jm (2)


Every four years since I can remember ( the past 35 years ) I've woken up to the same song playing on the political radio. We have these people running for the highest office our country has to offer, President of the United States of America. A number of people get in the race for this prestigous office with hopes of becoming their parties nominee and ultimately President. During all of the candidates campaigns over the years I've heard these same Top five oldies but goodies played over and over and over again. We must fund education in this country / We must reform and save Social Security / We must lower taxes for the average American / We must reform medicaid / We have to reduce the deficit for this country to prosper. So let's review for a moment. We have two parties singing the same songs leading up to Ground Hog day which lasts for months and months and months. Finally when the dust settles and Ground Hog day arrives we pick the person who sang those top 5 songs the best. Hmmm, what's wrong with this picture? I think the same things will be the platforms for all parties yet again. Any ideas to stop the 40 year insanity ? You would think by now we wouldn't have any issues on S.S , Education, Taxes, Medicare, Deficits etc... Because all who were previously elected by us over the past 40 years have accomplished what they ran on. Who's fooling who ?

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Why is it that in all of the deficit reduction schemes, no one has mentioned cutting one dime of the BILLIONS of dollars in aid sent to foreign countries. Washington has spent years giving away these billions ( of our taxpayer dollars ) to our allies and third world countries. Then in the past 2 years spend us ( tax payers ) into an even deeper hole that we almost can't get out of and in their infinite wisdom basically come up with this theme. "The American people are going to have to face some harsh realities and make some more sacrifices". Don't you think if we hadn't given away several hundred BILLION year after year that we might not be in this big of a hole. Most of us have been taught that family comes first. In Washington, their mantra seems to be to help,fix,save and support everyone else in the world and put it on the backs of the American families. I would suggest that for awhile ( since it is our hard earned tax money ) that we stop helping strangers and take care of our American families because we need help, fixes,support and being saved too.
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