hannity (323)

I Stand Beside Brother Rush!

4063467300?profile=originalShowing himself to be a class act, Rush Limbaugh apologized to Ms Fluke. Rush further explained that his apology was not the result of losing sponsors. Rush said he turns down millions of dollars in sponsors each years. Rush said he apologized because he realized he had taken his sarcasm, to prove a point, a bit too far.

Folks, when I was a little boy, I said I wanted to grow up to be a man. What was my image of a man? My dad and Sheriff Andy Taylor of Mayberry. Both men seemed to always try to do the right thing regardless of the consequences or people's opinions.

It frustrates me that whenever a conservative says the wrong thing or makes a mistake, conservatives run for the tall grass to distance themselves from our colleague caught in the media's crosshairs.

Well, I “ain't” doing that! Unapologetic, I love brother Rush!

I am not going to waste your time, stating the obvious about the media's hypocrisy regarding defending women. We all know they never defend conservative women, when viciously attacked.

I thought, “Oh my gosh, what if the left finally succeeded in getting the FCC to kick Rush off of the air? What would we do?” But then a truth I have learned over the years, gave me peace. As much as I appreciate Rush's efforts and extremely powerful influence in our tea party movement, no man is our source. God is our source.

Sadly, we lost brother Andrew. King Obama has decreed, bring me the head of Rush Limbaugh. Obama and his mainstream media machine's evil efforts will fail. Cause last time I checked, God is still in control. Hang in there patriots, we're gonna win!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

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4063466450?profile=originalI'm chairman of The Campaign To Defeat Barack Obama. http://www.campaigntodefeatobama.com/

I just returned home to Florida from helping the patriots in Wisconsin fight Obama's minion's recall of Gov. Scott Walker. OH MY GOSH, was it cold! I'm originally from Baltimore and thought I could handle cold. Wisconsin's cold weather is world class. A cab driver told me, “This is not cold. We've had a mild winter.”

Due to moving to Florida 12 years ago, Wisconsin was the first time I have seen snow in several years, I realized I have not missed seeing and dealing with it.

Despite the cold weather, Wisconsin patriots were fired up to defeat Obama's operative's recall of their governor. Wisconsin patriots really appreciate Gov. Walker's backbone and strength of character to follow through with his promises. His budget reforms are making a huge difference. Pray for Gov. Walker and our fellow patriots up there folks. Gov Walker's battles in Wisconsin are bigger than Wisconsin. If Obama and company can defeat and recall Gov. Walker, it will effect the resolve of governors across America. They are fighting evil in Wisconsin. Obama operatives who do not even live in Wisconsin are signing the petition to recall Gov. Walker numerous times.

In my chats with individual Wisconsin patriots, I asked, how they felt about America. Or, “What does America mean to you?” Every single one of them, male and female, fought back tears while responding to my question. Their responses further confirmed what I already know, our tea movement is “not” about hate. It's about love – love for the greatest nation on the planet and refusing to see it destroyed.

So then I go on a black blog site and read this, “If Santorum becomes president, I'm leaving the country.”

Regardless of what you think about Santorum, I bet you a dollar to a doughnut the black blogger thinks Santorum is a far right wing nut case due to the liberal media. I am so frustrated by the liberal media's ability to manipulate and shape opinions among my fellow black Americans.

The ill-informed black blogger probably believes the rest of the liberal media's list of lies – Santorum and Republicans want to ban contraception; Conservatives want to force their values on everyone; Conservatives and Christians hate gays; Republicans, the tea party, Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin are all racists who are angry that we have a black president. The liberal media, the democrats and Obama are spreading unsubstantiated vicious lies about the intentions of Republicans, Conservatives, you and me. Despicable and evil.

In Wisconsin, I met great tea party patriot Americans fighting for their beloved country, to preserve a future for their kids and grand kids. They are not haters, nor are they extreme.

Another thing that struck me about the Wisconsin patriots fighting for Gov Walker was how committed and well informed they were. They were up on the issues. They knew what needed to be done and were doing it. Snow, freezing weather and Obama operatives were not going to stopped them. I caught my flight home to Florida feeling inspired and encouraged. Come November, the Obama regime is going down! http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=3410609274005

Mary picked me up from the airport. Upon retrieving my baggage, I thought, “Oh no, I have to go outside in the freezing cold! But, then I realized, I'm back home in Florida”. I stepped outside. It was warm. I love Florida.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

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Fluke: No Free Sex For You!

4063465608?profile=originalThe Fluke contraception controversy is democrat inspired. It is yet another example of democrats promoting and trying to force all Americans to “fund” behavior many Americans would consider to be sinful. We taxpayers are minding our own business. We are, for the most part, passively ignoring America's cultural rot. But our passiveness is not enough for the democrats. They demand that we “fund” behaviors which are in conflict with the principles,values and faith of many Americans. Forty million Americans are Christians.

Ms Fluke, Americans do not care how many out-of-wedlock sexual encounters you may have. But, when you go before congress in an attempt to demonize us for not funding your activities, you are infringing on our freedom; forcing your values down our throats.

You guys on the left are “always” the aggressors. When we say “no”, your media machine attempts to portray us as the aggressive bad guys.

Also, am I weird or old-fashion for thinking it a bit shameful for a woman to go before congressional committee to basically say, I sleep around a lot and demand that taxpayers pay for my birth-control? Fluke is another prime example of how nothing is shameful any more, which is in-keeping with the Moral Relativity philosophy taught in colleges. Moral Relativity in a nut shell says nothing is right or wrong and no one has a right to judge the morality of anything.

Think about this folks. We have TV talk shows themed on finding the father of a unmarried pregnant woman's baby. The exploitative TV host tries to sound passionate. Today we have poor pregnant Sherri who has slept with 27 guys. We have brought all 27 of these scumbags on the show to discover through DNA testing who is the daddy.

Good Lord, remember when an unmarried woman was ashamed of being pregnant by her one boyfriend? Today, women who have fornicated with every male within a ten block radius of their home go on national TV and are celebrated as victims.

Ms Fluke, sleep around with whomever you please. Christians and most Americans defend your right to do so. However, the line in the sand is when you and your democrat enablers demand that we taxpayers pay for your sexual encounters.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

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For Christians Only: Who Is On The Lord's Side?

4063425745?profile=originalWhat I am about to say is exclusively directed to those who call themselves Christians. Brothers and sisters in Christ, we are at war; a war for the hearts, minds and souls of our children. We are at war with those who hate the traditional principles, values and morals which have made America an extraordinarily successful unique experiment. We are at war with those who deny America's Christian roots and seek a godless society. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zGMuN_Ep38

Some may choose to ignore my report because of their hatred for the rich (the sin of covetousness), others may stuff their ears with cotton as not to hear me because of their deep seeded racism and loyalty to skin-color (the sin of idolatry). Your response is irrelevant. As a Christian, I am called to be salt. Thus, I will simply tell you the truth and what you choose to do with that truth is between you and God.

We are at war! -- at war with the Church of Liberalism. You will know them by their vitriolic disdain for any and all things Christian and their showing Dracula-the-cross reaction to the name of Jesus Christ. They seek to ban prayer from all public events. Incidences where prayer is allowed, mentioning Jesus is forbidden and deemed offensive. They ban Nativity scenes from public facilities at Christmas or Winter-Fest as they prefer to call it. They want the Ten commandments removed from public buildings.

Embolden by the supportive climate created by the Obama administration, the Church of Liberalism members have stepped up their attacks against Christians. For years, churches in New York have been renting public buildings, after hours, for services. New York Mayor Bloomberg supports a new policy which bans the rental of public buildings to churches.

Members of the Church of Liberalism include a majority of the mainstream media and the Democratic Party including president Obama.

In a nutshell, the driving philosophy of the Church of Liberalism is man is god. They believe only man, not God, can fix every problem – population, the environment and etc. Such is a philosophy of vanity, arrogance and folly. Charlton Heston speaks of man's foolish vanity regarding climate change. http://bit.ly/YlnkW

In a Biblical context, theirs is unquestionably, the Spirit of Anti-Christ. They believe man can establish utopia; a land of total fairness and equal outcomes – brought about by confiscating from achievers to give to non-achievers.

Biblical charity is people giving out of their compassion for others. God promises to reward them. There is no spiritual reward for government mandated giving/confiscation. This is tyranny.

The Church of Liberalism says homosexuality is as natural as being left-handed. In their world, even if the head of a baby is out, abortion is still OK, as no one should be “punished” with having a baby. Theirs is a land ruled by “Moral Relativism” which means no one has moral authority to declare anything right or wrong. So, if someone needed your car, they have a right to take and keep it.

Obama, the Democratic Party and the mainstream media (all members of the Church of Liberalism) support taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood which is trying to hook our kids on sex and sell them on the idea that homosexuality is natural. http://bit.ly/whDE5Z

A majority of the entertainment industry are committed members of the Church of Liberalism, promoting a godless immoral agenda. Singer, Roman mocked the Catholic Church during the Grammy Awards and nobody cares. http://bit.ly/xWGElg Cee Lo Green became a mega star because of his song, “F--- You”. http://bit.ly/co4vad

Against what Christians believe to be God's word, President Obama has mandated that Christians pay for contraception/abortion services. Obama's minions have launched a campaign to brand all who oppose Obama forcing Christians to fund abortion services to be haters of women, trying to “ban” contraception. THIS IS A LIE! No one is trying to ban contraception. Contraception is readily available to any woman who chooses to use it. So why is Obama hell-bent on making Christians pay for it? We are at war! – Obama's Church of Liberalism vs the Church of Jesus Christ. Who is on the Lord's side? http://bit.ly/x14qDb

Obama claims Jesus would support his socialist policies.

Mr. President, how dare you side with those who despise Jesus and try to block Jesus' teachings at every opportunity. Then, you exploit the name of Jesus by distorting Jesus' message to further the godless philosophy of Socialism. Woe be unto you!

Jesus is not a socialist. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 “...if any man will not work, neither let him eat.”

Brothers and sisters, the Obama reelection campaign's peddle to the metal drive toward Socialism is not for some great altruistic purpose. The more we surrender our liberty and freedom to government to sustain us rather than putting our faith and trust is God, the more the Church of Liberalism will consume and control our lives. And trust me folks when I say, their view and value of human life is far different than the Biblical view of life. In a nutshell, Church of Liberalism disciples believe the life of an endangered bird to equal to that of a human.

Ephesians 4:27 “"Do not yield to the suggestions and temptations of Satan...” To win your vote, Obama is despicably using “class envy” to “temp” you to succumb to the sin of covetousness. First he demonizes the rich, convincing you to believe you have too little because the rich are hogging it all. Then, he says reelect me and I vow to get even with those rich S-O-Bs and give you your “fair” share.

Barrack Hussein Obama is the Progressive's Trojan Horse, presented to us three years ago as a moderate. The Progressive's secret army have been charging out of a hidden door in Obama ever since, attacking our culture, liberty, freedom and Christians daily and relentlessly. Brothers and sisters, we are at war! Who is on the Lord's side?

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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Fond Memories of Ronnie.

Our 40th president's birthday earlier this month caused me to reflect upon how Ronald Reagan impacted my life.

In 1981, I was a young singer/songwriter, clueless about politics, when Ronald Reagan won the presidency. An event planner asked me to perform at an Inaugural Ball.

Reporters asked, “Why are you here and why do you like Reagan?” I could not help noticing the baffled looks on their faces upon hearing my reply. “I like Reagan because every time I hear this man speak, I feel good about my country and myself.”

I later learned that as a black person, I was suppose to hate Reagan. Democrats said Reagan's talk about welfare reform was “code” for his racism and hatred of blacks. As I said, I was young and clueless regarding politics, codes and such. And yet, in my gut, I knew Reagan was a good man.

My aunt hated Reagan. She said, “Reagan wants to cut my check!” Even as a non-politically informed person, I noticed my Aunt's bold and arrogant sense of entitlement in her voice when she said, “My check!” Here is a woman who from as far back as I can remember lived in the projects on welfare. I do not ever remember her having a job. In fairness, if my Aunt had a disability which prevented her from working, I never knew of it, as it was not visible. She had five kids and a boyfriend, but no husband.

Her daughter got pregnant really early out of wedlock with both the new teen mother and her baby adding to the welfare roll. My Aunt's drug using sons, my cousins, impregnated girls out of wedlock, repeating the welfare government dependency cycle.

I overheard my mom commenting to my dad about how her sister practically lived in the Johns Hopkins Hospital Emergency room. At the slightest cough, off my Aunt went with her child to the emergency room. But why shouldn't she? It was free.

So, you can understand my being taken back a bit hearing my young seemingly healthy Aunt who had lived her whole life, totally dependent on government, trashing Reagan for daring to suggest she do something for her freebies or receive a little less.

Over the years, I have grown to have compassion for my Aunt. Our lives are a manifestation of what we believe. Tragically, my Aunt had little or no confidence in her ability to succeed in America. I believe the Democratic Party promoting that America is a racist country and blacks can survive only via democrat legislated government programs contributed to my Aunt's distorted view of her country; the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it.

Ronald Reagan inspired me to believe in myself and America.

I believe you can tell a lot about the character of a person based on how they treat “the little people”; people who can not advance their career or social standing.

On TV, a former secret service agent told a great story about Ronald Reagan confirming, in my mind, Reagan's greatness. The agent said he and Reagan had been out horseback riding. Upon their return, Reagan always prepared his horse to be put away. On this occasion, due to Alzheimer's disease, Reagan could not remember the procedure for putting away his horse. The agent felt bad for Reagan and was visibly upset. Reagan feeling compassion for the agent said, “It's OK.”

Rather than feeling pity for himself, Reagan chose to comfort his bodyguard/secret service agent. I found the secret service agent's story quite moving and a window into Reagan's character. The Bible speaks about Jesus, the master, washing his servant's/disciple's feet. I believe Reagan's attempt to comfort the secret service agent was, in essence, washing his servant's feet; thus, displaying Reagan's greatness as a leader. Inspired, I penned a tribute song to Ronald Reagan, respectfully borrowing Mrs. Reagan's nickname for the president titled, “Ronnie Stayed The Same”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqZUe_EiqDY

Despite all of his landmark achievements, Ronald Reagan never forgot who he was. Reagan knew how to connect with us, the American people and we connected with him. Mr President, we miss you.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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Wow! A Wonderful Recording Session.

4063456834?profile=originalLast week, we recorded the choir portion of my new soon to be released patriotic song. The vibe of the session was awesome!

Music master producer/recording engineer, Frank Starchak, displayed his typical brilliance. I auditioned singers for the project...selecting seven singers to sound like 700.

Before the session, singers emailed me asking, “How can I hear the song to rehearse?” I laughed. Frank does not work like that. As a matter of fact, the singers did not hear the full song until the end of the session.

Frank is an extremely kind, gentle and patient slave driver in the recording studio. I felt a little sorry for my singers because I knew what was coming. Frank pushed each singer's ability to hear notes correctly; maximized and stretched their vocal talents. My Magnificent Seven Singers met the challenge, each singing a ga-zillion extremely difficult parts including various harmonies, octaves and key changes. Yes, Frank worked them extremely hard and they loved every minute of it.

At the end of the session, Frank did a rough mix of the full song to allow the singers to hear what they had accomplished. The result was breathtakingly beautiful, moving Kelly Manke to tears. Though exhausted, each singer said they had a ball! For a few of them, it was their first time working in a recording studio like that. It was challenging and fun.

Special thanks to my Magnificent Seven Singers: Steve and Anita McPherson, James, Tim and Kelly Manke, Audrey Rumsey and Linly Bennett – seven singers recorded to sound like a seven hundred voice mass choir. Wow!

We ended the session holding hands as Steve McPherson led us in a prayer of thanks for a very special wonderful recording session.

I can hardly wait for the release date for the world to hear my new patriotic song.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Deltona Records, Frank Starchak 386-801-9426

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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Why, the Babies? Why?

4063453524?profile=originalIn their isolated inside the beltway arrogance, it appears the Obama administration did not anticipate the huge “blow back”, resulting from Obama's decree that Catholic institutions provide birth control, abortion drugs and other contraceptive services.

This latest attack on the unborn is simply more of the same from Obama. As an Illinois Senator, Obama voted against the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act which authorized hospital staff to give medical assistance to babies who survived failed abortions. Before the Born-Alive Act, hospitals were legally forced to leave an unsuccessfully aborted baby to die. Some died quickly, some clung to life for several hours. Obama voted against Born-Alive Act three times. http://blackgenocide.org/planned.html

But folks, Obama is not alone in his callousness towards the most innocent of human life.

Think of the Secular Progressive Movement as a pro-abortion patchwork quilt of various anti-America groups. These people hate everything about America from the light bulbs we use, to our consumption of beef, to our love affair with the automobile. They believe America is the greatest source of evil in the world; everyone else in the world has too little because America has too much.

Now get this folks – a large number of these environmental zealots are mega-wealthy Hollywood people and democrat politicians who live in mansions and travel everywhere in limos and private jets. They consume more fuel and resources per month then most of us will consume in our entire lifetime. I was shocked when I picked up a government funded brochure at my local library which laid a huge guilt-trip on young couples instructing them not to have a baby to “save the planet”.

Abortion is the thread which joins each wacko anti-America patch of their Secular Progressive quilt together. Why? Why is the left so fanatical about killing human babies? If it is about “choice” as they claim, why are they infuriated when a woman “chooses” to have her baby? Case in point, the left's hysterical outrage over the Super Bowl ad in which Tim Tebow thanked his mom for not aborting him.

Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated.” Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. Seventy eight percent of Planned Parenthood clinics are in black neighborhoods. Blacks only make up 12% of the population, but 35% of America's aborted babies are black. Half of black pregnancies end in abortion. Is this an intentional genocide?

The most dangerous place for an African-American is in the womb” Pastor Clenard Childress, Jr.

Blacks are the only minority in America experiencing declining population.

So, why would Obama, the NAACP, Rev. Sharpton and other black leftists be passionate supporters of Planned Parenthood? Why did Al Sharpton threaten to protest a pro-life billboard which exposed the devastatingly high number of black abortions? http://bit.ly/ed7XL9

Why? Why are these leftist blacks more loyal to their Holy Grail of abortion than they are to their fellow blacks; all the while claiming rich white Republicans and the Tea Party are the enemies of black America?

Why are so-called African-American activists, all democrats, at odds with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's niece, Alveda King who is a committed Christian pro-life advocate? http://bit.ly/A6pPXF

What is up with these people on the left? Why do the same folks who passionately defend the life of a whale, spotted owl, baby seal, a toad and a death-row serial killer, get extremely angry at the mere suggestion that a woman consider not killing her baby? Why?

I can only conclude, it is a spiritual thing. I know what some of you are thinking. There you go again Lloyd bringing God, good and evil into the mix. Well, there is something extremely evil and godless about the left's obsession with killing babies.

Obama's obsession is so strong he is willing to risk reelection. How else can you interpret Obama basically giving Catholics the finger, of which, a majority supported him last election? I once thought Obama voted against the Born-Alive Act and passionately supported Planned Parenthood to secure the hard core radical feminist vote. I was wrong. Obama's commitment to abortion goes far deeper. Limbaugh nailed it, “Abortion is the sacrament to the religion of Liberalism”, of which I, Lloyd Marcus, believe Obama is a zealot.

Arrogant ego maniacs have a tendency to overreach. Who was the guy in Greek mythology who flew too close to the sun despite being cautioned not to do so? Oh yeah, Icarus was his name. The wax which held his wings together melted and Icarus fell to his death.

Mr. President, you may have flown a bit too close to the sun with your latest in-your-face attack against people of faith. Even the “superglue” of your race will not be able to hold your wings together this time. I pray that come November, your fall will be great.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated AmericanChairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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4063451474?profile=originalAre you as sick of hearing me talking about race as I am talking about it? For crying out loud, all I ask is that liberals please, please, please look beyond their emotions and Obama's skin color and honestly assess the man. It is stunning that liberals still think I should be totally committed to supporting this man solely because he is America's first black president and we share the same skin-color.

Suppose the black pastor of a church was discovered to be a child molester? Would the congregation continue to support their pedophile pastor because they share the same skin-color? Of course, not.

And yet, black actor Samuel L. Jackson, his liberal Hollywood buddies and a majority of black voters believe Obama's character, policies and agenda are irrelevant. Jackson said he voted for Obama because he is black. http://politi.co/AktzCW Americans are expected to mindlessly support Obama, especially black Americans, solely because Obama is black. Folks, not only is such thinking immoral, racist and scary, it is just plain stupid. By the way, I looove Samuel L. Jackson movies.

As Leader of the Free World, Obama's character and agenda are of the utmost importance. His skin color should be irrelevant. And yet, small-minded black racists and guilt-driven whites believe loyalty to skin-color should trump everything; right and wrong, good and evil. Sadly, Obama has caused even some Christians to forsake their first love, Christ, to worship an idol of race.

When Obama attacked freedom of religion by demanding that Catholic institutions fund baby killing, liberal Catholics continued their mantra, must support the black president. Committed Christians yelled, No, Mr President! Put us in jail, but we will not deny Christ for your evil mandate! A master of lies, manipulation, smoke and mirrors, Obama said, OK, I will order insurance companies to offer free abortion/contraceptive services. Bull Hockey! Nothing in life is free.

By forcing private insurance companies to provide free baby killing services, Obama is continuing his trashing of our Constitution. The president has no authority to force private industry to provide anything, nor can he force citizens to purchase anything. Obama's presidency is straight out of the Twilight Zone; an unprecedented outrageous overreach of power and assault on individual freedom. Still, Obama zombies demand that I support my black president. Obama is destroying MY country. Why on earth would I support him?

Urban black student's in the DC voucher school program were testing through the roof. Obama ended the program pandering to the teachers union whose dues fund the Democratic party. Obama denied black parents the right to rescue their kids from the dangerous black-board-jungle known as the DC public school system.

Self-induced black genocide. Half of all black babies are aborted. Blacks are the only race in America on the decline. By 2038, the black vote will be insignificant. And yet, Obama is obsessed with forcing taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood. Oh, did I mention that Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood is an unapologetic racist? http://blackgenocide.org/planned.html

But Samuel, “true brothers” like you expect us to ignore Obama's passionate loyalty to an organization which was founded to exterminate blacks. Seventy-eight percent of Planned Parenthood clinics are in black neighborhoods. Thirty-five percent of babies aborted in America are black. Could Planned Parenthood be targeting blacks, giving us the “shaft”? Can you dig it?

Despite these documented Obama assaults on freedom, I will receive emails, “You should be ashamed being black and not supporting the president!” I do not reply to people who are “stuck on stupid and racism”.

Here is a video illustrating the vitriolic disdain black mind-numb racists have for black conservatives. http://bit.ly/zyIjh9 This bullying black radio show host viciously attacks his female black conservative guest; insulting everything from her intellect to her physical appearance. He drills her. “Do you support Barack Obama?” His template – blacks not supporting Obama regardless of his policies/agenda are stupid traitors. He also believes the tea party is racist and blacks who belong to it are a disgrace.

I would have boldly proclaimed, “NO!, I do not support Obama. YES!, I am a proud member of the Tea Party” Then, I would proceed to nail that “jive turkey” to the wall with truth and facts. Though the host still would not get it, I prayerfully believe some in his audience would hear and receive the truth.

Mr Jackson, America has been pretty darn good to you. Your extraordinary success as an actor is well deserved. You earned it. But, what will in take for successful blacks such as you to set aside their bitterness and racism and liberal whites to get over their guilt to consider what is best for all Americans? Enough with the tired old 70s militant black rhetoric.

Mr Jackson, saying you support Obama solely because he is black is a slap in the face to the millions of your fellow American white fans who pay ten bucks a pop to see your movies. It is shameful for you to make such a blatantly racist proclamation. C'mon bro, I believe you are better than that.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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America Desperately Needs A Hero: But Who?

4063450432?profile=originalStunned Americans are questioning, “Why would Obama, in an election year, boldly trash the first amendment, forcing Catholic institutions to provide birth control, abortion drugs and other contraceptive services which goes against their faith?” These baffled, naïve people still do not get it. First and foremost, Obama is a hard core leftist hater of America, as we know it. He is laser-focused on implementing his vowed fundamental transformation of America into a socialistic, secular progressive Disneyland.

As proven by their gleeful willingness to exempt Obama from the usual vetting process during his 2008 presidential campaign, the liberal mainstream media has given Obama every reason to be confident in their cover and support as Obama ignores the Constitution to fulfill his anti-America anti-freedom agenda.

For three years, we have witnessed Obama slowly peeling off his well-crafted “moderate” mask. Our first glimpse of the real Obama was his unprecedented government hostile takeover of private secular auto companies and bullying banks to accept government bailouts.

Then, despite a majority of Americans screaming “No!” to Obamacare, Obama basically said “screw y'all” and forced the passage of his health care bill. A Rasmussen poll that week showed that 55% of Americans wanted it repealed. It did not matter. The king had decreed it so. Displaying off the chain arrogance and dictatorial power, Obama's enforcer, Nancy Pelosi ruled, “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it.” Yes, even democrats who voted to pass the bill were clueless regarding it's content. Obama revealed a little more of the man behind the mask.

Due to my commitment to make my point as concisely as possible, I will not list Obama's unprecedented overreaching power grabs, trashing of the Constitution and crimes against individual freedoms. Let's just say, Obama has revealed two thirds of his true face. What we are seeing is more horrifying than anyone could have possibly imagined.

If un-repealed, Obamacare will literally give this man (Obama) power to dictate which Americans live or die – that is, total control of our lives. Lord help us. Only God should have such power.

My black centenarian grandmother cried tears of joy when Obama was elected. Ironically, her hero's government controlled health care which will be rationed, equals a death sentence for my grandma if she needs an expensive procedure. Economist Thomas Sowell points out that government health care will not reduce the cost; it will simply refuse to pay the cost. The sick, the elderly, and the disabled will suffer the most when they ration care. Obama blatantly suggested a senior might consider taking a pill rather than having surgery. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-dQfb8WQvo

Clearly, Obama feels embolden to do whatever he pleases. If Obama is arrogant enough to ignore the first amendment and “dis”a huge bloc of Catholic supporters in an election year, think how full blown no-hold-barred out-of-control his attacks on freedom will be, if reelected.

To save America, we must select a conservative nominee best capable of defeating Obama. I believe that candidate is Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum. I respect y'all too much to blow smoke claiming Newt to be a great conservative. Frankly, his attacks on Bain Capitol infuriated me. However, there are things I love about Newt. Newt is brilliant at articulating conservatism and experienced at successfully implementing conservative ideas. But most of all, Newt understands that the biggest, most destructive threat to America as we know it is Barrack Hussein Obama. And, also extremely important is the fact that Newt is not intimidated by the “race thing”. Newt does not give a hoot about being called a racist. Newt is fearlessly eager to aggressively address America's problem which is Obama.

Romney and Paul are good decent men. However, I do not believe Romney has the stomach to say and do what needs to be done to defeat Obama. While I will enthusiastically support whichever of our candidates winning the Republican nomination, I disagree with Paul's foreign policy ideas.

I really like Santorum. However, I am not confident he can raise the funds necessary to override Obama's billion dollar campaign.

Also, right or wrong, like it or not, a presidential candidate has to have “it”, a special charisma. How else could an inexperienced freshman senator like Obama win the presidency of the United States. Newt Gingrich has “it”. Again, I admit, he “ain't” perfect. But, Newt does not wish to end America as we know it. Obama does and will!

Brother and sister patriot Americans, like Bonnie Tyler sang in her song, “I Need a Hero”, America desperately needs a hero. I believe that that person is Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum.

If Obama is allowed to continue his occupation of the White House after November 6, 2012, he will boldly remove his mask, completely revealing his face. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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4063448576?profile=originalAlong with their ever-present accusation that anyone who criticizes or disagrees with America's first black president is a racist, class envy is the centerpiece of Obama's re-election campaign.

It is extremely disheartening that the president of the United States believes he can win the votes of a majority of Americans by exploiting the sin of covetousness and hatred for the rich. In every speech, Obama claims that the rich are not paying their fair share. Please excuse my frankness, but Obama is lying.

Here are the facts.

Half the country -- yes, I said half -- do not pay taxes at all. Zero! The majority of federal income taxes (70%) are paid by the top 10 percent of income-earners. http://bit.ly/pgh5Wh As for Obama's claim that we can solve America's financial problems by forcing the rich to pay more, it is despicable, manipulative, and hate-inspiring nonsense. There are only 8,000 Americans who earn over 10 million dollars per year. If Obama confiscated all their money, it would finance our government for only 24 days. Then what?

What group of Americans will Obama attack next by trashing and demonizing them to gain public approval to confiscate everything for which they have worked hard, suffered, sacrificed and risked all for "government" redistribution?

Our national debt has tripled since Obama has been in office. Now, I know that that does not mean a lot to most Americans. Well, allow me to put it in perspective. Every minute, we spend 3 million dollars that we do not have, borrowing most of it from China. Every minute! Our debt is bankrupting the future and enslaving our great-great-great-grandkids.

So, you can understand why I find Obama's rants about the rich not paying enough and how people will die unless Republicans raise the debt ceiling so disingenuous and unsupportable.

But there is a much greater issue at hand. Who does this man (Obama) think, we, the American people, are? The Obama administration and his media minions are trying to convince us that the entitlement-minded OWS lowlifes represent "mainstream Americans." They are lying.

I represent mainstream Americans. I began working when I was about ten years old. I had a paper route and worked pulling copper out of old motors for my neighbor across the street, Mr. Buddy-Roy, in his backyard. At 15, my dad got me a work permit, and I acquired my first real job during the summer at Park Sign Co. in Baltimore. There I learned how to silk-screen signs.

Interesting sidebar: experience prompted Berry, the owner of Park Sign, to always get his money upfront for political signs, because if the candidate did not win the race, Berry would not get paid.

Back to my point. Like me, most Americans do not believe they are entitled to the fruits of a fellow American's labor. And yet, this is who Obama thinks we are and desires us to be.

We all remember our classmates who smoked dope, cut classes, and dropped out versus the kids who studied, worked hard, and became doctors. According to Obama, in his "community organizer" way of thinking, the Democratic party, and the Occupiers, the kid who became a doctor is a selfish, greedy rich person who achieved his success on the backs of the poor dope-smoking dropouts.

Please do not think I am saying everyone who is poor smokes dope. Reasonable people get my point.

Obama and company have launched a war on achievement, portraying the highly successful as selfish villains and everyone else as lowly peasant-saints who are suffering because the rich are hogging it all. Clearly, Obama is exploiting man's susceptibility to the sin of covetousness. And to all you Christians who buy into Obama's "fairness" garbage, shame on you. Jesus was not a socialist.

When Judas scolded Mary for pouring her expensive ointment on Jesus' feet rather than selling it and giving the money to the poor, Jesus scolded Judas, saying, "The poor you will have with you always." In essence, Jesus was saying there will always be those who smoke dope, cut classes, and drop out of school. Liberals' relentless efforts to legislate equal outcomes never work. For one thing, humans are diverse in their desires.

The Obama and company vision for America is incompatible with what has made us great. Do we really want to become a nation where government dictates and caps wealth, which they redistribute equally? Heck no!

Freedom to be all one can be is the magic ingredient which has made us the most extraordinarily successful nation on the planet. America is a guy laboring in his basement to build a better mousetrap in an effort to improve the fortunes of his family and himself. Great wealth is his reward for providing rodent relief to millions. If the Obama administration confiscates huge chunks of the successful mousetrap-maker's profits, what incentive is there for him to invest more time, funds, blood, sweat, and tears to improve his product?

It is extremely depressing and sad to think of our great country becoming as Obama sees us -- a nation of entitlement-minded losers, all dependent and helpless without government. As I stated, that is not who we are as a people. We are Americans!

Incredibly, we have a leftist president who simply does not get it. We must vote Obama out in November 2012.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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4063444755?profile=originalAlas, another Black History Month, or as the left likes to view it, their annual “Opportunity To Exploit Race Month”. It is the month in which liberals attempt to convince us that race relations in America have progressed very little since the days of police unleashing dogs on civil rights activists.

Rather than presenting a balanced honest look at Black History, leftist school teachers and the media say America is still racist and whites should feel eternally guilty. Also included in the left's message is that blacks must continue to vote monolithic for Democrats in order to keep rich white Republican racists at bay. Yes, for the most part, Black History Month is a propaganda tool of the Democratic party.

Black history is woven with remarkable blacks who strove for excellence and achieved major success. Knowledge of such black pioneers would inspire black youths and help them realize how blessed they are to be born in America; the greatest land of opportunity on the planet.

America is unique in that you can grow beyond your family history and humble beginnings. Most folks around the world are destine to walk in their parents foot steps. If your dad was a peasant worker, you will be a peasant worker.

In American, countless hugely successful blacks came from humble beginnings. This is why it so offends me to hear black politicians and the media constantly telling blacks that they are not functioning in an equal playing field. Such rhetoric inspires resentment, hopelessness and a “why should I try” attitude in black youths. Consequently, 70% of black youths drop out of high school and many enter a life of crime. These self serving black politicians are selling their lie to black America solely for political reasons; to keep blacks voting for their supposed saviors and avengers, the democrats.

Allow me to address this “equal playing field” trap. Folks, “nothing” in life is equal or totally fair. I am sorry, but some folks are born thin and beautiful. In some cases, they may have an advantage. But in regards to minorities not having opportunity, there is not enough racism in America today to stop anyone from achieving anything. To blacks who “want” to believe America is systematically keeping them down, I say stop whining, making excuses, get up off of your butt and go for your dreams.

It drives me crazy hearing black and white liberal intellectuals discussing the problems in the black community without any references to blacks taking personal responsibility for their behavior/choices. Every solution offered by the left to deal with urban black issues revolve around more taxpayer spending and more failed government programs. And no discussion of problems in the black community would be complete without including the classic excuse “it's the white man's fault”, thrown in for good measure.

Now, I know some blacks reading this article will respond like a black radio show host did while interviewing me, “Sounds like you don't like your own people”. Wrong! I say these things because as a Christian, I love, not just blacks, but all people. And I want what is best for them.

While some blacks may find comfort and think it racially loyal to keep blaming “whitey” for everything, black youths are going to h--- in a hand basket. Blacks have epidemic school dropouts, 70 percent out-of-wed births and half of black babies are aborted via an organization founded on racism, Planned Parenthood. Blacks are actively involved in a self induced genocide.

This is why I do not give a hoot about what black racists and self-serving poverty-pimp politicians think of me for suggesting my fellow blacks assume responsibility for their own lives. Lives are at stake.

Ironically, liberals claim to want black empowerment. News flash, personal responsibility IS black empowerment!

Here's a little of my personal black history. Back in the 70s when I was in my mid twenties, I repented from my life of drugs, sex and rock and roll to become a born-again Christian. My desire to share the “good news” of my new relationship with Christ lead me to prisons to minister to inmates. I was struck by the high number of gifted and talented blacks who were incarcerated solely because of their negative attitudes. Thank you Democratic Party.

Black History Month should not just feature “how America done us wrong”. It should also celebrate the greatness of our extraordinary nation and how both blacks and whites sacrificed blood, sweat and tears to make things right. Rather than Black History Month being exploited as a divisive tool for extortion, allow the truth of our history to bring people together.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

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Our Tea Party Express team spent the night in Tallahassee, FL. We arose the next morning and traveled in our tour bus a few hours to our first rally of the day in Panama City.

Ray “the bus driver” parks our Tea Party Express tour bus in back of the stage to serve as a backdrop and our green room. While on the bus waiting for my turn on stage, I heard on TV that NBC's Brian Williams basically accused Governor Jan Brewer of racism for pointing at President Obama. I thought, this whole race thing has gotten totally out of control and insane.

The emcee announced me.

Before singing my parody of “New York, New York” titled, “We're Gonna Vote Obama Out in 2012”, I told the audience how furious I was about Williams' attack on Brewer. I added, “For the first time, we have a president that it is deemed unacceptable and racist to criticize or disagree with him in any way. Even gestures are reviewed as having racial connotations. This is absurd!”

I also told the audience that Barack Hussein Obama is the most divisive president in U.S. history.

I later learned that Brian Williams did worse to President Bush than Brewer allegedly did to Obama. http://bit.ly/xHWssc

4063444059?profile=originalAt our second event in Pensacola, I ran into a patriot I met a few years ago at a tea party, Dr. B Leland Baker. Dr. Baker is the author of “Tea Party Revival: The Conscience of a Conservative Reborn: The Tea Party Revolt Against Unconstrained Spending and Growth of the Federal Government”.

After we bear hugged, my patriot brother Dr Baker shared how he has traveled to 35 states so far lecturing, teaching and selling his book. Now get this folks, Dr Baker does this on his own dime and donates the money from the sale of his book to various tea party groups. Wow! What an extraordinary patriot.

4063444015?profile=originalI could not help contrasting Dr Baker's passion, love, commitment and willingness to “give” in order to save his country compared to the self serving entitlement minded lowlifes of the occupy movement. How dare the media claim the occupiers are equal to the tea party.

Ninety-nine percent of the tea partiers I have met over the years are people of the highest caliber who are working and sacrificing to save our great country; true patriots who desire the best for all Americans regardless of race, color or creed. And this is why I love them.

Apparently, Pensacola, FL is Cajun country. Various Crawfish dishes dominated the menu. They fry every and anything! I tasted and enjoyed fried pickles. My cup of seafood gumbo was to die for. I ordered the seafood platter thinking it would be broiled. Wrong. It was all fried, a mountain of seafood. I ate a few pieces of fish and shrimp. Delicious. I had the waitress box up the rest (clams, shrimp, oysters and fish). We have a seven or eight hour ride to Orlando tomorrow. I will nuke my seafood leftovers in the microwave on the bus and share them with the team – cause that's how we roll on the Tea Party Express.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.


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Our Tea Party Express tour bus arrived at the Newt Gingrich rally in The Villages to see a huge enthusiastic crowd of thousands. I must confess I was somewhat surprised because I was told The Villages is Romney Land. I suspect the great turn out for Newt will go unreported because the media is in the tank for Romney.

The media's goal is to select Mitt Romney as our Republican presidential nominee. Remember how the media LOVED our so-called “electable moderate” presidential candidate, John McCain, until he won the nomination? Then, they trashed McCain, while fawning over all things Obama, their Black Golden Child. Well, the media is hoping for a sequel starring “electable moderate” Mitt Romney. Their game plan is the same as the last presidential election. The headline: “Obama Wins Second Term!”

As I stated, I was pleasantly surprised seeing the sea of Newt Gingrich supporters at The Villages.

Yesterday, in Jacksonville at the first rally of our four day Florida tour, a patriot asked former Congressman J C Watts if he thinks Newt can win. Watts replied, “Who would have thought a freshman senator could defeat Bill and Hillary Clinton to win the nomination and the presidency? Newt Gingrich can win!”

4063442828?profile=originalI wish to offer my condolences to Vietnam vet and tea party patriot Gerry Millholen regarding the recent loss of his 85 year old mom, Mary Jean Millholen.

The Millholen family is the epitome of the phrase, “Freedom ain't free!” Mary Jean was a Blue Star Mother; all three of her sons Vietnam in-country Vets as well as her son-in-law – her husband, Gale, a WW II USN Vet. Her father and father-in-law, both US Navy Veterans of WW I. Mary Jean's mother-in-law, Myrtle Millholen, was a Gold Star Mother. Gerry's father lost his only brother in WW II. Wow! An extraordinary family history of service to our country.

We MUST continue our fight to preserve and restore the freedoms families such as the Millholens have given so much, including the ultimate sacrifice to defend. Gerry, you and your family are in my prayers.

Our second Tea Party Express rally of two for the day was in Gainesville, Fl. Patriots were fired up and very busy involved in the movement.

For the grand finale of our Gainesville rally, I felt led to love on the patriots a bit. I asked my Tea Party Express team to join me on stage. Then, I invited the audience to come forward and shake our hands while I sang, “God Bless America”. It was awesome fellowship.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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Dear Tea Party Patriots: We Are Family‏

4063440452?profile=originalAs we enter the year which will make or break America as we know it, I wish to remind all of you that We Are Family. Together, we took the House, and together we must take the White House.

In my travels across our great land, six times on national "Our Country Deserves Better" and "Tea Party Express" bus tours, I have been blown away by you -- your dignity, your sense of right and wrong/good and evil, your love for America, and your desire to see all Americans succeed.

I have been moved by your passion to save America. After the initial round of Tea Parties, which were themed "our country is moving in the wrong direction and something must be done about it," you began taking action: organizing, writing books, making informative videos, writing songs, and designing games to teach our kids the Constitution. I am so proud of you guys.

In my travels, I have heard countless stories about how Obama's economy has devastated lives. But to their credit, these patriots are surviving as best as they can while diligently working in our divinely inspired Tea Party movement.

In his book, Nothing Is Easy, author Gary Paduch coined the phrase "Classic Americans" -- people who were tough and hardworking, who did whatever needed to be done without complaining. "Classic Americans" best describes my wonderful Tea Party brothers and sisters whom I have met across America.

Because I have come to know who Tea Party folks truly are, it infuriates me when the liberal media and Obama sycophants intentionally misrepresent you. You guys are my family. My deceased Momma taught me that you never allow anyone to "dis" your family.

This is why every time I have a national microphone -- CNN, Fox News, etc. -- I defend my Tea Party family against evil, divisive, racist, and absurd lies. Thus, I called NAACP President Ben Jealous a liar on national TV. Jealous said he saw signs at a Tea Party which read, "Lynch Barack Obama" and "Lynch Eric Holder." If these two signs existed, they would be posted everywhere. To date, no one on the planet has seen these signs other than Jealous. Jealous' lie is evil, divisive, and meant to inspire racial hatred for the Tea Party. Jealous should be ashamed of himself. A Congressional Black Caucus member said that Tea Party people want to see blacks hung from a tree. How outrageous, stupid, and evil. I have no respect for such peddlers of hate.

I have written about the white Texas cowboy I met at a Tea Party who was the proud father of two black babies he and his wife had adopted. Then there was the terminally ill Tea Party white lady in Michigan whose daughter told us her mom said she wanted to meet me before she died. These people have nothing against a black man being in the White House. They are simply saying "no" to Obama's socialistic agenda. Obama minions trashing and misrepresenting these good people is despicable politics.

As every family, we have feuds. I still haven't forgiven my brother for being a Pittsburgh Steelers fan. For crying out loud, he lives in our hometown, Baltimore -- support the Ravens!

The liberal media loves to make a big deal about Tea Party infighting. Well, the truth of the matter is that wherever there are human beings, there will be disagreements -- even in church. I believe that Billy Graham said if you find a perfect church, do not join, because you will mess it up.

So yes, our Tea Party family will disagree on various issues. And when you think about it, this is great. It confirms that we are intelligent, independent thinkers, as opposed to the emotion-driven, mind-numb idiots so prevalent in left-wing circles.

I wish to encourage my Tea Party family to stick together. I also wish to remind you who is the true enemy of freedom, liberty, and all we hold dear. His name is Barack Hussein Obama.

Brothers and sisters, this election is unique. It is not politics as usual -- the Dems having their turn recklessly spending our money, and then the Repubs having their turn. The stakes are far higher than that. This election is about stopping a man who is committed to ending America as we know it. Therefore, any of our flawed candidates is better than four more years of Obama.

Good Lord, the Obama administration admitted that it does not care about the working-class white vote. They are going after the deadbeats, the haters, the class-envy crowd -- as many as they can drag out of bed, pay ten bucks, put on buses, and drive to the polls to vote for Obama eight or nine times.

This is serious business, folks. Obama must be stopped.

If not, the concept of Classic Americans (tough, hardworking, and doing whatever needs to be done without complaining) will be lost forever. Obama is aggressively transforming us into a Needy Everyone is Equal America.

A third party, not voting at all, or any other nonsense will insure Obama's re-election and the end of America. I implore each and every member of my Tea Party family to rally around whoever becomes our Republican nominee.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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4063437814?profile=originalSuddenly, there is a lot of discussion about whether or not we live in a "post-racial society." With the 2012 presidential election right around the corner, I can only conclude that, despicably, "race-baiting" will be a major component of the left's and the White House's Obama re-election campaign.

Recently, a black publication interviewed me for an article, the topic being "Is America a post-racial society?" Then, flipping through the TV channels, I caught a bit of two blacks on CNN discussing whether or not America is a post-racial society. It's coming up everywhere lately.

I am just giving you a heads-up, folks. All this talk about a post-racial society, which sounds like it came out of a marketing strategy meeting, is designed simply to accuse all who are against Obama's re-election of being non-post-racial. In other words, racist.

The post-racial discussion is absurd, divisive, and a waste of time -- a distraction from real issues. The fact that America elected a black man to be leader of the free world confirms that Americans think post-racially. Blacks are only 12% of the U.S. population. Even if every black in America voted for Obama, without millions of white votes, Obama would not have been elected. Are we a post-racial society? Of course we are.

What I find so repulsive is that the left and the Obama administration are well aware of this truth. And yet, they will, without hesitation or conscience, double down on their efforts to inspire black hatred against white Tea Partiers and fuel white guilt to achieve their goals.

I witnessed a moving example of our post-racial society while watching a pro football playoff game on TV. Upon winning the game, black football player Vernon Davis, with tears running down his face, ran over to his white coach, Jim Harbaugh. Davis cried as he and Harbaugh hugged for a long time. They were just two men: a respected coach and a respected player. Race did not matter. America is a post-racial society.

Only agenda-driven knuckleheads design new tactics to keep Americans apart, suspicious of one another, and at each other's throats along racial lines.

Now, do not get me wrong. I am not saying racism, on both sides, does not exist in America. Of course, it does, along with every other sin. Such will be the case until the Lord takes us home. But as a nation, the American people have proven themselves honorable, fair-minded, compassionate, and extremely generous.

The '60s TV series Star Trek was an excellent example of a "post-racial society." The crew was of various races and yet they related to each other as individuals. Race was irrelevant.

I love the way the left always accuses us, the American people, of the evils of which they are guilty. We do not sit around thinking of phony intellectual-sounding phrases such as "post-racial society." We simply live, work, and play together as Americans. The left and black Liberal Plantation overlords are the ones guilty of thinking "non"-post-racially for political purposes. Their exploitation of race continues to devastate blacks in terms of their attitudes and expectations. Black race profiteers are betraying their own people by convincing them that they are victims, despite being blessed to be born in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet. For crying out loud, I caught one of those Hollywood insider TV shows talking about some black rapper's ninety-million-dollar fragrance line. Black unemployment being at an unprecedented high has nothing to do with white America's views on race and everything to do with Obama's economy.

All of this absurd post-racial talk confirms that most-assuredly, the Obama administration and his minions plan to exploit race, along with class envy, in Obama's reelection campaign. This is why the left has been relentless in their attempts to brand the Tea Party racist. Tea partiers oppose Socialism and ignoring the Constitution, not Obama's skin color.

As a post-racial-thinking American, I am doing everything in my power to make Barack Hussein Obama a one-term president, and not because he is black. Obama must go because his vision for our future is an anathema to all we hold dear and the vision of our Founding Fathers.

If I can offer one bit of heartfelt advice to my fellow black Americans who may be caught up in all of this post-racial vs. non post-racial nonsense, please, forget about race and simply go for your dreams.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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The Tebow Effect

4063435088?profile=originalDenver Broncos rookie quarterback Tim Tebow is an unapologetic, outspoken born-again Christian.  No politically correct, careful not to offend anyone, skirting around the issue of his faith for Tebow.  When interviewed after winning a game, Tebow says, "First, I would like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."

Numerous pro athletes are Christians.  None have been so innocently bold about expressing their faith as Tebow.  It is as if when Tebow entered the national stage, he never got the memo sent by the left stating that God is banned from the public square, and anyone who dares speak of God will be branded a religious nutcase.  Tebow simply loves Jesus and sees no reason to hide it.  Thus, the left hopes that Tebow fails as a quarterback and a role model.

Oh, I just got a thought.  Wouldn't the mainstream media be celebrating and rallying around Tebow if he proclaimed that he was in love with and planned to marry a fellow teammate?  Imagine the major TV network bidding war for the rights to broadcast the wedding nationwide.

Meanwhile, the left has deemed Tebow proclaiming his love for Jesus offensive.  A blogger called Tebow the most polarizing figure in America.  Several TV shows promote homosexuality.  Another TV show promotes Islam.  And yet, Tebow mentioning Jesus is considered polarizing.

Tebow is not polarizing/dividing people.  Tebow is bringing people together.  Remarkably, Tebow fans are all races, ranging in ages from eight to eighty.

Folks, I am telling you.  There is something uniquely special about this fine young man, Tim Tebow.  Cultural rot is eating away at our country like a terminal cancer.  Our boys aspire to look and act like thugs.  Women are dressing themselves and their daughters without modesty.

Unintentionally and, I believe, unknown to him, Tebow appears to be leading a movement toward a miracle cure: returning Christian values and principles from many years of exile.  More and more pro athletes and politicians are boldly speaking about their faith on national TV.  We are witnessing the birth of The Tebow Effect.

Tebow is making it cool to be a "good guy" again.  He has sparked a national dialog in the secular arena regarding faith.

Christian broadcasting networks do a wonderful job.  But rarely these days do we see anyone speak as comfortably and as matter-of-factly about his faith as Tebow in "secular" settings.  Tebow is not trying to start a movement, nor is he trying to offend.  The kid is simply being himself, and people are following his example.

God is so awesomely cool.  The Bible says God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise.  Who could have imagined that God would use something as foolish as a twenty-something-year-old kid, playing football, having fun, and being himself, to inspire millions?

Tragically, many Americans have accepted incidents of terminating a sixty-year tradition of opening their town's spring festival or city council meeting with prayer because one person complained.  Many have accepted their children being forced to say "happy winter break" because "Christmas" is declared to have offensive religious connotations.  At secular events where prayer is allowed, clergy are cautioned to refrain from using the name of Jesus for fear of offending someone.  Yes, the left has done a pretty good job of intimidating Christians into not honoring Jesus in secular settings.

Then, along comes this superstar football player cheerfully spouting the name of Jesus all over the place.  The anti-Christian crowd who thought they had us Christians securely under their thumb are furious.  Who does this Tebow guy think he is, and does he know the rules?

I believe that Tebow is passively leading us back to a time when all things Christian were not attacked, demeaned, ridiculed, or made fun of.  Many years ago, secular companies produced movies like Boys Town, in which Father Flanagan was the hero.  Nowadays, though, can you name a recent movie produced by a secular company which features Christians in a positive light?  Remember the grief Mel Gibson caught from the anti-Christian community for following the biblical account of events in producing his movie, The Passion of The Christ?

When I was a kid, my family loved watching the Red Skelton TV comedy show.  Skelton would end every show saying, "Good night and may God bless."  Today, letters from a few non-Christians claiming to be offended would prompt the show producers to instruct Skelton to cease ending his show with a "prayer."

Tebow represents a paradigm change -- a new sense of freedom to say "Praise God!" in secular settings.  I love it!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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New TV Show Idea: All-American Christian

4063432224?profile=originalI have a GREAT idea! How about a TV show titled, “All-American Christian”? Christians have been getting a bum rap in cinema and the mainstream media for quite a while. In a spirit of fairness, compassion and tolerance, a TV show promoting Christianity is simply the right thing to do. After all, the last thing we need are Christian-phobic Americans.

We must educate Americans to realize Christianity is a religion of peace. Christians are not anti-American. The TV show will confirm Christians are not much different than you and me and just as patriotic. Also, Christians would never attempt to force Biblical Law down our throats.

Now, where can I find fair minded, tolerant and compassionate celebrities who will enthusiastically support and speak in defense of the show. I know! Russell Simmons, Bill Maher and Rosie O'Donnell are a good start. These guys are all about fairness, tolerance and compassion. I am extremely confident they will leap at an opportunity to fairly portray Christianity.

Christians are not rioting, seeking to physically punish offenders or lobbying to make it illegal to speak against their religion. Thus, beheading non-believers who reject their religion is not in the Christian recruitment manual. As a matter of fact, the founder of Christianity said, “With loving kindness have I drawn thee”.

Rosie O'Donnell, great advocate of women rights that she is, will surely love this. Christian women are not forced to be subservient to men. Under no circumstance does Christianity condone a husband beating, stoning or beheading his wife. A Christian woman is pretty much free to be all-she-can-be from a mom to governor of Alaska to president of the United States. Believe it or not, a Christian woman can even venture outside without having her head covered and face veiled. Thus, it makes perfect sense that the American Feminist Movement would rally around Christianity. Right?

I can not think of a single group of people Christians seek to remove from the planet. While more than 18,167 deadly terrorist attacks, since 9-11, have been carried out in the name of another religion, zero attacks, since 9-11, have happened in the name of Christianity. We know the American left is all about peace; “all we are saying is give peace a chance”and so on. One can only conclude that Christianity's non-violent track record wins their endorsement. Correct?

Unfortunately, Christianity does not have a “lying clause”. Another religion has a privilege authorized in its holy book called, “Taqiyya” which means never-feeling-guilty-for-lying. In other words, Taqiyya makes it permissible to lie to protect their religion. Common sense tells us that anything these people say about the intentions and motives of their religion should be taken with a grain of salt. Meanwhile, Christians are stuck with “Thy shall not lie.”

It is truly tragic that Bibles, after school Bible studies and prayer at school sporting events are being banned from public schools. Christian graduates are commanded to censor all references to God and especially “Jesus” from their commencement speeches. And yet, nationwide special concessions are being made for another religion; installing foot bathing facilities and etc.

By the way, our government has sponsored the defacing of Christian icons. A photo of a crucifix submerged in a glass of urine was funded by the NEA (National Endowment of the Arts). The award winning photo is titled, “Piss Christ”. The Brooklyn Museum of Art, despite considerable controversy, exhibited the Holy Virgin Mary painted with elephant dong.

Christians are legally fighting the court ordered removal of crosses which have been displayed on sites for many years, one out in the middle of nowhere. Nativity scenes are becoming more and more taboo in public schools and government buildings. Our kids no longer go on Christmas break from school. It is now called Winter Fest-a-something or other.

Some paranoid conspiracy theorists say Christianity has infiltrated high levels of our government. Rumor has it that even President Obama is a Christian. However, this rumor is yet to be confirmed. I wish to go on record stating that I am not Christian-phobic. America was unarguably founded on Biblical principles. Therefore, I am completely comfortable with Christians influencing our government.

We can count on Secretary of State Hilary Clinton to aggressively work to make Christian-phobia punishable by law the way she is for another religion.

So yes, the timing is perfect for an “All-American Christian” TV show. I am sure Hilary, Obama and all those compassionate tolerant Hollywood types will enthusiastically join in our effort to get out the truth about Christianity- a virtuous, misunderstood and wonderful religion of peace.

Folks, this is gonna be great! I am soooooo excited. For the debut of the “All-American Christian” TV show, I wonder if we can get Tim Tebow to make a special guest appearance. Wouldn't that be awesome?

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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Race & Politics Based Law Enforcement.

4063429025?profile=originalSix months ago, I returned home to discover a family had moved into my backyard storage shed. Displaying an incredible sense of entitlement and off the chain arrogance, the family refused to leave, arguing they were simply seeking a better life. Adding insult to injury, their TV, computers and etc were powered by an electrical cord plugged into the exterior outlet of my home.

Infuriated, I immediately sought help from law enforcement to remove the squatters from my property. After inquiring about the race of my intruders, law enforcement accused me of racism. Law enforcement declined to assist me. I yelled, “These people are breaking the law! What about my rights as a property owner?”

Law Enforcement scolded me, “Don't try to hide your racism behind the law!”

I returned home frustrated to witness more of the trespasser's family and friends setting up residency in my backyard. One invader brought an old piece of crap RV. My Home Owner's Association is fining me daily until its removal. There are tents and people living in an old Chevy station-wagon; all powered by a dangerous poor imitation of a MacGyver style electrical hookup into my power including a maze of electrical cords.

To stop further invasion, armed buddies volunteered to secure my fence, take turns keeping watch. Local media caught wind of my buddies sympathetic generous offer and branded them an angry racist mob of vigilantes. Law enforcement threatened my buddies with arrests if they intervened in any way.

With city elections only a few months away, the mayor showed up at my home with fruit baskets for the invaders. His honor assured the invaders that he supported their honorable pursuit of a better life 100% and would not tolerate the “racist” property owner (me), evicting them. After the thunderous applause subsided, the mayor's assistant made sure each invader filled out a voter registration form which he collected before the mayor and his entourage departed.

So, here I am. My monthly electric bill has tripled. Cited for code violations, I was forced to install more outlets and electrical power. My backyard landscape with my wife's prize-winning flower garden is now a mud-pit resembling a scene from the movie, “Woodstock”. Invaders now occupy every inch of our exterior property.

Local media continually write stories about what a cruel, heartless, evil and racist SOB I am for not providing food for my “guests” and adding them to my health insurance.

Upon returning home from school, we keep our kids in the house. Our neighborhood has become unsafe and in rapid decline; selling drugs and lord knows what illegal activities are taking place in our backyard.

The Home Owner's Association sent a petition to the city demanding they do something to stop the invasion spreading all over our community. In response, the city is suing us. The local media has joined the city in their effort to portray us as racists who are somehow breaking the law.

Unbelievably, to assist the invaders, the city has raised our taxes to provide by-lingual signage throughout our community, food, education and health care for our “guests”.

Please understand. Our history of swiftly coming to the aid of people in need around the world confirms that my neighbors and I are a charitable, generous and compassionate people. Thus, we wholeheartedly support anyone seeking a better life.

But, there is a right and wrong way of doing things. An illegal invasion is not the correct way. It is also immoral to send a message that it is acceptable to break our laws; a slap in the face to all who play by the rules.

What happened to “equal justice for all”? Law enforcement and government lending a deaf ear to lawbreakers for political reasons is the worse kind of corruption. Their motives are not about compassion, but rather securing potential new voters. Such a self-serving exploitation of power is shameful, despicable and ugly. How can my city, with a straight face, instruct kids to obey the law and not sell drugs when the city decides to enforce laws based on their agenda or the race of the offender?

Got to run, the Spot-O-Potty delivery guys have arrived. Yes, it is another expense, but it is worth it.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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Herman Cain: A Final Word

4063409159?profile=originalI would not blame Herman Cain if he said, Lloyd, I know you mean well brother. However, the relentless vitriolic media attacks against me have finally subsided since I dropped out of the presidential race. My family and I are finally having some peace. So, why on earth would you bring up my name again?

Well, in a nut shell, I just did not like the way the whole “Cain Thing” went down. Also, we live in a fast paced news cycle, carelessly nuke a person's life and in two days everyone has moved on, disposable world. Herman Cain's courageous bid to serve his country deserves more than, “Cain, wasn't he the black dude sex fanatic who ran for president as a Republican?”

OK, Cain is gone and we conservatives must focus on selecting our candidate to defeat Obama in 2012. I got it. But, it breaks my heart seeing what happened to this “good man”. Cain was attacked from both sides of the aisle. A few conservative pundits even accused Cain of not seriously seeking the Oval Office, but simply seeking self-promotion.

Please do not get me wrong. I realize playing with the big boys in the national arena is tough. I just did not realize how much tougher and blatantly unfair it is for conservatives. As a conservative seeking to win the Republican presidential nomination, Cain endured a deep rectal vetting not even required of our current president. As a matter of fact, we still know very little about Obama's history.

Obama is a liberal. Thus, the liberal media deems probing Obama's history, associations and even using his middle name to be racist.

As a black conservative myself, I was excited about black America meeting Herman Cain – a brilliant black businessman who loves God and country. Cain's message was a refreshing breath of fresh air; a striking contrast to the absurd victim/entitlement minded garbage coming out of the mouths of too many successful rich blacks who say - Yes, we are multimillionaires, but America is still racist, sucks and owes us.

Unfortunately, here is how this great black role model was introduced to much of black America. My 84 year old dad phoned me, “Do you know this Herman McCain who is involved in all these sex scandals?” I replied, “His name is Herman Cain, dad”. I then proceeded to tell my dad about the great man I know.

Think about this folks, Cain's candidacy and reputation, in the minds of many, was destroyed by unproven “he said, she said” allegations. Please do not come back at me arguing about whether or not Cain was qualified for the office. I am not talking about that. I am talking about the no-holds-barred, nothing-is-off-limits or over-the-top relentless campaign to destroy this decent man.

Good Lord, the allegations went from “possible” sexual gestures to Cain supposedly forcibly reaching under a woman's skirt. Since Cain has dropped out of the race, all of his accusers are gone. Imagine that.

Something has gone terribly wrong in our country folks. Meanwhile, the mainstream liberal media are deaf, dumb and blind regarding all of the huge elephants in America's living room unfavorable to Obama. Why? Because Obama is their rare Teflon ticket to making all of their progressive, anti-America and socialistic dreams come true.

While I “feel” for brother Cain, I am fully confident Herman Cain will be OK. Remember, Cain beat cancer. Using his faith, character and infectious optimism, Cain will find a way to make extraordinary lemonade using the Left's lemons (their evil attacks against him).

Wow, I may have just come up with a brilliant Capitalistic, sorry Occupiers, entrepreneurial marketing idea. Famous Amos sells his cookies, Rush Limbaugh sells his tea; how about Herman Cain Lemonade?

Brother Cain, I just want to say one more time how much millions of us truly appreciated and thank you for stepping up to save our great country. You led the pack for a reason, your business sense, optimism, character and love for America. You and your family remain in our prayers.

Another reason I know Cain will be OK is because referring to Christians, the Bible says, “No weapon formed against us shall prosper”.

I am sure the Left, Obama administration and the liberal media were dancing to the classic Martha Reeves and the Vandellas hit song, “Dancing In the Street”, the day Cain withdrew from the race. But mark my words, God “ain't” done with Herman Cain. Not only will his extraordinary life and story continue to positively impact millions, his success will reach unprecedented levels.

Take that you arrogant godless left-wingers. Lemonade anyone?

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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4063425745?profile=originalSome may say, for crying out loud, Lloyd. You're as bad as Tebow. Must you always interject God and the Bible into everything? Well folks, it is just who I am.

Canaan was God's “Promised Land” to the Israelites. Upon their arrival, Moses sent twelve spies to check out the land. All twelve spies reported that the land was beautiful and awesome. Ten of the twelve spies fearfully said the land was possessed by giants which they could never defeat. Only two spies believed they could defeat the giants and claim the land which God had promised to them. Interestingly, God described the lack of faith by the ten spies not simply as negative, but evil.

Brother and sister tea party patriots, I believe Divine Providence inspired the Tea Party movement to restore America from it's path of cultural and moral rot. Thus, we have the power to take back America, which was founded on Biblical Principles, from the Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Marxists and Occupiers.

The “giants” in our scenario are an anti-America president Obama with a billion dollars to spend on his lie-filled reelection campaign and a sycophant liberal mainstream media openly committed to his reelection and goals.

Please do not misinterpret what I am about to say. I am not endorsing Michele Bachmann or any candidate for that matter. But I heard a conservative say, “No, we absolutely can not select Bachmann because she is unelectable!” I ask, Why is Bachmann unelectable? What has Bachmann said or done that is so crazy or stupid? What did I miss?

In reality, because the “giants”-- i.e., the mainstream media – have labeled Bachmann “extreme”, conservatives fearful of Obama being reelected have disqualified Bachmann.

The “giants” tag team of the Obama administration and the liberal media who have successfully taken Cain out of the race, will repeat this process, destroying each of our candidates until the last candidate standing is the moderate they really want to run against Obama – namely, Mitt Romney. They know that Romney is a clone of John McCain whom Obama defeated four years ago.

What is my point, you ask? My point is I am sooooooooo sick of our side forever playing on defense, allowing the left to control the language, empowering them to set the rules of engagement and making decisions based on fear.

We conservatives are the good guys! Yes, I believe that God is on our side. Conservatism is unarguably best for all Americans. The liberal agenda is evil.

Here is an example of allowing the left to call the shots. During a Republican Presidential Debate on ABC, the candidates were basically asked if they knew what it is like to be poor. Each candidate began defending his or her success. The liberal moderator's question, which would never be asked of a democrat, was rooted in the stereotype that Republicans are rich white racists. Also, hidden in their question was “class envy” which is the main strategy of Obama's reelection campaign. Meanwhile, mega-rich Democrats such as the late Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have never been asked to defend their wealth.

When did poverty because a virtue and crucial to being a good president?

In response to the liberal moderator's when-did-you-evil-republicans-stop-beating-your-wife style question, I would have loved for one of our candidates to have refused to play their game; to refuse to apologize or defend his or her financial success.

Speaking of controlling the language, a conservative pollster suggested that we refrain from using the term, “Capitalism” because it turns-off the Occupiers. This is yet another example of “allowing the inmates to run the asylum” – that is, operating out of fear. Capitalism is not a dirty word. Why should we surrender to the Occupiers allowing them to make it dirty?

God has designed life in such a way that success requires risk and backbone. In life, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Risk-takers experience what Jim McKay of ABC Sports described as, “The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat!” By the way, liberals believe that God's system is unfair and seek to legislate equal outcomes in the name of fairness.

In our quest to defeat Obama, due to his horrific record, we hold the winning hand. Failure would be the consequence of fear. It will require backbone to defeat our “giants” (Obama and his media).

We must not allow Obama and company to select our presidential candidate. This requires that we cease allowing them to call the shots. Conservatives must boldly go and stay on offense in our fight to defeat the “giants”, who currently occupy our great land, in 2012.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem
and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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