I hope you are right about Romney/Ryan. Perhaps I am more cynical. I am a student of human nature. Once Romney gets the essentially unlimited power of the presidency, there is nothing to stop him from his own brand of big government and spend, spend, spend. We are no longer a nation of laws but a nation of executive orders (ie: dictatorship). It is terrifying that the Constitution and government/civics classes are no longer taught in schools (for the most part). The problem here is not the crooked politicians but the fact that the electorate is uninformed and ignorant of how things are supposed to work. Worse, they no longer take their sovereignity seriously. We are the rulers by God, not the federal government! After the revolutionary war the heirarchy was deemed to be:
The People
The Sovereign States
The Limited Federal Government
Now the heirarchy is:
The Federal Government
Everything and everyone else.
God and the people are not a factor except as a source of production and money.
I suspect the Romney will be more of the same. More benign perhaps but still a gentle despot who is primarily looking out for his own interests. He is a politician, he can do nothing else. I am reminded of the story of the frog and the scorpion.
This is probably all a moot discussion. I look for Obama to anull the elections, or declare a national emergency and set aside the Constitution and Congress, or perhaps just simply declare himself President for Life. He is capable of anything. He has proven that he considers himself above that pesky Constitution and the common law.
Mr Humphrey Sir:
I worry about ALL politicians. They are, as a group, to be distrusted and watched very closely. None can be assumed to be honest, honorable or truthful. They are after all politicians. Any one who pursues that line of work must be definition have ulterior motives. Withour exception, they believe they are better qualified to run our lives than we are, otherwise they would be in another line of work.
One little thought, Romney was not raised in a communist setting like Fidel so I wouldn't worry to much about his mission as president.Anyone including Mickey Mouse could do a better job than this fraud.