No matter how many times Blackwater gets
in trouble or is sued under another name it still
manages to get lucrative contracts.
You would
think that the US public might get a
little bit riled up and even form a tar and
feather party rather than a tea party.
But probably this will not even make the
mainstream news to any extent.
Xe will guard CIA facilities in Afghanistan
and elsewhere. Watch out Afghans don't
get too close to the wrong places.
Of course exactly where these places
to be guarded are classified.
This new contract comes exactly one
day after a commission investigating war
zone contracts blasted the State Dept. for
awarding another 120 million dollar
contract to Xe for guarding U.S.
consulates under construction in Afghanistan.
The firm has been facing lawsuits and
possible prosecution since 2007. Apparently
Blackwater is for sale.
Maybe General McChrystal will buy out
owner of Xe services to keep himself busy.
Let's hope.
(I found this comment on a comment site. (I like to know where the site I put down here, went too!!
I did not write this comment. Someone else did.)