ibh (1)

Muslim Brotherhood in the Whitehouse Administration

The Brotherhood , (IBH) ,won the Egyptian election, but immediately threw out judges, top Generals that worked with the West were fired, their Constitution and moved toward making that country an Islamic State under Sharia law.  Christians were murdered and churches burned, so it was bad, very bad.  The administration had supported the spring and the end of Mubarak, who had peace with Israel, pro west and had maintained peace within that country.  He was better than a wolf in sheep's clothing, ( Suits), that once in power moved to make that country a radical place. OSBL was a member of the IBH as well as Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups. One Egyptian politician openly declared their war was with the US and Israel, not others.

Of course, our President has hired more than one of the IBH members and even placed them in Homeland security positions. Wow, I think that is not good. Are they loyal to America? Remember the Doctor in Fort Hood, who is still on the Army payroll. Maybe these guys are, but in light of the IBH's record have they declared their loyalty? Can we trust them?  Was does Congress think? Any investigations? Not yet.

I hope they are loyal, but it worries me given the record of the IBH.




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