grant “citizenship” to a cheeky invader.

The American people regard the absurdity of alleged "dual citizenship," to be nothing more than a ploy of war.

"Comprehensive immigration reform"  means   holding Mexico accountable for prosecuting  a blatant race war against America.


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