fight (10)

By: Juan Reynoso, WTP – activist -     STAND FOR AMERICA

Corruption and the lack of transparency it’s like a cancer that demise the trust of the people in our government and kill our Democracy.

Why the Clinton foundation the Charity Mega Global-Fraud- is immune from prosecution?

This predatory criminal enterprise destroyed the trust of the people on Charity organizations that are doing good to society.

The Clintons just shut down their criminal enterprise “The Clinton Global Initiative”. This enterprise which took in billions of dollars in donations from individuals, companies, and foreign governments and benefit their donor’s self-interest was call “Pay to play”. This was a criminal enterprise that never was investigate or made public by the corporate news media or the U.S. Department of justice after become apparent even to the most stupid dumb idiot.

The question is why; Some of those defrauded include sovereign nations that are beyond the intimidation and threats that the Clintons are famous for.  All it will take,  is one country to open a case against the Clintons to get the Clintons to be accountable for their criminal activities, because here in our country no one have the moral conviction to stop these criminals.

We voted for Donald Trump to clean up our country from these corrupt criminals, predators that seek opportunities to get rich at the expenses of the poor, pretending that they are working to alleviate their poverty, hunger and promote education to make our world a more economic just, for poor people. The Clinton Global Initiative was a self-serving criminal enterprise a fraud that needs to be expose, investigate and prosecute to send a clear message to all these Charity organizations that are in operation under the pretense that they are in place to help the people that need the most and alleviate poverty and hunger in this injustice world where corporate and government collusion are the biggest roadblock for human justice.

Please send letters to your Washington representatives and demand an investigation and the prosecution of the Clintons.  We must stop impunity and being immune from prosecution because their political- government position or being rich and famous. We have laws in our country and no one is above the law.

“On August 22, President Trump called for a special prosecutor to investigate the Clinton Foundation, adding that the Justice Department and the FBI can't be trusted to "quickly or impartially investigate Hillary Clinton's new crimes". He promises to the people to clean-up the Washington corruption and the “Pay to Play system of corruption, now is the time to enforce our laws. Investigate and prosecute the Clintons and all the ones that commit perjury and betray our trust in our government.

Clinton Foundation Shuts Down After Allegations of Corruption.

List of The Clinton Foundation’s Most Questionable Foreign Donations

Paid Speeches for the Clinton Foundation.

Seek the truth about the Clinton’s foundation.

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Please seek the truth.  If you really want to make a difference a get justice for the average working and poor Americans, seek the truth about corruption in our police and the U.S. Dept. of Justice in our country and expose their crimes and corrupt working system.

Reporting the truth is of most important in this matter. Please seek the truth on the following.

1-     All police killings and investigations done by their internal affairs-Results

2-     Police brutality-Abuse of power complains – investigations of these cases results

3-     Police planting evidence in the car or home of suspected criminals to make their case.

4-     Police traffic corrupt system to exploit the poor people that can’t fight their cases in court

5-     Police court corruption and privatization  of the legal system

6-     Cities and corporate collusion to exploit taxpayers- focus on purchase-construction-services

7-     Cities property tax collection and expenses

8-     Fire Dept. operation and expenses- Labor-Management-other expenses.

9-     Federal Government Agencies what they do and why-Benefits to the people if any.

Here is a list of Government Agencies you may want to investigate. Amy news sends it to the alternatives news media.  

Cut out nearly ALL of the alphabet soup.....and the problem is pretty much solved:


Agency for Health Care Policy and Research


Administration on Aging


Architect of the Capitol


Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms


Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry


Bureau of Economic Analysis


Bureau of Indian Affairs


Bureau of Labor Statistics


Bureau of Land Management


Bureau of Prisons


Bureau of Transportation Statistics


Congressional Budget Office


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Commodity Futures Trading Commission


Central Intelligence Agency


Corporation for National and Community Service


Consumer Product Safety Commission


Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension


Defense Attache (Embassy)


Domestic Collections Division (CIA)


Deputy Chief of State for Operations and Plans (Air Force)


Drug Enforcement Administration


Defense Logistics Agency


Defense Intelligence Agency


Defense Security Service


Defense Information Systems Agency


Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board


Department of Commerce


Department of Defense


Department of Energy


Department of the Interior


Department of Justice


Department of Labor


Department of Transportation


Defense Security Cooperation Agency


Economic Development Administration


Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


Environmental Protection Agency


Employment Standards Administration


The Economic and Statistics Administration


Export-Import Bank of the United States


Federal Aviation Administration


Federal Bureau of Investigation


Farm Credit Administration


Federal Communications Commission


Food and Drug Administration


Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


Federal Election Commission


Federal Emergency Management Agency


Federal Energy Regulatory Commission


Federal Housing Finance Board


Federal Labor Relations Authority


Federal Maritime Commission


Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service


Financial Management Service


Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission


Food and Nutrition Service


Federal Railroad Administration


Farm Service Agency


Federal Transit Administration


Federal Trade Commission


United States Fish and Wildlife Service


General Accounting Office


Government Printing Office


General Services Administration


Health Care Financing Administration


Department of Health and Human Services


Health Resources and Services Administration


Institute of Museum and Library Services


Immigration and Naturalization Service


Indian Health Service


Internal Revenue Service


International Trade Administration


Joint Chiefs of Staff


Library of Congress


Legal Services Corporation


Maritime Administration


Minority Business Development Agency


Minerals Management Service


Mine Safety and Health Administration


Merit Systems Protection Board


National Archives and Records Administration


National Aeronautics and Space Administration


National Capital Planning Commission


National Credit Union Administration


National Endowment for the Humanities


National Imagery and Mapping Agency


National Institute of Standards and Technology


National Institutes of Health


National Labor Relations Board


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Nuclear Regulatory Commission


National Park Service


Natural Resources Conservation Service


National Security Agency/Central Security Service


National Science Foundation


National Technical Information Service


National Telecommunications and Information Administration


National Transportation Safety Board


Comptroller of the Currency


Overseas Private Investment Corporation


Office of Personnel Management


Office of Special Counsel


Occupational Safety and Health Administration


Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission


Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement


Office of Thrift Supervision


Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation


Postal Rate Commission


Program Support Center


Patent and Trademark Office


Pension and Welfare Benefit Administration


Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration


Small Business Administration


Securities and Exchange Commission


Smithsonian Institution


State Justice Institute


Social Security Administration


Surface Transportation Board


Trade and Development Agency


Department of the Army


Agency for International Development


Bureau of Reclamation


United States Coast Guard


Department of Agriculture


Forest Service


United States Information Agency


United States Institute of Peace


United States International Trade Commission


Department of the Navy


United States Geological Survey


Office of Government Ethics


United States Parole Commission


United States Postal Service


United States Secret Service


Department of Veterans Affairs




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We can control our economy through cooperatives.

By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist  -

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

We seek the truth and let the people know. Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

Fellow Americans, The elite of our financial and political system have transformed our Republic and democratic system into a Plutocracy system of government. Our politicians and the supreme court have surrender their political obligation and moral duty to protect the people of these United states to the small minority of the wealthiest citizens that own the Banks and big corporations in this country; today we have these rich people running our country and getting rich by monopolizing, fraud, corruption, exploitation and robing the American people of their wealth and economy future and they are committing these crimes with impunity with the help of our US government. Corporations do not have countries; they are the world’s predators.

The demise of our country’s economy and the slavery of the American people it is done by the few rich people that control our country; they control our economy, the news media, the internet, technology, manufacturing, Agriculture, our jobs and our future. Well today is the time to fight back. Enough is enough. We are Americans and our freedom will never be compromise, controlling us by using fear to keep us where they want us to be; is their biggest fallacy.  So in light of that, we will show them that we are truly free, we are those who just don’t care about what will happen to us if we resist this oppression. In short, the people who have true freedom are those with nothing left to lose; this is the legacy of our founding fathers they risk everything for freedom.

Fellow Americans, our enemy are the Bankers, the financial system and the corporations. This war is about money, they sin and commit these crimes for the love of money; and our weapon is money; we will not waste our time in public demonstrations or public unrest; this is the strategy that will destroy them and change our world for the better. The only thing that we must think is; “UNITY WILL SET US FREE”. The following is our strategy:

1-     Pull all your money from the interstates Banks and deposit in your local credit unions.

2-     Pull 75% of your retirement account and form a coop - investing groups to invest in real estate Real Estate must be pay in full and return after expenses should be 10%. In 2016 millions of Americans will lose their homes and rental property will be on demand.

3-     Form cooperatives to be part of the working force to be employed (Workers coop)

4-     Form cooperatives to form grocery, clothing and electronic retail stores; to support your local economy. This year many retail stores owned by US corporations will close; this is a great opportunity to take over these stores and convert them to coops stores.

5-     Form cooperatives to farm organic produce for your local market. Corporate farming use Monsanto products that are killings us; we must promote organic farming to protect our health.  

This cooperative strategy will create jobs for you and free you from the greedy sycophants that want to destroy us, the working class of this country. We got the power to demise the plutocrats, promote local business, and invest in your community and state in manufacture, farming and distribution.

Working together means winning together follow your moral and ethical convictions do the right thing in all circumstances, even if no one is watching you. We must build trust and integrity in our community; be true to yourself and do nothing that will demean or dishonors you and demise your integrity.

"Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody is going to know whether you did it or not."  Oprah Winfrey.

Spread the word. To share this please clicks here       Share

What is a Co-operative?

Steps in forming a cooperative.

SBA. Info on Cooperatives.

Cooperative Examples

Texas Coop Power.

Texas Electric cooperatives.

Cooperation Texas.

Texas Agriculture coop.

Corporate slavery

Wal-Mart biggest  ruthless corporate slaver.

Comcast is the worst company.

Coca Cola killers sycophants.

Plutocrats at work.

Corporate crime

Monsanto: the most Evil Company in the Universe. {Here’s Why}

Dow Chemical, number one killer of people

Low-Wage  predator Capitalism

The worst U.S. predators- Wal-Mart, Coca-Cola and Union Carbide/Dow Chemical

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Let’s pray for our freedom. 6-27-14

Let’s pray for our freedom. 6-27-14

Lord, we thank you for all your blessings and for giving us America the land of the free.  

My Lord, You alone created this world and all that is good in it.  You allowed us our freedom, and entrusted us with the great responsibility of being the steward of your creation and our brother keeper.

All of what we are, all of our concerns, and the unique ability we each have to make the things that help those around us come from you. We ask that you bless us as we strive to transform the earth through love, your word, and deeds.  

Send the Holy Spirit to work in our hearts and lives, guide us to show our love, serve others and grant us a spirit of purpose and joy.

We pray for grateful hearts in Jesus’ name. AMEN

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Let’s pray for America. 6-21-14.

Let’s pray for America. 6-21-14.

Dear Father forgive us for we have sin against you, Father help us to conquer the forces of deception to control the devil, the invisible beast within us.

Greed is evil 1 Timothy 6:10, Greed is the devil’s powerful force that holds the world in its iron grip. Father greed has kept over 2 billion of your people living on less than $2 per day and the ultra-wealthy continues its rapid rise to riches and world control while the rest of us remain stagnant.

Father we are to be blame, let us not compromise our values to get more money or avoid a loss. Let us not succumb to the seduction of greed and help us to take action to transform greed into generosity both in our personal lives and in our world for we must be our brother’s keeper. Thank you father for loving and caring about us, may our prayers come to your attention, as we are Praying in the Name of Jesus and this we ask in the name of your be loving son Jesus. Amen.

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Let’s pray for America. 6-20-14.

Let’s pray for America. 6-20-14.

 Father Help us to be faithful stewards of your creation. We believe that you have given us everything we need to care and preserve all thing that you my Lord created for the benefit of mankind, Lord we ask you to give us the wisdom and courage to stop all evil minded people that is destroying our world and be the seed and the beginning of the Christian army that will protect and preserve your creation and proclaim it God’s kingdom. May the Holy Spirit sustain us in this great work, and may we look forward when people learn the truth and the life, they will have the mind of Christ and will use the truth against the forces of deception to control the devil, change the devil, our animal mind, the invisible beast within us. in hope to the day when God’s reign is established once and for all throughout all creation. AMEN

The Bible says that Christ will slay the Antichrist with truth. 1 John- 2:22 - Who is a liar but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist that denies the Father and the Son.

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Let’s pray for America. 6-19-14.

Father forgives us for all our sins, for the love of money and material things we Americans elected Obama, we trusted the political propaganda machinery established by the elite of this country “The American News Media"; now we know why they want this anti-Christ sociopath and psychopath in power. Only Obama a man without any moral conscience will be able to be the protagonist of all the crimes cover-up and corruption done in this country, it is evident that our government has turned their back on you my Lord and has become a tyrannical system of government an oppressor that make laws that forbids us to worship and praise you my Lord. This system of government is destroying our faith on you my Lord by indoctrination of our youth and teaching them that you do not exist that all things are created by man and it is man’s laws that we must obey.

Father, give us the courage and the wisdom to stand united and fight this evil system of government; we must fight corruption and save our country from its own demise, let us have the power to destroy the anti-Christ, America is one nation under God with justice and liberty for all, we trust on you my Lord.

Father we make this prayer through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. AMEN

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Let’s pray for America. 6-18-14.

Dear Father, we thank you for your guidance and ask you to give all Christian the wisdom to seek the truth” the truth shall make us free” (John 8:32.

Father, let us not make the same mistake; Hitler began his Nazi party in Germany, modeling it on Mussolini’s Fascism. As with Fascism, thousands of Jews joined the Nazi party before the War, helping Hitler to gain total power, but eventually the Jews were targeted as Hitler and his Nazi party took over in Germany, killing millions of Jews and Christians.

Father give us the wisdom and courage to stop the demise of our Christians faith; Today, many Christians accept and even vote for socialist governments. They pray that God will support and guide the socialist leaders, under the wrong assumption that we are called to do so by God, though all the signs are that the government hates God and hate His people! Obama is prime examples of this hatred. Barak Obama is the worst enemy of Christians, as he blatantly destroys Christian teaching.

Father we are being divided by evil, many pious Christians go on to rebuke other Christians who will not accept or support the evil Obama government, saying that God demands that they give such support. Lord we know that this is a gross misperception, if not a sin.

Lord give us the courage to stand united as brothers and sisters to fight for our God given rights our U.S. Constitution and the rule of God’s law, not man’s tyrannical laws. This United States is “one nation under God with justice and liberty for all”. Romans 8.  Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loved another hath fulfilled the law.

Thank you Lord, for making your will clear and give us the courage to fight this corrupt, tyrannical system of government. God is love, In God we trust; America is God’s country.

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Let’s pray for America. 6-17-14.

Father, we pray for the salvation of our country; it is evident that our government has turned their back on you my Lord and has become a tyrannical system of government an oppressor that make laws that forbids us to worship and praise you my Lord, this system of government is destroying our faith on you my Lord by indoctrination of our youth and teaching them that you do not exist that all things are created by man and it is man’s laws that we must obey.

Lord today we are faced with tyranny, raising to control and enslaver us your people; and once again timid Christians are seeking cover behind Romans 13. Lord we want to follow your laws not man laws, give us the wisdom to really understand your will, it is clear that you love us and want us to serve a justice government a government that serve and follow your laws, not a tyrannical government that denies your existence and proclaim themselves the masters of this world.

Lord we ask for your protection and restore our conviction that you are our creator and the creator of all things, that all of your creation is for the benefit of all your people and not for only the few that want to control the world, Lord give us the courage to stand united as brothers and sisters to fight for our God given rights our U.S. Constitution and the rule of God’s law, not man’s tyrannical laws. This United States is “one nation under God with justice and liberty for all”. Romans 8.  Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loved another hath fulfilled the law.

Thank you Lord, for making your will clear and give us the courage to fight this corrupt, tyrannical system of government. In God we trust; America is God’s country.

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There is no bottom.

Stand by. Worse is to come. There is no bottom of filth for leftists. We need to fight back and for the long run as in 50, 75 or 100 years, just like the left has.

Start with your local school board elections. No more "Heather Has Two Mommies". No more Christian songs twisted into praise Barack songs. No more 14 year old girls forced to deep kiss each other as "an exercise in sensitivity."

Preachers, practise what you preach. Start going to jail for your beliefs. You rank and file Christians too. Look what your Savior endured!

NO guns save in self defense!

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