New Normal Is Abnormal

4694708095?profile=RESIZE_584xDemocrat lawmakers working to take down America pretend to work, citizens in every state want to work.

The Con Called The “New Normal” A Return To “Abnormal” 2.0

Alicia Cruz, center, of Elk Grove, Calif., takes part in a protest at the state Capitol on Friday. She said she was there to protect civil liberties, her children’s future and future livelihoods.

There’s absolutely nothing at all “new” in the coming “New Normal” that Democrats and media are pushing on the masses currently held in lockdown during the ongoing coronavirus scare, because when all is said and done, society, in effect, will be returned to the same old abnormal world that preceded the virus.

It’s a return to a Democrat-created ‘Abnormal World’ where public school educators are getting away with confusing children about the genders with which they were born; where people will continue to lose their livelihoods just for using the pronouns ‘he’ and ‘she’.

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Over 100 Million Citizens are voting right now and because they don't agree with the Dems they are labeled garbage. Lets see on Nov. 6th who is the garbage!!

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  • America will never be back to normal. We The People must create a new future and a better normal!!!
    New Normal is right up there with Social Distancing in my list of words that make me want to scream!
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