petition22017 (1)

WE THE People Rights

Call for the investigation & adjudication of Chuck Schumer, George Soros, Maxine Waters, Al Green, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Michael Moore and others for disruption of government, attempted overthrow without legitimate cause of a sitting president, and the destabilization of American society and economy for criminally-motivated political and financial gain.
We also seek the investigation & adjudication of all others in acting and deep-state government as well as the corrupt "news" media outlets complicit in these acts of fraud, slander and treason, including but not limited to Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice, John Podesta, Huma Abedin, Al Franken, Elizabeth Warren, CoryBooker Nancy Pelosi and others following the “Rules for Radicals” playbook.

GoTo: We the People Rights site and Voice your support On Line.

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