seminar (1)

6 session series teaching about the Constitution -
$5 admission per person to offset the cost of the room includes refreshments each session

You’re invited to attend a series of workshops that will provide you with a practical, common sense understanding of how the Constitution was intended to limit the government, not the citizens.
This understanding will equip you to work with others to solve many of the problems Americans face every day. Please share with family & friends in the Eastern NY, CT & Lower Mass areas

Classes will include two DVD presentations and group discussion.
Topics include:

Jan 18th 2014
Part I: The Dangers of Democracy
Part II: Enumerated vs. Unlimited Power 

Feb 8th 2014
Part III: Constitutional Economics, Constitutional Money 
Part IV: Constitutional War Powers and the Enemy Within

March 1st 2014
Part V: Exposing the Enemies of Freedom 
Part VI: Restoring the Constitution: Taking Effective Action

There are events in several parts of the country - if you will not be able to make it to CT the website link can lead you to the calendar that show other locations around the country on other days & times

Hoping to be able to LiveStream it

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