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Is There a Real Romney


Mitt Romney

A Subtle Manchurian Candidate ?

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In Richard Condon's 1959 novel “The Manchurian Candidate”, the son of a prominent, right-wing political family was brainwashed as part of a international Chinese Communist conspiracy. In addition to the overt brainwashing described in the novel, a more subtle form of brainwashing can occur when the victim is exposed to methodical propaganda reinforced by positive feedback in the form of wealth accumulation. The most likely candidate is someone from a cult background that sees the world in stark black and white terms. Click here for a more detailed explanation of brainwashing and mind control.

Is the front runner in the GOP nomination process, Mitt Romney, a Subtle Manchurian Candidate? Because of the delicately complex nature of subtle mind control, we cannot know for sure; but, if we can answer three questions with yes, then we should be concerned. The three questions are: 1) Has Mitt Romney been exposed to methodical propaganda reinforced by positive feedback in the form of wealth accumulation? 2) Does Mitt Romney come from a cult-like background? 3) Does Mitt Romney see the world in stark black and white terms? Each voter should ask themselves these questions before supporting Mitt Romney for the Presidency of the United States.

For those who question whether China would engage in mind control, remember, Chinese leaders pioneered brainwashing during the Korean war. Remember, also, that the leaders of China have supported programs that allow companies, such as FoxConn, to enslave the young workers of China in a workers hell – far from the workers paradise promised by Karl Marx. If the Communist Chinese leadership is willing to enslave its own people, they will be willing to enslave the people of the United States of America.

Please note that I am not claiming that there is an office in Beijing directly manipulating Romney, all I am suggesting is that he has been subconciously coopted by a foreign pro-China influence. If I made as much money shipping jobs to China, I would probably be coopted as well.


Question 1: Has Mitt Romney been exposed to methodical propaganda reinforced by positive feedback in the form of wealth accumulation?


In 1983 Bain Capital was co-founded by Mitt Romney. The name Bain comes from Bill Bain, the founder of Bain & Company, a consulting firm for which Mitt Romney had worked. Bill Bain supported the creation of Bain Capital as a way of obtaining more clients for Bill Bain's consulting services. Out-sourcing and off-shoring are among the consulting services provided by Bill Bain to Mitt Romney. Click here to see the Bain Company website in which they tout their expertise in out-sourcing and off-shoring. In other words, Mitt Romney raised private equity capital in order to acquire control of companies, many of the manufacturing jobs of which were subsequently out-sourced from the USA to offshore sites, primarily China. Mitt Romney became famously rich by taking advantage of globalization's international ideology of “finding the cheapest labor market”.

Generally, conservatives in America laud financial success unless it was acquired through unethical practices. In a nutshell, ethics involves the basic concepts of right and wrong. Mitt Romney is acutely aware of the economic paradox of short term economic benefits and long term economic damage. In 2008 he was quoted as saying “I recognize there are some people who will argue for protectionism because the short-term benefits sound pretty good, but long term you kill your economy, you kill the future.” Now, after reaping his own rewards, he condemns the parasitic nature of Chinese involvement in the global market place. Is this simply another Romney flip-flop, or is he running from a pattern of sinister behaviour? A case can be made that, as a result of the subtle effects of his meteoric financial success, he has been brainwashed to accept a pro-Chinese agenda. In other words, the answer to question 1 is YES. Mitt Romney has been exposed to methodical propaganda reinforced by positive feedback in the form of wealth accumulation?


Question 2: Does Mitt Romney come from a cult-like background?


Mitt Romney is a mormon. One of the brilliant aspects of the American system is freedom of religion; and, as a result, mormonism has prospered. Many parts of mormonism are commendable and no aspect of this enquiry is meant to cast aspersions on the religion. No one should be precluded from the US presidency based upon their religious beliefs.

Is mormonism a cult? The issue is hotly debated. For purposes of this inquiry, it is not necessary to answer the question of whether or not mormonism is a cult. The purpose here is whether or not mormonism has cult characteristics. For purposes of brevity, two facts indicate that mormonism has cult-like characteristics. First, the church asserts a tremendous amount of centralized control over its member. Second, in the 2008 and 2012 Nevada GOP caucuses, 25% of the voters were mormon and they dutifully voted almost unanimously for Romney. At the very least this indicates a cult-like pattern of behaviour. The answer to question 2 is YES; Mitt Romney comes from a cult-like background.


Question 3: Does Mitt Romney see the world in stark black and white terms?


Whether or not Mitt Romney sees the world in stark black and white terms is a question of perception. Each voter must answer this question on their own. Why does it matter? Because this is the last and only unanswered question concerning Mitt Romney in this article. If the answer is yes to this question, then it is likely that Mitt Romney, as president, will continue to be an subtle agent in a Chinese fifth column that will see the end of the American dream; notwithstanding what Mitt Romney may say otherwise.

I don't know the answer to this question; however, I will make some observations that seem to indicate that the answer is yes. Mike Huckabee observed that Romney is more like the guy who will fire you. McCain had called him dishonest. He has flip-flopped on so many issues that it is difficult to keep track. He said no to the GM and Chrysler bail-outs but supported the Wall Street bailouts. He said no to real estate market supports but supported bank bail-outs. He has abandoned conservative ideals in favour of internationalism. He vigorously has engaged with a Communist Country that encourages abortions and slave labor.  Soros says Romney is the same as Pres. Obamanation.   The Republican establishment desperately wants Mitt.  Mitt Romney is neither a conservative, nor a moderate, nor a liberal. Is he is a product of a stark black and white view of the world that blinds him to the complexities of the world and the hopeful answers provided by conservative ideals? The decision is yours.




The blithe response to this article is that Romney is a capitalist. The same reasoning would make Judas a capitalist as well. Romney's inconsistencies indicate a person who follows his own agenda notwithstanding the consequences to his fellow citizens; and, when confronted, much like Judas, he denies. Please take some time to contemplate the issues presented herein.

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