enlightment (1)

Test Yourself

Anger Test - Abridged

Is your temper under control?


Do stress and anxiety interfere with your life?

Arguing Style

How your arguing style impacts your relationships.


Do you stand up for yourself?


Can't concentrate? Learn how to focus your attention.

Attention Span Test

Do you focus on a task or zone out?

Bipolar Depression Quiz

Are your emotional highs and lows normal?

Blood Pressure Quiz

Are you one of the 65 million Americans at risk?

Burnout (For Non-Service Industries)

Are you pushing yourself too hard?

Burnout (For Service Industries)

Are you pushing yourself too hard?

Can you be an Entrepreneur?

Find out if your success lies in the business world.

Career Advancement

Do you have the skills and attitude to move up?


Is caregiving the job for you?

Commitment Readiness

Are you ready to commit?

Communication Skills

Are delivering your message loud and clear?


Can you focus on the task at hand?

Coping Skills

How well do you react to rough times?

Creative Problem-Solving

Don't get stuck in a rut.


Can you take negative feedback like a pro?


Are you suffering from depression?

Does worrying affect your health?

Find out if your fretting is taking a toll.

Driving Personality

Do you need to cool your jets?

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