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A CHRISTmas Message

As Tuesday approaches I want to wish everyone a blessed CHRISTmas.  As you experience Christmas this year consider the importance of this holiday.  For example, there are over 2 billion people worldwide who not only celebrate Christmas as a holiday but also how the birth of a child permanently changed the world. 

Children are precious.  Keep in your prayers those 20 children who died in Connecticut along with their families.  But life also is about balance.  Therefore balance your prayers to include the 53 million babies and children that are not here today since Roe v Wade in 1973 (out of sight does not mean out of mind). 

For 2 billion Christians, they strive to live out the message of Christmas not just for one day or one month, but as a way of life 12 months a year.  Among those principals include compassion, love, humility, and forgiveness.  From a balanced perspective I say how can that many people be wrong?


Finally, please pray for leaders (Herod? & Caesar?) who have the task of preventing a national catastrophe in the years ahead from their decisions today.  And don’t spend more than you can pay back over the Christmas holiday despite the temptation to follow the example of others as making it seem ok.  And remember those who cannot afford gifts and sometimes even food, not just over this holiday, but all year long.

God bless each and every one as you experience the wonder of Christmas.  Richard

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I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into
prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and
trying to lift himself up by the handle.
-- Winston Churchill

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